Guns and Bibles. bibles and Guns. The sum total of GUANOHEAD insurrectionists and the GUANOHEADS who support them.Guns and Bibles. Bibles and Guns. What more do you need to rule su... moreGuns and Bibles. bibles and Guns. The sum total of GUANOHEAD insurrectionists and the GUANOHEADS who support them.Guns and Bibles. Bibles and Guns. What more do you need to rule supreme?THOU SHALT NOT KILL. What happens to that?WHere does that fit into BIBLES AND GUNS. GUNS AND BIBLES?
Will they die at the hands of the same poophead GUANO insurrectionists who were going to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi?HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WON'T BE SO?GUANO is insane as are all ... moreWill they die at the hands of the same poophead GUANO insurrectionists who were going to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi?HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WON'T BE SO?GUANO is insane as are all his adoring worshippers. They have shown that violence is the way they roll. Smashing destruction they leave in their wake with promises of more to come worse to come.How many insane GUANOHEADS can dance on the head of a pin? All of them.
They believe getting vaccinations is how the government controls them by microchipping themThey believe that dems head a vast deep state child sex trafficking ring where they tortu... moreThey believe getting vaccinations is how the government controls them by microchipping themThey believe that dems head a vast deep state child sex trafficking ring where they torture rape murder children and then eat them.They believe GUANO is the presidentThey believe the election was stolenThey believe GUANO is GOD'S chosen oneIf they can believe that you certainly can believe me. GUANO WATER CARRIERS responsible for drought!Headlines.
The GUANO watercarriers live in the land of delusion. The only requirement is to lie lie lie lie lie lie. They do.Pretty soon they will tire of blaming Nancy Pelosi and maybe blame... moreThe GUANO watercarriers live in the land of delusion. The only requirement is to lie lie lie lie lie lie. They do.Pretty soon they will tire of blaming Nancy Pelosi and maybe blame JESUS or even GOD for making people like those 4 Capitol cops.I wouldn't put it past them. They will do say anything as GUANO watercarriers to convince the emptyheaded stumblebums that January 6 never happened the way it is being shown.The emptyheaded stumblebums BELIEVE anything the GUANO water carriers tell them to believe.Which means more of the same will happen futurely. Isn't that exciting? less
When it comes to the use of punctuation marks/symbols in your writing(s), which one or ones cause you the most confusion as to where, when, and how to use them or not... more
When it comes to the use of punctuation marks/symbols in your writing(s), which one or ones cause you the most confusion as to where, when, and how to use them or not use them?~
I’m going to save all mine and make a covid quilt…if I ever lean how to sew or knit or whatever skill you need to make a quilt. Or I might use them to smush spiders wi... moreI’m going to save all mine and make a covid quilt…if I ever lean how to sew or knit or whatever skill you need to make a quilt. Or I might use them to smush spiders with instead of using paper towel to help save the environment.
Maybe this is what causes suicides. Some folks don't want to do anything anymore, but realize they have to, and don't care to go on living. Any thoughts?
PROOF of the RACIST FASCIST WHITE SUPREMACISTS WHO MAKE UP THE GUANOHEAD BASE.The "N" word that one of the cops said he had never heard directed at him before that day. You don't s... morePROOF of the RACIST FASCIST WHITE SUPREMACISTS WHO MAKE UP THE GUANOHEAD BASE.The "N" word that one of the cops said he had never heard directed at him before that day. You don't say.Well all the GUANO can attract are the dregs and scrum of the crumbum dumbs. Whaddaya expect from them?
GUANO and his GUANOHEADS are not articulate intelligent or truthful.WE KNOW THAT.HOW NOW BROWN COW? All good GUANOHEADS will come to the aid of the GUANO PARTY.We KNOW THAT.WITH WHAT?
As a child, I went through the normal dreaming or wishing to do many different things once I got older; firefighter, pilot, explorer, SCUBA diver, policeman, detecti... more
As a child, I went through the normal dreaming or wishing to do many different things once I got older; firefighter, pilot, explorer, SCUBA diver, policeman, detective, writer, photographer, journalist, animal trainer, doctor, construction worker, actor, Marine, astronaut, tightrope artist, lawyer, international spy, businessman, big game hunter, private investigator, etc. I even remember when I was about age 13 practicing my signature so that I would be ready to sign a whole lot of autographs in succession without getting tired, lol. less
Who the ones were who were involved with the planning and execution. Who were the ENABLER FACILITATOR DOERS among the GUANO POLS? Who colluded conspired treasoned and traitored and... moreWho the ones were who were involved with the planning and execution. Who were the ENABLER FACILITATOR DOERS among the GUANO POLS? Who colluded conspired treasoned and traitored and planned IN ADVANCE to set it all up?How many GUANO POLS BY NAME are to blame?What did they do specifically? What did they say specifically?That is the point of the January 6 Committee. Not who incited and who carried it out but WHO ALL PARTICIPATED? IN WHAT WAYS?That is why the GUANOHEAD POLS are so terrified. They know that MANY OF THEM were involved. They KNEW in advance what was being planned. They provided runthroughs and MAPS and guidelines for gawd's sake.Were there only dozens? Hundreds? THOUSANDS? That's what we are going to find out. Anyone who doesn't realize that is a stupid dumb GUANOHEAD nutjob crackpot whackadoodlenoodle. less
There is no Republican Party. It has been devoured by GUANO and it is now the GUANO PARTY made up of GUANOHEADS.There are, however, some CONSERVATIVE POLS with excellent CONSERVATI... moreThere is no Republican Party. It has been devoured by GUANO and it is now the GUANO PARTY made up of GUANOHEADS.There are, however, some CONSERVATIVE POLS with excellent CONSERVATIVE TRACK RECORDS who are NOT GUANOHEADS at all. They are HONORABLE CONSERVATIVE POLS whose views I share very little of but whom I respect for their insistence on doing the job to which they were elected who take the oath of office VERY SERIOUSLY and plan to do their jobs regardless of any namecalling insulting attacking or GUANOING.nancy pelosi republicans? That's about as funny weird queer peculiar as you can get but of course one must ALWAYS CONSIDER THE SOURCE. Kevin McCarthy. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah less