The Cabinet cannot do it without him. He is an essential part and so his reluctance stops it dead in its tracks. The Founding Fathers did not count on a spineless wimp who even aft... moreThe Cabinet cannot do it without him. He is an essential part and so his reluctance stops it dead in its tracks. The Founding Fathers did not count on a spineless wimp who even after HE IS THROWN UNDER THE BUS by the president WILL NOT do anything to hasten his ouster.Why that is I do not know. Do you? Remaining loyal to a poisonous snake who bit you? This in smart because?
Of course they are all the imbecilic insurrectionists who are now his children and grandchildren sent out to avenge his humiliation his shame his LOSS his REJECTION by a nation!The... moreOf course they are all the imbecilic insurrectionists who are now his children and grandchildren sent out to avenge his humiliation his shame his LOSS his REJECTION by a nation!They will sex it up 24/7 to produce more like them This is now a forever thing of avenging "angels" bent on making everyone pay for the LOSER'S MOST LOATHESOME LOSS! Truth rallied and won. Imagine that? TRUTH RALLIED AND WON! LOATHESOME TO THE CONGENITAL LIAR! TRUTH WON!That cannot be tolerated. He is old and obese and lethargic and is a coward. However his imbecilic insurrectionists are not any of that. They are weaponized lobotomized adoring gun lovers whose only goal and purpose in life from now on? AVENGING the TRAITOR DON WATERLOO. Sigh. And so it goes. less
Well veep mike pence is now targeted to be lynched. There is a NOOSE with his name on it.I bet he is shocked that those 4 years meant nothing.I wonder if mike pence regrets how he ... moreWell veep mike pence is now targeted to be lynched. There is a NOOSE with his name on it.I bet he is shocked that those 4 years meant nothing.I wonder if mike pence regrets how he spent the last 4 years of his life? Would you if you were he him?
If true it shows to go ya how little IQ matters when what you do is stupid dumb and when it doesn't work you keep doubling down.What they did was stupid dumb. Even after the attack... moreIf true it shows to go ya how little IQ matters when what you do is stupid dumb and when it doesn't work you keep doubling down.What they did was stupid dumb. Even after the attack they kept on keeping on the track of STUPID DUMB.Allegedly they are STILL stupid dumbing their way through every day despite the 5 deaths, the terrible invasion, the destruction and what is promised is coming at us. by the TRAITOR DON imbecilic insurrectionists!This is smart? By what standard? A den of insane mental defects will have a couple who are "smarter". Big deal.I am not impressed. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are really big DUMBBELLS. By my standard. less
Say ya got a military guy...LEADER. What are the qualities essential to his doing a good/great job? Dedicated diligent disciplined. For Starters. So if one gets outed for a roll in... moreSay ya got a military guy...LEADER. What are the qualities essential to his doing a good/great job? Dedicated diligent disciplined. For Starters. So if one gets outed for a roll in the hay with a mistress or a slut doesn't that reflect very poorly on the character of said person? If he can't even keep his hormones in check what good is he on a battlefield or in a WAR ROOM?Interrupted development? STUCK in adolescence? Some hot dame comes along and he is all game for whatever she is up for? SERIOUSLY?Whatever.How many adolescent retarded-development adults are there in seats of power calling the shots?Scary thought. less
The enemy within is always more ferocious and hating than the enemy without.ET TU BRUTE?A blessing that my parents did not live to see this day in the country they CHOSE to be thei... moreThe enemy within is always more ferocious and hating than the enemy without.ET TU BRUTE?A blessing that my parents did not live to see this day in the country they CHOSE to be their homes. Where they CHOSE to raise their family because it was so much better than where they came from. SO MUCH BETTER.Well that was then and this is now. What a difference a few decades makes. You can turn anything into sh** if you put your mind to it. TRAITOR DON has sh**ified the country. All kudos to him. Who else could have done such a fine job of it? The SH**maker. less
Took a SELFIE with the insurrectionists. Is taking a selfie aiding and abetting? It sure as he** ain't policing or copping. I forget what the other one did but probably aided and a... moreTook a SELFIE with the insurrectionists. Is taking a selfie aiding and abetting? It sure as he** ain't policing or copping. I forget what the other one did but probably aided and abet. How sad is that?
