Republican newby Senator Josh Hawley became PUBLIC ENEMY #1 on Capitol Hill and now is a parish.Know why ah?Josh Hawley was the FIRST toady sycophant who objected to the counting o... moreRepublican newby Senator Josh Hawley became PUBLIC ENEMY #1 on Capitol Hill and now is a parish.Know why ah?Josh Hawley was the FIRST toady sycophant who objected to the counting of the electoral college ballots. And even AFTER the carnage had hit and took place and was quelled he went back to objecting to it. HE LEARNED NOTHING AT ALL FROM THAT EXPERIENCE.He is dead. He is done. He has lost the game he tried to so hard to play. Primo suckerupper and **kisser for TRAITOR DON. He relished that role and thought it was take far in politics. Methinks it will take him OUT of politics. He is a nothing. What you scrape off the soles of your shoes when you step in sh**! He is it.Well-deserved. less
Simply depresident the traitor. Depower him. Render him impotent of any voice or any power to do or say anything anymore forever after and beyond to infinity. PERIOD.He gave up all... moreSimply depresident the traitor. Depower him. Render him impotent of any voice or any power to do or say anything anymore forever after and beyond to infinity. PERIOD.He gave up all of that as what he wrought bore fruit. Month after month he goaded and lied and lied and facsimilated and told his adoring brainless worshippers they'd have a WILD time in D.C. on January 6. He never let up on the demand for them to obey his command. They showed up and gave him the precise show he demanded of them.If that doesn't qualify to depower and dethrone and depresident him NOW what would? No. He didn't blow up the white house. But figuratively he blew up every inspiration for every legislation and every prayer and every success of every president that ever held the office. He defiled it. He is dirt. less
The horned man who face was painted red white and blue?Jacob Anthony Chansley aka Jake Angeli from ArizonaThe guy who stole Nancy Pelosi's lectern? Adam Johnson from Florida.... moreThe horned man who face was painted red white and blue?Jacob Anthony Chansley aka Jake Angeli from ArizonaThe guy who stole Nancy Pelosi's lectern? Adam Johnson from Florida.Lots and lots and lots and lots of others are being identified tracked down and nailed and jailed. Are the get a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE pass from TRAITOR DON?
Otherwise the whinya** TRAITOR DON would have sent at least a thousand tweets and retweets whinya**ing about his being cheated and having won by a LANDSLIDE (whatever the he** that... moreOtherwise the whinya** TRAITOR DON would have sent at least a thousand tweets and retweets whinya**ing about his being cheated and having won by a LANDSLIDE (whatever the he** that means). and also dipstick crackpot QANON conspiracy theories about dems raping children and then eating them. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. AGAIN. Same words Same bit**. Same level. Same same.Gone. Completely GONE. COMPLETELY GONE! :):):):):):):):):):):) Hallelulah! less
TRAITOR DON is a mental defective. All the imbecilic insurrectionists are mental defectives. All those who were on the sidelines like donjohnjurr the idiot boy watching and cheerin... moreTRAITOR DON is a mental defective. All the imbecilic insurrectionists are mental defectives. All those who were on the sidelines like donjohnjurr the idiot boy watching and cheering the attempted coup are mental defectives. All the GOP pols who signed letters refusing to accept the results of a verified validated election are mental defectives. Their families who support them are mental defectives. That is a lot of millions of mental defectives who are not incarcerated or controlled or contained or shackled or straightjacketed or in prison or jail or an sor a leanto or a carport or a stockade or a pigsty or a chicken coop or a stable or facing beheading or hanging or electrocuting or being injected with a deadly something so they die...figuratively is good enough for me. Literally? EVERYONE dies eventually. If their corrupt actions hastens their demises oh well. It's on them not me or thee.Are there more mental defectives than those who stable sane? AT the moment I don't think so (BIDEN WON BY 7 MILLION VOTES) b... less
Insurrection and treason does not fall with the purview of "diverse". It is anarchy. It is not only objectionable and unacctpable it is a huge crime for which the perp will do lots... moreInsurrection and treason does not fall with the purview of "diverse". It is anarchy. It is not only objectionable and unacctpable it is a huge crime for which the perp will do lotsa time among his own ilk. All pasly walsy cosy wozy for lots of years. They say more plans for more insurrectionist moves?I say to all the TRAITOR DON imbecilic insurrectionists "BRING IT ON YOU SOB's. This time we're waiting for you. C'mon. Dive in. The Water's fine."Stupid dumbs.
