I betcah he got the word out and ordered the police presence to STAND BACK STAND DOWN and not hurt or harm or challenge or impede any of the insurrectionists.EVERYONE knew this wou... moreI betcah he got the word out and ordered the police presence to STAND BACK STAND DOWN and not hurt or harm or challenge or impede any of the insurrectionists.EVERYONE knew this would happen. I won't I I TOLD YOU SO but I TOLD YOU SO. If I knew what was coming you are telling me that the security force in D.C. didn't? Don't be ridiculous!So dickhead had a hand in protecting them.
Bigmouths advocating VIOLENCE no doubt. THREATENING.Now what will donjohnjurr say since daddy turncoated on him? What will rudyg say since dickhead turncoated on him? Turncoat too ... moreBigmouths advocating VIOLENCE no doubt. THREATENING.Now what will donjohnjurr say since daddy turncoated on him? What will rudyg say since dickhead turncoated on him? Turncoat too or defy dickhead? Lots of stuff going on here so ya focus. If you're bored you just ain't payin' any attention. LOOK ALIVE! Here it comes.
Duckhead already turned on them and threw them under the bus. No wiggle room. That is how terrified duck is. Throwing his base under the bus like that without any apologies or expl... moreDuckhead already turned on them and threw them under the bus. No wiggle room. That is how terrified duck is. Throwing his base under the bus like that without any apologies or explanation. As if he never sanctioned agreed with or approved of what they did.Imagine that? All worms turn eventually right?
Johnny/juniemoony rebUnionRichPoorBlackWhiteRepublicanDemocratA hand reaches out for your help. Do you reach out back and offer a helping hand, ignore it completely or bat it down ... moreJohnny/juniemoony rebUnionRichPoorBlackWhiteRepublicanDemocratA hand reaches out for your help. Do you reach out back and offer a helping hand, ignore it completely or bat it down because it annoys you?Are you a helper healer or an oink oink squealer?
The dickhead nows what's closing in on him. He is beyond panicked. To attack the insurgents that he a**kissed the day before is a long way from him to bellycrawl. He is terrified.P... moreThe dickhead nows what's closing in on him. He is beyond panicked. To attack the insurgents that he a**kissed the day before is a long way from him to bellycrawl. He is terrified.Poor lad. How sad. You glad or mad? The cad. Bad.
If it were me and I were he and he were me I'd get the he** out on a plane to some far-off place where there is no way anyone can force him back to face up to his crimes.He has the... moreIf it were me and I were he and he were me I'd get the he** out on a plane to some far-off place where there is no way anyone can force him back to face up to his crimes.He has the plane. The question is what country wants him? He got no one.
Dickhead doesn't want to be 25th amendmented but the cabinet is talking about invoking it.Dickhead doesn't want to be impeached a second time but Nancy Pelosi and her caucus are ta... moreDickhead doesn't want to be 25th amendmented but the cabinet is talking about invoking it.Dickhead doesn't want to be impeached a second time but Nancy Pelosi and her caucus are talking about doing it.He got no one left to cover his a** his back his crap. He big cheese stands all alone and EVERYONE is gunning for him for serious now.What his weaponized radicaling white domestic racist terrorists plan to do is unknown. He cannot control them. He just created them.What does a terrified old inept coward do now? I dunno. Watch and see. Listen. less
It shows ya how terrified dickhead is. This morning they ran side by side his inciting rhetoric telling the insurgents that being weak would not get the job done with awesome they ... moreIt shows ya how terrified dickhead is. This morning they ran side by side his inciting rhetoric telling the insurgents that being weak would not get the job done with awesome they were and how they made him proud yadayadayada. Bullsh** anyway you slice it. Oh. That's baloney not bullsh**! I guess it's too squishy to slice..Now he is all aghast at what they did and attacks them for doing precisely what he has egged them to do for years!See? They cannot depend on him to support them. He is a major CLass A chickensh**!Verificable by all his prior disloyal reversals.All those wh participated in the attack he says are GUILTY and will pay for it. The prior day he said WE LOVE YOU. YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL.Today he vilifies eviscerates berates blames them for doing what he praised them for doing priorly.Of coursethat is what cowards do. That's why you ought never count on them because they will go all coward on you too. YES. I AM SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO YOU his adoring worshippers. Whaddaya think of the big guy now? Are... less
Yep. Very sadly YEP. Now who would be most apt to want to help the assaulters? Any ideas?It's always easier to achieve an end if you have a helping hand from within. Elsewise other... moreYep. Very sadly YEP. Now who would be most apt to want to help the assaulters? Any ideas?It's always easier to achieve an end if you have a helping hand from within. Elsewise otherwise it seemed to go ever so smoothly for them. As if the practiced it in advance to make sure they'd get it right.Could that be/ Of course that could be. In a world whre anything is possible that certainly is.Spies. Sabotage. Treason. Not new.
