He listened to the very astute knowledgeable pandemic expert virus expert immunity expert....DR. SCOTT ATLAS...RADIOLOGIST!Now you ask what the he** does a radiologist know about p... moreHe listened to the very astute knowledgeable pandemic expert virus expert immunity expert....DR. SCOTT ATLAS...RADIOLOGIST!Now you ask what the he** does a radiologist know about pandemics immunity virus spread? Not a dam* thing. Got a problem with that? Go pound mud.
If they did they would not LIE CHEAT STEAL or be republicans who are successful precisely because they lie cheat steal and support the dumb cluck duck and his quacks...well they ar... moreIf they did they would not LIE CHEAT STEAL or be republicans who are successful precisely because they lie cheat steal and support the dumb cluck duck and his quacks...well they are the quacks of course.IN GOD WE TRUST is a sham scam con for the likes of them and their ilk. Oh sure they go to church and pretend to care about what's in the Bible and even throw quotes at you to impress you with their Christianly essence. And they anti abortion and anti IVF and pro life for a fetus. Such good people.All the while they are rigging elections, restricting voting, attacking truth and promulgating injustice.IN GOD WE TRUST. Said by one who lies cheats steals sabotages is BLASPHEMY. Cut it out. Knock it off. Y'all are not kidding anyone. ESPECIALLY GOD. Sheesh. Simpletons. less
Remember the BIG BAND era?IT'S BAAAAACCK! Ever dance to it? The it being "the dumb cluck duck and his quacks in the herd mentality immunity dance band?Long name on a marquee but wo... moreRemember the BIG BAND era?IT'S BAAAAACCK! Ever dance to it? The it being "the dumb cluck duck and his quacks in the herd mentality immunity dance band?Long name on a marquee but worth every letter.It is a remarkable operation. One of a kind.
This dame is still WET BEHIND THE EARS! Distinguished career? That is what we say about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. DECADES of distinguished.This nitwit pipsqueak who saw every qu... moreThis dame is still WET BEHIND THE EARS! Distinguished career? That is what we say about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. DECADES of distinguished.This nitwit pipsqueak who saw every question as being a HYPOTHETICAL is distinguished? Seriously? To whom for what and why?She sure isn't in the major leagues by any means. Third string on that kind of bench out in the boonies. Waiting and salivating for a chance to move up to THE BIGS. Sores on her butt from sitting on the bench in the dugout yearning to get out there and BE SOMEONE. Right.She will be in over her head but it won't matter because she will always vote the way the duck instructs her to vote. Always. Forever. Till she dies. Even decades after the duck dies she will perform as expected.Dimwit dame. DISTINGUISHED? Hahahahahahahahaha. Right less
If immunity lasts 3-4 months we can all enjoy getting it, getting past it, getting it again, getting past it again, getting it again and maybe dying. Herd mentality immunity alive ... moreIf immunity lasts 3-4 months we can all enjoy getting it, getting past it, getting it again, getting past it again, getting it again and maybe dying. Herd mentality immunity alive and well and being promulgated propagated by the dumb cluck duck and his cabal of quacks. They are very anti science anti intellectual anti life. A triple threat to anyone who dares stop the wheels of progress.This will be the future futurely. With flu and a surge in Covid here already we are in for some really great times! Never before in the history of the world was such gleeful "head" spreading death everywhere he goes as a SOLUTION to a problem! Is it unique. It is exactly what his peeps wanted of him. Shake things up. Make getting very ill and even dying something to strive for and work toward and support. Millions of you are doing that.Keep at it. Good job Carry on.ATTEND a death rally. More than one. Brave you are. Keep going and doing and going and going and and doing. Whatcha got ta lose? What could it hurt? Everyone sez so. less
When she was asked if the Constitution made it legal for a president to delay an election for any reason she would not answer no. She bollexed it up with her set robotic reply to e... moreWhen she was asked if the Constitution made it legal for a president to delay an election for any reason she would not answer no. She bollexed it up with her set robotic reply to everything which was "I cannot answer a HYPOTHETICAL" She apparently does not understand the difference between HYPOTHETICAL and LITERAL. A simple answer was required which she refused to give. Do you know what that answer is?The Constitution does not give the president a right to delay an election. If she doesn't know that why is she a candidate for justice on scotus?Second even worse dumbfounding dumb broad dipstick nitwit halfwit reply to a simple questionIs it illegal to intimidate anyone who is voting at a poll location?The answer is YES. It is illegal. There is a law specifically addressing that.Her reply? She could answer any HYPOTHETICAL. It is not hypothetical. It was not hypothetical. So you can see she is already skilled at obfuscating obstinating obdurating like a pro. WOE is us if she is a scotus justice. Woe is... less
Didja know they look down upon you if you are engaging in "fertility" enhancement so you can have babies?I did not know that. Boy the anti abortion crowd are really strict aren't t... moreDidja know they look down upon you if you are engaging in "fertility" enhancement so you can have babies?I did not know that. Boy the anti abortion crowd are really strict aren't they and judge amy honey girl is one of them.She will jail you if you have ever IVF'd. Good ta know. isn't it?