Sadly and unfortunately millions of mushbrains believe the lies and the lier lyer liar. Not swift or sharp or capable of thinking they simply buy the lie lye and are ruined by it."... moreSadly and unfortunately millions of mushbrains believe the lies and the lier lyer liar. Not swift or sharp or capable of thinking they simply buy the lie lye and are ruined by it."They stole the election from me".Bullsh** TRAITOR DON. You lost fair and square by over 7 MILLION votes. All 50 states verified validated counted and recounted and in the end NO FRAUD WAS FOUND OF ANY SIZE. NONE. ZERO.REPUBLICANS VALIDATED AND VERIFIED. If errors occurred they were MINIMAL and RARE and IN NO WAY WOULD IT HAVE CHANGED THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION. NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES TRAITOR DON LIES THE TRUTH CANNOT BE CHANGED. HE WILL HANG BY THE ROPE MADE OF ALL THE LIES HE HAS EVER TOLD. Poetic Justice. Irony? Fitting end for an unfit man.TRAITOR DON THE LYING LOSER EVER BORNED OR HATCHED OR SPAWNED OR INCEPTED.LOSER LOSER LOSER LOSER.LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIARLOSER LIARLIAR LOSERTRAITOR DON be the only president who engaged in couping the government he was SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING. SAVAGE BEAST. BUMPTIOUS BOOR. TRAITOR DON will ... less
Bare chests, ugly faces and almost untestable low IQ's.A bawdy irreverent faithless bunch. Marauders who love to spill the blood of others. see them swinging in the wind as they ha... moreBare chests, ugly faces and almost untestable low IQ's.A bawdy irreverent faithless bunch. Marauders who love to spill the blood of others. see them swinging in the wind as they hang as they continue to a**kiss TRAITOR DON 24/7. A motley crew crue. All sots. Or bots. Or snots. Or all of the above.Nightmares running amok. Token humans devoted to TRAITOR DON till death them do part.
I mean in a situation where you belong to an online Zoom-based Meetup group or other activity group that (at present) isn't holding any real-life events, and the other person is so... moreI mean in a situation where you belong to an online Zoom-based Meetup group or other activity group that (at present) isn't holding any real-life events, and the other person is someone you've not yet met in real life.
By vigorously lying of course. He denounced the Georgia election validity and denounced all results. REPEATEDLY. Thanks Traitor Don. You done at least one thing right. A broken clo... moreBy vigorously lying of course. He denounced the Georgia election validity and denounced all results. REPEATEDLY. Thanks Traitor Don. You done at least one thing right. A broken clock. At least twice in 24 hours it is correct for an instant.
I have heard you can get all the sex you want in prison. Guards won't stop you from "having a fling".So all the imbecilic insurrectionists will be imprisoned together for a short t... moreI have heard you can get all the sex you want in prison. Guards won't stop you from "having a fling".So all the imbecilic insurrectionists will be imprisoned together for a short time or forever and they get to "KNOW" one another in the biblical sense for sure. I don't know if they take turns being pursued and pursuer. Never been in jail or prison so I don't know. But as I said...I have heard.How exciting is that for them? That is the fate that awaits all of them As for TRAITOR DON he won't go to prison right away. Is itn't only treasoning or traitoring he is being charged with. IT's ll the other crimes he has committed all those other times. He has miles of lawsuits to go before he sleeps. Years in courts fighting and fighting and fighting. All his chickens will come home to roost and he will while away his hours in courtrooms not on golf courses. less
Only difference is THIS FURY will be accomplished LEGALLY. Be afraid. Be very afraid. You had your turn now it's ours. PIKERS.PIKERA person who does anything in a contemptibly smal... moreOnly difference is THIS FURY will be accomplished LEGALLY. Be afraid. Be very afraid. You had your turn now it's ours. PIKERS.PIKERA person who does anything in a contemptibly small or cheap way. Stingy. SKINFLINT.CHEAPSKATE. TIGHTWAD. Penny pincher. DEADBEAT.
