...Texans/Californians/Floridians/whoever in state elections? The terms Democrats/Republicans/Libertarians/Constitutionalists/Etc. apparently ARE divisive. WHAT would/w... more...Texans/Californians/Floridians/whoever in state elections? The terms Democrats/Republicans/Libertarians/Constitutionalists/Etc. apparently ARE divisive. WHAT would/will it take to bring America together?
The day after the election the newbies should take office and the rejected oldies leave. I mean from November 7, 2018 to January 2, 2019 think how many shredders will be going 24/7... moreThe day after the election the newbies should take office and the rejected oldies leave. I mean from November 7, 2018 to January 2, 2019 think how many shredders will be going 24/7 shredding important documents? How many dirty tricks will be played? How many landmines will be set to go off on January 4? Too much temptation for the bad guys to ply their trade. We don't trust them in office. Why would we trust them to "do the right thing" while awaiting their figurative beheading?
Ivan Pavlov performed an experiment. He'd ring a bell, feed the dogs and did that repeatedly. Then he removed the food and the dogs salivated at the sound of the bell anticipating ... moreIvan Pavlov performed an experiment. He'd ring a bell, feed the dogs and did that repeatedly. Then he removed the food and the dogs salivated at the sound of the bell anticipating being fed. The good thing is that they can be unconditioned or decontioned over time. They will eventually stop salivating. So the don says certain buzz words(the bell) and the crowd goes wild and cheers and shouts "LOCK HER UP"(the crowd salivating). They know what's coming. He knows how to fire them up. Conditioned response. It's interesting to see how effectively he be and how much saliva his crowds have. They never run out of it! less
Or once again am I showing my naivete because the internet is already rife with such sites? What lines may no EVER be crossed or have all lines been erased?
The option of not answering is always there. One can ignore and no one but the ignorer is the wiser. Or one can participate seriously and with civility if one chooses to do so. Now... moreThe option of not answering is always there. One can ignore and no one but the ignorer is the wiser. Or one can participate seriously and with civility if one chooses to do so. Now the choices vary from person to person. What determines which path they take? Character, breeding, intellect, emotional maturity?
So many many many many many many folks cherish money. If there's enough of it they'll do cartwheels or backflips or anything to get it. So maybe that's what's been missing. INCENTI... moreSo many many many many many many folks cherish money. If there's enough of it they'll do cartwheels or backflips or anything to get it. So maybe that's what's been missing. INCENTIVE. How big a carrot gets YOUR attention?
Where I live, one candidate never really spoke publicly. I never heard any interviews and none of her ads spoke about what she believed in. Everything she did purely surrounded bad... moreWhere I live, one candidate never really spoke publicly. I never heard any interviews and none of her ads spoke about what she believed in. Everything she did purely surrounded badmouthing her opponent and much of it was falsehoods and things taken out of context. The other candidate never spoke poorly of the bad-mouther. She always focused on the issues. When reporters asked her about what her opponent was doing and if she had bad feelings toward the bad-mouther, she said no; that she felt it was a political strategy. She disagreed with it, but she wouldn't talk trash. I admired that in her and was disgusted with the behavior of the bad-mouther. But, it looks like the bad-mouther is going to win here. Very sad indeed. I'm curious to know, did you guys see the same trends in your states? Were the campaigns run on issues or on attacking the opponent? less
She's my favorite character on the show.Here she's talking about her new boyfriend. (At this point in the plot, she's trying to stick up for her boyfriend, whom her co-workers beli... moreShe's my favorite character on the show.Here she's talking about her new boyfriend. (At this point in the plot, she's trying to stick up for her boyfriend, whom her co-workers believe is a serial killer. That's sort of strange to be funny but it is in the show.):)
That question being: "Will you wear a unused plastic garbage bag/liner as clothing in your next class/seminar/lecture?" Please let me know what their answer is, thanks
Okay. I got a mail-in ballot a few weeks ago. I sent it in and mailed it.I voted for Hillary this wayI voted for Obama this way.I get this insane notice in the mail that says... moreOkay. I got a mail-in ballot a few weeks ago. I sent it in and mailed it.I voted for Hillary this wayI voted for Obama this way.I get this insane notice in the mail that says I did not vote in the last few elections.WHAT??????Now I sent in my ballot which I thought was my Mid-Term ballot and I am lost as to what to do now?Do I vote again? Will they know? Will they have any record of my vote? What the H*ll is going on here?
Link to video I cannot get it to post here. https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/waters-turns-babbling-mess-constituent-corners-taxes-border-wall/?ff_source=spotim&ff... moreLink to video I cannot get it to post here. https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/waters-turns-babbling-mess-constituent-corners-taxes-border-wall/?ff_source=spotim&ff_medium=spotim_recirculation
If a baby is born in the US, How will it become a Citizen?Does one of the parents need to be a Citizen? Which one?Should EVERYONE born in the US NOT be automatically be a US citize... moreIf a baby is born in the US, How will it become a Citizen?Does one of the parents need to be a Citizen? Which one?Should EVERYONE born in the US NOT be automatically be a US citizen?Should Citizenship be granted to people who are only here legally?What if a couple is here with a legal Tourist visa and they have a baby here?If the idea of ending Birth-Right Citizenship is being floated, the propopnents of the damn thing had better put on their thinking hats for this one...