A LOONEY BIN with padded walls because he bangs his head constantly against those walls shouting I WON I WON I WON I WON.He will never be seen again nor heard from. He will disappe... moreA LOONEY BIN with padded walls because he bangs his head constantly against those walls shouting I WON I WON I WON I WON.He will never be seen again nor heard from. He will disappear in the mist of history and futurely he will be though to have been apocryphal not real.APOCRYPHALOf doubtful authorship or authenticityFALSE SPURIOUSA parable about what happens when you elect a madmanAesop's Fables meant to teach a lesson
They're all the dackhead has you know. The white supremacist racist fascist hate groups. He won't ever repudiate them because "they like me". The deckhead is all about who likes hi... moreThey're all the dackhead has you know. The white supremacist racist fascist hate groups. He won't ever repudiate them because "they like me". The deckhead is all about who likes him. So much for the dickhead dockhead. Dick dock dick dock dick dock?
Without a place to whinya** and lie 24/7 would the duck even be around? He gripes complains moans groans belches hiccups sneezes and other unpleasant things and his peeps adore him... moreWithout a place to whinya** and lie 24/7 would the duck even be around? He gripes complains moans groans belches hiccups sneezes and other unpleasant things and his peeps adore him for it. No matter the stench that is emitted from him either intellectually or aromaly.It is what is. Weigh the two. No internet. No duck? Whatcha think?
He said they should go homeHe said "we love you. You are very special"Boy that sure showed them of his contempt disdain displeasure. In case you missed here it is againGO HOMEWE LO... moreHe said they should go homeHe said "we love you. You are very special"Boy that sure showed them of his contempt disdain displeasure. In case you missed here it is againGO HOMEWE LOVE YOUYOU ARE VERY SPECIALYour duckhead in action.
The thugs and mobs and hordes of low IQ and no education blue collar booze drinker smoking killing/murdering red neck SOB boors and hoors who stormed the capitol ON HIS ORDERS. 4 p... moreThe thugs and mobs and hordes of low IQ and no education blue collar booze drinker smoking killing/murdering red neck SOB boors and hoors who stormed the capitol ON HIS ORDERS. 4 peole DIED. Many were injured. Wore tear gas masks and dodged bullets. Well duckhead did promise a WILD day. Another promise kept.They loves the guy and will die for the guy and will murder for the guy all day long.This is all he got and they got no say in anything. Their love is worth sh** . to him. Nothing in it for him.Poor baby. Poor whinya** coward. Whatcha gonna do now? less
Big enough for say 30,000 inmates? Were there 20,000 who stormed the capitol and stole things and smashed things? Then ya got all the duckhead a**kissing toady sycophants who corru... moreBig enough for say 30,000 inmates? Were there 20,000 who stormed the capitol and stole things and smashed things? Then ya got all the duckhead a**kissing toady sycophants who corrupted and crooked and ciminaled for him.One big happy family.The DUCKHEAD PRISON FOR WAYWARD SINNERSHonor his legacy. What could it hurt? EVERYONE SAYS SO. Whatcha got ta lose?Are you a robot?
Which brings me to the point of this question.I believe some if not many of the duckhead internet defenders are robots playing at being human.Despite whatever evil he does they bou... moreWhich brings me to the point of this question.I believe some if not many of the duckhead internet defenders are robots playing at being human.Despite whatever evil he does they bounce back and defend. That is not human.So have you ever thought you were "talking" to a rigidly programmed robot and not a flesh and blood whoomin bean? How can you tell?
Dam* straight. They knew what their master expected of them and they came through for him magnificently.He plans to award each of them the Medal of Freedom for defending him. No sh... moreDam* straight. They knew what their master expected of them and they came through for him magnificently.He plans to award each of them the Medal of Freedom for defending him. No sh**! That's it. He revenges his enemies and rewards his friends. What's so special about that? Doesn't everybody?
Were there ten thousand? 20 thousand?Get Congress to approve a budget and start BUILDING THE PRISONS today. Either that or export them all to a distant island where they cohabit to... moreWere there ten thousand? 20 thousand?Get Congress to approve a budget and start BUILDING THE PRISONS today. Either that or export them all to a distant island where they cohabit together forever out of sight and mind and hearing of normal folks.Keep 'em away from us. FAR AWAY.