The TRAITOR DON imbecilic insurrections are definitely all NITS. Lowest of the low. NOwhere to go below themNow is TRAITOR DON a dim or a half? A dim halfwit or a half dimwit? Or i... moreThe TRAITOR DON imbecilic insurrections are definitely all NITS. Lowest of the low. NOwhere to go below themNow is TRAITOR DON a dim or a half? A dim halfwit or a half dimwit? Or is he a high color nitwit?
Turnabout is "fair play".One day perhaps maybe you will have to chance to experience what they have and then maybe perhaps you will become a better person for it. Ya think there's ... moreTurnabout is "fair play".One day perhaps maybe you will have to chance to experience what they have and then maybe perhaps you will become a better person for it. Ya think there's a chance of that?Say all white racist supremacists who hate people of color for instance.Make them the targets of hate insult attacks murders lynchings. See how they like it or take to it or endure it. Or will they cry like little babies because they don't have the right stuff to survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?They always have relied on the color of their skin to get by on and thrive on. Make it so they can't. See how brave and big and strong they are then. Betcha they all whinya** and cringe and cry and whine and moan and groan. They never had a chance to build muscle or character or integrity or endurance. They were NEVER TESTED. What happens when they are? Will they overcome? Do white lives matter? The white lives that denigrate the "black lives matter" people? We shall see. One day the test will come. We shall ... less
They get to be hounded and attacked and insulted and yes ever MURDERED and lynched simply becaise their color is offensive to the whites in that life.A perfect way to teach them a ... moreThey get to be hounded and attacked and insulted and yes ever MURDERED and lynched simply becaise their color is offensive to the whites in that life.A perfect way to teach them a lesson. Whatcha think?
I think since they are all white and racist exporting them to a country where all they see are people of color would be a perfect for them to end their lives.They would be dependen... moreI think since they are all white and racist exporting them to a country where all they see are people of color would be a perfect for them to end their lives.They would be dependent on the people of color for their survival. Isn't that a perfect ending to the nightmare we have been living for 4 years?Round them up and ship them off after they are no longer AMERICAN CITIZENS.They have defiled everhthing they touch. They are not only an embarrassment and shameful but they are DANGEROUS to the health of our country.BEGONE with them. Sooner rather than later. Get rid of them. They are dead to us. less
How long can the sleep-deprived go through the motions of being "lucid" before they go totally crackpot?We know that TRAITOR DON went "around the bend" years ago. Did he do this to... moreHow long can the sleep-deprived go through the motions of being "lucid" before they go totally crackpot?We know that TRAITOR DON went "around the bend" years ago. Did he do this to his imbecilic insurrectionists or were all of them already "around the bend" when they cleaved unto him and became his adoring worshippers and pawns of destructive murderous activities? Are they primed for life to be the murderers they are now? What should be done with them when they are ALL identified? Life in prison? Banishment to another place? Stripped of citizenship? less
Chemical warfare. That would have done the trick. Have all the imbecilic TRAITOR DON insurrectionists wear gas masks or whatever it would take to save them from death as they send ... moreChemical warfare. That would have done the trick. Have all the imbecilic TRAITOR DON insurrectionists wear gas masks or whatever it would take to save them from death as they send billowing out for others to breathe POISON? Then it would have been easy peasy. And if the goal was to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi they could have done that even when both would be dead due to deadly chemicals.See TRAITOR DON and his imbecilic insurrectionists did not plan for all contingenies. Not one of them is adept at strategic anything. They do not foresee nor comprehend CONSEQUENCES. They are too drunk with booze drugs and hate to be able to think. They just react. Typical of a mob. COWARDS independently but collectively? MURDERERS! Weird how that works isn't it?Milquetoast scairdy cats turn into monstrous atrocities when bundled together and weaponized. Weird. Peculiar. Queer. Not one brave person among them. But banded together? WATCH OUT. less
