The beneficiaries?WealthyPowerfulCelebritiesWhite probably but also if they have enough money and clout they get to be with the white folksNothing to see here folks. Nothing new. B... moreThe beneficiaries?WealthyPowerfulCelebritiesWhite probably but also if they have enough money and clout they get to be with the white folksNothing to see here folks. Nothing new. Business as usual only more will die if more need care. It's all math. Nothing personal.
EvaporateDisintegrateVanishExplodeImplodeGo rogue and never speak or tweet again foreverOr better yet keep extorting doing the dirty filthy scummy grotesque illegal maneuver. It's ... moreEvaporateDisintegrateVanishExplodeImplodeGo rogue and never speak or tweet again foreverOr better yet keep extorting doing the dirty filthy scummy grotesque illegal maneuver. It's working so great why fix what ain't broke?
He is not a scientist.He is not a doctorHe is not remotely knowledgeable about anything he talks about.He is a convicted LIAR a Congential LIAR a LIAR's LIARToo bad he doesn't just... moreHe is not a scientist.He is not a doctorHe is not remotely knowledgeable about anything he talks about.He is a convicted LIAR a Congential LIAR a LIAR's LIARToo bad he doesn't just shut up isn't it? Well soon maybe he will. LARYNGITIS for life maybe?
Why was duckhead the "one in charge" when this pandemic hit? A more indifferent incompetent leader there has never been. What terrible thing did we do to "deserve" having him watch... moreWhy was duckhead the "one in charge" when this pandemic hit? A more indifferent incompetent leader there has never been. What terrible thing did we do to "deserve" having him watch our backs?
Especially the dumbest. Can you not notice that incompetence and ignorance and especially stupidity is the hallmark at every level of operation of government?Lower the bar to below... moreEspecially the dumbest. Can you not notice that incompetence and ignorance and especially stupidity is the hallmark at every level of operation of government?Lower the bar to belowground. No one will notice. That way no one will feel rejected or neglected. Bring all aboard Let them stand at the helm. Let them guide the ship through the danger zones. What could it hurt? Don't want to hurt their feelings. Give 'em a chance. Let's see what they can do.Then when the ship goes down it was a malfunction of the design. Not the builder or the buyer. Right. Stick with that except....Let's see in America the DESIGNER is GOD. I see so we can blame HIM for all the ills that befall HIS designs?. less
Infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study. 1932-1972 40 YEARSThe CDC and the US Public Health Service partnered in a study to determine what the normal progress of syphilis would be if left... moreInfamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study. 1932-1972 40 YEARSThe CDC and the US Public Health Service partnered in a study to determine what the normal progress of syphilis would be if left untreated. 600 African America men were recruited and told they would be treated for it. None knew they were to be guinea pigs. They were told the study would last six months. They were lied to.Of the 600 in the test 399 had latent syphilis and 201 were not infected. 128 died pver that time from syphilis I expect.Why was the study ended? Because the horror was leaked to the press and so it ended November 16, 1972.Mind you the standard treatment for syphilis began in 1947 with Penicillin. These poor humans were never given anything to end the syphilis or mitigate it.600 humans, all African American, were treated as lab rats. No conscience no guilt no nothing. 40 years of scientific observation. After all science must make progress right? By whatever means necessary/possible. Right?Yes the government is cruel and evil and will lie to ju... less
The dead. The dead "head". Over an hour overheard by more than one.Now Georgia did the election fair and square and honest and legal then did a recount then did another recount the... moreThe dead. The dead "head". Over an hour overheard by more than one.Now Georgia did the election fair and square and honest and legal then did a recount then did another recount then did another recount. NO FRAUD was found. NONE. The dead "head" insists he won the state and ORDERED DEMANDED INSISTED COMMANDED that Secretary of the State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger, A REPUBLICAN do his bidding but to his credit Raffensberger refused to cave obey submit commit fraud by doing what the dead "head" DEMANDED he do. "Find 11,780 votes". What a MAFIA DON ORDERS done gets done. A dead "head" don thinks he has that same power over everyone. HE IS INCORRECT ABOUT THAT. STUPID DUMB usually is incorrect.Another nail in the coffin of the corrupt crooked criminal. BY HIS OWN HAMMER THAT HE HIMSELF KEPT WIELDING.This man is so stupid dumb he kept going and repeating and beseeching and BEGGING and GROVELING and whining and ORDERING and DEMANDING and INSISTING. For at least one hour. No one is that dumb except the dead "he... less
GOD IS NOW HEREGOD IS NOWHEREWhat a difference a space makes.Are you meticulous about your spacing? There is no room for error here. Meaning is made meaningless without it.
