Is the cause of the madness of the American "head" singular or multiple too?Hi-functioning autisticBipolar too on steroidsSome rare blood disorder genetically programmedAll of the ... moreIs the cause of the madness of the American "head" singular or multiple too?Hi-functioning autisticBipolar too on steroidsSome rare blood disorder genetically programmedAll of the aboveNone of the aboveUnknown
Anything you used to do really well that you can't/don't anymore? Now I don't mean running marathons if you are physically unable to do so. That's a normal aging process thing. But... moreAnything you used to do really well that you can't/don't anymore? Now I don't mean running marathons if you are physically unable to do so. That's a normal aging process thing. But making cookies/cake? I don't get it. I follow the recipes the way I used to I think and yet the proof of the pudding is in the eating and eating it we can't do enjoyably. So we don't. I give up. Waste of time energy and money.Do you have something like that or am I the only one who is truly lousy at something I used to be able to do well? less
What word?LIARMURDERERTHIEFTRAITORBETRAYERNo makeup would cover it up. It would always be there flashing flashing flashing. Like the Vegas strip it never sleeps. LIAR MURDERER THIE... moreWhat word?LIARMURDERERTHIEFTRAITORBETRAYERNo makeup would cover it up. It would always be there flashing flashing flashing. Like the Vegas strip it never sleeps. LIAR MURDERER THIEF TRAITOR BETRAYER. Whatever word reflected what you were guilty of would be part of your face foreverafter. NO plastic surgery. No masks. No nuthin'.Could you enjoy living in that future world? That way you would know what you are dealing with 24/7. There would be no surprises or disappointments. No one could con scam anyone.What would happen to the bad guys? Would they be weeded out and eventually gotten rid of entirely? The goal would be having nothing flashing on your face. The good wouldn't need to advertise. Only the evil the bad the scum.Those who were multiple things would have a fully covered face flashing all the words that apply.LIARMURDERERTHIEFTRAITORBETRAYER less
If that is true elsewhere too what's the point of the rush for a vaccine?We know the ANTI VAX crowd won't take it. I don't know how many of them there are.But the front-line ... moreIf that is true elsewhere too what's the point of the rush for a vaccine?We know the ANTI VAX crowd won't take it. I don't know how many of them there are.But the front-line health care workers? THEY don't want it too? What is going on here? Does anyone have a clue?
That the "head" will be installed(RIGGED) again as "prez". That the valid election and the will of the people will be overturned thrown out ignored.Or do they hope not so they can ... moreThat the "head" will be installed(RIGGED) again as "prez". That the valid election and the will of the people will be overturned thrown out ignored.Or do they hope not so they can go out into the streets and start murdering people? They are itching to do so you know. All for him. To show him how loyal they are to him. How precious they believe he is to them. We know he believes he is very precious to him.On the other hand what stops them from doing that in any case? Whether the "head" is rigged into being pres again or booted out on his fat a**? Either way they can CELEBRATE by going out and shooting and rioting or they can explode with rage that the "head" is obsolete yesterday's news the lamest duck that ever was and go out into the streets and riot and murder and pillage and rape and destroy.January 6, RIOT DAY FOR THE "HEAD" mobs. How many will show up weaponized ready to fight?HundredsThousandsMillionsI dunno but it sure as he** will be a good show won't it though? I can hardly wait. YOU? less
What better surer truer way to admit guilt than to accept a pardon? These folks think they dodged a bullet and are oh so grateful for being "pardoned". They are too dull and stupid... moreWhat better surer truer way to admit guilt than to accept a pardon? These folks think they dodged a bullet and are oh so grateful for being "pardoned". They are too dull and stupid to realize they admit they did it. An INNOCENT PERSON has nothing to be pardoned for only the guilty. How can that be? I don't know. It just is. They are as a group dull not sharp.What other sap pol in the history of America had brought so much SHAME and TROUBLE to the country?What other sap pol in the history of America has been engaged in SO MANY ILLEGAL ILLICIT CRIMES some of which are or border on treason?And yet believe it or not this illicit illegal crook is viewed by his adoring worshippers as the "victim". I am not kidding you. Despite the mountain of facts proving his corruption his crimes his crookedness they insist he has done nothing wrong and only those who are jealous of him are making things up to harm him. Seriously. MILLIONS OF THEM. How can that be? Beats me. less
That GOD'S assembly line can turn out millions of them makes me think the devildogs have invaded creation.Somehow some way the devildogs have infiltrated the process and what we ge... moreThat GOD'S assembly line can turn out millions of them makes me think the devildogs have invaded creation.Somehow some way the devildogs have infiltrated the process and what we get are the frauds the cons the scammers the liars the despots the dictators the madmen AND THOSE WHO BELIEVE THEM! Why does GOD allow these defectives to even hit the market? Where's the QC department? Where's the "bad egg" separator? It's getting worse not better. Did GOD take a sabbatical after "head" took over? Does HE even know what his wreck of a sap the "head" has done is doing will do?When the cat's away the mouse will play.Please CAT come back. less