Have you ever seen a more slovenly frantic manic erratic group of ugly homo saps than we saw in CLOSE UP on Wednesday? TRAITOR DON insurrectionists are uniformly very unattractive.... moreHave you ever seen a more slovenly frantic manic erratic group of ugly homo saps than we saw in CLOSE UP on Wednesday? TRAITOR DON insurrectionists are uniformly very unattractive. They painted their bodies and their faces with flags for gawd's sake. The same bunch of rowdies you see in the stands drunk as skunks at sporting events. Loud obnoxious combative stupid and very out of it all the time. I wonder what the average IQ is of the TRAITOR DON insurrectionists?. Ya know TRAITOR DON surrounds himself with low IQ folks. He simply can't get enough of them. Why that is I have no idea. Oh wait..yes I do. When you are low IQ you will follow anyone anywhere including to your death and be joyful in the march. They are easily manipulated and pretzelized and radicalized and docile and obedient and willing to be used however he wished and so he did and so they did.Low IQ. I expect TRAITOR DON has roped in every single one. Made 'em feel LOVED and VERY SPECIAL.More to come. Bet on it! less
These grotesque ugly murderous domestic terrorists THUGS promise more to come. They are so full of themselves and certain of their power they are even giving us specific dates.Janu... moreThese grotesque ugly murderous domestic terrorists THUGS promise more to come. They are so full of themselves and certain of their power they are even giving us specific dates.January 17January 19Inauguration DayWhat makes them so pompous? Oh right. TRAITOR DON approves of them. LOVES THEM. SAYS THEY ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE. What more do they need than that. Right? Stay tuned. They will continue to BRAG and THREATEN and PROMISE destruction. What a great country TRAITOR DOn has made america. Don'tcha think? less
No specific laws prohibiting THAT?White is right even when it murders destroys smashes?Really? How is that right and good?What this country needs right now is a dose of reality. Do... moreNo specific laws prohibiting THAT?White is right even when it murders destroys smashes?Really? How is that right and good?What this country needs right now is a dose of reality. Domestic terrorism by WHITE SUPREMACISTS is our major problem terrorismwise. MORE DEATHS OCCUR AT THE HANDS OF WHITE SUPREMACIST DOMESTIC TERRORISTS than people of color or so we are told. The head of the FBI has said so. And yet infamous TRAITOR DON adores them and sucks up to them and coddles them and they adore him so he gives comfort and encourages them and then safe harbors them. Because of course traitor don is one of them. A domestic white supremacist terrorist. TRAITOR DON promised to make america great again. Did he?OKAY with you because they're white and all white is good? White trash. White sluts. White pimps. White thieves. White murderers....especially if they're cops? White is always right. Right? America the beautiful if and only if you are white and extreme right wing racist crackpot. We have a lot of them. Millions of th... less
What is it most specifically that you don't get WHY "the other" loves it adores it likes it?For me there are quite a few things.Bull fightingBoxingRacing autos where the crowd is j... moreWhat is it most specifically that you don't get WHY "the other" loves it adores it likes it?For me there are quite a few things.Bull fightingBoxingRacing autos where the crowd is just waiting for someone to crash and dieHunting where the whole point is to kill living thingsJoining mobs and herds and throngs and groups where to harm is divine and they do much of itSpreading lies and rumors and engaging in bestial conspiracy theories with wacky crackpots. QANON anyoneSpending time trying to undermine my country...committing treason and traitoring ain't for meLetting my mind be taken hostage by a madman and doing his bidding gleefully and pridefully...not for meI understand NONE of it nor do I ever want to do so. You? less
Inspired by an answer or comment in this question thread that was posted by another member: more
Inspired by an answer or comment in this question thread that was posted by another member:
from the ways they currently exist, such as the ways the body grows.
Basically put, it means that all human reproductive functions, fertilization, the child-bearing years an... more
from the ways they currently exist, such as the ways the body grows.
Basically put, it means that all human reproductive functions, fertilization, the child-bearing years and/or menstruation, the production of spermatozoa are moved from early teens to later in life.
