The so-called "christians" among them IGNORE because they cannot COMPREHENDWhat you do to the least of mine you do to meThe meek shall inherit the earthIt is easier for a camel to ... moreThe so-called "christians" among them IGNORE because they cannot COMPREHENDWhat you do to the least of mine you do to meThe meek shall inherit the earthIt is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get through the gates of HeavenIlliterate imbeciles all of them. Quoting words they do not comprehend to make points? Mockingstock laughingstocks. Pity them? They are all despicables. Why would you pity a despicable?DESPICABLEDeserving to be despised; contemptibleSynonyms: mean vile, detestable less
Where does the BIBLE say WHITE SUPREMACISTS are his favorites?Where does the BIBLE say that owning other human beings is a RIGHT of WHITES?Where does the BIBLE that winning is the ... moreWhere does the BIBLE say WHITE SUPREMACISTS are his favorites?Where does the BIBLE say that owning other human beings is a RIGHT of WHITES?Where does the BIBLE that winning is the only thing and doing whatever it takes is everything?Where does the BIBLE say that the richer and meaner and more evil you are the more beloved you are IN HIS EYES?WELL?
Do you know of LILITH?The story goes she preceded Eve in the Garden of Eden and fled to maintain her independence.She is perceived two a symbol of female empowerment and ... moreDo you know of LILITH?The story goes she preceded Eve in the Garden of Eden and fled to maintain her independence.She is perceived two a symbol of female empowerment and independeceAs a DEMONESS who is wicked and vengeful toward men and childrenWhat do you think?
I wonder if there were any pregnancies or did they all use birth control?Now isn't that thoughtful of the Japanese Government? Providing women who would "put out" for the guys?
As long as women are baby mills they can have all the sex they want. As long as sperm is being spent ONLY on having babies then all the men can have all the sex they want.GO FORTH ... moreAs long as women are baby mills they can have all the sex they want. As long as sperm is being spent ONLY on having babies then all the men can have all the sex they want.GO FORTH AND MULTIPLYBE FRUITFULHAVE LARGE FAMILIES.So everyone who sexes around without having kids as a result is a SINNER. Right?
All your laws and rules and protocols and historical precedents mean nothing to a madman who finds them to be obstacles.He just IGNORES them and then gets whinya**ed spineless wimp... moreAll your laws and rules and protocols and historical precedents mean nothing to a madman who finds them to be obstacles.He just IGNORES them and then gets whinya**ed spineless wimps to do his bidding. So much for theory. So much for a Constitution. So much for laws and rules and regs.Sheesh.
Either specifically in your experiences, or with people in general, think of some things that people stop doing when a pivotal* or influential* relative of theirs passes away.... moreEither specifically in your experiences, or with people in general, think of some things that people stop doing when a pivotal* or influential* relative of theirs passes away.
Examples: stop in-fighting, stop gathering for events that previously centered on the deceased when she or he was alive, stop sweating the small stuff, stop procrastinating, stop a good habit, stop a bad habit, stop making excuses, stop feeling sorry for oneself, stop feeling anything at all, stop hurting, stop remembering how the deceased looked, stop enjoying life, stop caring about anyone or anything, stop grieving, stop loving the deceased (my former stepfather was in his forties when his mother passed away, he shocked me by expressing that he felt she had betrayed him by dying, that he had never and could never imagine life on earth without her, saw her death as a personal slight against him for which he could not forgive her).
*For those of you who want to respond, the words “pivotal” and “influential&rd... less
Where only the BEST the BRIGHTEST the MOST TALENTED are allowed to represent their countries?As it is politics takes in anything everything no matter how low degrading inept untale... moreWhere only the BEST the BRIGHTEST the MOST TALENTED are allowed to represent their countries?As it is politics takes in anything everything no matter how low degrading inept untalented unworhty inadequate desperate. WHY IS THAT?
Could it be that the most worst deadly stupid dumbs are NOT humans after all? They are a special breed grown by a special breed of "gardeners"? Anything is possible including that.... moreCould it be that the most worst deadly stupid dumbs are NOT humans after all? They are a special breed grown by a special breed of "gardeners"? Anything is possible including that. Right? Anything!
maybe a hundred square miles each. Place all people who absolutely refuse to get vaxxed in them and fence them in. Every one gets a gun and each family a pickup truck. Those living... moremaybe a hundred square miles each. Place all people who absolutely refuse to get vaxxed in them and fence them in. Every one gets a gun and each family a pickup truck. Those living near bodies of water get fishing tackle. Hundreds of trailers could be placed inside for dwellings. Each plot will get an ample supply of beer, whiskey and ammo.There will be no doctors or nurses. I could go on, but you get the picture. Think this would work?
