A couple of weeks. Who knows how big the herd mentality immunity will get? In your neighborhood? In your home? Be there or be square. Better yet. Follow him everywhere he goes. Why... moreA couple of weeks. Who knows how big the herd mentality immunity will get? In your neighborhood? In your home? Be there or be square. Better yet. Follow him everywhere he goes. Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. In a certain period of time.
He became the roycohn for the dumb cluck duck and became liddle billybarbarr. Soon if not already he will be dropkicked out of office and thrown under the bus by the dumb cluck duc... moreHe became the roycohn for the dumb cluck duck and became liddle billybarbarr. Soon if not already he will be dropkicked out of office and thrown under the bus by the dumb cluck duck. Why? Because he DISOBEYED!
The amy dame attended a small Memphis, Tennessee College...Rhodes college. 1500 hundred alumni OPPOSE her nomination.The amy dame went to Notre Dame to teach. A letter signed by 10... moreThe amy dame attended a small Memphis, Tennessee College...Rhodes college. 1500 hundred alumni OPPOSE her nomination.The amy dame went to Notre Dame to teach. A letter signed by 100 faculty members oppose her election.She is CATHOLIC and it seems to be apparent that is why she was chosen. To snag snare the CATHOLIC vote.Any problem with that? Anything wrong with that picture?Those who went to college with her and those who taught at the same college as she who know her best telling us THUMBS DOWN.There is a reason why that particular amy dame is the one the big boys want. First and foremost she would do what she is told. Most important. Second she will appeal to all CATHOLICS and that is the hook the dumb cluck duck wants to get them to support him. Third we already know she is anti a woman having a right to her own body and what happens to it and she is anti the Affordable Health Care act and has written that it is unconstitutional and she will always take the side of the extreme right-wing fascist ... less
No wonder they are all pro for her. They will work on her to reduce that nasty 15% so that ultimately she will always rule for the rich the wealthy the powerful the movers the shak... moreNo wonder they are all pro for her. They will work on her to reduce that nasty 15% so that ultimately she will always rule for the rich the wealthy the powerful the movers the shakers. Obedient little girl. 100% record of voting "the right way". What can I say? She is staggeringly perfect for that job. Ruth Bader Ginsberg will do what she can from "the other side" to mitigate the amy dame inane insane predictability. Maybe RBG will haunt the amy dame in her dreams? I can dream can't I?
If you need money and have a bazillion dollars in assets WHY NOT LIQUIDATE some of those assets to pay what you owe instead of borrowing money from a lender to whom you will have t... moreIf you need money and have a bazillion dollars in assets WHY NOT LIQUIDATE some of those assets to pay what you owe instead of borrowing money from a lender to whom you will have to pay interest?How is that sensible logical and something that a very fine business mind would ever do?You borrow money because if you don't you will go under.In dumb cluck duck world everything isn't and nothing isn't and they battle together forever to see who is the winner who is the loser. You think everything isn't is stronger than nothing isn't? Gibberish? EXACTLY! The dumb cluck duck thinks and speaks that language. GIBBERISH. He is very fluent. less
I don't remember. I take so many tests. Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't. Asked if he had been tested before the NBC 'town hall" he said he didn't know. Didn't remember. Maybe he was ma... moreI don't remember. I take so many tests. Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't. Asked if he had been tested before the NBC 'town hall" he said he didn't know. Didn't remember. Maybe he was maybe he wasn't. He leaves that up to his doctors. I guess he doesn't ask and they don't offer. When asked if he gets tested EVERY DAY the duck said no he doesn't.Asked Joe Biden the same question on his ABC town hall appearance. He said he was tested before he showed up because he didn't want to take the chance of infecting anyone. He said he gets tested EVERY DAY.Apparently duck is oblivious to what is done to his body and when and isn't curious enough to ask. A fine president with great track record. For his adoring worshippers. How long before all of them get the herd mentality immunity and survive or die? A matter of time. Any day now. Any place. Any time. Excitng! less
They adoringly WORSHIP the dumb cluck duck and he THANKS THEM for their support.CANNABULLS AND PEDAFILES.Some QANONS are infiltrating American politics. One day all pols will be QA... moreThey adoringly WORSHIP the dumb cluck duck and he THANKS THEM for their support.CANNABULLS AND PEDAFILES.Some QANONS are infiltrating American politics. One day all pols will be QANONS. The dumb cluck duck refuses to refute them and call them out for what they are. CRACKPOTS.Don't say I didn't warn you. Are YOU a QANON? Know any? Wanna be one? How do you feel about cannabulls and pedafiles?
