Nothing is beneath those who DO IT or DON'T DO IT or WON'T DO IT.That is what they are where they are and all they are.The minority HOUSE Speaker still tilting at windmills. THAT I... moreNothing is beneath those who DO IT or DON'T DO IT or WON'T DO IT.That is what they are where they are and all they are.The minority HOUSE Speaker still tilting at windmills. THAT IS WHERE HE IS WHAT HE IS ALL HE IS.SO TOO THOSE WHO ARE OF HIS ILK AND AGREENothing can be done about it.
The ANTIVAX WHITE DUNG weaponized nutjob crackpots are keeping track of all the folks who talk back.Why is he doing this? To save his reputation? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
A WHITE DUNG DUNGIST trailer park trash head threatening to blow the policeman away and accusing him of a giving a PERFORMANCE?All WHITE DUNG DUNGISTS are nutjob crackpots who are ... moreA WHITE DUNG DUNGIST trailer park trash head threatening to blow the policeman away and accusing him of a giving a PERFORMANCE?All WHITE DUNG DUNGISTS are nutjob crackpots who are weaponized to obey GUANO and "fight for their country" by murdering all who find the GUANO and his WHITE DUNG DUNGS REPULSIVE and repellent and BARF WORTHY.How many WHITE DUNG DUNGISTS ARE THERE? MILLIONS maybe BILLIONS?
Because they fake mourning and no way will anyone suspect them of MURDER and want to execute them.Get rid of the kids by forbidding masking and mocking maskers. Get rid of old folk... moreBecause they fake mourning and no way will anyone suspect them of MURDER and want to execute them.Get rid of the kids by forbidding masking and mocking maskers. Get rid of old folks. Get rid of all those with compromised immune systems. Get rid of everyone not your exact ilk. Kids, parents, relatives, "friends".MOCK MASKING MOCK VACCINATING MOCK LIFE. What could it hurt? It will make huge brownie points with the evil doers. What's life worth compared to THAT?
So you admire the MOCKED mocking? Are you among the MOCKED MOCKERS too?They are everywhere anywhere nowhere somewhere.MOCKED mocking. How clever is that?
The QANONS, all HATE groups, all racists and bigots are actors reading scripts written by others.Think about it. The worst most monstrous things on screen can win Academy Awards fo... moreThe QANONS, all HATE groups, all racists and bigots are actors reading scripts written by others.Think about it. The worst most monstrous things on screen can win Academy Awards for great performances. The actors are not the people they portray. It is WHAT THEY DO, not WHO THEY ARE.I know it's a stretch but it's the only thing that makes any sense at all.
I love the bass, always wanted to try it. Others on my list are the violin and sax. I'd love to be able to have all instruments available to try at least once. I ... moreI love the bass, always wanted to try it. Others on my list are the violin and sax. I'd love to be able to have all instruments available to try at least once. I think there might be another instrument I would take too. This uncommon instrument looks interesting as well.
InferiorSubservientWeakPowerlesSurrenderingSubmissionIMPOTENCEYieldingSubordaintionIncapaictyWhite Supremacists are all of the above. They are so stupid dumb they are obtusely unaw... moreInferiorSubservientWeakPowerlesSurrenderingSubmissionIMPOTENCEYieldingSubordaintionIncapaictyWhite Supremacists are all of the above. They are so stupid dumb they are obtusely unaware of it.inferiorsubservient (to the GUANO)weakpowerlesssurrenderingsubmissiveimpotent (women can be impotent too)yieldingsubordinateincapacityIn un.
The dumbsh** GUANOHEAD POL put his a** in sling with those words. Dumbsh** GUANOHEAD doesn't know his a** from a hole the ground obviously.His a** will verily be kicked from here t... moreThe dumbsh** GUANOHEAD POL put his a** in sling with those words. Dumbsh** GUANOHEAD doesn't know his a** from a hole the ground obviously.His a** will verily be kicked from here to the moon. As will all the other riot inciter a**head GUANOHEADS!.FLY ME TO THE MOON!
What is a sport that is only played in one particular country, and therefore would most likely never be featured in the Olympic Games due to lack of worldwide or widespread ... more What is a sport that is only played in one particular country, and therefore would most likely never be featured in the Olympic Games due to lack of worldwide or widespread popularity/familiarity?
