Second-class. Chattels. Unworthy of being listened to or treated with respect. Men needed them for certain specific things. Listening to their ideas was not one of them. Still is. ... moreSecond-class. Chattels. Unworthy of being listened to or treated with respect. Men needed them for certain specific things. Listening to their ideas was not one of them. Still is. And the beat goes on.
Of course I immediately think of Alec Baldwin as a Smart Alec due to his superb impression/impersonation of Don don. He outdoes Don and is a much funnier version. I think of all th... moreOf course I immediately think of Alec Baldwin as a Smart Alec due to his superb impression/impersonation of Don don. He outdoes Don and is a much funnier version. I think of all the things Smart Alec has ever done or ever will is actually being "Don don" for a little while once in awhile on a late-night TV show, His most spectacular contribution to humankind. For me personally. You?
I LOVE the way some folks think How they articulate their ideas. How they engage in conversation. Their personalities wit and their sense of self. It may not be the same degree or ... moreI LOVE the way some folks think How they articulate their ideas. How they engage in conversation. Their personalities wit and their sense of self. It may not be the same degree or type of love I feel for my family and real-life friends but it is LOVE no doubt and love nevertheless.
Endowments. Buildings. Whatevers? Apparently Fred bought Don don into Wharton. Don don bought his kids' way in as well. I don't know if they could have done it on their own without... moreEndowments. Buildings. Whatevers? Apparently Fred bought Don don into Wharton. Don don bought his kids' way in as well. I don't know if they could have done it on their own without big bucks greasing the way. We will never know.Maybe that is just part of the mystique of being rich. You automatically buy your kids their way into everywhere and they, being rich too, buy their kids' way into everything and so on and so and so. Family tradition. The way they do things, Typical. Ordinary. Average. So what's the big deal?Maybe that's why so many "leaders" are so very stupid. Because they never really were educated at all. Daddy dearest and sweet liddle mummy were always there to make things easy for them. Yes the rich are different from thee and me. Not always in a better way. less
Where do we build THAT wall or THOSE walls? WHITE NATIONALISTS are biglier terrorists. Why build a wall against small when the real terror isn't small at all but monstrously big?
Obviously the grades suck and release of them would prove the braggart is a liar. Would YOU threaten to sue a school if YOUR grades were released? Would it embarrass you and show t... moreObviously the grades suck and release of them would prove the braggart is a liar. Would YOU threaten to sue a school if YOUR grades were released? Would it embarrass you and show that you were a very lousy student with few or no accomplishments? I never heard of anyone threatening to sue anyone for THAT reason until now with Don don. He must have been on the very low end and barely passed.
So I buy building. Maybe a building on many college campuses. A whole string of Culinary Schools across the country. Why not? What could it hurt? The building could var... moreSo I buy building. Maybe a building on many college campuses. A whole string of Culinary Schools across the country. Why not? What could it hurt? The building could vary in type of cuisine. By country possibly or by nature of the type of food...soups, stews, casseroles, cakes, pies, appetizers, truffles (that one would be specialized). I'm gonna keep that in mind for futurely. What string of buildings across the US would have YOUR name on it and would they all be the same...physics or math or language or whatever? less
I don't intend this as a political question/partisan question -- but, lately, I admit I sometimes tire of hearing politicians apologizing for everything. My question was inspired f... moreI don't intend this as a political question/partisan question -- but, lately, I admit I sometimes tire of hearing politicians apologizing for everything. My question was inspired from the article I'll post below, about O'Rourke -- both of the things for which he apologized ( a comment about he and his wife's child raising and some of his writings as a teenager) seem incredibly innocuous to me. I realize some people have done some questionable things -- but, being one who apologizes too much, I shake my head a bit as I watch fellow humans feeling they must apologize for every little thing.Oh, I need to apologize now -- as a youngster, I drew a huge amount of illustrations and images from the 1968 "Night of the Living Dead" movie. And vampires. They were all gruesome. And, as a young teen, I once wrote a short story about a woman, in a large castle, slowly drawn into madness and death while hearing a constant sound of someone's constant footsteps outside her room late at night. She lost her mind and was literally ... less
I like coding. I do have my own website and i tried different coding techniques. I never realised it yet, but i'd like to create my own social network. But it takes lot of skills..... moreI like coding. I do have my own website and i tried different coding techniques. I never realised it yet, but i'd like to create my own social network. But it takes lot of skills...i did a small rough draft, but its really not in a complete form ( of social network ).
If you don't punish every single cheater then cheating will have won a certain something.Kids who worked off their butts got pushed aside for the privileged phonies? Seriously is t... moreIf you don't punish every single cheater then cheating will have won a certain something.Kids who worked off their butts got pushed aside for the privileged phonies? Seriously is that something you want to protect?
That adults DO SOMETHING about climate change! Yes liddle donny di Don don. They are talking to YOU and your ilk. Shame on you for lying about what is obvious to all but dull... moreThat adults DO SOMETHING about climate change! Yes liddle donny di Don don. They are talking to YOU and your ilk. Shame on you for lying about what is obvious to all but dullards like you. SHAME on you for finding another dullard to proclaim climate change is a hoax. Your legacy is STUPIDITY. Good job. You are so fit for it. You shine at being STUPID. For shame. You don't even love your own grandchildren enough to want to do what will improve their lives and possibly SAVE THEM. SHAME on you. SHAME on you. SHAME on you. less