The dumb cluck duck is an old man so I guess he is a nobody too?We old folks ae expendable to the dumb cluck duck. Real smart message shouted out in guess where? FLORIDA. A state o... moreThe dumb cluck duck is an old man so I guess he is a nobody too?We old folks ae expendable to the dumb cluck duck. Real smart message shouted out in guess where? FLORIDA. A state old people retire too. This is the best shot the duck has at winning them over? Telling them they are "nobody"? Bedside manner sucks bigly. But what do you expect of a dumb cluck duck? Smart? Hahahahahahahaha. Seriously?
What your religion is IS YOUR RIGHT IN PRIVATE. Parading it around in public achieves what exactly? I don't need to see a cross in public places to believe in GOD. WHY DO YOU? With... moreWhat your religion is IS YOUR RIGHT IN PRIVATE. Parading it around in public achieves what exactly? I don't need to see a cross in public places to believe in GOD. WHY DO YOU? Within YOU and in your home and in your place of worship is where all of that belongs. Don't you realize that? If not why not?
In posing this question, I am not stating nor suggesting what does or does not happen, because I do not know, which is the exact purpose for the question.~
How would any man love having women have complete control over what they can do or not do with their bodies?You want a drug to counteract your impotence? Tough luck. Go suck ... moreHow would any man love having women have complete control over what they can do or not do with their bodies?You want a drug to counteract your impotence? Tough luck. Go suck an egg!You want an operation so you stop making babies? Tough luck. Go suck an egg!See how fun it is to be under the complete control of the opposite sex?Sheesh. What dummies the GOP male pols are. AS IF! The women who want to force other women to lose control over their bodies are TRAITORS TO THEIR GENDER. Wannabe men? Girly men? Sheesh. .Get permission of hubby dearest for everything everytime all the time. No independent thought. Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen or bedroom. That's all women are good for right? Welcome to 1950!Well how about reciprocity. Women call the shots with respect to men and men call the shots with respect to women.That will make for so many happycampers won't it? You betchure bippy! What's a bippy? less
By the thousandsHundreds of thousandsMillionsThey go to their death willingly. What other species besides the homo saphead goes joyfully to meet death?
Cannabilism is alive and well and on stage at superspreader death rallies coming to a city near you. Go see for yourself up close and personal. A sight to behold and memorable for ... moreCannabilism is alive and well and on stage at superspreader death rallies coming to a city near you. Go see for yourself up close and personal. A sight to behold and memorable for as long as you live which won't be long if you attend and frolic about among the celebrators. Trust me.
Your guess? In a certain period of time? What could it hurt? Whatcha got ta lose? Everyone says so.Be there or be quare.Whaddaya think? ONE MILLION murdered by vote of scotus? MORE... moreYour guess? In a certain period of time? What could it hurt? Whatcha got ta lose? Everyone says so.Be there or be quare.Whaddaya think? ONE MILLION murdered by vote of scotus? MORE? Get involved. Get on board. Become a millionaire on the dead bodies of the murdered. GOD wants you to be rich. Everyone says so. It doesn't matter how.
And a further farther lovely touch is that the female newby will have the distinct label of TRAITOR to her own gender.She doesn't give a rat's a**. She is there to service and plea... moreAnd a further farther lovely touch is that the female newby will have the distinct label of TRAITOR to her own gender.She doesn't give a rat's a**. She is there to service and please the dumb cluck duck and his cabal of quacks. That is her only purpose for being there. A handmaiden to them. Proudly shows POWERFUL proud. A sham.
Devil doll.A doll is an EMPTYHEADED PLAYTHING. The "yes sir" devil doll will be confirmed BEFORE the elction and vote on November 10 to murder the people whose lives depend on the ... moreDevil doll.A doll is an EMPTYHEADED PLAYTHING. The "yes sir" devil doll will be confirmed BEFORE the elction and vote on November 10 to murder the people whose lives depend on the Affordable Health Care Act surviving.She will be the EXECUTIONER. A pox on her and her family. A pox a pox a pox on all those who will vote to murder American citizens by taking away health.
Saul was a Pharisee who persecuted followers of JesusWhile on the road to Damascus from Jerusalem he experienced a conversion and became the Apostle Paul.
Gaggle A group of geese on the groundSkein, Team, Wedge Geese in flightTeam Plump When flying ve... moreGaggle A group of geese on the groundSkein, Team, Wedge Geese in flightTeam Plump When flying very close togetherSo it can be in a gaggle a skein a team a wedge or a plumpAre geese smarter than ducks?Swans are distantly related to geese and are thought boe appreciably smarter than ducks or chickens but how do test that?Would you give up DUCKS SUCK for LOOSEY GOOSEY and MOTHER GOOSE? It isn't Mother Duck you for a reason. less
15 million cases in the USA and 430,000 DEAD.And this is the very best part. Biden will win and the duck will be bounced and then you know what the GOP dumb cluck duck quack rewrit... more15 million cases in the USA and 430,000 DEAD.And this is the very best part. Biden will win and the duck will be bounced and then you know what the GOP dumb cluck duck quack rewrite of history will be?Covid started on Obama watch and ended on Biden watch and dumb cluck duck will be conveniently left out.Wanna bet? How much?