Isn't that a cold beet soup served with sour cream? I have only ever had PICKLED beets. I don't know what beet soup with sour cream tastes like. Do you? Any BORSCHT lovers out there?
Traitorous treasoning is the way that happens. Traitorous treasoning from the "head". Traitorous treasoning that all the dumb cluck duck quacks embrace support defend. TRAITOROUS T... moreTraitorous treasoning is the way that happens. Traitorous treasoning from the "head". Traitorous treasoning that all the dumb cluck duck quacks embrace support defend. TRAITOROUS TREASONING makes america great again. NO KIDDING? No kidding. Traitorous treasoning absent seaoning reasoning. How cool is that?
The dipstick QANONS are based on that crap and they are getting more and more gullibles to believe in them. So Iran and Russia and China and North Korea and everyone out there know... moreThe dipstick QANONS are based on that crap and they are getting more and more gullibles to believe in them. So Iran and Russia and China and North Korea and everyone out there knows where to infiltrate and brainwash the braindead. AMERICA IS BEST FOR THAT! Thanks to the dumb cluck duck of course. All credit goes to him for releasing them from their bottles. Sigh. What more can the dumb cluck duck do for your? Stick around. You'll find out!
Folks will see his mouth nonstop moving constantly. Will the camera be on the mime all the time or will they be on Joe sometimes? Tune in. Find out. Give a shout.
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
Trump is junk too. So of course they find value in him. Junk food is tasty to them. Junk ideas are for those who live the world of wackadoodlenoodle crackpot conspiracy theory coll... moreTrump is junk too. So of course they find value in him. Junk food is tasty to them. Junk ideas are for those who live the world of wackadoodlenoodle crackpot conspiracy theory collusion deep state child sex trafficking and cannabalism and tinfoil hats. Junk ideals? Here's one. The dumb cluck duck was sent to them by GOD to save them. He is the chosen one. So all they will ever hope for and believe in IDEALLY is all tied up in a dumb cluck duck. It figgers.
Early on the dumb cluck duck said he thought Joe was on drugs and should take drug tests.I think taking a DRUG TEST today before the debate is an EXCELLENT IDEA. See what kind of T... moreEarly on the dumb cluck duck said he thought Joe was on drugs and should take drug tests.I think taking a DRUG TEST today before the debate is an EXCELLENT IDEA. See what kind of TRANQUILIZER is in the blood of the duck.They take elephants down by shooting them with tranquilizer shots. Puts them out so the elephants can be carted away to some other wherever.Same with the dumb cluck duck. For him to be civil respectful polite he will have to be shot up with massive amounts of tranquilizers and mood changers and character traits of an adult. What could it hurt? Everyone says so. Gonna watch? less
Photos of REAL LIVE PEOPLE who rely on the Affordable Health Care Act to stay alive.Matters not. The pigs are in power and the oinks are very loud.The amy dame WILL BE CONFIRMED ON... morePhotos of REAL LIVE PEOPLE who rely on the Affordable Health Care Act to stay alive.Matters not. The pigs are in power and the oinks are very loud.The amy dame WILL BE CONFIRMED ON MONDAY AND BECOME THE NEWEST JUSTICEKangaroo Court in reverse.WHATTA KUNTRY.Welcome to the dingbat dame who will sit in the place once sat in by RUTH BADER GINSBERG. That she dares is astonishing. Some call her very DISTINGUISHED. Yes indeed she is. For her views and her rulings and her heartless cold calculated aloofness and her 85% siding with the corporations and her constant consistent lack of caring for we the people. She is a good fit for the other "justices". May she wave forever. Wherever.A traitor to her gender the opposite of her predecessor. But then that is part of the charm isn't it? That she is such a good fit with what we have today in the dumb cluck duck coven of quacks cons mers liars.Sheesh. Shameful. They shoullda done it in a basement somewhere out of sight of everyone. A shameful thing. A terrible thing. An ... less
COVID 19 for six-twelve weeks will be the darkest time. Worse than before Per a SCIENTIST who is an expert in PANDEMICS. Dumb cluck duck is doing his part to ensure it by holding e... moreCOVID 19 for six-twelve weeks will be the darkest time. Worse than before Per a SCIENTIST who is an expert in PANDEMICS. Dumb cluck duck is doing his part to ensure it by holding ego hate virus rallies in many states every day.Hostile foreign countries are hacking in and distributing disinformation. Iran and Russia are sending threatening emails to voters whose addresses they hacked and political affiliation. VOTE FOR DUCK OR ELSE. No kidding. Google it.The dumb cluck duck has dog whistled to his vast army of weaponized dingbats from all the domestic terrorist groups and they are just waiting for him to drop the flag and off they'll go shooting everything in sight that doesn't wear a MAGA hat. Can't you hear them revving their engines? Ready Set GO!Climate Change is making our weather far worse so we have intensified challenges like fires and floods at the worst possible time. Mudslides name it...we're experiencing it.Whinya** snowflakes and feathers too delicate and sensitive to BUCKLE DOWN AND... less
Here's the truth.Per Dr. Osterholm(sp?) "the next six to twelve weeks will be our darkest time and much worse than before".So a scientist tells us we're head for up to THREE MONTHS... moreHere's the truth.Per Dr. Osterholm(sp?) "the next six to twelve weeks will be our darkest time and much worse than before".So a scientist tells us we're head for up to THREE MONTHS OF WORSE and the dumb cluck duck says "we are turning the corner"? Well he doesn't say what corner or where it is going to take does he?Whattan a**m the dumb cluck duck is. The world's first ducka**!.
