That is among the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.Judge not lest ye be not judged. OMG!So the crreps and corrupted crooked criminals and rapists and murderers and cheaters... moreThat is among the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.Judge not lest ye be not judged. OMG!So the crreps and corrupted crooked criminals and rapists and murderers and cheaters and liars should get off the hook because I got a parking ticket? In what universe does that make any sense at all?I mean c'mon! GET A GRIP. USE YOUR BRAIN. THINK!
Running a stop sigh? Going 65 mph in a 55 mph zone? What judget what I do that compares to what a Hitler or "head" or devil or vermin maggot does?Seriously folks. Seriously?
He needs attention 24/7 to survive. Each attention-getting dog and pony show trick is worser than the previous one. He's gotta do dat ting to get attention these days. Who reads a ... moreHe needs attention 24/7 to survive. Each attention-getting dog and pony show trick is worser than the previous one. He's gotta do dat ting to get attention these days. Who reads a grubby torn old newspaper? Well that's all he is unless he exerts his power and you know dam* well he will push the line farther and farther. Oh wait he already done done that. What's left but pushing us all over the edge of the cliff? Next on the agenda?
RIGIDLY partisan adoring worshipper "HEAD" politics demands that you shelve your heart indefinitely so your head will follow through with what your "HEAD" demands of you. Bot... moreRIGIDLY partisan adoring worshipper "HEAD" politics demands that you shelve your heart indefinitely so your head will follow through with what your "HEAD" demands of you. Both head and heart cannot be viable at the same time for the "HEAD" adoring worshippers. Will their hearts still be there when they decide to take them back or will they have shrunk to a microscopic size and be invisible to the eye?One day we will find that out. So will they. Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!
Proof of HEARTLESSSeparating children from their parents. Losing track of where the parents are leaving hundreds of children unclaimed and still locked up in kennels and cages with... moreProof of HEARTLESSSeparating children from their parents. Losing track of where the parents are leaving hundreds of children unclaimed and still locked up in kennels and cages with mylar blankets to cover them at night. The "head" adoring worshippers say it is the fault of the parents. HEARTLESS.Pardoning MURDERERS. HEARTLESS. The "head" adoring worshippers dance around that with bullsh** reasons none of which are logical or sensible or true but that doesn't matter to them. What "head" says/does is right no matter how wrong and evil and treasonous it is. He rules he rocks he rolls 'em all the time. They LOVE him.Attacking heroes and smearing them. Because the "head" is a five-time cowardly fake bone spur draft dodger he makes light of heroism because he is so jealous of what they are that he is not.LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING day and night..night and day. 24/7! If he opens his mouth and words come out rest assured they all LIES! Approaching 30,000? DOCUMENTED LIES. His "head" adoring worshippers be... less
JUNKAnything that is regarded as worthless, meaningless, or contemptible; trash.If true how do you explain the "head" and all his disciples?Perhaps there is another maker who deals... moreJUNKAnything that is regarded as worthless, meaningless, or contemptible; trash.If true how do you explain the "head" and all his disciples?Perhaps there is another maker who deals in making JUNK and only JUNK? Food for thought. Elsewise otherwise GOD DOES MAKE JUNK, right? Which is the harder thing to believe? GOD MAKES JUNK or ANOTHER MAKER MAKES THE JUNK?