Almost as if it it were an open invitation for an invasion. The "insurgents" were almost entirely left to do what they wanted to do. Whatever police force was there seemed to stand... moreAlmost as if it it were an open invitation for an invasion. The "insurgents" were almost entirely left to do what they wanted to do. Whatever police force was there seemed to stand back stand by and watch as if they were protecting the invaders. Very odd. Very peculiar. Very queer. Very weird. Very bizarre. Political?Remember way back when the "Black Lives Matter" peaceful protests occurred? The federal authorities cleared them away from a specific location by the use of rubber bullets, baton wielding and teargas to give a very important person complete access to a specific spot for a photo op.But the Capitol assaulters who showed up at the invitation of a big important political person had a very easy time of it. Few arrests were made. They did whatever damage they could, stole whatever caught their eye, rummaged through desks at will and almost seemed to have been given blueprints of where to go and how to get there and then were allowed to simply stroll around, meander, chat, engage with one another inc... less
How often do you give yourself wiggle room to change your mind? How many keys do you wish you had not thrown away because without them you are locked outside that door forevermore ... moreHow often do you give yourself wiggle room to change your mind? How many keys do you wish you had not thrown away because without them you are locked outside that door forevermore or locked inside?
I expect that gives more protection than only one. I go out only when we need something from the market, or to get a prescription or for a doctor's appointment. THAT'S IT. PERIOD. ... moreI expect that gives more protection than only one. I go out only when we need something from the market, or to get a prescription or for a doctor's appointment. THAT'S IT. PERIOD. Otherwise I am a stay-at-home 24/7. Will that save me? I dunno. It's the best I can do.
Devotion to a man instead of a country is being reviled.Just a minute. Better rethink that.Devotion to JesusDevotion to GhandiDevotion to Martin Luther King Jr.Because of the value... moreDevotion to a man instead of a country is being reviled.Just a minute. Better rethink that.Devotion to JesusDevotion to GhandiDevotion to Martin Luther King Jr.Because of the values/principles they espouse disseminate and representHow are those ungood?So how is it and why that devotion to a despot dictator is a bad thing? To the devoted the despot dictator espouses represents disseminates what they value. True?Now the question is why do people VALUE what they do? Do you know?
Some minds are drawn to a specific set of beliefs while other minds find those beliefs absurd ridiculous banal sophomoric dull dangerous. WHY?Who decides the TRUTH? Or does TRUTH i... moreSome minds are drawn to a specific set of beliefs while other minds find those beliefs absurd ridiculous banal sophomoric dull dangerous. WHY?Who decides the TRUTH? Or does TRUTH itself vary from observer to observer? Is there an ABSOLUTE truth or does such a thing not exist?Truth or Lie? Why is it that we are at opposite poles of that reality? Or is there no reality involved at all? Only our perception of it based on our ability to comprehend it?Is TRUTH an abstract concept? Is it mutable or immutable? Do we choose our vantage point or are all vantage points the same? Can we ever nail it or is it always a moving target just beyond our reach grasp? less
Do we really think about what we think about? Or do we just fall into patterns of belief because of whom we associate with? We adopt theirs because we like them? So we embrace what... moreDo we really think about what we think about? Or do we just fall into patterns of belief because of whom we associate with? We adopt theirs because we like them? So we embrace what they embrace? How much actual "thinking evaluating examining" goes into that? None at all?Take the Nazis. What was their cause? The purity of the "race"? To exterminate that which did not fit that standard? Who or what determined the standard? How did they come to hate "the other" enough to eliminate it when possible?Is good always based on how we see ourselves? Do we ever see ourselves as "bad" or is it rather that we see those unlike us as "bad"? Which came first?The anatomy of evil and how it drives people to live their lives. Evil seems to be very magnetic/irresistible.The anatomy of good. Is it much harder to be good and do good than it is to be evil and do evil?Is GOOD ever irresistible? less
We don't of course. The question is WHY DON'T WE SEE EVIL in the same way?We see the sky as blue grass as green. We agree that dogs and cats make good pets. Why are we so far apart... moreWe don't of course. The question is WHY DON'T WE SEE EVIL in the same way?We see the sky as blue grass as green. We agree that dogs and cats make good pets. Why are we so far apart our understanding of EVIL and GOOD? I don't get it.
