*RBG is Ruth Bader Ginsburg which y'all probably know but I didn't want to assume so I thought I'd asterisk it.
Then the larding of SCOTUS will fall always 6-3. The don's partisan ... more*RBG is Ruth Bader Ginsburg which y'all probably know but I didn't want to assume so I thought I'd asterisk it.
Then the larding of SCOTUS will fall always 6-3. The don's partisan lapdogs and the non-don's! Boy izzy he lucky or what? Beginner's luck? The luck of the draw? It ain't the luck of the Irish because he ain't Irish izzy? Scotch on his mum's side and German on his dad's. No Irish anywhere atall atall atall? Let him pray each day for the withdrawal from SCOTUS of the notorious RBG. The only thing he will ever pray for probably. less
Is it LEGAL to hire a lapdog sycophant for a job that is SUPPOSED to be independent of any attachment to a prez? Do you support the prez hiring only yes men and yes women and yes a... moreIs it LEGAL to hire a lapdog sycophant for a job that is SUPPOSED to be independent of any attachment to a prez? Do you support the prez hiring only yes men and yes women and yes ambiguous so that there is no appearance of a check-and-balance system but every deck is stacked and skewed and manipulated to connive to give him everything he wants without obstruction or obstaclization so the result will always be known in advance? You want his path to glory land to be smooth as glass? Wouldja lay down yer life fer da guy? Why? less
Doesn't sound like anything a REGULAR guy would do. A REGULAR guy would take responsibility . A REGULAR guy wouldn't attack his own. That's what an IRREGULAR guy does.
Get out of the kitchen. Better yet never enter it. it isn't for wimps or crybabies or whiny needy greedy soft wimpy anybodies. It takes strong and smart and tough and resilient and... moreGet out of the kitchen. Better yet never enter it. it isn't for wimps or crybabies or whiny needy greedy soft wimpy anybodies. It takes strong and smart and tough and resilient and CALM to get the job done. Not hyperbolic needy me me me me me me me me me chronic kvetching and insulting and attacking and insulting.
So he got do unraveled unhinged demented he pulled the credentials of a CNN reporter for daring to question him and not roll over. Weak men do weak things when they are very ... moreSo he got do unraveled unhinged demented he pulled the credentials of a CNN reporter for daring to question him and not roll over. Weak men do weak things when they are very scared. Strong men brave it out.
Do you buy more clothes with the rent money? Does your family go hungry and without medical care because you WANT to buy another motorcyle? Do your kids wear hand-me-downs th... moreDo you buy more clothes with the rent money? Does your family go hungry and without medical care because you WANT to buy another motorcyle? Do your kids wear hand-me-downs that don't fit so you can buy cigarettes and booze? What's important to you and why? In addition to yourself of course?
He has done this openly belligerently with great hostility venality and vehemence. He has cowed everyone and they all not only bow down to him but belly crawl backwards to show the... moreHe has done this openly belligerently with great hostility venality and vehemence. He has cowed everyone and they all not only bow down to him but belly crawl backwards to show their loyalty and obedience. It is indeed a sight to behold. Anyone know how it will unfold and what the end will be and when?
The don could have called in the military to haul the reporter out and kill him/her/them. He didn't do that. If he had do you really think any trumpican would have done anyth... moreThe don could have called in the military to haul the reporter out and kill him/her/them. He didn't do that. If he had do you really think any trumpican would have done anything anout it? Naw. His cheery beery base would chant LOCK HER UP. I know it doesn't fit a murder but they are programmed to chant that 24/7 no matter what. They all get off on it and what could it hurt? LOCK HER UP! Rat a tat tat. LOCK HER UP . Rat a tat tat . AR 47/AK 47 weapon of choice whatever the he ** that is? Exciting times ahead. The old wild west is back again on steroids! Who knew when the don took over he'd be such a lightening rod for so much fun and games? Who knew? Did you? less
Who will step up to protect the country against the demon madman? He has almost two months to do his best to undo everything that ever mattered to our country. If you were him/he w... moreWho will step up to protect the country against the demon madman? He has almost two months to do his best to undo everything that ever mattered to our country. If you were him/he where would you start?
So don fired Jeff Sessions and replaced him with sycophantic lapdog. Step one in the biggest obstruction plot that any prez ever instigated and participated in.Step two comes when?... moreSo don fired Jeff Sessions and replaced him with sycophantic lapdog. Step one in the biggest obstruction plot that any prez ever instigated and participated in.Step two comes when? The don has a window of opportunity until January 3, 2019 when the new Congress Dem MAJORITY takes over. He has to get done all the dirty tricks he can before then so he will and can and no one will stop him.