The don says he doesn't know Matt Whitaker now. HoweverOn October 11 when asked by one of the hosts of Fox & Friends the john of don said"I can tell you Mat... moreThe don says he doesn't know Matt Whitaker now. HoweverOn October 11 when asked by one of the hosts of Fox & Friends the john of don said"I can tell you Matt Whitaker's a great guy. I mean I know Matt Whitaker".Another lie is no big deal since he does it all the time. What is a big deal is the WHY?Anyway know the why of this particular lie? Anyone?
He is two-dimensionalOn OffWin LoseEtcetera and so forth. He is a two-faced guy a two-note samba a "my way or the highway". The beauty of simplicity so you don't strain or drain a ... moreHe is two-dimensionalOn OffWin LoseEtcetera and so forth. He is a two-faced guy a two-note samba a "my way or the highway". The beauty of simplicity so you don't strain or drain a brain that is inadequate.
A man in Europe is suing to do just that. He is 69yrs old but says he looks and feels like he is 49 yrs old. Claims is would help him with job opportunity and credit issues (n... moreA man in Europe is suing to do just that. He is 69yrs old but says he looks and feels like he is 49 yrs old. Claims is would help him with job opportunity and credit issues (new car etc) And it would help his dating prospects on Tinder. could all identify as a 65 yr old and get Social Security, right?
Two large Dem counties. Keep finding votes. The offical has refused to give the total votes. They are supposed to know election night how many votes there are to be counted. ... moreTwo large Dem counties. Keep finding votes. The offical has refused to give the total votes. They are supposed to know election night how many votes there are to be counted. Has refused to allowed the party observers to watch the votes being counted. One official has been previously found to have destroyed ballots.The lawyers are there and getting ready for all.Get ready for hanging chads etc.
The humiliation in the defeat of the House trumpicans lies directly at the feet of the don john. All his rallies and all is vitriolic atttacks and all his lies did NOTHING to save ... moreThe humiliation in the defeat of the House trumpicans lies directly at the feet of the don john. All his rallies and all is vitriolic atttacks and all his lies did NOTHING to save the seats of the trumpican toadies. He is POISON and is getting worse each day in every way.
"They" say it is a CONSPIRACY to make sure that every vote is counted. Those election results that are still unknown are the target of said conspiracy. Tsk tsk tsk tsk. Close elect... more"They" say it is a CONSPIRACY to make sure that every vote is counted. Those election results that are still unknown are the target of said conspiracy. Tsk tsk tsk tsk. Close elections take days to get straight. The trumpicans see that te close calls seem to be falling to the Dems. Marco Rubio terrified that every vote will be counted. So is the don. So is every trumpican who already isn't feeling too good about the mid-terms. Truth hurts. Justice stings. Full steam ahead to cut if off at the pass. Crush it. Demolish it. SIGH. And the beat goes on. less
The worst nightmare of don john is to be outfoxed outrun and outdone by WOMEN! As for people of color he sees them all as terrorists out to get the "true" American. Soon he will be... moreThe worst nightmare of don john is to be outfoxed outrun and outdone by WOMEN! As for people of color he sees them all as terrorists out to get the "true" American. Soon he will be surrounded by a sea of them converging on him, circling him. Oh dear the sky is falling! :(
We don't know the final outcome result of all the contests but some trumpicans are getting MIGHTY NERVOUS! Since the don made this election all about him he has suffered a HU... moreWe don't know the final outcome result of all the contests but some trumpicans are getting MIGHTY NERVOUS! Since the don made this election all about him he has suffered a HUMILIATING LOSS in the House. How he spins that I don't care. Thanks don for being what you are! We couldn't have pulled it off without your help! But you know that already don'tcha?
He moaned and groaned and kvetched and complained that the pipe bombs being sent to selected Democrats (all of whom he viciously attacked from his pulpit) took the spotlight off th... moreHe moaned and groaned and kvetched and complained that the pipe bombs being sent to selected Democrats (all of whom he viciously attacked from his pulpit) took the spotlight off the mid-term elections and him. That was the one honest thing he said. He wants everything everyday 24/7 to be centered on him him him him. He lacks any ability to feel anything that isn't based on him. All begins and ends with how it affects him.
Can a scairdy cat wimp develop a spine and courage at any time or are scairdy cats born not made and so they are stuck for life and not capable of changing their stripes so to spea... moreCan a scairdy cat wimp develop a spine and courage at any time or are scairdy cats born not made and so they are stuck for life and not capable of changing their stripes so to speak? Once a scairdy cat wimp always a scairdy cat wimp?
When the citizens storm the palace due to outrage over the attempt to obstruct justice AGAIN what will don do/say or will he have flown the coop to an elsewhere and play golf, eat ... moreWhen the citizens storm the palace due to outrage over the attempt to obstruct justice AGAIN what will don do/say or will he have flown the coop to an elsewhere and play golf, eat beautiful chocolate cake with two scoops of ice cream topped off with cheeseburgers, tweets and Fox News viewing?
After yet another mass shooting, the (nearly bankrupt) National Rifle Association still proclaims guns are not a problem, and: “...anti-gun Docs should stay in their lane.&rd... moreAfter yet another mass shooting, the (nearly bankrupt) National Rifle Association still proclaims guns are not a problem, and: “...anti-gun Docs should stay in their lane.” The US Medical community disagrees. What do you think? seems every time I think it can't get any weirder, it does.