That son of an itch the moscow jacka** REFUSED to interview or allow a vote to be taken on the justice President Obama HAD THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE TO REPLACE ANTONIN SCALIA WHO DIED 11... moreThat son of an itch the moscow jacka** REFUSED to interview or allow a vote to be taken on the justice President Obama HAD THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE TO REPLACE ANTONIN SCALIA WHO DIED 11 MONTHS BEFORE THE END OF PRESIDENT OBAMA'S TIME IN OFFICE. REFUSED TO INTERVIEW OR TAKE A VOTE. REFUSED REFUSED REFUSED REFUSED REFUSED!FURTHER the son of an itch the moscow jacka** said it is his proudest achievement...blocking a president from replacing a SCOTUS justice pick. STRIKE ONE'Then the senate passed the bigly beer drinker who was accused of sexual assault. The guy was very proud of LOVING his beer and was very crude and rude. He was assented to too. STRIKE TWOWITH DAYS TO GO BEFORE THE END OF THE DUCK CHOKEHOLD the son of an itch moscow is SHOVING UP OUR A**ES a pathetic excuse for a justice in the form of the dame amy who is extra super right wing conservative and will overturn Roe vs Wade and END the Affordable Health Care ACT. A sure thing. A no brainer. A dimwit lightweight who is an obedient little woman and doe... less
Christy said he regrets not wearing a mask.He went maskless around the duck. Then got the virus and got quite hill. He recovered but is singing a song of REGRET. WEAR A MASK. It is... moreChristy said he regrets not wearing a mask.He went maskless around the duck. Then got the virus and got quite hill. He recovered but is singing a song of REGRET. WEAR A MASK. It isn't perfect but it's a very necessary thing to do. WEAR A MASK. WEAR A MASK WEAR A MASK.We await the rage of the dumb cluck duck. How will he take a go at Christy? Another enemy for the duck of course.
The dumb cluck duck wants amy dame to be confirmed before the election giving him a 6-3 court. He then expects that court to decide the election in his favor. Of course he expects ... moreThe dumb cluck duck wants amy dame to be confirmed before the election giving him a 6-3 court. He then expects that court to decide the election in his favor. Of course he expects to lose the election. Why else would he be so FRANTIC to rig the court in his favor?.WHAT IF SCOTUS refuses to hear the case and RECUSES ITSELF since 3 of the justices will have been appointd by the dumb cluck duck making them in the middle of conflict of interest?The dumb cluck duck ambulance chaser shyster lawyers present the case to SCOTUS and SCOTUS rejects it out of hand. What does the dumb cluck do then?Now could that happen? Why not? We live in a world of "anything is possible". So why not? less
Don't hold your breath! "They" are doing what they think is best. CONTAIN HIM AND STIFLE HIM AND SHUT HIM THE F UP!NOW they jump in. Is it too late? Will he sneak around star... moreDon't hold your breath! "They" are doing what they think is best. CONTAIN HIM AND STIFLE HIM AND SHUT HIM THE F UP!NOW they jump in. Is it too late? Will he sneak around start crapsh** tweeting the way he always does? Place yer bets. There are more of THEM than there is/are of him.Why did they wait till the barn was empty and the horse is gone? The train left the station years ago. WHY NOW?Stay tuned. This is getting really weirdly peculiarly singularly queerly curioser.