Because sadly apparently that list is very much SHORTER.So whoever is NOT ON THAT LIST is guilty along with GUANO of the attempt to overturn the results of the election.The net spr... moreBecause sadly apparently that list is very much SHORTER.So whoever is NOT ON THAT LIST is guilty along with GUANO of the attempt to overturn the results of the election.The net spreads very far and very wide and is laden down ALREADY with scores of people.SHOCKED? Why? There are many fewer intelligent loyal to the country and the Constitution people "out there" than you thought. That's all. The conniving cooperating coordinating conspiracy joiners is LEGION. We won't have enough prisons to house them. Why keep them around? They will just do it again when they can. Why not just firing squad them and be done with it! Death is the punishment for TRAITORS. All pro GUANOs are GUILTY of it. ALL OF THEM.OFF WITH THEIR HEADS.Oh that would take a guillotine not a firing square. OKAY with me. Maybe France will loan us some of theirs. What could it hurt to ask? less
Before we engage in a war let us decide on the end date. That might cause us to fight them differently.At work your projects ALWAYS HAVE DEADLINES they must be DONE BY OR ELSE.Why ... moreBefore we engage in a war let us decide on the end date. That might cause us to fight them differently.At work your projects ALWAYS HAVE DEADLINES they must be DONE BY OR ELSE.Why not make war just another OR ELSE?What is the OR ELSE for war? OR ELSE we just stop and go home. Why not? What could it hurt? What's a good shelf-life for WAR?
Allegedly MICHIGAN is clamoring for the cyber ninja treatment just exactly precisely like the witless hapless Maricopa County Arizonans got AND STILL HAVE GOING ON.Every red state ... moreAllegedly MICHIGAN is clamoring for the cyber ninja treatment just exactly precisely like the witless hapless Maricopa County Arizonans got AND STILL HAVE GOING ON.Every red state should cyber ninja SIMULTANEOUSLY. Focus on only that and screw everything else. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.Be first on your block to cyber ninja. Every county in every red state MUST ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS CYBER NINJA ASAP. YOUR LIVES DEPEND UPON IT.Fun right?
Every single approver doer "yes sir" er must needs be justiced.EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM must be outed and routed out and BROUGHT TO JUSTICEPossible probable inescapable?
Each"period of time" we find out more and more and more and more and more and more.Never anything comforting soothing.Only more sleaze slime scum maggots.SIGH
More ransomewear attacksMore hacking into sensitive placeMore and more and more interference hacking by evil hostile foreignpowers that persist persist persist
THE POWER OF THREETHE PROVERBIAL THREE-LEGGED STOOLLimited to that due to lack of interest in anything else.They seek their own ilk similarly limited. They need no one and nothing ... moreTHE POWER OF THREETHE PROVERBIAL THREE-LEGGED STOOLLimited to that due to lack of interest in anything else.They seek their own ilk similarly limited. They need no one and nothing else to make their day.What satisfies you? Are you also a three-legged stool with the same or with different legs?
Adopt an AKC papered dog for $800 bucks or soVERSUSAdopt a shelter dog whose fate will certain deathSo husbands if you wife INSISTS on a papered dog do you roll over and get it or ... moreAdopt an AKC papered dog for $800 bucks or soVERSUSAdopt a shelter dog whose fate will certain deathSo husbands if you wife INSISTS on a papered dog do you roll over and get it or STAND YOU GROUND and go a shelter? Same question to you wives? Do you roll over and obey the command or do you STAND YOUR GROUND and go to a shelter?
PERSONAL FREEDOM is the be-all end-all for many. LET THEM HAVE IT. There are too many people in the world as it is. Let them do their thing and in so doing causing the deaths of mi... morePERSONAL FREEDOM is the be-all end-all for many. LET THEM HAVE IT. There are too many people in the world as it is. Let them do their thing and in so doing causing the deaths of millions.GO FOR IT Y'ALL. STICK TO YOUR GUNS. PERSONAL FREEDOM OR DIE. And you will do both
All the PUREBREEDS would carry APHA papers just as they do a Driver's License or proof of being vaccinated.Maybe there is one already on the down low that only the members know abo... moreAll the PUREBREEDS would carry APHA papers just as they do a Driver's License or proof of being vaccinated.Maybe there is one already on the down low that only the members know about? Part of deep dark state billionaire conspiracy to take over the world?Annihilate all the mixed breed mongrels. Leave the world for those who deserve it. WHITE PUREBREEDS.What could it hurt?