A bimbo bottle blond standing beside a male trump said "we will TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK". That was one inciter COUPLE. Then we saw rudyg gin up and stoke the flames of the insurrecti... moreA bimbo bottle blond standing beside a male trump said "we will TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK". That was one inciter COUPLE. Then we saw rudyg gin up and stoke the flames of the insurrectionists. Then we saw the Master inciter stokerupper chaos maker TRAITOR DON do the final COUP DE GRACE. And then well the imbecilic insurrectionists did as they were instructed to do multiple times. Marched to the Capitol and broke in.So inspiring. So dramatic. So exciting.Promised more to come. Of course the lameduck TRAITOR is banned from spreading his lies around like cow poop as he used to. Also he will no longer have any power. But the other inciters? They will continue and carry on stoking and inciting and riling up until they are put in prison too. Anything for their country. Heartwarming. less
They are in charge. TRAITOR DON has stepped aside.They have informed us that on January 16 or some teen they will appear in EVERY STATE CAPITOL as well as in D.C. armed and angry a... moreThey are in charge. TRAITOR DON has stepped aside.They have informed us that on January 16 or some teen they will appear in EVERY STATE CAPITOL as well as in D.C. armed and angry and hostile. They will replicate what occurred on January 6 only this time they will use the wrist ties and the nooses and all the bullets. They mean business.They'll just keep sexing together to make more babies who will carry on their tradition of sedition. Lock em up and throw away they key matters not. Their spawn will multiply GEOMETRICALLY and always be there hovering controlling demanding taking breaking shaking destroying.TRAITOR DON's great legacy. Isn't he amazing? less
Nancy Pelosi's location. Allegedly.What is the name of this republican vermin slut hoor? Lauren Opal Boebert representing the 3rd district of Colorado.SHE LOVES GUNSShe HATES COVID... moreNancy Pelosi's location. Allegedly.What is the name of this republican vermin slut hoor? Lauren Opal Boebert representing the 3rd district of Colorado.SHE LOVES GUNSShe HATES COVID RESTRICTIONSSUPPORTS QANONShe is now being invited to get the he** out and take her insurrectionist a** away. Inside job. How many of these traitors were there inside aiding and abetting the imbelic TRAITOR DON insurrectionists? I dunno but you do the math. HOW DID THEY KNOW WHERE TO GO? DUH! They were told where to find certain pols and their offices to do maximum damage. They were told by the republican treason traitor polsThe more you know the angrier you get and the sadder you feel. How many republican pol traitors are there here?Well I guess they're gonna show us now aren't they? Of course.. less
Their next performance allegedly?On January 16 in every capitol of every state they will show up loaded for bear drunk as skunks and high as kites ready to attack destroy harm stea... moreTheir next performance allegedly?On January 16 in every capitol of every state they will show up loaded for bear drunk as skunks and high as kites ready to attack destroy harm steal trash and murder all TRAITOR DON dislikers. 50 of 'em at once. Count 'em. 50 of 'em. Oh and also in the territory of D.C. which is NOT a state.Mark your calendars. The tail of the dog is in the change now. Weaponize and join them or stay out of their way. They spoke. They are law. Let the games begin.
When did DEMOCRATS break into the Capitol armed with loaded guns and nooses planning to murder, take hostage, hang targeted pols? WHEN? WHEN?WHEN did a crackpot "president" turncoa... moreWhen did DEMOCRATS break into the Capitol armed with loaded guns and nooses planning to murder, take hostage, hang targeted pols? WHEN? WHEN?WHEN did a crackpot "president" turncoat TRAITOR TREASON to goad the mad mob into doing it?WHEN WHEN WHEN WHENYou know where you can shove your WHADDABOUT? Where the sun don't shine. Sheesh.,
Among the things the imbecililc TRAITOR DON insurrectionists took with them on their assault was a NOOSE for Nancy Pelosi and a NOOSE for Mike Pence. The imbecilic TRAITOR DON insu... moreAmong the things the imbecililc TRAITOR DON insurrectionists took with them on their assault was a NOOSE for Nancy Pelosi and a NOOSE for Mike Pence. The imbecilic TRAITOR DON insurrections were planning to hang each of them from raters to be photographed.Nice folks aren't they? A little exuberant but nice right? White nice. Hate nice. Crackpot nice. Also deranged unhinged and dangerous.
