Because they are terrified maggots that's why. Terrified maggots block, lie, fake, invent, prevent.Terrified maggots are NOT devoted to GUANO but TERRIFIED of him being as how he i... moreBecause they are terrified maggots that's why. Terrified maggots block, lie, fake, invent, prevent.Terrified maggots are NOT devoted to GUANO but TERRIFIED of him being as how he is a nutjob crackpot demon evil spawn.Wooden shoe bee 2?
Well Rand Paul the LIbertarian SUCKUP is suspended for 7 days for LYING about masks claiming they are InEFFECTIVE. Liberatrian SUCKUP has another job as a noted EPIDEMIOLOGIST righ... moreWell Rand Paul the LIbertarian SUCKUP is suspended for 7 days for LYING about masks claiming they are InEFFECTIVE. Liberatrian SUCKUP has another job as a noted EPIDEMIOLOGIST right? Libertarian SUCKUPS do stuff like that.renowned. YOUTUBE was the suspender.
Just chain rattling or something that can EXPLODE at any time?Constant barrage of the same lie is what has ginned it up. These poor souls have no brains so they are incapable of TH... moreJust chain rattling or something that can EXPLODE at any time?Constant barrage of the same lie is what has ginned it up. These poor souls have no brains so they are incapable of THINKING. It is the hate stoked by GUANO that is fueling this.Proud are all the GUANOHEADS I am sure. Very proud they are indeed of a country being destroyed before their very eyes by wicked nutjob crackpot demented weaponized adoring worshippers.Don't say you weren't warned. In fact many of you are probably part of the planning plotting or know those who are. Joyful days ahead for you. Bloodshed and maybe GUANO will represident. All you could ask for isn't it? Good luck GOD speed. ENJOY less
9 months of whining. He could have produced a baby by now! GIVEN BIRTHBut no. One trick pony knows only one thing...I WUZ ROBBEDImagine all the great things a one trick pony can ac... more9 months of whining. He could have produced a baby by now! GIVEN BIRTHBut no. One trick pony knows only one thing...I WUZ ROBBEDImagine all the great things a one trick pony can accomplish? Me too.
Because anything their ilk does/says is PERFECT(GUANOHEADS)Anything done/said by not of their ilk? GAWDAWFUL GHASTLY EVIL(The not GUANOHEADS)Ain't they cute little buttonheads? GUA... moreBecause anything their ilk does/says is PERFECT(GUANOHEADS)Anything done/said by not of their ilk? GAWDAWFUL GHASTLY EVIL(The not GUANOHEADS)Ain't they cute little buttonheads? GUANOHEADS are a barrel of monkeys fun fun fun fun fun!
Don't you ever figuratively "let your hair down", kick back, relax, go with flow effortlessly and just want to play? Is it a sin? Against the law? Despicable? For the "little peopl... moreDon't you ever figuratively "let your hair down", kick back, relax, go with flow effortlessly and just want to play? Is it a sin? Against the law? Despicable? For the "little people" hoi polloi great unwashed?Sometimes once in a while girls just want to have funBoys too I betchaNot just girls..women and old ladies tooNot just and old men tooSURPRISED? Fer cryin' out loud WHY?
"They moved the line."No they didn't. Cuomo refers to the line of groping rubbing up against touchy feely. No they didn't.He is just too obtuse to realize that saying that nailed h... more"They moved the line."No they didn't. Cuomo refers to the line of groping rubbing up against touchy feely. No they didn't.He is just too obtuse to realize that saying that nailed his coffin shut.Moved the line my A**. Sheesh. When shorn of his costume masque he is just another dirty old man.
We would ALL RUN AWAY FROM THEM AND TOWARD WHAT WASN'T.BUT NO NO NO NO NO.A very poisonous someone/something is alluringly obsessively fanatically ALARMINGLY desired. GO FIGGER.