The adoring worshippers of "the head" suffer from limited crippled emotion. They adore only the "head". They HATE his critics. They also experience FEAR. They do not have the genes... moreThe adoring worshippers of "the head" suffer from limited crippled emotion. They adore only the "head". They HATE his critics. They also experience FEAR. They do not have the genes or dna that extend their emotional range to kind just caring empathetic sympathetic understanding. They cannot "feel" because they lack the wherewithall to do so. But their HATE and FEAR is very great. It operates 24/7. It is DC not AC.We do not blame the colorblind for being born colorblind. Correct? So how can we blame the inadequate iimpotent narrow homo saps from being born that way? You can tell those who are missing humanity very easily. All those who support the "head". Now they were born that way lacking the essentials of being a complete human being. Whose fault is it then and when did the inadequacy start? I don't know if we can ever know that. They have no clue whom they are what they are or the damage/harm they cause. They don't have the ability to CARE so they don't.Sad that there are so many millions of defectives isn't ... less
Instead pf fighting together to vanquish the virus some/many turn on the rest of us and try to vanquish us!Now that is quite stupid dumb if the goal is to win the war. But quite no... moreInstead pf fighting together to vanquish the virus some/many turn on the rest of us and try to vanquish us!Now that is quite stupid dumb if the goal is to win the war. But quite not at all if the goal is to give the virus lots of room to do its best to kill us.There you have it. Once again it is the FAILURE of homo saps to give a sh**. They go through life only hating fearing and harming. So filled with that there is no time left to feel anything else. Like well sympathy compassion or sadness at the loss others suffer. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. SCREW YOU. The mantra of the "head" and his adoring worshippers. We will never win with them around us. Never. I just tells it like it is. Go forth and multiply. Have fun in the sun. Do your thing. You are all that matters. less
Sure some of us care and abide by the guidelines but I suspect more of us just middle finger the scientists and go merrily on our way. I would ask why but there is no answer to tha... moreSure some of us care and abide by the guidelines but I suspect more of us just middle finger the scientists and go merrily on our way. I would ask why but there is no answer to that. It is simple and very complex.So science is always going to be behind the 8 ball unless it is can operate independently and autonomously separate from relying on people to help and cooperate. Sad but true.People who don't cooperate to achieve a needed goal suck. And so it goes. Lah de dah.
COVID 19 is wiping out hundreds of thousands or millions of human now ins 2020. That seems so strange to me that we still can't be pro anything. We are always still reactive. We la... moreCOVID 19 is wiping out hundreds of thousands or millions of human now ins 2020. That seems so strange to me that we still can't be pro anything. We are always still reactive. We lag behind the virus ability to mutate. It will always be ahead of us and we will always be trying to play catchup. WHY?
I have four siblings who have survived to adulthood, two of them my elders and two of them my juniors. Out of the five of us, the four of them have had the most strug... more
I have four siblings who have survived to adulthood, two of them my elders and two of them my juniors. Out of the five of us, the four of them have had the most struggles in life.~
The Federal Bureau of InvestigationThe Department of JusticeThe Supreme CourtGrand Old Party SenatorsAll in a day's work while pigging out foodwise golfing out liewise and hanging ... moreThe Federal Bureau of InvestigationThe Department of JusticeThe Supreme CourtGrand Old Party SenatorsAll in a day's work while pigging out foodwise golfing out liewise and hanging out lazywise. Multi talented?
Start shooting killing murdering? Set things on fire? Overturn cars? Smash windows and steal what's inside?How best can they show their undying devotion and loyalty to the "head" w... moreStart shooting killing murdering? Set things on fire? Overturn cars? Smash windows and steal what's inside?How best can they show their undying devotion and loyalty to the "head" who is right this very minute suffering very bigly in Florida playing golfing eating bigly everything that isn't nailed down tweeting and whining.They want to relieve him of his misery and give him back his presidency.Y'all are up for it right?
Ivanka, donjohnjurr, eric...the daughter-in-law and donjohnjr mistress who used to be married to Gavin Newsome of all people! They are all corrupt crooked criminals and so they all... moreIvanka, donjohnjurr, eric...the daughter-in-law and donjohnjr mistress who used to be married to Gavin Newsome of all people! They are all corrupt crooked criminals and so they all need pardoning. Others will swifly follow.Sunrise sunset sunrise sunsetSwitftly flow the yearsOne season following anotherLaden with happiness and tears
She went in the hospital and within a few days had died. So be prepared. This thing is not going away anytime soon. For months we were so happy that no one we knew had it.Then our ... moreShe went in the hospital and within a few days had died. So be prepared. This thing is not going away anytime soon. For months we were so happy that no one we knew had it.Then our son's wife's relatives who live in Mexico...older uncles and aunt...passed away. Getting close. Never met them. But well Jim met Amber so now he knows someone who passed away. It is going to get worse so buckle up do your best to comply with the guidelines and good luck to all of us.