Contributions to Republicans are drying up or being withdrawn.The republicans who OBJECTED to Joe' win are being excoriated back home in editorials and by constituents. The people ... moreContributions to Republicans are drying up or being withdrawn.The republicans who OBJECTED to Joe' win are being excoriated back home in editorials and by constituents. The people they represent tell them they SUCK. The contributors tell them contributions have DRIED UPThe Traitor Don Golf course will no longer hold a PGA tournament. IT HAS BEEN WITHDRAWNSeems like being a Republican who supported the TRAITOR DON even after the insurrection attempt failed ARE PAYING THE PRICE for STUPID DUMB and GUESS WRONG and BETTING ON THE WRONG HORSE.Well-deserved.Being stupid dumb always carries a price tag. So well-deserved. All these stupid dumbs deserve everything they get. And more. More to come. Wait and watch. More to come which they ain't gonna like. less
TRAITOR DON used it too to spread his domestic hate.Every avenue is being cut off/to strangle these VIOLENT HATE-FILLED crackpots. Slithering away to start life raft sites?ROACHES ... moreTRAITOR DON used it too to spread his domestic hate.Every avenue is being cut off/to strangle these VIOLENT HATE-FILLED crackpots. Slithering away to start life raft sites?ROACHES and MAGGOTS is what they are. Multiplying at WARP SPEED.ROACH and MAGGOT poison sprays are out there. USE 'EM. Figuratively of course.
Why do the deadbeat cheapskate selfish CAPITALISTS crySocialism socialism socialism?Incapable inadequate inferiors right? Other countries MAKE IT WORK. They are embarrassingl... moreWhy do the deadbeat cheapskate selfish CAPITALISTS crySocialism socialism socialism?Incapable inadequate inferiors right? Other countries MAKE IT WORK. They are embarrassingly untalented.Case closed. The rich will always get all. The poor will be called lazy bums who want welfare handouts.Thus it is written. America is inept impotent inadequate ill-prepared to do both. Also complete indifferent disitnerested and dismissive.
How much d'ya think all our secrets are worth?He is hoping for a BIDDING WAR to jack things up.You know how that works when someone pays OVER MARKET VALUE for anything? Well that's... moreHow much d'ya think all our secrets are worth?He is hoping for a BIDDING WAR to jack things up.You know how that works when someone pays OVER MARKET VALUE for anything? Well that's him to a T. Jacking people around and jerking them up. Lots of money out for the billioaire. Will he hold out to be a trillionaire? Stick around.
Presidential PARDONS are a laughingstockEXECUTIVE Decisions are a laughingstockAwarding of the MEDAL OF FREEDOM is a laughingstockAll ruined by he who is a ruiner.Replace them but ... morePresidential PARDONS are a laughingstockEXECUTIVE Decisions are a laughingstockAwarding of the MEDAL OF FREEDOM is a laughingstockAll ruined by he who is a ruiner.Replace them but reword them and rethink them. As they were they did not work. Of course that is because of the madman invoking them. Even so how do we know "the great unwashed" won't elect another one like him?We have to protect ourselves as best we can from what may come as a result of him.Any ideas how it can be effected?
The "he" is of course TRAITOR DON and the describer is someone who was in the same room with him witnessing the tragendy unfolding on TV.You see what he is then.DELIGHTED and EXCIT... moreThe "he" is of course TRAITOR DON and the describer is someone who was in the same room with him witnessing the tragendy unfolding on TV.You see what he is then.DELIGHTED and EXCITED about the tragedy in progressCONFUSED about why everyone watching it wasn't also delighted and excited
They are like NYPHOMANIACS who can't get enough sex and hoor around 24/7 to get sex at any cost.NYMPHOMANIAC and the male counterparts thereof of sex obsessed only they are doing i... moreThey are like NYPHOMANIACS who can't get enough sex and hoor around 24/7 to get sex at any cost.NYMPHOMANIAC and the male counterparts thereof of sex obsessed only they are doing it outwardly with weapons to murder the very people they obsess about sexually. Maybe. Maybe not. How do you know precisely what drives depraved perverts like TRAITOR DON and all his imbecilic insurrectionists and their admirers and devotees who think they're all sexy as he** and HOT STUFF. They get off on it vicariously apparently and they can't get enough of it. A section of a public heading straight for HE** where they will burn there together together forever forever FANTASIZING about it 24/7. Entwined in each other. Stuck together forever. And ever. And ever. And ever.Go figger. less