Because he did not create it. He did not start it. He is merely forwarding to others so they can decide whether or not they believe it. Whether it's his usual lies based on inane i... moreBecause he did not create it. He did not start it. He is merely forwarding to others so they can decide whether or not they believe it. Whether it's his usual lies based on inane insane QANONS or PROUD BOYS doesn't matter. He only retweets.Do you buy that sh**? Do you buy any of it? Aren't you responsible for what "put out there"?
The fake Attorney General who bas**rdized the Justice Department and redesigned what it means to be a loyal amurrican? Remember that fat little old tadpole who did everything the d... moreThe fake Attorney General who bas**rdized the Justice Department and redesigned what it means to be a loyal amurrican? Remember that fat little old tadpole who did everything the dumb cluck duck demanded of him including everything illegal dishonest criminal and corrupt? One thing the dumb cluck demanded of him he could not do. Find guilt where none was evident. Imprison people on the dumb cluck duck demands without any evidence anywhere.With that failure the dumb cluck duck threw billybarbarr under the bus. He eventually will do it to everyone including you! Bet you can hardly wait. less
Probably higher than 62K.Meanwhile the dumb cluck duck is feathering his nest...quacking away to his adoring worshippers. Many of them will get ill and some will die but hey what's... moreProbably higher than 62K.Meanwhile the dumb cluck duck is feathering his nest...quacking away to his adoring worshippers. Many of them will get ill and some will die but hey what's a life here or there when you can show your loyalty eternally consistently endlessly?. Y'all KNOW it is your pleasure and duty to put your life on the line and your family's so that the dumb cluck duck will have thousands of folks to cheer and clap and pat his a** and spit and share and care. Such a nice warm feeling overwhelms me. Y'all are something else. less
They ignore reject mock ridicule.That is also NOT YOUR FAULT.You can only do what you can do and nothing more. It is all on THEM what happens thereafter. We adults are all responsi... moreThey ignore reject mock ridicule.That is also NOT YOUR FAULT.You can only do what you can do and nothing more. It is all on THEM what happens thereafter. We adults are all responsible entirely for ourselves. To whom we listen or whom we blieve or whom we despise or adore. ALL ON US. Not your fault.
Yep. His plan is to let herd mentality immunity take place by exposing everyone everywhere to the virus. Get them all infected. Millions will get ill and maybe millions will die bu... moreYep. His plan is to let herd mentality immunity take place by exposing everyone everywhere to the virus. Get them all infected. Millions will get ill and maybe millions will die but so what? That way whoever survives will have immunity for FOUR MONTHS. Swell plan.All the attendees show up maskless and stand butt to butt to butt cheering the duck spitting as they cheer sharing the virus among one another. Then go home and take the virus with infecting their families.It's all a master plan hatched by a photographer and embraced by a dumb cluck duck.Amazing! less
Jim is the PERFECTIONIST and I'm the not and we have been together fro 23 years and will continue on till death do us part.How is it workin' for us? Well he complains and kvetches ... moreJim is the PERFECTIONIST and I'm the not and we have been together fro 23 years and will continue on till death do us part.How is it workin' for us? Well he complains and kvetches and I listen. Sometimes I rebut but most often I just listen and say "yes dear". I'm happier/more content than he is because I just don't notice the stuff he gets upset about.I know he adjusts to my peculiarities too. We have no choice. We love each other.How y'all doing? Any of you live with a PERFECTIONIST too?