The press is the enemy. It lies all the time. The press is the enemy of the people.Don't believe what is reported if what is reported is not according to your dogma mantra rigid sc... moreThe press is the enemy. It lies all the time. The press is the enemy of the people.Don't believe what is reported if what is reported is not according to your dogma mantra rigid script. Call it FAKE NEWS. Insist upon it. Repeat it. Over and over and over and over and over and over.Millions of "apparent" homo saps are empty receptacles filled with propaganda. FAKE NEWS. The press is the enemy of the people. Fake news. The press is the enemy of the people. Fake news. The press is the enemy of the people. Fake news. The press is the enemy of the people.Reality is beyond their grasp. What isn't is what appeals to them because they have been programmed to absolutely REJECT TRUTH. All around them people are dying and dropping and falling. They say not so. The press is making it up. They have to walk over the bodies or around them to avoid them and still they insist the press is the enemy of the people. Fake news. All is fine and define. The numbers of ill and dead are distorted. What is reported isn't true only what t... less
It is queerly peculiar and bizarrely puzzling. You make a statement. "The sky is blue". Where is the accusation therein? Yet someone will show up to argue with you that blue is bea... moreIt is queerly peculiar and bizarrely puzzling. You make a statement. "The sky is blue". Where is the accusation therein? Yet someone will show up to argue with you that blue is beautiful and the sky has a right to be whatever color it wants and who are you to criticize? You think I'm joking? I wish it were.Weird people always floating around here and there just waiting to take offense at something or defend something/someone. Have they nothing better to do than find a potential "fight" even when they have to manufacture it out of their own baggage? Maybe not. less
avoiding streaks? Sometimes when I’m finished cleaning them, the windows look perfect with the car sitting there on the driveway, then as soon as I drive down the street and ... moreavoiding streaks? Sometimes when I’m finished cleaning them, the windows look perfect with the car sitting there on the driveway, then as soon as I drive down the street and the angle of the lighting changes, STREAK CITY!
SO frustrating! Grrrrrrr. ~
I just caught it today and edited it!
Mine is not cracked, split, nor broken in any way, but it has syrup on it from yesterday’s breakfast. Uggh.(Yes, I know you were waiting for that information.)~
The obvious flaw being how can we be certain someone is innocent or guilty? Right? Okay so work on it and figure it out and then let's try it out. What could it hurt? Why should th... moreThe obvious flaw being how can we be certain someone is innocent or guilty? Right? Okay so work on it and figure it out and then let's try it out. What could it hurt? Why should the guilty skate?
I always make plenty of food. If you don't have any other plans for dinner today you are more than welcome to join us...virtually. Next year maybe it could be literally. Depends if... moreI always make plenty of food. If you don't have any other plans for dinner today you are more than welcome to join us...virtually. Next year maybe it could be literally. Depends if you like the way I cook and you can travel unless you live in southern California as we do..Sigh.Happy Day one of 2021! May all your troubles be very small and few!
What is their next STUPID PET TRICK? Surely some of them have died or will. Some of them will have LONG-TERM DIRE disabilities from it. And yet they keep being stupid and are... moreWhat is their next STUPID PET TRICK? Surely some of them have died or will. Some of them will have LONG-TERM DIRE disabilities from it. And yet they keep being stupid and are so very proud of it and determined to continue it!Well isn't that swell? We live in he** of their making. How do we rid ourselves of them permanently? Perhaps they will all die off eventually. Taking how many innocents with them? I know. Friendly fire. Oops.What crap! :(
Some even go out on precarious limb that they see being sawed off and still they cling to the madman who will be the death of them...if not literally certainly figuratively.The sen... moreSome even go out on precarious limb that they see being sawed off and still they cling to the madman who will be the death of them...if not literally certainly figuratively.The senator a**hole who will step up to question the validity of the election. The house a**hole who will join in that snipe hunt. They will delay by how long the inevitability of the "head's" demise?. They will lose and ignominiously damage themselves for life. In fact they already have as have those who are so thoroughly intimidated and scairdy catty like grahamcracker et al. What happens to poor mike milquetoast? What happens to the all the girlyman weak sisters? We have never before witnessed this degree of shame terror and uncertainty. All at the hands of a loony tune crackpot wackadoodlenoodle madman. Imagine that? Don't bother imagining. It's what's here now. Geez what a bunch of nincompoops they are. less
They will always be the self-righteous oh so virtuous weakness in the plan. No way will they ever submit to anything for the good of mankind. Too selfish too self-centerred too in ... moreThey will always be the self-righteous oh so virtuous weakness in the plan. No way will they ever submit to anything for the good of mankind. Too selfish too self-centerred too in love with their own views. And so it goes. We keep chasing our tail and never catch up. The fly in the ointment. The nail in the coffin.Why not?
