Why didn't they yell BLOODY MURDER at the time? Scream stomp shout and make a spectacle of it and not quiet down until it was front and center and in all the headlines?They wait fo... moreWhy didn't they yell BLOODY MURDER at the time? Scream stomp shout and make a spectacle of it and not quiet down until it was front and center and in all the headlines?They wait for what? Then they all spill out at the same time. WHY?If it was so AWFUL how could you stifle it for even a minute? I DON'T GET IT.
They are both ADORINGLY WORSHIPPED by the usual suspects.So if they braawl for supremacy it will be a slam dunk who will win. But for whom will the crowd clap hardest? Which of the... moreThey are both ADORINGLY WORSHIPPED by the usual suspects.So if they braawl for supremacy it will be a slam dunk who will win. But for whom will the crowd clap hardest? Which of them will the crowd hopes will win?Anyone?
The most bilious egregious disgustingest evil folks who do the most billious egregious disgustingest things are being sanctified worshpped and touted as the best thing since SLICED... moreThe most bilious egregious disgustingest evil folks who do the most billious egregious disgustingest things are being sanctified worshpped and touted as the best thing since SLICED BREAD...WHITE SLICED!Guano and da santa baby. Others vying for position with them. Many others.Billious egeregious disgustingest here we come!
The reason I nicked one of his old names (from another site, not this one) was to hopefully ferret him out on this site, and once it did the trick he disappeared without trace. Why... moreThe reason I nicked one of his old names (from another site, not this one) was to hopefully ferret him out on this site, and once it did the trick he disappeared without trace. Why do you think that is?I have now discarded that name and the one I currently use was the name of my first-ever "sockpuppet" account on the old Answerbag. So now you know (if you didn't already).
Any state with a santa at its head whose focus is on punishing SCHOOLS with mask mandates is all about the best interests welfare safety and well-being of children. What parent cou... moreAny state with a santa at its head whose focus is on punishing SCHOOLS with mask mandates is all about the best interests welfare safety and well-being of children. What parent could resist the ALLURE of THAT?Correct?
Oh you didn't know? The santa children are all TOO YOUNG TO ATTEND SCHOOL.4 years old2 years old5 months oldBut the santa assures one and all that IF THEY WERE OLD ENOUGH THEY WOUL... moreOh you didn't know? The santa children are all TOO YOUNG TO ATTEND SCHOOL.4 years old2 years old5 months oldBut the santa assures one and all that IF THEY WERE OLD ENOUGH THEY WOULD ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOL. Sez he and his wife have confidence in the schools.\Would he mask them or private school them? See what he decides about school safety DOESN'T AFFECT HIS KIDS. Why are you not surprised?
Do the workers no longer care about living better lives? Do they cleave unto their powerful obscenely wealthy political "leaders" more than they cleave unto the betterment of their... moreDo the workers no longer care about living better lives? Do they cleave unto their powerful obscenely wealthy political "leaders" more than they cleave unto the betterment of their lives and those of the children?CONSUMER PROTECTION AGENCY. For the people. Guess who is unfor such an agency? The POWERFUL OBSCENELY WEALTHY OWNERS AND MOVERS AND SHAKERS.It's understandable that the big shot rot gots are anti. But those who benefit from what unions have done are against them too? What manner of brainwashing is this? That assumes they have brains of course which is doubtful.The way of the hula hoop beanie baby? A fad that's over and done? ALL for the owners. NOTHING for the workers? Sure. Why not. What could it hurt? less
The dialogue never changes. The stats get worse. The arguments are always the same. Nothing improves.Heard a rabid "man of GOD" scream that no one could wear masks in HIS CHURCH an... moreThe dialogue never changes. The stats get worse. The arguments are always the same. Nothing improves.Heard a rabid "man of GOD" scream that no one could wear masks in HIS CHURCH and insisted that NO ONE GET VACCINATED.An evangelical no doubt. A man of 'gawd". A madman riding the wave of expedience to get attention.They are all alike. Use gawd as a weapon a pawn a shill. Then conveniently discard their version of gawd. Till it is needed again. Millions buy into it and that's their right. Swine ingest swill. It is their nature. less
It is logical to support the logic that eliminates in any way possible anything/everything that gets in the way of the LOGICAL ONE doing what he/she wants to do. Correct?Are you a ... moreIt is logical to support the logic that eliminates in any way possible anything/everything that gets in the way of the LOGICAL ONE doing what he/she wants to do. Correct?Are you a LOGICAL LOGICALLOGICAL ILLOGICALILLOGICAL LOGICALYou ask what is the difference that separates them?There is no difference at all.Being honest honorable fair just TRUTHFUL is illogical to such a oneSo none of them ever are
Perhaps it is test for the rest who appear to be defect-free.Those drawn to evil slipped through.Why else would they exist thrive spawn propagate overrun be in charge?For their exc... morePerhaps it is test for the rest who appear to be defect-free.Those drawn to evil slipped through.Why else would they exist thrive spawn propagate overrun be in charge?For their excellence or as a test to weed out the rest of us?
Here's the gist of it.Can RIGHTEOUS overturn its opposite? What does it take? Intervention by GOD? The will of the people?The paths of glory lead but to the grave. So do the paths ... moreHere's the gist of it.Can RIGHTEOUS overturn its opposite? What does it take? Intervention by GOD? The will of the people?The paths of glory lead but to the grave. So do the paths of evil despicable cowardly treasonous insanity.
Because I'm 83 and all those years I stayed true to that vow. My record was good and now I've shattered it.Anything you've done that you are ashamed of having done? Or said?I... moreBecause I'm 83 and all those years I stayed true to that vow. My record was good and now I've shattered it.Anything you've done that you are ashamed of having done? Or said?I can't fix it or undo it. I did it.
RETREADTo repeat or do over especially without the boldness or inventiveness of the originalA person returned to active work after retirement, DISMISSAL, etc.Repeating reviving rew... moreRETREADTo repeat or do over especially without the boldness or inventiveness of the originalA person returned to active work after retirement, DISMISSAL, etc.Repeating reviving reworking of an old or familiar idea
DEMOCRACYGovernment by the people of the people for the peopleThe supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a FREE elect... moreDEMOCRACYGovernment by the people of the people for the peopleThe supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a FREE electoral system
They're always big potatoes and listened to and rolled over for and sucked up to and given all they ask for and more!MONEY talks.The more you have the louder the you speak and the ... moreThey're always big potatoes and listened to and rolled over for and sucked up to and given all they ask for and more!MONEY talks.The more you have the louder the you speak and the faster your demands are met.