EVery single one of them is a MURDERER. They commit suicide? Who cares. They murder others? Well there will be HE** to pay for them one day. I hope and pray.
Dr. Fauci an EMINENT EPIDEMIOLOGIST? The eye surgeon knows didly sh** about it. Guess what Dr. Anthony Fauci...pre-eminent EPIDEMIOLOGIST told gall?"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAL... moreDr. Fauci an EMINENT EPIDEMIOLOGIST? The eye surgeon knows didly sh** about it. Guess what Dr. Anthony Fauci...pre-eminent EPIDEMIOLOGIST told gall?"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT."No sh**! THAT's It.Dr. gall got smacked down real hard. Stupid dumbs are all alike. They challenge KNOWLEDGEABLE INTELLIGENT EDUCATED EXPERIENCED PEOPLE all the time because they are far too stupid dumb not to. They are so dumb they think everyone will buy their crap. Only other crap buyers buy it.More to come? You bet. Dr. gall can't shut up. All the stupid dumbs have diarrhea of the mouth. A genetic malady isplating them from thee and me.GALLSomething very vexing and irritatingIMPUDENCEEFFRONTERYBILE..especially that of an animalSomething BITTER or SEVERESynonymsNerve brass cheek audacityDr. Rand gall. Want him operating on YOUR eyes? Sheesh. less
Of course, not all of us know the answers to this, and not all of us even care. If, however, you happen to know about any of your former classmates and you would like to share... moreOf course, not all of us know the answers to this, and not all of us even care. If, however, you happen to know about any of your former classmates and you would like to share, please feel free to do so. Thank you.In my case, I was not part of either the in-crowd nor the popular crowd, I know absolutely nothing about any of my former classmates’ lives, and it’s not a topic that interests me at all.~
They become MUTE. For how long? First offense...one year. Second offense. Forever.Of course we would require a LOTTA magic to have it automatically kick in. No homo sap can do that... moreThey become MUTE. For how long? First offense...one year. Second offense. Forever.Of course we would require a LOTTA magic to have it automatically kick in. No homo sap can do that alone on his/her own. An intervention by SOMEONE who could? I'd like that. What could it hurt? MUTE all liars? This would be a problem BECAUSE?
All those who enabled facilitated aided them and ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORT/SYMPATHIZE with them.ALL TRAITORS INTENT ON COMMITTING TREASON.If not now then the next time. They betrayed u... moreAll those who enabled facilitated aided them and ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORT/SYMPATHIZE with them.ALL TRAITORS INTENT ON COMMITTING TREASON.If not now then the next time. They betrayed us and will do it again. Plotting now to represident a depraved perverted insane old man.Our future. More of the same. Inane.
The worthy ones?. The kindest ones? The best of the breed?BRAGGARTS abound. ARe they sound or hollow like a drum that when beaten by others ROARS? On their own all alone they are s... moreThe worthy ones?. The kindest ones? The best of the breed?BRAGGARTS abound. ARe they sound or hollow like a drum that when beaten by others ROARS? On their own all alone they are silent useless? Many homo saps are like that. When they are "beaten" by others they sound off. Insurrectionists hate groups. LOUD AND PROUD AND WEAK and empty. AND DEADLY.
The half vast ANTI VAXXED!Thanks ever so from the bottom of ours for sharing.We will never forget you for this. Suck it up. It's what you deserve after all. HOW very patriotic!Brav... moreThe half vast ANTI VAXXED!Thanks ever so from the bottom of ours for sharing.We will never forget you for this. Suck it up. It's what you deserve after all. HOW very patriotic!Brave. Courageous. Kill as you go plan. Spread death. Mighty fine of you.
THOU SHALT NOT KILLWho believes that crap? Not the insurrectionist evangelicals who were prepared to hang and murder "the enemy".Still they mouth biblical allusions aspirations as ... moreTHOU SHALT NOT KILLWho believes that crap? Not the insurrectionist evangelicals who were prepared to hang and murder "the enemy".Still they mouth biblical allusions aspirations as if they believed them when their actions prove what unbelievers they are.And so it goes. Makes NO SENSE. They are known LIARS and take great pride in it. It's all they have apparently. Madness insanity alternate reality.
What kind of homo sap can do THAT? PERMANENTLY alter the perception of reality so much so that no truth ever gets through to the true believers? Would you say an angel or saint wou... moreWhat kind of homo sap can do THAT? PERMANENTLY alter the perception of reality so much so that no truth ever gets through to the true believers? Would you say an angel or saint would do that? Or is it more logical to believe that an evil or the devil would profit most from doing that?Those who choose to live in alternate realities are at risk. They choose they lose.
I've never had one that I know of but I understand they impact vision and some people BARF and have to go to bed.You lie you instantly get a MASSIVE MIGRAINE that will slowly dissi... moreI've never had one that I know of but I understand they impact vision and some people BARF and have to go to bed.You lie you instantly get a MASSIVE MIGRAINE that will slowly dissipate. BUT the next time you lie or do something harmful the MASSIVE MIGRAINE you get stays with you until you die. ONE SECOND CHANCE is all you get and then you are doomed.Whaddaya think? When you have a massive migraine are you able to function at all? Can you lie and do harm while you are in so much pain you can't even see straight?I dunno. Let's test it out. Those who don't lie or harm others have nothing to fear. The "OTHERS"?Let's see how brave and bawdy and bold and belligerent and bullying they remain when they are in massive pain? What could it hurt? less
The day after the escalator came down and the announcement was made various news organizations told us about them all being paid to be there and pretend to be supporters.But of cou... moreThe day after the escalator came down and the announcement was made various news organizations told us about them all being paid to be there and pretend to be supporters.But of course "everyone" denied it vehemently vigorously absolutely!Well it was true then and it is true now. He had to paid strangers to pretend to be his supporters who would show up and play their roles for the photo op.Phony from the start the phoniness continues on.I mean johns pay hoors to have sex right?People pay traitors to traitor right?Money greases the wheels of society. Pay and you will get what you want. Everyone has a price. But the actors at the bottom of escalator were not hoors. They were ACTING which is what ACTORS do. Pretending a thing that is untrue. So none of them did anything wrong.Who did? I leave that for YOU to decide. I know what I think. less
Same with "BELIEVING IN" despot dictators. They FEAR displeasing so they don't. They obey meticulously.That is ridiculous. Yet there they are terrified believing in. Different stro... moreSame with "BELIEVING IN" despot dictators. They FEAR displeasing so they don't. They obey meticulously.That is ridiculous. Yet there they are terrified believing in. Different strokes. There yar. And so it goes. Go figger! And so it goes. It takes all kinds.