It is quite likely that the dumb cluck duck WAS infectious during the first "debate" but said nothing to anyone. We know he lies all the time and we cannot believe anything he says... moreIt is quite likely that the dumb cluck duck WAS infectious during the first "debate" but said nothing to anyone. We know he lies all the time and we cannot believe anything he says. Dr. Fauci should monitor the test because no one else is credible.Fair demand. Joe doesn't want to be infected. He likes life. Go figger! :)
The dumb cluck duck never was dumber or cluckier. Stupid dumb flows from what he uses as a "brain" and stay out there in mid-air begging for an interpreter.I LOVED it. Afterwards i... moreThe dumb cluck duck never was dumber or cluckier. Stupid dumb flows from what he uses as a "brain" and stay out there in mid-air begging for an interpreter.I LOVED it. Afterwards it was run side by side taking turns. The confrontational insane dumb cluck duck versus a viable STABLE candidate.The dumb cluck duck did his usual buck and wing and LYING about everything. He was in rare typical standard ordinary form. Shot his mouth of with ever once engaging his so-called brain.Let's have these side by sides every day till election. The dumb cluck duck gets more and more what he is. Old decrepit inane insane. less
I see now that government is there to enrich its members, pillage rape steal whatever it can at the expense of the people. The people are expendable. The powerful are the movers an... moreI see now that government is there to enrich its members, pillage rape steal whatever it can at the expense of the people. The people are expendable. The powerful are the movers and shakers and always put themselves first in everything. NO EXCEPTIONS. Some governments are MORE EVIL than others. Sad.
Because back in the day they were involved in MAJORLY CORRUPT goings on. That is the line I have read justifying his actions and giving implied ATTA BOY ATTA BOY ATTA BOY. So while... moreBecause back in the day they were involved in MAJORLY CORRUPT goings on. That is the line I have read justifying his actions and giving implied ATTA BOY ATTA BOY ATTA BOY. So while the world is falling apart and a virus taking thousands upon thousands of lives the powers that be SHOULD be spending time investigating what happened in the past so they put the clintons where they belong..in prison. Meanwhile the dumb cluck duck who is vile evil venal criminal corrupt and insane goes on his merry way with accolades? SERIOUSLY? less
On Super Metroid, to the area where Samus Aran goes there and stood around on the drifting water-is there any of or what sea creatures is Samus Aran probably was looking for when s... moreOn Super Metroid, to the area where Samus Aran goes there and stood around on the drifting water-is there any of or what sea creatures is Samus Aran probably was looking for when she was standing on that water?Placing a game picture or show what part of a Metroid game video of showing Samus Aran just by/on that water would be great!
A) Leaves on trees (alive)
B) Leaves fallen to the ground (starting to die)
C) Leaves that have been lying on the ground for about a week or so and all the oxygen ... moreA) Leaves on trees (alive)
B) Leaves fallen to the ground (starting to die)
C) Leaves that have been lying on the ground for about a week or so and all the oxygen has left their leaf bodies and they’re crumbled up and losing their leaf shape and leaf colour (Completely dead)
So much for the dumb cluck duck poll watchers. So much for the camouflaged weaponized mystery meat thugs the dumb cluck duck will send out to "monitor" voting.Whom do you think EAR... moreSo much for the dumb cluck duck poll watchers. So much for the camouflaged weaponized mystery meat thugs the dumb cluck duck will send out to "monitor" voting.Whom do you think EARLY VOTING will benefit most? The dumb cluck duck? Or is this a sign that he will be buried humiliated and shamed by the HUGE margins he loses by ...AGAIN? Last time he lost by almost 3 million votes. This time could be TEN MILLION? What could it hurt? Everyone says so!
His toady sycophant lemmings have all failed him. Now he has to do it himself.Find an "October surprise" that will be so awful bad it will take Joe down and out. What will that pos... moreHis toady sycophant lemmings have all failed him. Now he has to do it himself.Find an "October surprise" that will be so awful bad it will take Joe down and out. What will that possibly be? Any day now the crackpot nutjob dumb cluck duck will come up with a deep state deep throat deep crap SURE THING. He'll forward to everyone. Get yawn shinnity and sucker farlson to talk about it. DEMAND justice. DEMAND his will be done. Only to fade away again into a nothing. No one loves him enough to stop him. It is very sad that all those people let him go out every day to make a greater fool of himself than he did the day before. He is clearly out of his mind. They sit there watching. SHAME on them. They sit there waiting. SHAME ON THEM. They sit there.Only it will blow up in his face again. Right before election day.Every foraty into the wild dark side of lies smacks the crap out of him. He is slap happy punch drunk and reeling from losing losing losing losing losing.His next move? Whatever it is won't work. Nothing... less