There are hostile foreign countries that undoubtedly hate us...Russia, China, North Korea, Iran? Others?In America there are white supremacist domestic terrorists who HATE fellow a... moreThere are hostile foreign countries that undoubtedly hate us...Russia, China, North Korea, Iran? Others?In America there are white supremacist domestic terrorists who HATE fellow americans so much they are willing to murder them. Their hate directed toward people of color/democrats is A GREAT HATE ON STEROIDS amplified by TRAITOR DON who is blamed for having RADICALIZED THEM. A GREAT GREAT GREAT HATE beyond that ever known.What is the puzzlement?WHY? Why does their HATE exist at such a level? Where did it originate? Why is it allowed to propagate penetrate irritate exasperate exacerbate? Are they BORN to HATE GREAT or are they nurtured and guided and instructed and lied to and brainwashed to HATE SO GREAT? We know the TRAITOR DON instigated and threw gas on the fire and kept at it kept at it kept at it. WHY?You're not stupid or dumb or blind. You've noticed it too. So WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY? less
Only five died. No one was hanged. The imbilcilic TRAITOR DON insurrectionists came equpped with loaded weapons, NOOSES, WRITE TIES meaning full well to kill murder as many as they... moreOnly five died. No one was hanged. The imbilcilic TRAITOR DON insurrectionists came equpped with loaded weapons, NOOSES, WRITE TIES meaning full well to kill murder as many as they could.They were also given INSIDE INFORMATION Of how to get to Nancy PELOSI'S office where they rummaged through stole and damaged things. Now they could not possibly have accidentally happened upon it.INSIDE JOB. Think Josh Hawlye Ted Cruz Donjohnjurr TRAITOR DON rudyg and all the crooked corrupt criminals TRAITOR DON already done pardonest.YEP COLLUSION AND CONSPIRACY FROM WITHIN.What are the chances we will identify and CRUCIFY the traitors within who were responsible for aiding and abetting the damage? We will not stop until we excise every one of the TRAITORS AND TREASONMAKERS. Shocking? Not at all. The TRAITOR DON depths of depravity know no bounds. Sadly. less
If not THEN then WHEN? January 19? January 20?They bare so stupid dumb they will come back. I do believe the powers that be will be waiting for them.So how d'ya want it all to go down? Why?
Others who are astute and aware don't even have to be told "NO". They can sense it coming and stop before it has to be expressed.Are there more thick heads around that those who ar... moreOthers who are astute and aware don't even have to be told "NO". They can sense it coming and stop before it has to be expressed.Are there more thick heads around that those who are astute?Are they born that way or does society make them that way?I dunno but I much prefer those folks who can "read between the lines" "see the handwriting on the wall" without having to be hit over the head with baseball bat. Even them some don't get it. That's what being thickheaded is. Impervious. RIGID. PETRIFIED. MARBLEIZED. TRAITOR DON and his imbecilic insurrections are all thickheaded petrified rigid marbleized. So are his toady sycophants and adoring worshippers. Odd that. less
For the cluelessXXX means THE ENDIn 1859 the number 30 was used as shorthand for "THE END" or "NO MORE" in the Western Union "92 Code".Also back in the day when everything was writ... moreFor the cluelessXXX means THE ENDIn 1859 the number 30 was used as shorthand for "THE END" or "NO MORE" in the Western Union "92 Code".Also back in the day when everything was written longhandX meant the END of a sentenceXX meant the END of a paragraphXXX meant the END of the storyWhen does the TRAITOR DON story END? Haven't we suffered long enough already? GET THEE GONE SATAN! HIT THE ROAD JACK. GET THe HE** OUT you treasonous traitor and take all your ilk with you. You are NOT WANTED. REJECTED. DEAD MEAT. SPOILED. RANCID. POISONOUS. PERSONA NON GRATA. DESPICALBE. DESPISED. less
What day would you like to go back to so you could redo it. Make a different decision. What effect would that have had best case?If you say there is NOTHING you would change I'm so... moreWhat day would you like to go back to so you could redo it. Make a different decision. What effect would that have had best case?If you say there is NOTHING you would change I'm sorry but I don't believe you.
If you do could you please explain it to me in the simplest of terms?Truth. Justice. Honor. Integrity. Cooperation. Amelioration. Consideration. Respect.Now they are all epithets t... moreIf you do could you please explain it to me in the simplest of terms?Truth. Justice. Honor. Integrity. Cooperation. Amelioration. Consideration. Respect.Now they are all epithets that those who adore the DARK ridicule mock and revile. WHY?Depraved deviate operate best in the dark where no one can see what they are doing. Plots are hatched in the dark. Murders most egregious occur very often in the dark. Evil exists full blow in the dark.Avoiding the light as if it were death itself is what millions of people choose to do. What is wrong with them? Emotional mentally spiritually defective obviously. And growing more and worse and bigger. Are we doomed?We insurrect against truth. We treason against our own people. We treachery and vilify and attack and insult whatever isn't our own ilk. WHY? less