The ability for women to produce eggs and for men to produce sperm are both abated until the early thirties, AND that women’s health conditions and physical abilities were sufficient for carrying the babies to full term, giving birth, nursing, and all of the other motherhood-involved activities.
What are some of the possibilities for ways life and society and culture and customs as we know then might differ or would differ?*
*Abstract thinking outside of existing conditions and current limitations are required in order to conceptualize an imaginary scenario like this one. Please see the first word of the post.
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member (and may very well have been the cause of my most recent pregnancy scare): more
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member (and may very well have been the cause of my most recent pregnancy scare):
Facebook and Twitter have banned Trump and a number of conservative from posting on their sites. Google has banned Parler's app from their store and Apple is threatening to d... moreFacebook and Twitter have banned Trump and a number of conservative from posting on their sites. Google has banned Parler's app from their store and Apple is threatening to do the same thing if that site does not censor it's users. Facebook and Twitter have banned Walkaway from their sites. (This is a group that encourages people to walk away from the Democratic Party.) Leftist used to claim that they supported free speech. Now we see that they are the ones that are going all in on banning any speech with which they disagree. Welcome to totalitarian rule. less
There is no law against White RACIST SUPREMACIST DOMESTIC TERRORISM. If their skins were brown and they were foreigners we'd nail their a**es to the cross.But homemade white racist... moreThere is no law against White RACIST SUPREMACIST DOMESTIC TERRORISM. If their skins were brown and they were foreigners we'd nail their a**es to the cross.But homemade white racist supremacist domestic terrorists which makes up the bulk of our problem? No law. No how. No way.The dickhead pig says WE LOVE YOU. YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL.What the he** do we do with that?
Yep. The dickhead that all the psychiatrists warned us about. Come to pass they were right.The ONUS is on those who voted for him...TWICE! Dickhead enablers/facilitators. So many.
The nazis EXTERMINATED six million jews.One of the dickhead pig's true believers. How many more are there like that? All of them.The dickhead pig's daughter and grandchildren and s... moreThe nazis EXTERMINATED six million jews.One of the dickhead pig's true believers. How many more are there like that? All of them.The dickhead pig's daughter and grandchildren and son in law are JEWISH.Nuff said. Dickhead is not a pig for nothing.
How many were about him? Whinya**ing moaning groaning complaining kvetching retching? How many were insults attacks about others? How many showed emotion other than HATE FEAR GREED... moreHow many were about him? Whinya**ing moaning groaning complaining kvetching retching? How many were insults attacks about others? How many showed emotion other than HATE FEAR GREED SELF LOVE?
To show his strength. To show how many insurrectionists he has at his command who will obey anything he tells them to do. Mobilzed mental defects who love their guns who love their... moreTo show his strength. To show how many insurrectionists he has at his command who will obey anything he tells them to do. Mobilzed mental defects who love their guns who love their dickhead pig above all else.He showed us. Just a glimpse of what is yet to come. Mad as mad can be. Crackpot wackadoodlenoodle nutjob whom his equally crackpot insurrectionists just adore and are willing to die for and certainly willing to murder for.Impressed are ya? Stay tuned. The dickhead pig has only just begun. OHBOY.
They are all clearly INSANE.But mental asyluming 74 million crackpots may not be physically feasible. Can we auction them off to other countries? To be used in experiments perhaps?... moreThey are all clearly INSANE.But mental asyluming 74 million crackpots may not be physically feasible. Can we auction them off to other countries? To be used in experiments perhaps? Nothing deadly or deforming or crippling. Just well you know use them by giving them tests to pass which determine the degree of their insanity. Upsurge downsurge even steven?It would be a captive dependable test base free of charge. Different trials and tests and challenges and hoops and obedience training could be documented and shared with other loony tune bins. Knowledge of how to deal with the mentally deficient could help those crackpots to be born futurely.Of course if no one buys them we'd be stuck. We can't just let them sink or swim or float so we'd have to house them. So we'd need 74 buildings each housing one million crackpots. Which states are big enough and empty enough of population to accommodate that? All red states of course because well they like to take care of their own kind. Montana? Wyoming? The Dakotas? I dunno... less