It was written over many decades by many people....male people.THE COUNCIL OF NICAE decided what would be included and what would be excluded. Politics in the church was always act... moreIt was written over many decades by many people....male people.THE COUNCIL OF NICAE decided what would be included and what would be excluded. Politics in the church was always active and powerful. Even then there was SPIN. THere were NO WOMEN on that council.Men wrote what we are told GOD inspired them to write. MEN decided which versions of which inspired writers would be sanctified as being worthy of being included. Notice the almost complete absence of women? THAT WAS NOT GOD'S doing. GOD does not PREFER men to women. Unless your version of GOD does in which case if that belief comforts you by all means cling to it.So the BIBLE as it finally evolved, YOUR VERSION, is absolutely THE WORD OF GOD? Okay. Whatever you say. less
These days the more folks have the more they want and the less they are satisfied with what they have.Logically it makes NO SENSE. But well it is what it is. Isn't it? They are wha... moreThese days the more folks have the more they want and the less they are satisfied with what they have.Logically it makes NO SENSE. But well it is what it is. Isn't it? They are what they are. Aren't they?So less is more and more is less and never the twain shall meet and greet.WANTING is the national hallmark of your basic ordinary everyday off-the-shelf standard-issue American. The more mediocre the brain the more determined it is to get MORE have MORE take MORE steal MORE.HAVING is the goal. WANTING MORE HAVING MORE. AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE.....INSATIABLE APPETITES. GARGANTUAN WANTING. MONSTROUS HAVING. less
A judge can nullify/overrule the verdict of the jury. Yeparoonio!Which means that all the white right-wing extremely fascist racist judges will have their way..THE FINAL SAY.That i... moreA judge can nullify/overrule the verdict of the jury. Yeparoonio!Which means that all the white right-wing extremely fascist racist judges will have their way..THE FINAL SAY.That is why moscow mitch the son of an itch and all the duck quacks have been contaminating courts as fast as they can by INSTALLING the duck judges who will rule according to the duck view and the extreme right wing conservative FASCIST racist view.What can we do to stop it? NOT A DAM* THING.How swell.
Allegedly apparently Iran and RUSSIA have hacked voter rolls and the emails tell tell you to vote for duck or else "they" will be coming for you. They know where you live. Just cha... moreAllegedly apparently Iran and RUSSIA have hacked voter rolls and the emails tell tell you to vote for duck or else "they" will be coming for you. They know where you live. Just change your registration from Dem to duck and they will know you received the email, understand the message, and comply. OR ELSE.Watching a cable news show we were informed that 16 viewers forwarded to those emails. They came from various states...Florida was one of them.Then someone gave a statement taking no questions telling us that the plot had been uncovered and we could be assured that our votes would be safe.If you HAD received one would you be so intimidated you would actually change registration?Which brings up another question which I shall ask next. less
Similar to the examples above, what are some other phrases that are largely obsolete nowadays?
(They need not be just technology-related nor communications-related.)~
Fuzzy thinking. Aches and pains. Damaged organs. You have survived it and "recovered" but your life has changed forever because you now have permanent damage. SIGH. Well soon many ... moreFuzzy thinking. Aches and pains. Damaged organs. You have survived it and "recovered" but your life has changed forever because you now have permanent damage. SIGH. Well soon many more will know firsthand. Lucky them.
Because they DARE NOT vote elsewhere otherwise or there will be HE** tri pay.The duck is tracking them and monitoring them and watching them to see who is not obeying him.They are ... moreBecause they DARE NOT vote elsewhere otherwise or there will be HE** tri pay.The duck is tracking them and monitoring them and watching them to see who is not obeying him.They are very afraid of his wrath and so they will all obey him and wait and show up and vote on that one day.By then we'll see how many they be. The weaponized mystery meat wackadoodlenoodle fascist racist "monitors" will be monitoring the duck quacks. Easy job.
Seriously? Well well well well well. It seems there is a least a tiny crack in the thick ego hate wall the duck built.Start with that. Go from there. What could it hurt? Everyone says so.
Gay couples deserve legal protections. All are children of God and deserve to have a family. The pope supports same-sex civil unions.Also the Pope CONDEMNS what duck did at the bor... moreGay couples deserve legal protections. All are children of God and deserve to have a family. The pope supports same-sex civil unions.Also the Pope CONDEMNS what duck did at the border separating families. The pope said it was "cruelty of the highest form.Supports LGBTQ community. Condems the duck.What in the world are y'all gonna do with THAT?
According to her the judge told they THEY COULD NOT ACCUSE THE COPS OF HOMICIDE! That was not an option! An innocent woman who was sleeping bed was MURDERED BY one or all of ... moreAccording to her the judge told they THEY COULD NOT ACCUSE THE COPS OF HOMICIDE! That was not an option! An innocent woman who was sleeping bed was MURDERED BY one or all of three cops. MURDERED.But cops rule and are never responsible for what they do if it is inconvenient.WHAT? What bother with trials if the outcome is predetermined?