Once upon a time it was called miscegenation and was illegal. That was when a white married a different color.But they were the same species...homo sap.I don't know what sex with a... moreOnce upon a time it was called miscegenation and was illegal. That was when a white married a different color.But they were the same species...homo sap.I don't know what sex with a different species is called. Fish/human. I wonder how it's conducted?Anyway wouldn't that be a crock to see a fish with a human face? Or fishhead with a human body?Remember the scifi thriller of decades ago? THE FLY? How about THE FISH?
Hundreds of million ARE CRUEL and DO HATE and quote "THE GOOD BOOK" all the timeMethinks they are in a quandary intellectually. They see no problem with mouthing one thing and doin... moreHundreds of million ARE CRUEL and DO HATE and quote "THE GOOD BOOK" all the timeMethinks they are in a quandary intellectually. They see no problem with mouthing one thing and doing its opposite. Logic-tight compartments. Schizophrenics? Bifurcated brains? Insane?
SAVOIRFAIREKnowledge of just what to do in any situation; tactKnowing how to doSynonymsadaptabilityadroitnessdiplomacydiscernmentskillabilityThe proper response to any crisis? "LET... moreSAVOIRFAIREKnowledge of just what to do in any situation; tactKnowing how to doSynonymsadaptabilityadroitnessdiplomacydiscernmentskillabilityThe proper response to any crisis? "LET'S GO RAFTING"! WHO KNEW?
GROUNDHOG day in the USA day after day after day after day after day........CAN YOUR COUNTRY TOP OURS IN TERMS OF PROGRESS? ARE YOU STUCK IN A RUT AS DEEP AS OURS?
California is running out of water as the drought worsens. I expect it will spread to the ENTIRE STATE. We're not alone. Other states are facing it too.No water means death. Less w... moreCalifornia is running out of water as the drought worsens. I expect it will spread to the ENTIRE STATE. We're not alone. Other states are facing it too.No water means death. Less water means some things will die. You need water to grow food and the San Joaquin Valley is a major food grower.Dire dark ahead. Got your lanterns ready? Flashlights?
How many of them will infect their loved ones when they return? How many of them will be hospitalized and die or become long haulers?Just think of it! Wild partying butt to butt fo... moreHow many of them will infect their loved ones when they return? How many of them will be hospitalized and die or become long haulers?Just think of it! Wild partying butt to butt for days. Why not? What could it possibly hurt?
I believe it is a CIVIL lawsuit and the scairdy cat spineless yellowbelly wants immunity. In other words he does not wish to be held responsible for what he said. As I said...typic... moreI believe it is a CIVIL lawsuit and the scairdy cat spineless yellowbelly wants immunity. In other words he does not wish to be held responsible for what he said. As I said...typical yellowbelly chickensh** GUANO coward.Pity him?
GunsBiblesReactionariesREACTIONARYOf, pertaining to, marked by or favoring reaction especially EXTREME CONSERVATISM OR RIGHTISM in politics opposing political or social changeSynon... moreGunsBiblesReactionariesREACTIONARYOf, pertaining to, marked by or favoring reaction especially EXTREME CONSERVATISM OR RIGHTISM in politics opposing political or social changeSynonymULTRA CONSERVATIVEAntonymRadical
Take you for example. Something you've done your entire adult life is suddenly made difficult if not impossible to continue doing. Would it bother you or would you just quietly rol... moreTake you for example. Something you've done your entire adult life is suddenly made difficult if not impossible to continue doing. Would it bother you or would you just quietly roll over and not even whimper?
There is a school of thought that insists slaves liked being owned. They never had to worry about anything. All their needs were taken care of. The MASTER provided for them.Which i... moreThere is a school of thought that insists slaves liked being owned. They never had to worry about anything. All their needs were taken care of. The MASTER provided for them.Which is ridiculous but some believe it.So how is the Authoritarian dictator any different than a slave owner? Calls all the shots. The people just have to obey and all will be well. If they don't obey they will be punished.Different strokes for different folks.
All AUTHORITARIAN dictators are cruel demanding dangerous and they cannot be trusted at any level. People live in FEAR of them so why would those same people be so drawn to them?Is... moreAll AUTHORITARIAN dictators are cruel demanding dangerous and they cannot be trusted at any level. People live in FEAR of them so why would those same people be so drawn to them?Is liking cruelty normal these days? Is liking irrational dictatorial selfish the flavor du jour? Is kindness no longer of any value or justice or fairness? It is very puzzling.
Isn't your freedom going to be at the expense of someone else's? We don't live in a vacuum. We can't just go about willy nilly on our own alone without affecting others...usually a... moreIsn't your freedom going to be at the expense of someone else's? We don't live in a vacuum. We can't just go about willy nilly on our own alone without affecting others...usually adversely.We need structure and rules which we should all honor obey and follow. We cannot be trusted to be fair on our own. How sad is that?
I spent a few months WORRYING about two things that resolved themselves today BEAUTIFULLY. Beyond my wildest hopes. Over and done!Of course now I feel silly. I even had a few sleep... moreI spent a few months WORRYING about two things that resolved themselves today BEAUTIFULLY. Beyond my wildest hopes. Over and done!Of course now I feel silly. I even had a few sleepless nights worrying. AARRGGHH.Well better to worry needlessly than not worry and get stomped. Right?
Because all presidential candidates PROVIDED THEM.See the degree of STUPID DUMB?The argument has zero merit since it has nothing to do with the situation at hand.Why would you requ... moreBecause all presidential candidates PROVIDED THEM.See the degree of STUPID DUMB?The argument has zero merit since it has nothing to do with the situation at hand.Why would you request what you already were given WITHOUT REQUESTING THEM?Well that's the level of STUPID DUMB "thinking". Sadly millions will buy it. And so it goes. STUPID DUMB reigns forever.
I expect if all those unvaxed become long haulers or die we will have achieved herd immunity.Untill the next pandemic hits and we will have learned nothing from this and partisan p... moreI expect if all those unvaxed become long haulers or die we will have achieved herd immunity.Untill the next pandemic hits and we will have learned nothing from this and partisan politicos will continue on as they did before. Why? Well obviously because it worked so very well for them. Why fix what ain't broke?Whatever.
It is very clear that they lack any sense of self-worth and have ZERO self-confidence and left alone on their own they have nothing going for them. So they must LUST for power and ... moreIt is very clear that they lack any sense of self-worth and have ZERO self-confidence and left alone on their own they have nothing going for them. So they must LUST for power and dominance because within their insides is a weakling a scairdy cat wimpy nothing. OKAY. I buy that. You?
Now let's expand it to include those not so powerful.If every many everywhere were outed like this how many would THAT number be?Does ever powerful man have a dark side abusing wom... moreNow let's expand it to include those not so powerful.If every many everywhere were outed like this how many would THAT number be?Does ever powerful man have a dark side abusing women? I'm beginning to wonder if power exists only in the depraved deviant perverts.
LUST3. A passionate or overmastering desire or craving as in "a lust for power"4. Ardent enthusiasm, zest, relish7. To have yearning or desire; have a strong pr excessove cravomgSy... moreLUST3. A passionate or overmastering desire or craving as in "a lust for power"4. Ardent enthusiasm, zest, relish7. To have yearning or desire; have a strong pr excessove cravomgSynonymsCraveHungerCovetYearnLUSTERA person who lusts