Will the abomination of the nation WIN? What does winning mean? Riots in the streets and bloodshed?What do you foresee and what do you want to have happen? WHY?
In the second century in China the first "fireworks" are thought to have been born. They threw bamboo stalks into a fire and they would EXPLODE with a bang because of overheating o... moreIn the second century in China the first "fireworks" are thought to have been born. They threw bamboo stalks into a fire and they would EXPLODE with a bang because of overheating of the hollow air pockets in the bamboo. The Modern colored fireworks are thought to have been invented in the 1830's in Europe.In the 2016 US Census Bureau report $296.2 million worth of fireworks were imported to America from China.98-99% of all fireworks purchased in the US are imported from China.Apparently that is something else China can make better cheaper. less
In any way you can think...for me there is none except only one thing....
the fact that i have a criminal file. I feel it hinder my life to advance as i wish .
&... moreIn any way you can think...for me there is none except only one thing....
the fact that i have a criminal file. I feel it hinder my life to advance as i wish .
But i might be eligible for a file deletion, ill have to go to the justice palace of my city to see my court case , if im able to get a file deletion.
The coming of a second savior who was crucified? Another "son of GOD"?The epitaph the headstone the eternal sloganI WAS SCREWED I WAS ROBBEDWhat the "head" will be most remem... moreThe coming of a second savior who was crucified? Another "son of GOD"?The epitaph the headstone the eternal sloganI WAS SCREWED I WAS ROBBEDWhat the "head" will be most remembered for. I WAS SCREWED I GOT ROBBED. Kinda catchy isn't it? will be the ballots counted in the middle of the night after observers/media sent home. This is also the man who hacked to GA Sen race live du... more will be the ballots counted in the middle of the night after observers/media sent home. This is also the man who hacked to GA Sen race live during the election hearing. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.
The celebration involved a baby a manger a mother and her husband three wise men a stable and a huge star in the sky.Today? Well we have the "head" who golfs whines insults attacks... moreThe celebration involved a baby a manger a mother and her husband three wise men a stable and a huge star in the sky.Today? Well we have the "head" who golfs whines insults attacks revenges retaliates. His aodring sycophants who under no circumstances want to upset him more. A virus that is taking out humans wantonly at will. A politic in which or whereby millions want to overturn a fair and just election. Senate runoffs in Georgia which could determine the fate of the Senate and the new and improved president's success or failure rate. Hate groups who are at the ready weaponized to vindicate the victim...the whinya** golfer who divots daily and complains moans groans constantly. Woe is me woe is me woe is me me me me me me me me me.Where did the baby Jesus go? Well ya see he is not important any more to the powers that be. Once upon a time he used to be but well you can't have two saviors and the whinya** "head" is the current one worshiped by all of his everyones. GOD sent him to them you see so he is surrogat... less
Allegedly dates back to the Civil War. Those peas were originally used as food for livestock.Then as a food staple for slaves.So when Union Army General Sherman saw fields of black... moreAllegedly dates back to the Civil War. Those peas were originally used as food for livestock.Then as a food staple for slaves.So when Union Army General Sherman saw fields of black-eyed peas he ignored them because of their lowly state and razed/stole other crops. During the harsh winter Confederate Soldiers survived by eating the peas and in so doing turned them into a sign of luck and prosperity.Some eat them with greens and cornbread. The peas represent coins. The greens represent paper money. The cornbread represents gold. Some eat cabbage instead of greens.You must eat at least 365 peas on New Year's day to cover each day of the new year. Eaten with tomatoes it represents wealth and health.I expect all southern rebs know that. I think it's superduper fascinating. less