How did the skin color of cops have anything to do with their belief that the election was fraudulent?It didn't. It was just more proof that RACISTS ARE THE GUANO base.Egregious ir... moreHow did the skin color of cops have anything to do with their belief that the election was fraudulent?It didn't. It was just more proof that RACISTS ARE THE GUANO base.Egregious irrelevant unnecessary but it was FRONT AND CENTER with all the WHITES who opened their mouths to spit out filth. RACISTS are like that. They live and eat and breathe and drink and poop RACISM. Every moment they are alive they exude it. They stench of it. They cannot escape it. THERE ARE IT 24/7.So there yar.No white sheets. No burning crosses. Plans to LYNCH apparent as they verbally shouted HANG PENCE and carried was for Nancy Pelosi.Proud lot of stinkpots all of the same ilk. Intermarried which accounts for the lack of intelligence. less
Will more women athletes take the same path? Will any men come out with that issue?I guess we think of them as champions who are not bothered by insecurities or fears as many of us... moreWill more women athletes take the same path? Will any men come out with that issue?I guess we think of them as champions who are not bothered by insecurities or fears as many of us ordinary folks are.They have hidden it from us apparently. I wonder how many others will now have the courage to come out and take care of themselves and whatever issues they have been having to deal with silently?
Not being able to keep up with vaccines that WORK.Worst case?How about a virus that NO VACCINE will stop? How about a virus that is unaffected by any vaccine?The unvaxxed is the la... moreNot being able to keep up with vaccines that WORK.Worst case?How about a virus that NO VACCINE will stop? How about a virus that is unaffected by any vaccine?The unvaxxed is the lab in which the variants get a chance to increase multiply spread mutate.They ARE the test tubes. They are the specimens looked at under the microscope to see what if any uncontrollable variations may have adapted mutated varieated.A moving feast.
The QUESTION IS who did the programming?DEVIL is the only one powerful enough to have done it.GOD would not be the one to program themMakes a whole lotta sense. All the millions of... moreThe QUESTION IS who did the programming?DEVIL is the only one powerful enough to have done it.GOD would not be the one to program themMakes a whole lotta sense. All the millions of robot GUANOHEADS. Makes sense.
"What you do to the least of mine you do to me."I guess they don't know GOD IS WATCHING AND LISTENING do they?.What kind of "christian" is ignorant of THAT?
WHADDABOUT the AMISH?Any white supremacists hidden among them?LutheransEpiscopaliansBaptistsUnitariansJehovah's WitnessesHoly RollersMormonsBLACK MAGIC VOODOO worshippersZoroastria... moreWHADDABOUT the AMISH?Any white supremacists hidden among them?LutheransEpiscopaliansBaptistsUnitariansJehovah's WitnessesHoly RollersMormonsBLACK MAGIC VOODOO worshippersZoroastrians"Jesus is my savior. GUano is my president" Think Jesus is gonna save a GUANOHEAD? What for?
Because we are used to foreigners attacking us and wanting to kill us.But your own kind? Your own ilk? Your own country's citizens?That is a terror no one should have to face and y... moreBecause we are used to foreigners attacking us and wanting to kill us.But your own kind? Your own ilk? Your own country's citizens?That is a terror no one should have to face and yet we all face it from the GUANO weaponized mad dog insurrectionists. How does it feel?Not only the mad dog crackpot insurrectionists but all those who support them. THE ENEMY is us.Oh well. Another day at the office. So what's new?
They must all also be McConnelized McCarthyized QANONized Jordanized tail lurized getzized jaredized ivankized marbleized homogenized emulsified and GUANOIZED.NO EXCEPTIONS!
KissOfDeathGuano lost his touch. Guano endorsed/Guano backed will be the loser in every election.All who suck up to and kiss his a** better rethink his "influence".An anomaly or th... moreKissOfDeathGuano lost his touch. Guano endorsed/Guano backed will be the loser in every election.All who suck up to and kiss his a** better rethink his "influence".An anomaly or the way things are now from now on?I dunno. Let's hope GUANO endorsees tank bigly.