You would be exceedingly grateful and appreciative for it the rest of your life?You would want more ask for more plan for more plot for more pray for more dream of getting more hav... moreYou would be exceedingly grateful and appreciative for it the rest of your life?You would want more ask for more plan for more plot for more pray for more dream of getting more having more and lie,cheat,steal to get more and remain unsatisfied until you died?
The ones that will be named nailed and BROUGHT TO JUSTICE for their part in the FAILED ATTEMPTED INSURRECTION.I believe it will be in the THOUSANDS. Every worm and maggot who... moreThe ones that will be named nailed and BROUGHT TO JUSTICE for their part in the FAILED ATTEMPTED INSURRECTION.I believe it will be in the THOUSANDS. Every worm and maggot who participated enabled facilitated cheered lied.That's lot of jailbirds who need a home.I wonder how many of them will end up getting what they deserve? Will any of them commit suicide? Will any of them be "taken out by a hit"? Stay tuned.
Who PLANNED it?Who FINANCED it?Which pols facilitated enabled participated supported protected it?That will be investigated researched witnessed to UNDER OATH by a lot of people wh... moreWho PLANNED it?Who FINANCED it?Which pols facilitated enabled participated supported protected it?That will be investigated researched witnessed to UNDER OATH by a lot of people who took notes in real time and will not lie under oath for any reason!BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. Those of them who are involved and are terrified of what is coming at them.EarnedDeservedSLAM DUNKNow all we have to do is OUT ALL OF THEM, charge all of them, try all of them, PUNISH ALL OF THEM!The good part is finally coming. It's about time! less
I have an opinion and seek those of others to learn what they think so I askI don't know and believe someone might know so I askI believe some things should be shared and inform th... moreI have an opinion and seek those of others to learn what they think so I askI don't know and believe someone might know so I askI believe some things should be shared and inform those who may be unaware of themWhat other reasons are there for questions?
The weak the ill the poor the powerless? ORThe liars and thieves and murderers and rapists and torturers and saboteurs and despots and dictators and cruel evildoers?Who are "the LE... moreThe weak the ill the poor the powerless? ORThe liars and thieves and murderers and rapists and torturers and saboteurs and despots and dictators and cruel evildoers?Who are "the LEAST" of us if not the evildoers?Does JESUS exclude them or include them in "LEAST"?Anyone?
When the tax returns are released to CONGRESS who then releases them to the general public?When the multiple trials begin forcing the culprit to show up UNDER OATH and testif... moreWhen the tax returns are released to CONGRESS who then releases them to the general public?When the multiple trials begin forcing the culprit to show up UNDER OATH and testify to his actions/words?One day we say.One day.Which day?
Sucker upper electonic thingies that suck up the air and deflect it high high high in the skies where the smoke and smog and environment air crap can dissipate without harming all ... moreSucker upper electonic thingies that suck up the air and deflect it high high high in the skies where the smoke and smog and environment air crap can dissipate without harming all living things?Like a vacuum cleaner vacuums dirt off the rug by SUCKING IT UP into a dirt bag that gets dumped. We've invented lotsa stuff. Why not an AIR CLEANER?
How many of the GUANO weaponized domestic violent terrorists with weapons and nooses that tried to overturn an election read the bible, go to church and pray to their "gawd"? Were ... moreHow many of the GUANO weaponized domestic violent terrorists with weapons and nooses that tried to overturn an election read the bible, go to church and pray to their "gawd"? Were they all ATHEISTS and DEVIL WORSHIPPERS? Methinks so. GOD was nowhere there on January 6 fighting to find people to kill or harm or cripple or maim or beat to death.VERY LOVING CROWD sez the GUANO.Sure. You bet.
WHEN will higher court smacked the crap out of them and do a massive PUSHBACK?What's the holdup?STATES RIGHTS versus the gubment?WHAT STATE HAS THE RIGHT TO ABROGATE CONSTITU... moreWHEN will higher court smacked the crap out of them and do a massive PUSHBACK?What's the holdup?STATES RIGHTS versus the gubment?WHAT STATE HAS THE RIGHT TO ABROGATE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?
So what did she invent/co-invent?I'm going to write it as I read it but I do not understand it."A radio guidance system using FREQUENCY HOPPING SPREAD SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY"Which I h... moreSo what did she invent/co-invent?I'm going to write it as I read it but I do not understand it."A radio guidance system using FREQUENCY HOPPING SPREAD SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY"Which I have read is incorporated in Wi Fi Blue Tooth and other gismo gadgets which I also don't understand.Didja know?
investigations are completed? I am NOT referring to cases where the suspect is unknown, nor am I referring to the perpetrator having access that allows or might allow for evid... moreinvestigations are completed? I am NOT referring to cases where the suspect is unknown, nor am I referring to the perpetrator having access that allows or might allow for evidence tampering. I am not referring to killers’ efforts to hide a crime, or to cover their involvement. I’m referring to the fact that currently, police officers, detectives, paramedics and firefighters are often the first officials to witness dead bodies. After that, the medical examiner, coroner’s staff, etc have access to the scene of the death. Once the investigation or investigations are completed and the body has been taken away to the morgue, some death scenes are left exactly as they are, others benefit from specialized companies or services that clean up those areas. Other times, the family, the property owner, tenant, resident or other user, some third parties that are the ones who clean up scenes of death, if it happens at all.
*This encompasses a wide range of deaths that take place as the result... less
I saw the movie in theaters when it was a new release back in the 80s, and I was much less impressed with it than all of its hype and all of its fans made it out to b... more
I saw the movie in theaters when it was a new release back in the 80s, and I was much less impressed with it than all of its hype and all of its fans made it out to be some great example of visionary cinema. Last night on television, they broadcast “Blade Runner: The Final Cut”. I thought I’d give it another chance, and all I can say in retrospect is that I want my two hours back.