I could have said "homos" for short but well you know those uppity homo sapiens would come down real hard for having done so so I anticipated it and I dint.Anyway SAPS is far more ... moreI could have said "homos" for short but well you know those uppity homo sapiens would come down real hard for having done so so I anticipated it and I dint.Anyway SAPS is far more on target. From what we observe and live today. SAPS is us. We is SAPS.TOYS R US
TREASON trying to overturn a valid certified election.TRAITORS engaged in undermining the Constitution.TREASONOUS TRAITORS AND TRAITOROUS TREASONERS.Millions of you out there. Can'... moreTREASON trying to overturn a valid certified election.TRAITORS engaged in undermining the Constitution.TREASONOUS TRAITORS AND TRAITOROUS TREASONERS.Millions of you out there. Can't at least ONE of you show up and whaddabout?
The purgatory of the current life will be extinct forgotten unknown erased. In the universe what are we?INSIGNIFICANT.There. Don't you feel a whole lot better?
Be on a private plane to Moscow to live out the rest of his life out of reach of American justice.Be declared insane and live the rest of his life in an insane asylum/mental defect... moreBe on a private plane to Moscow to live out the rest of his life out of reach of American justice.Be declared insane and live the rest of his life in an insane asylum/mental defects hospitalTake something to dull the pain. Start drinking, drugging,sexing 24/7.Take that long goodbye walk into the ocean and disappear as the husbanc of the star did in a movie.
Why are some very talented and some very not?The sperm and the egg getting together determines everything that follows for the captive fetus that develops.It has no say in anything... moreWhy are some very talented and some very not?The sperm and the egg getting together determines everything that follows for the captive fetus that develops.It has no say in anything. It is brought into existence by two strangers. A product of something they had no part in designing. Fair? Of course not.
That is a horse of a different color entirely.The are ALWAYS questionting examing investigating researching quantifying quantifying actively curiositying.They are ALWAYS OPEN to le... moreThat is a horse of a different color entirely.The are ALWAYS questionting examing investigating researching quantifying quantifying actively curiositying.They are ALWAYS OPEN to learning something and seek search for won't settle for anything less than what is TRUE.Of course the simples congeal together and the complexes do likewise. They are drawn to one another and cannot settle for "the other".And so it goes. Which of them contributes more to the world? The simples or the complexes?
Literate meaning they can read and write does not make them literate in my mind. Literate means being drawn to learning and educating oneself and thinking and investigating and que... moreLiterate meaning they can read and write does not make them literate in my mind. Literate means being drawn to learning and educating oneself and thinking and investigating and questioning and researching all for the goal of becoming more aware of what is out there.Do you see any dead "head" fans spending hours in book stores or libraries reading THE CLASSICS and discussing them with anyone? Belong to book clubs for instance?They read the propaganda and listen to the propaganda. Maybe they read HOW TO manuals about how to change the oil in your car or how to raise their kids. But how to think or discern or comprehend or grasp? Odds of that are? less
Why can't the dead "head" put out contracts on his "enemies" and then PARDON the murderers in multiplicities? What will stop him from doing that? He has a few days left. He better ... moreWhy can't the dead "head" put out contracts on his "enemies" and then PARDON the murderers in multiplicities? What will stop him from doing that? He has a few days left. He better rev up and start getting more done. He is lazy and lax and sloth like but well he has to get this done. Tempus is fugiting.
Those rascals who work for BLACKWATER. Locked and loaded and waiting for the cue to just go out and do their thing.After all they were pardoned once. The dead "head" will keep pard... moreThose rascals who work for BLACKWATER. Locked and loaded and waiting for the cue to just go out and do their thing.After all they were pardoned once. The dead "head" will keep pardoning them. He can right?