Perhaps we should accelerate our AULD LANG SYNE and not wait for New Year's Eve.AULD LANG SYNEOld times esp. times fondly rememberedOld or long friendshipLiterally "old long since"... morePerhaps we should accelerate our AULD LANG SYNE and not wait for New Year's Eve.AULD LANG SYNEOld times esp. times fondly rememberedOld or long friendshipLiterally "old long since". Old long-ago days.Even during the worst times we've had some very good times here. For those of us who migratred from Answerbag we had some really great times way back then didn't we?To all those whose lives we touched who touched ours who are no longer around thanks.
Absolute power absolutely used IRRESPONSIBLY.There is something quite not right about that. Don't you think so? If you disagree please let me know as gently and kindly as you can w... moreAbsolute power absolutely used IRRESPONSIBLY.There is something quite not right about that. Don't you think so? If you disagree please let me know as gently and kindly as you can why you think so. Because as things stand I have absolutely no clue.
MURDERERS of innocent people who were no threat? Commuting or pardoning cold-blooded mad cruel vicious evil MURDERERS? Can anyone explain that away logically? Honorably? Truthfully... moreMURDERERS of innocent people who were no threat? Commuting or pardoning cold-blooded mad cruel vicious evil MURDERERS? Can anyone explain that away logically? Honorably? Truthfully? Anyone?Meanwhile people who might well deserve to receive a pardon who might have been waiting for DECADES to get a pardon are not even in the mix. It is all about the pals the buds the cronies and most especially the tigjtlipped ones who knew they'd be pardoned so they didn't spill the goods and the pardoner.You have the power to do whatever you want to do. Does any responsibility come with that power?If you had that power how would you decide whom to pardon? less
SAY WHAT? The current 'head"? He would say that about the country he loves? Well at least I thought he did but well can you say such things about what you love? Could you?Once agai... moreSAY WHAT? The current 'head"? He would say that about the country he loves? Well at least I thought he did but well can you say such things about what you love? Could you?Once again it is a puzzlement. Millions are left as the head golfs eats whines disparages them and the country. For how long will this go on? Anyone have any idea? Each day the attacks and rants and rages get worse. Is there a bottom line for worst or is there none so bottom he wouldn't say for this particular "head"?Every day in every way millions wait to find out their fate. 10 million or more people had their unemployment benefits cut off on December 26. What do they live on while the "head" is eating playing golf and whining? less
Republicans who want to overturn the results of the election who are very angry at other Republicans who don't.So their solution is to PUNISH, NOT VOTE. What lesson will that teach... moreRepublicans who want to overturn the results of the election who are very angry at other Republicans who don't.So their solution is to PUNISH, NOT VOTE. What lesson will that teach whom? Now the Democrats are thrilled about this possibility. We will support them in not voting for their Republican pols. Really we will. We are all for that. We don't quite understand why Republicans are telling other Republicans NOT TO VOTE but hey we don't have to understand it to support it.Just thought I'd toss that in the mix. Will they vote or stay away? Will both Dems win Senate seats? Tune in tomorrow to see as the world turns. It turns for thee. Possibly. less
Do you get irate and swear and honk and get exasperated or do you just try to sit back, relax and go with whatever flow is indicated? Back awhile California had freeway ragers who'... moreDo you get irate and swear and honk and get exasperated or do you just try to sit back, relax and go with whatever flow is indicated? Back awhile California had freeway ragers who'd shoot at someone who maybe inadvertently cut him off. Some would follow certain people off the freeways and force a stop and start a fight. That was BDJT. Before donald john trump. When life was not as fraught with peril terror and cataclysmic daily events.What happens now? More road rage more fights more shooting? The circumstances in life today are truly unbearable. how do the quick triggers, the loose cannons, the easily infuriated get through it today? less