Some children will not be vaccinated because the parents' religion forbids it. Or their partisan politcs forbids it.Now when I went to school and my son went to school CERTAIN VACC... moreSome children will not be vaccinated because the parents' religion forbids it. Or their partisan politcs forbids it.Now when I went to school and my son went to school CERTAIN VACCINATIONS WERE REQUIRED in order to be allowed to attend school. Unless a child was allergic to it and I don't know how that was managed.Now parents are quite wanton and promiscuous in their "guiding protecting loving". They always have a "reason" for lousy parenting. Who suffers? Obviously we know the answer to that question.It is not only the physical abuse the children are subjected to. It is also the mental spiritual and emotional abuse. Parents teach them to HATE at an early age. I'm pretty sure that is not how it is supposed to be. That's the way it is.How do we rescue the children of such parents? I don't know. Parents think they have complete autonomy and sovereignty over their children's lives. Do they? No matter how grotesque their parenting is are they right? They OWN their children whom they consider to be just another posse... less
Instant information at any hour of the dayInstant communication to anywhere in the worldInstant gratification vis a vis "knowing learning connecting engaging"The upsideThe downside?
It is based on the SERIOUSNESS of the alleged crime or the timing? First crimes get first attention?Some alleged perps are being accused of a multiplicity of crimes.
Automatic robotic perfectly memorized scripted to go into action. The carrion do the job they are there for.I must say they do it excellently. They don't skip a beat or miss a thin... moreAutomatic robotic perfectly memorized scripted to go into action. The carrion do the job they are there for.I must say they do it excellently. They don't skip a beat or miss a thing. The fault lies in the dead and the "living" will never stop hounding them and attacking them and mocking them.Perhaps it is inevitable that this should be. Compassion is not a thing that comes naturally to homo saps apparently. What is far easier is insulting attacking blaming denigrating vilifying humiliating those who cannot fight back. They are very very very good at that. Well trained OBEDIENT DEPENDABLE UNAVOIDABLE. here is something to be said for that. Isn't there? less
There are also Latino groups and Asian groups and Armenian groups and you name it groups.All to protect enhance expand and MAKE A POINT THAT THEY EXIST AND HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO EXIS... moreThere are also Latino groups and Asian groups and Armenian groups and you name it groups.All to protect enhance expand and MAKE A POINT THAT THEY EXIST AND HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO EXIST DESPITE THE SH**CAN RACISTS WHO THINK ELSEWISE.I bet there are way more HATE GROUPS. Which do you think there are way more of? (there's that dangling preposition..whatcha gonna about it...kill me?)
The spineless wimps who are TERRIFIED of being vaccinated! Spineless wimps terrified of a needle? Imagine that?Sheesh. What kinda bogus bunch of crap is that? Sheesh. Embarrassing ... moreThe spineless wimps who are TERRIFIED of being vaccinated! Spineless wimps terrified of a needle? Imagine that?Sheesh. What kinda bogus bunch of crap is that? Sheesh. Embarrassing humiliating pitiful.
I always believed the more intelligent you are the easier it would be to live a VERY GOOD LIFE. After all being very intelligent should guide you to make VERY INTELLIGENT choices w... moreI always believed the more intelligent you are the easier it would be to live a VERY GOOD LIFE. After all being very intelligent should guide you to make VERY INTELLIGENT choices which would lead to VERY INTELLIGENT OUTCOMES which would make any SANE LOGICAL person happy wouldn't it?Well here's the truth and it shocks me.There is a higher rate of mental illness among MENSA members. The more intelligent are more excitable, tend to ruminate and worry. Higher rate of allergies. More socially isolated. More drug use, earlier drug use generally less content.That makes no sense to me. What's the point of being highly intelligent if you don't make BETTER choices BETTER decisions and handle life's slings and arrows BETTER THAN those who are less intellectually gifted?.I don't get it. I really don't. less
Also important surgeries are being delayed to accommodate the surgey spiky influx of the DELTA VARIANT cases.So more people will die due to them not having gotten vaccinated? MILLIONS?
I live in San Francisco, California. Senior citizens who are at least age 65 and whose annual household income does not exceed a specific amount are able to ride public trans... moreI live in San Francisco, California. Senior citizens who are at least age 65 and whose annual household income does not exceed a specific amount are able to ride public transit for free. I am a senior citizen and I live alone. I ride public transit for free because my annual household income is below 89,650 dollars. Two senior citizens who share a household qualify for free public transit if their annual household income is below 102,500 dollars.
MajorPersistentBipolarSeasonal Addictive Depression (SAD)Post-Partum (after you have a baby)ClinicalCyclical MajorChronicManicWith Bipolar the HIGH is Mania &... moreMajorPersistentBipolarSeasonal Addictive Depression (SAD)Post-Partum (after you have a baby)ClinicalCyclical MajorChronicManicWith Bipolar the HIGH is Mania the LOW is Depression I don't know how many millions may suffer from some form of it but it's very different from being "down in the dumps" occcasionally.How does it affect the day-to-day lives of those who suffer from it?How does it affect the lives of those who live with the depression of othersThere some forms that are considered to be genetic....meaning a family might have a tendency for it less
The GUANOHEAD "talk show hosts" had a field day after the 4 cops testified.MOCKINGRIDICULINGDERIDING THEIR MANHOODTo a person they read from the exact same script. They are very go... moreThe GUANOHEAD "talk show hosts" had a field day after the 4 cops testified.MOCKINGRIDICULINGDERIDING THEIR MANHOODTo a person they read from the exact same script. They are very good readers. Very lousy evil everything elses.It's beyond calumnyMay they all BOIL IN HE** for eternity...I would like it LITERALLY but I'll settle for FIGURATIVELY.The depth of perverted depraved degenerate CRUELTY IS BEYOND BELIEF. The GUANOHEAD spokesheads excel at that.
Does a Governor have any responsibility for the welfare and well-being and LIVES of those he SERVES? Or do these guvs just govern according to the political partisan commands deman... moreDoes a Governor have any responsibility for the welfare and well-being and LIVES of those he SERVES? Or do these guvs just govern according to the political partisan commands demands orders and let it go at that?
Someone like you who has worried a lot about educating your kids, keeping a roof over their heads and feeding/clothing them and making them feel safe?Why? Which would you rat... moreSomeone like you who has worried a lot about educating your kids, keeping a roof over their heads and feeding/clothing them and making them feel safe?Why? Which would you rather have PRESIDENT YOU?The one out of touch with your reality or the one who knows what you are going through because he went through it too?
That's how STUPID DUMBS gain power.Can't beat 'em fairly and squarely TAKE THEM OUT.So easy basic ordinary typical standard MO. MIGHT IS RIGHT. Any questions?
Does thinking slowly mean you are less intelligent than those who think very quickly? Is there any or no connection between the two?.ARE YOU a slow or fast thinker? A slow or fast doer?
I was in a high rise apartment building over the weekend and I went to the top floor, above the penthouse and the button in the elevator said "SP" what does this mean?
I have attended over a dozen funerals during my lifetime of 70 years. Perhaps due to cultural or regional customs (I live in San Francisco, California), food was never served to mo... moreI have attended over a dozen funerals during my lifetime of 70 years. Perhaps due to cultural or regional customs (I live in San Francisco, California), food was never served to mourners after the funeral service in the homes of relatives or friends of the deceased. Instead, relatives or friends of the deceased always host a restaurant meal for the mourners after the funeral service.In all the funerals that I've attended, there was an average of 50 mourners. Insufficient space in people's home to accommodate an average of 50 mourners is also a consideration for relatives or friends of the decease to host a restaurant meal. less