Like the importance of being TRUTHFULHow to recognize and avoid those who would harm them...that's a tough one I expect.Helping others as you can when you can if you can
Or are some just born BAD SEEDS? EVil at birth? What deformed defective sperm and egg needs to connect to produce a Hitler?Does madness always lead to disaster? Are some madmen har... moreOr are some just born BAD SEEDS? EVil at birth? What deformed defective sperm and egg needs to connect to produce a Hitler?Does madness always lead to disaster? Are some madmen harmless? The evil that men do....Are all men potential evildoers? If so why brings evil out in some of them and not in others of them?Are the evil very weak or very strong?Does evil attract some people or are they evil from the getgo?Can a good person become EVIL? An evil person become GOOD?How does that work?
Post hypnotic trigger would be what? Or would it be "on" 24/7?How long does a hypnotic "suggestion" last?Any of you ever been hypnotized? Or are you impervious to it? Some are. Why?
Ordering the destruction of our country is not enough to dampen the abject ADULATION the dackhead adorers find in him. If you can believe that horrible terrible awful thing. ... moreOrdering the destruction of our country is not enough to dampen the abject ADULATION the dackhead adorers find in him. If you can believe that horrible terrible awful thing. BELIEVE IT.So whaddabout it? Can you inoculate against a person who is evil dangerous corrupt or is that another thing that cannot be done?
After he is "gone" the evil he has done will live long after him. It will be manifested in the waves of white supremacist domestic terrorists. He will be worshipped in their church... moreAfter he is "gone" the evil he has done will live long after him. It will be manifested in the waves of white supremacist domestic terrorists. He will be worshipped in their churches and sanctified as a martyr and millions of his adoring worshippers will praise him and pray to him.An exaggeration? I wish. They are besotted with him. They are infected by his essence. They will get even.They will never stop believing in him and revenging and retaliating. They ARE HIM. There is no "getting back to normal". His evil will not diminish. It will grow.Ya know? less
They are primed and pumped and juiced up and the dockhead will keep telling them he LOVES THEM and THEY ARE VERY SPECIAL. That's all they need to keep doing what they do so well. D... moreThey are primed and pumped and juiced up and the dockhead will keep telling them he LOVES THEM and THEY ARE VERY SPECIAL. That's all they need to keep doing what they do so well. DESTTROY DESTRUCT DEFAME DEFILE in his name. LOYAL till they die but they will raise their spawn to do the same. They have already declared dockhead a saint you see. Saint lovers/worshippers don't fade away. Be prepared. Duckhead is here to stay. So is death destruction insurrection and violence.
Robots never "die". They go on orever and ever spouting the programmed responses.Now if we could get all his robots to follow him to oblivion that would be an accomplishment. But h... moreRobots never "die". They go on orever and ever spouting the programmed responses.Now if we could get all his robots to follow him to oblivion that would be an accomplishment. But his mobs and trhongs of white supremacist domestic terrorists have been unleashed and will become his monument..his legacy...for eternity.And the robots in chorus will be there to cheer them on. And attack the objectors. And so it goes.
While it literally can be anything you like doing most first thing in the morning or something that gives you incentive to get up. My favorite thing to wake up to is morning sunlig... moreWhile it literally can be anything you like doing most first thing in the morning or something that gives you incentive to get up. My favorite thing to wake up to is morning sunlight and warmth. Of course we aren't having much of it currently.I look forward to seeing your answers.
A LOONEY BIN with padded walls because he bangs his head constantly against those walls shouting I WON I WON I WON I WON.He will never be seen again nor heard from. He will disappe... moreA LOONEY BIN with padded walls because he bangs his head constantly against those walls shouting I WON I WON I WON I WON.He will never be seen again nor heard from. He will disappear in the mist of history and futurely he will be though to have been apocryphal not real.APOCRYPHALOf doubtful authorship or authenticityFALSE SPURIOUSA parable about what happens when you elect a madmanAesop's Fables meant to teach a lesson