Similar to the perspective that it was hard to work out the plot, I found it hard to follow, hard to maintain my interest, weird, far too long for everything that happened in it (a 30-minute running time as a short film would have sufficed), and basically an excuse to prop up a chauvinist and misogynistic production rife with senseless violence and hero-worship sexual interaction.
Had Harrison Ford not been recognized for his fame in both the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies, his appearance in “Blade Runner” would have had far less draw of fans, this movie was nothing mo... less
One of my grounds keeping customers got a full size Black bear for their yard and it looks pretty real because it has fur and glass eyes. They put it in an area were you can'... moreOne of my grounds keeping customers got a full size Black bear for their yard and it looks pretty real because it has fur and glass eyes. They put it in an area were you can't see it untill you get around a corner so it is a surprise when you first see it. It really surprised me today and I kind of think they started setting me up for the surprise a couple of weeks ago when they started telling me that they saw bears in the area. Back then I thought it was odd that they would see a bear in their yard because there is a lot of barking dogs in the area and bears avoid areas like that because they have sensitive ears. I think they knew they would be getting a trick bear. Cheers and happy weekend! less
My grandmother was born during the last decade of the 19th century. She hated wearing corsets because the undergarment restricted her breathing. Still, at the insistenc... moreMy grandmother was born during the last decade of the 19th century. She hated wearing corsets because the undergarment restricted her breathing. Still, at the insistence of my great-grandmother, my grandmother wore corsets to achieve the-then fashionable "hourglass" figure. My grandmother abandoned the wearing of corsets during the 1920's, when women wore looser-fitting dresses.
Democrats of course. All around town the adoring GUANHOHEAD weaponized nut job crackpots are working on ways to take out "the enemy". The enemy is everyone who disagrees with the G... moreDemocrats of course. All around town the adoring GUANHOHEAD weaponized nut job crackpots are working on ways to take out "the enemy". The enemy is everyone who disagrees with the GUANO. The GUANO's hate list of enemies keeps growing. So too does the hate list of his adoring worshipping buttkissers. Our Canadian friend tells of a GUANOHEAD working on a game where GUANO KILLS DEMOCRATS. A drop in the bucket.
DIC short for DICTATOR of course! What else could I possibly have meant but that?So as the chief and ONLY DIC he'd run everything which is what he did in effect the first time arou... moreDIC short for DICTATOR of course! What else could I possibly have meant but that?So as the chief and ONLY DIC he'd run everything which is what he did in effect the first time around.But now no one will mouth off at him. He IS the government. He IS the Constitution. HE IS THE LAW AND ORDER. HE IS ALL.I AM COMEHE IS COMEHE IS THE WAY THE WORD THE LIGHT THE ALLWon't it be fun for his adoring worshippers? How not?
The write RIGHT or right WRITE. Makes no difference which goes first...the cart or the hearse. The chicken or the egg.So stop ragging on them for insisting on their right to keep s... moreThe write RIGHT or right WRITE. Makes no difference which goes first...the cart or the hearse. The chicken or the egg.So stop ragging on them for insisting on their right to keep stupid dumbing.
Geez are they all stupid dumbs mathwise?Get vaccinated. Take a chance. That you won't die from the vaccine or be vegetablized due to itDon't get vaccinated. Take a chance. That you... moreGeez are they all stupid dumbs mathwise?Get vaccinated. Take a chance. That you won't die from the vaccine or be vegetablized due to itDon't get vaccinated. Take a chance. That you won't die from it or be vegetablized due to it.Which chance do you take?What is your IQ?Did you fail math?
The INFRASTRUCTURE BILL.Guano called them all kinds of names for that.What/who will be third?Joe Biden is intent on BIPARTISANSHIP. HE KNOWS HOW EVERYTHING WORKS in D.C. Through th... moreThe INFRASTRUCTURE BILL.Guano called them all kinds of names for that.What/who will be third?Joe Biden is intent on BIPARTISANSHIP. HE KNOWS HOW EVERYTHING WORKS in D.C. Through the years he made MANY FRIENDS there...including MANY "opposition" party members.The GUANO despises JOE for winning and for his accomplishments. GUANO will have much more to despise as the days weeks months years go by.Joe will never tell us that we will get tired of "winning". What SANE person would get tired of winning?
That is the why they are the stupid dumbs.And the CDC isn't.Sheesh. I doesn't take GENIUS to keep up with what's going on. It does take a reverence for life and keep up with the TR... moreThat is the why they are the stupid dumbs.And the CDC isn't.Sheesh. I doesn't take GENIUS to keep up with what's going on. It does take a reverence for life and keep up with the TRUTH. I know. That is SHOCKing to many to whom truth is not only irrelevant. It is the ENEMY.So that is they people will continue to die. Could have been prevented. Wasn't. Big deal.
THAT INFRINGES ON YOUR FREEDOM PRECISELY THE WAY THE COVID VACCINE DOES>You are all phonies fakes if you doctor for certain things while MOCKING RIDICULING other things.Phony fa... moreTHAT INFRINGES ON YOUR FREEDOM PRECISELY THE WAY THE COVID VACCINE DOES>You are all phonies fakes if you doctor for certain things while MOCKING RIDICULING other things.Phony fakes.Phony fakes. Phony fakes.STOP TAKING THOSE LIFE-SAVING MEDS! STAND UP. SPINE UP. GO full frontal.STUPID DUMBS