You try to hand off the baton and they argue with you. "You aren't carrying he baton correctly." "Your strides are not according to the rules" "Your countenance is surly." YADAYADA... moreYou try to hand off the baton and they argue with you. "You aren't carrying he baton correctly." "Your strides are not according to the rules" "Your countenance is surly." YADAYADAYADAIn other words right smack dab in the middle of the relay race some "runners" are more interested in arguing with you than running the race.WHY IS THAT?
I was driving (the speed limit) in my car and this song came on the car radio - - Wow - - I forgot how much I enjoy the song and Tracy Chapman
"Fast Car" Tracy Chapman
A KINGDOM where power passes on from generation to generation. No need to vote.A lot less work. No need to read up on track records Once the KING is in power he will choose everyon... moreA KINGDOM where power passes on from generation to generation. No need to vote.A lot less work. No need to read up on track records Once the KING is in power he will choose everyone going forward at every level. City, State will be in HIS hands entirely. The masses will have nothing to do with it. There will be charges of course to the people which will go directly into the KING's coffers. Rather like TITHES in churches. You pledge a certain percent of your income to the church and give it every year. Well the people will give a certain percent of their wages to the KING. He will let them know what he decides it should be. Every year sent to his account. Failure to comply will result in being imprisoned. It will not be a choice but a duty..a patriotic duty.Things will settle down.Oh. Only the KING can decide who may own property. After all keeping the neighborhoods suitably clear of "the wrong kind of people" is an essential. The KING knows who "the right kind" of people are. Millionaires billionaires and possib... less
The disrespect is so deep and wide our votes will be irrelevant. If "THEY" don't like the results they will simply overturn them nullify them throw them out and declare the victor ... moreThe disrespect is so deep and wide our votes will be irrelevant. If "THEY" don't like the results they will simply overturn them nullify them throw them out and declare the victor to be whomever they decide upon.Never was that more apparent than now. Actual laws are in place in some states replacing election officials with "their people" whose power will supersede anyone. Eventually all states will have that precise "machine" in place. No surprising results.Elections will take place with certain restrictions.Votes will be counted.Results will be divulged when they are what the powers that be desire. However those results are effected/achieve/arrived at will a secret process behind closed doors in the dark of the night and we the people will never be privy to it. There will be no recounts or investigations or validations. No need for them when the powers that be will always be in the loop. They will be the loop.They will never again be angered or humiliated by the results of elections. They will be happy and prou... less
Climate change and rising seas. Other island nations are similarly concerned.As for the United States by 2045 coastal cities will be affected adversely by sea rise. Even if climate... moreClimate change and rising seas. Other island nations are similarly concerned.As for the United States by 2045 coastal cities will be affected adversely by sea rise. Even if climate change is addressed and we finally DO SOMETHING about it we cannot stop the seas from rising apparently. That process is already in motion.I wonder how many small island nations there are worldwide and I wonder knowing they may disappear one day will do to the way they live now?
Wouldn't a predestined result quash competition? Goals? Interest? Partcipation? SLAM DUNK NO BRAINER every single time? Is that when WINNING would actually become very boring?If th... moreWouldn't a predestined result quash competition? Goals? Interest? Partcipation? SLAM DUNK NO BRAINER every single time? Is that when WINNING would actually become very boring?If the WINNER is dialed in before any election or competition begins what's the point of it?
You declare you won of course.How would you like that power? Y=You don't like how a book ends you sue the author and force him/her to write the ending you want.So you have the powe... moreYou declare you won of course.How would you like that power? Y=You don't like how a book ends you sue the author and force him/her to write the ending you want.So you have the power to get any result you want at any time. Not only involving you and your attempts but everyone else too. Say you are the KINGMAKER/QUEENMAKER of the entire world. What you say goes. No one has ruled the entire world before. YOU ARE FIRST TO DO SO.
I used to use ATM's that are located outside a financial institution's building. However, I learned that somebody could attach a device to the ATM and record a customer's ATM... moreI used to use ATM's that are located outside a financial institution's building. However, I learned that somebody could attach a device to the ATM and record a customer's ATM card number and PIN, using that information to withdraw money from the customer's accounts. As such, I always use ATM's that are located inside a financial institution that are in full view of bank employees.