The country is made up of stupid dumbs, ignorants, evildoers, crackpot conspiracy theorists as well as the calm restrained intelligent logical patriotic just. All of it is indeed "... moreThe country is made up of stupid dumbs, ignorants, evildoers, crackpot conspiracy theorists as well as the calm restrained intelligent logical patriotic just. All of it is indeed "WHO WE ARE".We must needs limit or EXCISE completely preferably that part that is made up of stupid dumbs ignorants domestic terrorists white supremacists wackadoodlenoodles. Minimize their number by whatever means possible. Like committing them to insane asylums where they will be kept isolated until they die. So they can't sex it up and create more like them. It's a start. We gotta start somewhere. less
You have given this country a reason to be hopeful that we can overcome the disastrous administration of the Turd-in-Chief and his Miserable Minions. I promise to buy more pe... moreYou have given this country a reason to be hopeful that we can overcome the disastrous administration of the Turd-in-Chief and his Miserable Minions. I promise to buy more peaches and pecans.
"We have to make sure something like this never happens again."The crackpot braindead weaponized domestic terrorists who form his base will try again. THEY SAID SO. THEY SAID THEY ... more"We have to make sure something like this never happens again."The crackpot braindead weaponized domestic terrorists who form his base will try again. THEY SAID SO. THEY SAID THEY WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT. THE SAID THEY WILL NEVER GIVE UP.Heard one say they will be back with more guns.Meanwhile the pig hides in the bowels/toilet of the white house. Too cowardly to show face. Terrified of what's to come.A wretch makes me retch.
The PRIVATE PARTS of AMERICA but she smacked the crap outta him. All he has left is squealing like a stuck pig. Which is what he is.Swine. Hog. Porcine. Pig.Those GOP senators who ... moreThe PRIVATE PARTS of AMERICA but she smacked the crap outta him. All he has left is squealing like a stuck pig. Which is what he is.Swine. Hog. Porcine. Pig.Those GOP senators who stuck by him? Piggy piggy piggy. They will never be anything more than this. OINK OINK. Death rattle. Last hurrah. Alas poor yorick we knew ye well. Go to he**..the lot of you. You have failed miserably to do your job. Eat dirt. It's what you deserve. Eat dirt.
Wouldn't that DISHONOR all those presidents who served our country and did not try to overturn destroy ignore shred the foundation of our democracy?The vile evil duckhead is not de... moreWouldn't that DISHONOR all those presidents who served our country and did not try to overturn destroy ignore shred the foundation of our democracy?The vile evil duckhead is not deserving of that honor. Don'tcha think he stinks bigly?
Attempting to commit a coup?What would you do to the traitorous treasoner who tried to overturn a valid election and invalidate the votes of the American people? Who resorted to VI... moreAttempting to commit a coup?What would you do to the traitorous treasoner who tried to overturn a valid election and invalidate the votes of the American people? Who resorted to VIOLENCE and TERRORISM to pull it off?He failed because he is a failure....a loser. Lucky for us he is that.Anyway what should befall such a miserable vile evil wretch as that? Why?
MercifulPlace duckhead in solitary confinement until he dies with no access to him in any way. He disappers goes silent and he is never seen or heard from again.VindictiveBehead hi... moreMercifulPlace duckhead in solitary confinement until he dies with no access to him in any way. He disappers goes silent and he is never seen or heard from again.VindictiveBehead him and carry his head around on a pole as a target for folks to throw things at like rotten tomatoes or pig's blood.Well? Which?
What punishment would fit the crime? Death? Imprisonment for life?Would it matter if the coup attempter were mad as a hatter?Does insanity absolve the perp from liability responsib... moreWhat punishment would fit the crime? Death? Imprisonment for life?Would it matter if the coup attempter were mad as a hatter?Does insanity absolve the perp from liability responsibility accountability punishment?
Another nail in the coffin of the United States of America put there by the sh**head duckhead.More humiliation shame shock disbelief.How could this happen in America? This is what ... moreAnother nail in the coffin of the United States of America put there by the sh**head duckhead.More humiliation shame shock disbelief.How could this happen in America? This is what happens in third rate third world backwards uncivilized savage banana republicans with dictators and madmen in charge. Oh right. We do have a madman dictator despot desperate to cling to power.He should be an asterisk in history. The black eye the wart the mistake.
Well ya see it's like this. Now it will be 50 50. And Kamala Harris, the vice-president, will be the president of the Senate and so when a tied vote needs to be untied she will vot... moreWell ya see it's like this. Now it will be 50 50. And Kamala Harris, the vice-president, will be the president of the Senate and so when a tied vote needs to be untied she will vote to do so.I'd advise all the traitors and treason committers to get the he** out of dodge (d.c.). Right away. Today. Leave. Hit the road jacks and jills. Your kind is no longer wanted here. Get out.
