You say you are collecting the money for widows and orphans of dead servicemen or dead cops and you spend it on your taxes, your lawyers, you monthly bills.Unethical. Immoral. Sure.ILLEGAL?
Turns out the family of the bad thing doer/sayer is being held hostqges by murderous thugs at some undisclosed location and if the bad doer/sayer doesn't follow orders the loved on... moreTurns out the family of the bad thing doer/sayer is being held hostqges by murderous thugs at some undisclosed location and if the bad doer/sayer doesn't follow orders the loved ones will be killed.Well now. Could that be the case for some partisan political spokesmouths? If they don't obey their loved ones will be tortured/murdered/dismembered?WHAT WOULD YOU DO/SAY? WHAT WOULDN'T YOU DO/SAY? To save the lives of your loved ones?
I did. It was in front of our house and it lasted a few hours of one day during a summer. My mom made it and I sold it! Do kids do things like that still?
Yep. The DELTA VARIANT is more dangerous with SIGNIFICANT increases in side effects.They gambled that they'd not get infected. They lost. They could also die. Oh well.
Effective January 1, 2022 more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves must be provided.So providers of same have until then to change whatever needs changing.... moreEffective January 1, 2022 more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves must be provided.So providers of same have until then to change whatever needs changing. If they don't or can't the supply of pigs will shrink bigly.Just so ya know. I guess you can buy tons of pork stuff now and freeze them. Just in case.
They don't know what caused. The driver might have suffered a medical situation. Perhaps he took the ramp too fast. He died of course.I know truck drivers are VIGOROUSLY tested and... moreThey don't know what caused. The driver might have suffered a medical situation. Perhaps he took the ramp too fast. He died of course.I know truck drivers are VIGOROUSLY tested and schooled so something very bad must have happened to him that triggered it.Ever drive a truck or know someone who did/does?
""Trumps ravenous calls for cash from supporters based on his delusional lie that the 2020 election was stoen."If people what to be schnooks and saps and patsies let them! What's t... more""Trumps ravenous calls for cash from supporters based on his delusional lie that the 2020 election was stoen."If people what to be schnooks and saps and patsies let them! What's the problem? It's their money. If they want to bet on that horse of course it's their right.Mountains out of molehills.
Following the script, not making waves, obeying commands. Every day every day every day. Such a life is not that endearing or satisfying t'would seem to me.Individuality is on the ... moreFollowing the script, not making waves, obeying commands. Every day every day every day. Such a life is not that endearing or satisfying t'would seem to me.Individuality is on the chopping block! YOU DARE NOT be different or independent or unique.Sad.
No drawings/diagrams/schematics of airplanes?No nuttin! Allowing others who are LESS THAN to shape what you are what you do what you think what you say is unconscionable! Fitt... moreNo drawings/diagrams/schematics of airplanes?No nuttin! Allowing others who are LESS THAN to shape what you are what you do what you think what you say is unconscionable! Fitting in isn't more important than spreading your wings and being the best you can be.Just because their "best" is lousy and you don't want to hurt their feelings being lousy to fit in makes no sense. I wonder if any fitter inners among the GUANOHEADS are really brilliant and are stifling it? Or are they all honestly honorably dumb? less
Many "play dumb" to fit in. They lower/eliminate any standards because "the rest of the ilk in the group" can't meet them and you musn't intimidate them or make them feel in any wa... moreMany "play dumb" to fit in. They lower/eliminate any standards because "the rest of the ilk in the group" can't meet them and you musn't intimidate them or make them feel in any way inferior. Over time those who "play dumb" become dumb. Any unused muscle will atrophy. This explains QANONS and all hate groups and all GUANOHEADS. That's as smart as they get since their ancestor predecessors "played dumb" to belong.See?
What a crock! Well we don't want the little darling nincompoops to feel bad so we lower the standards to meet their incompetence and when they can't even meet those we do away with... moreWhat a crock! Well we don't want the little darling nincompoops to feel bad so we lower the standards to meet their incompetence and when they can't even meet those we do away with them entirely. Thus we get what we have most notably in politics. Crap. That is the standard that anyone can meet. CRAP. Congrats to all the CRAP supporters. MY GAWD! :(
Because, instead of derision and division, I will continually hope for kindness and unity. (Yeah, I answered my own question.)I hope someone watches and I wish all of you wel... moreBecause, instead of derision and division, I will continually hope for kindness and unity. (Yeah, I answered my own question.)I hope someone watches and I wish all of you well.:)EDIT: I tried to post the video. It would not post. I found another video. What I did post is the actual video and song of which I speak -- except there is an unnecessary and unrelated animated little clip at the very end, after Matt's video is finished. Sorry.
