Being too lazy to vote has never been an option for me. I would be disrespecting my parents and grandpaterts who fled to this country from certain death for a better life. I would ... moreBeing too lazy to vote has never been an option for me. I would be disrespecting my parents and grandpaterts who fled to this country from certain death for a better life. I would dishonor them by not voting. If you are a citizen who doesn't vote what's your excuse? Whatever it is it ain't good enough. If you are houseband VOTE BY MAIL. Most states have that option.
I got a postcard yesterday outlining all the "bad" things a candidate stood for, but it was just a reminder of why I liked her. O_oWhat's the weirdest political mailer you've gotte... moreI got a postcard yesterday outlining all the "bad" things a candidate stood for, but it was just a reminder of why I liked her. O_oWhat's the weirdest political mailer you've gotten this year?
He made the election all about him as he does about everything. He said a Dem vote would be a vote against him and a vote for a trumpican would be a vote for him. We know how he re... moreHe made the election all about him as he does about everything. He said a Dem vote would be a vote against him and a vote for a trumpican would be a vote for him. We know how he reacts to criticism whether huge or tiny. How will he retaliate and seek revenge on the American people? We know he'll flip out and become obsessed enraged infuriated half-cocked furious angry hostile defiant energized. To do what when to whom and for how long? The person who guesses closest to what he actually do do will win a bigly prize! :) less
FIREIt can keep you warm. It can cook food, heat water for coffee. It can also burn things down, burn people and disfigure them or kill them. Fire itself is neither good nor ... more FIREIt can keep you warm. It can cook food, heat water for coffee. It can also burn things down, burn people and disfigure them or kill them. Fire itself is neither good nor bad . I expect the same can be said for politics except of late it has been used for very bad. Pendulum in politics ready to swing the other way?
Bossboy says one thing repeatedly then denies ever saying it and says the opposite thing repeatedly then switches back and forth and back and forth as whim determines him and his t... moreBossboy says one thing repeatedly then denies ever saying it and says the opposite thing repeatedly then switches back and forth and back and forth as whim determines him and his talk/walk.Pre-existing conditions is part of the AHCA. Sixty times at least the trumpicans (formerly known as the Republicans) voted to rescind it TOTALLY INCLUDING the pre-existing conditions clause. Now all the red birds running for re-election are PROMISING they will make sure pre-existing conditions are covered. Put your thumb up. See which way the wind blows. Pretend you were for something you were always against and insist anyone who tells you elsewise lies. So depending upon how much bullsh** folks need to consume they will either mock the liars or believe them! Free country. less
Perhaps they meant "grow into the job PHYSICALLY". He may well be bigger heavier fatter now than he was as a candidate. We thought they meant intellectually spiritually knowledgeab... morePerhaps they meant "grow into the job PHYSICALLY". He may well be bigger heavier fatter now than he was as a candidate. We thought they meant intellectually spiritually knowledgeably competently patriotically seriously compassionately judicially fairly. We were wrong. It happens.
For the cognoscenti remember that in "Logan's Run" once you reached the age of 30 you were killed off? Well The Constitution sez ya gotta be 35 to be prez so we could update ... moreFor the cognoscenti remember that in "Logan's Run" once you reached the age of 30 you were killed off? Well The Constitution sez ya gotta be 35 to be prez so we could update "Logan's Run" and make the kill date say 45? That would allow wannabes to serve two terms before being killed off. That way no old folks would get entrenched and muck things up decade after decade after decade. They'd be long long long gone before that could happen. The youth shall lead the way. The old folks have screwed things up very badly. Let the young 'uns take a shot at it. What could it hurt? There is an additional upside to Loganizing America!You wouldn't die of any disease that afflicts the elderly. You'd never suffer through cancer or Alzheimer's or other terrible diseases that concentrate on the elderly. You'd die young and leave a "beautiful corpse". I don't know who said that. Some fatuous conceited celebrity no doubt. We can "Logan's Run" America. That would also dissuade immigrants who venerate the elderly a... less
In the long ago olden days we had Conservatives/Republicans and Liberals/Democrats. We had socially liberal fiscally conservative Republicans and socially liberal fiscally conserva... moreIn the long ago olden days we had Conservatives/Republicans and Liberals/Democrats. We had socially liberal fiscally conservative Republicans and socially liberal fiscally conservative Democrats. You could be both liberal and conservative about different issues. Now no way! You are either TRUMPICAN no wiggle room or NON-TRUMPICAN no wiggle room. I don't know if lesser is better than morer. Do you?
LIBERAL"Favorable to progress or reform as in political or religious affairs"CONSERVATIVE"The disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit ch... moreLIBERAL"Favorable to progress or reform as in political or religious affairs"CONSERVATIVE"The disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change"TRUMPERY"Something without use or value: rubbish trash useless stuff"There is no definition in the dictionary for TRUMPISM. TRUMPERY is as close as I can get to it.
All the gun-related slaughters of children we have witnessed yet the gun lovers are defiantly adamant about doing anything about it. Mass murders do not move them except to say tha... moreAll the gun-related slaughters of children we have witnessed yet the gun lovers are defiantly adamant about doing anything about it. Mass murders do not move them except to say that more guns are the solution. Meanwhile b ack at the ranch more gun-related massacres await us all. Lovely future folks. To your good health! Mazeltov!
Judge Eleanor Ross filed an injunction in Georgia that will allow 3,141 people to vote today. She wrote about the differentil treatment inflicted on a group of individuls who... moreJudge Eleanor Ross filed an injunction in Georgia that will allow 3,141 people to vote today. She wrote about the differentil treatment inflicted on a group of individuls who are predominantly minorities!Separately Kemp suspended 53,000 from voter registration. He ain't the only dirty tricksterKris Kobach Kansas has been slapped down too.It happens in every red state to one extent or the other where the governors and other trumpican-loyal big shots want to make sure trumpican-approved candidates will win and the brilliant strategy they have all come up with is VOTER SUPPRESSION! less
VOTER SUPPRESSION (Kemp in Georgia is a master at it)DIRTY TRICKS (all red state trumpicans know all about them)DESPERATION (so many Hail Mary passes the throwers are getting concu... moreVOTER SUPPRESSION (Kemp in Georgia is a master at it)DIRTY TRICKS (all red state trumpicans know all about them)DESPERATION (so many Hail Mary passes the throwers are getting concussions)UNSUBSTANTIATED and UNSUPPORTED ALLEGATIONS ACCUSATIONS (Kemp's latest is a doozy)The Kempstrer sez that Dems are hacking the voting in Georgia. No proof as usual. Just accusation. Just before voting day. He is so desperate he doesn't mind how wildly out of control he has become. Desperation will do that to anyone and it done did it to him. Courts are slapping him down. He doesn't care. Simplicity. Nothing too complicated that requires anyone to strain the brain. Just get an edge wherever you can however you can no matter what it takes. It's in the edges that trumpicans do their best dirty work. Good luck to all of us and "we'll see what happens". :( less
They will be packing coolers, tents, guns and aerial drones. This is a call to arms that the militias heard from the don about the threat of massive invasion at our borders. How ma... moreThey will be packing coolers, tents, guns and aerial drones. This is a call to arms that the militias heard from the don about the threat of massive invasion at our borders. How many American militiamen and women will show up is unknown. But they will all be weaponized. Will they shoot to kill? If they do will don say he had nothing to do with it? Stay tuned. Boy life is getting pretty darned exciting under the don isn't it? Shootouts ahead at our borders from "concerned" citizens mebbe? Is YOUR militia gonna join in to protect the country? SIGH. less