I've never sought it or worried about it! I've always tried my best to do my best but beyond that? No worries. Not once.I think perfectionists beat themselves up a lot and always k... moreI've never sought it or worried about it! I've always tried my best to do my best but beyond that? No worries. Not once.I think perfectionists beat themselves up a lot and always keep trying to achieve perfect.I wonder what would happen if a perfectionist became PERFECT? Never made mistakes? Would would he/she strive for then if perfection were the ordinary everyday typical standard?
All of them are THE MOST DANGEROUS aren't they?Subverting sabotaging undermining lying overthrowing?EVERY SINGLE GUANOHEAD is "most dnagerous". Who knows which one will bomb us out... moreAll of them are THE MOST DANGEROUS aren't they?Subverting sabotaging undermining lying overthrowing?EVERY SINGLE GUANOHEAD is "most dnagerous". Who knows which one will bomb us out of existence?
The GOTCHA GUY jumps right on it. You rarely ever hear from a gotcha gal.Now here's the good part. When the GOTCHA GUY thinks he GOTCHA only to find out he didn't getcha because it... moreThe GOTCHA GUY jumps right on it. You rarely ever hear from a gotcha gal.Now here's the good part. When the GOTCHA GUY thinks he GOTCHA only to find out he didn't getcha because it was PURPOSEful does he ever apologize?Don't hold your breath. The GOTCHA guy never apologozes. Never says "oops" sorry. Never. I have no idea why but I expect there is a reason..
They would NEVER do that. The peculiarly QUEER put their partisan political nutjob crackpot wackadoodles POLITICS before all else.THEIR KIDS ARE IN ICU's ON VENTILATORS FIGHTING TO... moreThey would NEVER do that. The peculiarly QUEER put their partisan political nutjob crackpot wackadoodles POLITICS before all else.THEIR KIDS ARE IN ICU's ON VENTILATORS FIGHTING TO STAY ALIVE!But the GUANO LOVES THEM! That's what they live for.
Hello:When I was in the Navy, I received 17 different vaccines. Nobody asked me. Are things different now? Should our soldiers be FREE to refuse the COVID vaccine??excon
The woman who ran the foster home for severely disabled children has been charged with multiple felonies including murder. Her husband charged with lewd conduct and willful harm to... moreThe woman who ran the foster home for severely disabled children has been charged with multiple felonies including murder. Her husband charged with lewd conduct and willful harm to a child.A 14-count indictment against Michelle Morris Kerin, 80 and hubbyEdward Lawrence "Larry" Kerin, 79.Years of physical abuse and neglect of dependent children and adults along with sexual abuse against three dependent adults.It gets worse.My real question. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE WITH PEOPLE LIKE THEM?My other question. HOW DO WE PROTECT OUR MOST VULNERABLE CITIZENS FROM PEOPLE LIKE THAT?Who dropped the ball? Who is responsible for checking such homes out, investigating them FREQUENTLY and checking the people living there to make sure they are being well cared for?How many people should burn for this? less
Just for a change of pace. Just to introduce something new and improvedJust for awhileWhat could it hurtMaybe Mocrats and Publicans can find a way to get along. The RE and the DE didn't.
No vaccines yet for those under 12? No mask mandates will set them up to get very ill which some of them are already doing.Most at risk right now? The young er ones. Now they are t... moreNo vaccines yet for those under 12? No mask mandates will set them up to get very ill which some of them are already doing.Most at risk right now? The young er ones. Now they are the ones most "at risk"So after the 700,000 Sturgeons return home how many of them will bring back a souvenir from sturgeonville in the form of a disease? Last year 600. This year a 100,000? Why not? Biggerer and betterer than everer they strive to outdo themselves in every way. Don't they?
What non-GUANOHEAD would WANT to be mistaken for a GUANOHEAD? What possible reason could there be for that?OH. TERROR if they don't? CERTAIN DEATH if they don't.?