A bill to allows COPS TO SUE PROTESTERS and COLLECT FINANCIAL DAMAGES.They are already a PROTECTED CLASS. They already murder unarmed blacks for being black.So now you want they sh... moreA bill to allows COPS TO SUE PROTESTERS and COLLECT FINANCIAL DAMAGES.They are already a PROTECTED CLASS. They already murder unarmed blacks for being black.So now you want they should make 'em rich on top top of getting away with their dirty deeds?This is something that will sweep all red state anthills for sure.Murder without reason and then get compensated for it. Who else but GUANO reds would concoct a brilliant scheme as that? See why he is so valued and adored?
Our Canadian friend shared a sad story. He knows a lady felled by polio whose father REFUSED to allow her to get a vaccine. What does he deserve? What has he earned? What should be... moreOur Canadian friend shared a sad story. He knows a lady felled by polio whose father REFUSED to allow her to get a vaccine. What does he deserve? What has he earned? What should be done with the likes of such a parent?
Vis a vis POLIO those who survived would be "living" in iron lungs or wheelchairs.Now wouldn't that have been a whole lot better than we have it now? Of course it would.
Traitoring and treasoning is their cuppa tea. Always was, is, always will be.All white supremacist racist bigots are like that. You can take it to the bank and cash it. It won't bo... moreTraitoring and treasoning is their cuppa tea. Always was, is, always will be.All white supremacist racist bigots are like that. You can take it to the bank and cash it. It won't bounce.HATE survives generation to generation to generate. IT IS THRIVING CURRENTLY. Thanks bigly to the GUANO and his GUANOHEADS. More to come. More of the same on STEROIDS.
Hello:Steve Jobs died of eminently treatable cancer.. But, instead of treating it, he drank herbal tea and meditated.. Of course, he died a HORRIBLE death. And, t... moreHello:Steve Jobs died of eminently treatable cancer.. But, instead of treating it, he drank herbal tea and meditated.. Of course, he died a HORRIBLE death. And, the most horrible part, is that he did that to himself.Kinda like people who don't wanna wear masks or get vaccinated.. Say hi to Steve for me. excon
Dubba bubba dubba dubba I talk him to all the time. Wubba dubba dubba I just don't know I just don't remember I hafta check my records bubba dubba wubba wubba dubba.Something clear... moreDubba bubba dubba dubba I talk him to all the time. Wubba dubba dubba I just don't know I just don't remember I hafta check my records bubba dubba wubba wubba dubba.Something clearly is bothering him about that SPECIFIC question. I wonder what it could be?Now he will be subpoened and when called to TESTIFY UNDER OATH I wonder what his wubba dubba bubba repliy will be then? Can hardly wait. So much to learn in the wubba dubba buba.
They make Florida proud. They do Florida proud. How many new cases today? More than yesterday?Keep congregate butt to butt en masses without masks everywhere there is an anywhere. ... moreThey make Florida proud. They do Florida proud. How many new cases today? More than yesterday?Keep congregate butt to butt en masses without masks everywhere there is an anywhere. Jam 'em in pack 'em in bond them together.Go for 100,000 new cases! Why not 1 million? The higherer the betterer. More for GUANO to brag about.
Do nothing. Say nothing. Let everyone vote.Then control the counting and the reporting. Really stupid dumb to bring so much attention to this. Really stupid dumb.They couldda let e... moreDo nothing. Say nothing. Let everyone vote.Then control the counting and the reporting. Really stupid dumb to bring so much attention to this. Really stupid dumb.They couldda let everything die down and controlled the outcome WITHOUT sturm un drang!But NO they had to grandstand and make a big show out of "voting rights purification"! Stupid dumbs now have a big problem on their hands. A problem that would have been AVOIDED had they only just shut the f up and let things take their course and swoop in at the end and do what they wanted to do.So why didn't they? Oh. Right. STUPIDS DUMBS can't think things out and come to a conclusion of resolution.Right. I forgot.. less