Unvaxed COVIDS.The children increasingly are suffering for the MALFEASANCE and lack of concern care though their sperm/egg donors have shown.So much for sperm/egg donors.
Lilliputians. LILLIPUTIANExtremely small tiny diminutivePetty, trivialAn inhabitant of LILIPUTA very small personA person who is narrow or pettyYes he has a lock on them. He kingma... moreLilliputians. LILLIPUTIANExtremely small tiny diminutivePetty, trivialAn inhabitant of LILIPUTA very small personA person who is narrow or pettyYes he has a lock on them. He kingmakes them after they prove loyalty unabated.But well seriously. Of what value are they sizewise?
Yep. Over those decades he made many friends...bipartisanly.So 19 not Dems gave him a thumbs up on the infrastructure plan. It helps to have friends in high places. It helps to MAK... moreYep. Over those decades he made many friends...bipartisanly.So 19 not Dems gave him a thumbs up on the infrastructure plan. It helps to have friends in high places. It helps to MAKE FRIENDS and avoid making enemies.Some anti JOE'S are apoplectic furious enraged ready to EXPLODE! Their choice.
Literal eliminates all subtlety implication inference allusion figurative. It nails everything down and not only closes all doors but LOCKS THEM.Why is that a great good in the min... moreLiteral eliminates all subtlety implication inference allusion figurative. It nails everything down and not only closes all doors but LOCKS THEM.Why is that a great good in the minds of some? Why do they get all tantrum hissy fitty with anything else?Literal has its place of course.But figurative?Imagine if all everything were literal. No poetry for one thing. "Something is happening here. What that is is not quite clear...." That would be gone entirely.A world limited to black and white is seemingly easier for them to comprehend than a multicolor kaleidoscope that is ever changing.More's the pity. less
The house is engulfed in flames. Do they bring water to put it out? HAHAHAHAHAHA.No. They throw gasoline-laced logs on that fire to keep it burning burning burning burning as they ... moreThe house is engulfed in flames. Do they bring water to put it out? HAHAHAHAHAHA.No. They throw gasoline-laced logs on that fire to keep it burning burning burning burning as they focus on gaining POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER.As I said. STUPID EVIL BOTH?GUANO and his GUANOHEADS. That is all they care about. OBLIVIOUS to everything else it is only POWER POWER POWER POWER they value.STUPID DUMB EVIL DOPEHEADS
Apparently he is a well-known SOB who craves power and strongarms and bullies and intimidate and people were AFRAID of him. His lust for fame took over everything. He was an he**ac... moreApparently he is a well-known SOB who craves power and strongarms and bullies and intimidate and people were AFRAID of him. His lust for fame took over everything. He was an he**acious boss but people tolerated him out of fear.He was caught in many lies not the least of which pertained to the pandemic. He gave good show but underlying all of it was a liar a manipulater and egotistic monomaniacal dictator.Sweet? I don't know. All I see is what I read or hear.But it is very clear HE HAS NO FRIENDS. His kissA** brother I suppose but who else is there?Did New Yorkers know this all along? Or are they as disgusted and shocked as we outsiders are?Sheesh. less
What control do we have over how we are WIRED? Can we CHOOSE or are we doomed to be exactly what we are? The dark depraved perverted cruel seem to rule the world more and more. Are... moreWhat control do we have over how we are WIRED? Can we CHOOSE or are we doomed to be exactly what we are? The dark depraved perverted cruel seem to rule the world more and more. Are they TOUCHED BY GOD OR DEVIL? What gives them the power over others? Why do the "others" welcome them and follow them and obey them and worship them? Anyone?
We know ourselves better than anyone but I think we are also a lot tougher on ourselves than anyone would be. Except for those whose life's work is attacking insulting. Them we dis... moreWe know ourselves better than anyone but I think we are also a lot tougher on ourselves than anyone would be. Except for those whose life's work is attacking insulting. Them we discount entirely. They are of zero value.I don't know. Do you?