All well-known as being extreme right-wing dead "head" adoring worshippers.Oh you say not John Wayne because he died long before the "head" took over? You don't believe he is "aliv... moreAll well-known as being extreme right-wing dead "head" adoring worshippers.Oh you say not John Wayne because he died long before the "head" took over? You don't believe he is "alive" somewhere on another plane plain plein of existence watching listening?Wher eis Wayne La Pierre? Why isn't he weighting in on the dead "head" effort to remain the "head" by any means possible? Or Scott Baio the idiot boy who is very unsmart? You know all those movers and shakers and impressive saps? Where are they when the "head" NEEDS THEM MOST? Being dead is no excuse for John Wayne. He is bigger than life.I wonder why the dead "head" doesnot go after them and attack them and insult them for not supporting him in his question to shred the Constitutions poop on the country and infect/defile what he hasn't already? WHERE ARE THEY HIDING? less
Is that singular all-enveloping emotion RAGE or HATE or FEAR directed toward or due to or on behalf of another?You embrace it and live for it. Why? Because it gives you a raison d'... moreIs that singular all-enveloping emotion RAGE or HATE or FEAR directed toward or due to or on behalf of another?You embrace it and live for it. Why? Because it gives you a raison d'etre...a purpose...something to live for. Without it you got nuthin'! So you surround yourself with it. Swim in it. Float in it. Abide by it. Never ever leave its embrace.I think it is represented quite well in homo sap history.It isn't love obviously.Jealousy?Contempt?Hate?Fear?RAGE?What drives those who CONGEAL together as birds of a feather speaking in one voice for one cause without ever once wondering "what else is there out there?"I dunno. But homo sap history is overflowing with it. That "IT" is immortal.CONGEALTo make or become fixed as ideas sentiments or principlesSynonymsHarden set jell solidifyLook around you and notice the CONGEALED throngs mobs crowds groups. Comforting or scary as he**?Depends on if you are congealed or not doesn't it?. less
Some folks are 24/7 dull and sour. The only thing they get off on is HATE RAGE FEAR. Well that's 3 things isn't it? No room for play or humor or calm or peace or goodness.Too busy ... moreSome folks are 24/7 dull and sour. The only thing they get off on is HATE RAGE FEAR. Well that's 3 things isn't it? No room for play or humor or calm or peace or goodness.Too busy hating and fearing and raging. No time to do anything but that. Oh and rioting is on the agenda. Weaponized rioting. Without a loaded weapon in hand they are terrified. With one? They are invincible!They are legion and a law unto themselves. The hordes mobs throngs crowds. See them coming? Hear the thunder of them running? At the end when all is gone they will attack one another. They are built for rage and hate and fear and destruction. They are the undoing. They are the Armageddon. They are our future. Oh dear. The sky is falling. less
I say the dead "head" has caused is causing and will cause deaths due to his hate rhetoric. The dead "head" encourages white supremacist racists to go out into the streets and RIOT... moreI say the dead "head" has caused is causing and will cause deaths due to his hate rhetoric. The dead "head" encourages white supremacist racists to go out into the streets and RIOT.The whaddabout says in answer to thatWhaddabout adolf hitler who gassed 6 million jews?Aren't whaddabouts adorable? Totally oblivious to the fact that when they WHADDABOUT they admit they are inadequate to the task of answering truthfully so they cast about to whaddabout.Does it take talent to be a whaddabout or is the lack of talent that leads them down that path?Whaddabout it? less
What BORNED them? What hatched them? What clone factory manufactured them?Do whaddabouts birth other whaddabouts? Do whaddabouts marry or just shack up with other whaddabouts?Do wh... moreWhat BORNED them? What hatched them? What clone factory manufactured them?Do whaddabouts birth other whaddabouts? Do whaddabouts marry or just shack up with other whaddabouts?Do whaddabouts attend the same schools to learn about the best whaddabouting methods there are?Do whaddabouts ever invent create imagine anything of value or are their talents limited to whaddabouting to justfy evil wrongdoing?I dunno. There sure are a lot of them
Same with people. You place your bet on what you think is a sure thing. A winner. He comes in last straggling dragging his a**.So ya gonna bet on him again? Only if you're defective too.
Our across-the-street neighbor's friend Gwen and she talked by phone almost every day for 60 years! You read that right. For 60 years. They shared a passion for "soap operas" and t... moreOur across-the-street neighbor's friend Gwen and she talked by phone almost every day for 60 years! You read that right. For 60 years. They shared a passion for "soap operas" and they would often be on the phone watching one and commenting on it.Gwen's mom passed away about a week ago. She was in her 90's and went to the hospital. Covid. Last Friday Gwen passed away. Covid. She never went to the hospital. So yesterday our neighbor friend Wilma informed us of that. I condolenced her but I mean what does that mean? So just be prepared m'dears for what is coming. Sigh. less
It's just mafia don being mafia don. How does he and his lemming toady sycophnats SPIN that?Ah. I know. He will say it is not him. It was fake. It was fraud. It was manufactured by... moreIt's just mafia don being mafia don. How does he and his lemming toady sycophnats SPIN that?Ah. I know. He will say it is not him. It was fake. It was fraud. It was manufactured by Dems to hurt him.Or something else. I dunno. Stay tuned. So fun. He can't shut up to save his life so he will continue demanding begging whining. He does it so well.
At noon on January 20 the dead "head" ceases being the "head" and morphs back into being just another American citizen with no protection against being prosecuted for all his crime... moreAt noon on January 20 the dead "head" ceases being the "head" and morphs back into being just another American citizen with no protection against being prosecuted for all his crimes. He KNOWS that and that is driving his madness to accelerate and grow. Just listen to him and watch him try everything and anything to escape the fate he richly deserves and earned. See dog run. See don go back to being what he always was. A conniving corrupt crook who is no different from any other corrupt crooked criminal. Average ordinary typical standard issue off the shelf American citizen.Sit back. Relax. Enjoy. less