I expect because they are disgusted and ashamed to work for the sh**head duckhead. Who wants that association?The sh**head duckhead should resign. Or be removed. And be charged wit... moreI expect because they are disgusted and ashamed to work for the sh**head duckhead. Who wants that association?The sh**head duckhead should resign. Or be removed. And be charged with having dog whistled what happened to the Capitol. It's all on him and his fauning crazy nutjob loony tune toady sycophants and the news media like faux news and newsmax and QANON. All of the bilge and scum available that have for years supported whatever the sh**head duckhead said or did.A bridge too far even for them?Stay tuned. He has 13 more days to destroy everything and leave no trace. His whaddabout adoring worshippers want him to do whatever he wants to do. They will always support him. Right? less
December 7, 1941 pearl harbor foreign enemy attacks america on american soilSeptember 11, 2001 Saudi Arabians or whatevers flew two planes... moreDecember 7, 1941 pearl harbor foreign enemy attacks america on american soilSeptember 11, 2001 Saudi Arabians or whatevers flew two planes into our twin towers...foreign enemies attacked us on american soilJanuary 6, 2021 white supremacist DOMESTIC terrorists at the behest of the sh**head duckhead attacked u on American Soil.A day of infamy like no other. Attacked from within. By montsrous madmen goaded to do so by the insane head.What will he do next? Whatever his madness directs him to do. He has the codes to blow up the world. Why not try it What could it hurt? Go out in a big bang. less
Continued to want to push on and drown everyone in their bullsh** for ten days to review the election process of each of the 50 states.Fortunately there weren't enough of them to m... moreContinued to want to push on and drown everyone in their bullsh** for ten days to review the election process of each of the 50 states.Fortunately there weren't enough of them to make it work. So what they planned as gift to the sh**head dukchead never happened. Order was restored. What had always been a mundane formality took on huge significance. It was memorable to watch and hear. DEMOCRACY survived the attack from within.
That not one of the thousands of motorized weaponized thugs who wrecked our nation's capital were sh**head duckhead supporters. It was all Dems dressed up as the sh**head fiathful ... moreThat not one of the thousands of motorized weaponized thugs who wrecked our nation's capital were sh**head duckhead supporters. It was all Dems dressed up as the sh**head fiathful just to get him in trouble.However that won't fly because the sh**head duckhead told the thousands of thugs to GO HOME. WE LOVE YOU. Yes. Seriously. He said GO HOME. WE LOVE YOU.So how do you square what he said to his weaponized lobotomized domestic terrorists and the spin that it wasn't what it looked like?
Just show up in D.C. on January 6.Well the sh**head duckhead's adoring worshippers killed 4 people...injured other. They invade the US CAPITOL and broke windows took whatever they ... moreJust show up in D.C. on January 6.Well the sh**head duckhead's adoring worshippers killed 4 people...injured other. They invade the US CAPITOL and broke windows took whatever they could lay their hands on...rummaged through drawers. Sat in chairs. Violated the sacredness of our Democracy. Like maggots and lice and other vermin they touched and broke and infected every inch of our Capitol.A strange absence of policing occurred. As if a sh**head duckhead had told them to lay off his adoring weaponized crackpots. Let them roam around at will investigating as they preferred.He sat back gloating at his power. 3"41 am his fantasy was shattered forever. Pig. less
"The power of life and death is in the tongue".Directed at the sh**head duckhead and all the calamity his words have wrought. A pox on him for having attempted a coup.A pox on all ... more"The power of life and death is in the tongue".Directed at the sh**head duckhead and all the calamity his words have wrought. A pox on him for having attempted a coup.A pox on all his facilitators and enablers and toady sycophants and adoring worshippers.You tried and failed. So go pound mud. SHAME on the lot of you. SHAME you will never wash away.Have a good life away from the United States of America. You do not deserve to be citizens. None of you do.Go cleave unto the madman away from here away from us. Seriously. You are not wanted here. Begone. less
Not eating balanced meals.
Eating at the wrong times of day and night.
Never counting calories (heck, I don’t really need to; I have an extremely fast metabolism ... moreNot eating balanced meals.
Eating at the wrong times of day and night.
Never counting calories (heck, I don’t really need to; I have an extremely fast metabolism and a taxing exercise regimen).Failure to eat enough vegetables.
Eating way too much chocolate (before thou dost protest, there really is such a thing as too much).Junk food junkie.~