Jim's friend Alan had a steroid shot in his shoulder for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he has a massive stroke.Jim had a cortisone shot in his heel for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he had a mild st... moreJim's friend Alan had a steroid shot in his shoulder for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he has a massive stroke.Jim had a cortisone shot in his heel for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he had a mild stroke.Google it. "Can a cortisone shot cause a stroke"?Now I think the reason Alan's stroke was MASSIVE is because the cortisone shot was closer to the brain.Jim's was mild because it was as far away from the brain as you can get on a human body.So beware take care and avoid steroids. They might mask one problem but cause far worse.Steroids don't cure they only temporarily mitigate. Is it worth your life? less
Duck sez it is a blessing from GOD that he got Covid 19.So will all the drugs inside him which may cause LIFELONG problems also be a blessing from GOD?
They are not limited by any rules. Truth proof evidence fact are irrelevant. In fact they are suspect. THE ENEMY.Maybe that's why they cling so desperately to ALTERNATE REALITY. Th... moreThey are not limited by any rules. Truth proof evidence fact are irrelevant. In fact they are suspect. THE ENEMY.Maybe that's why they cling so desperately to ALTERNATE REALITY. They want to be happy. Do you blame them?
Maybe it's some self-imposed test that if they just stick with it they will overcome whatever obstacles to rational communication between the alternate world livers and the real wo... moreMaybe it's some self-imposed test that if they just stick with it they will overcome whatever obstacles to rational communication between the alternate world livers and the real world livers?I just don't have a clue. Do you?
The insulated world of ALTERNATE REALITY in which millions reside as devotees of the dumb cluck duck.As an observer I am constantly amazed and perplexed as to WHY they keep trying?... moreThe insulated world of ALTERNATE REALITY in which millions reside as devotees of the dumb cluck duck.As an observer I am constantly amazed and perplexed as to WHY they keep trying? Is it some deep-seated firm belief that if they just keep trying they will make contact with intelligent life?It has to be something more than patience. There has to be some hope there too else why would they keep "beating their heads against a brick wall" so to speak figuratively speaking.
The high as a kite INFECTED duck left the residence and went to the oval office "to do work".Meanwhile everyone there is exposed to the contagion and they seem not to care at all.M... moreThe high as a kite INFECTED duck left the residence and went to the oval office "to do work".Meanwhile everyone there is exposed to the contagion and they seem not to care at all.Maybe they hope they will get so they can enjoy GOD'S BLESSING too just like the duck?Yuck yuck yuck.Different strokes. They keep dropping like flies. Superspreader. Hot spot.Wanna work there? Wanna job there? Wanna die there?
Has Joe been holding out on us all this time selling himself as coming from humble beginnings?Could be. Anything is possible.Wonder what the dumb cluck duck "machine" will come up ... moreHas Joe been holding out on us all this time selling himself as coming from humble beginnings?Could be. Anything is possible.Wonder what the dumb cluck duck "machine" will come up with now? Everything they've tried so far to eviscerate Joe drives the duck deeper and downer in the polls. Keep it up duck! Keep it up keep it up keep it Also I sincerely hope all the adoring worshippers toady sycophants and lemmings keep it up too. The win for Joe will be that much more delicioiuser! Don'tcha know?The dumb cluck duck cabal will never be able to stop the madness of the duck. He so high on drugs he flies higher and higer each day. He has no clue he is high as a kite. When he comes down? Uh oh. He rants rambles raves gibberish constantly. To them his adoring worshippers they are words of wisdom. To us? Hahahahahahahaha! You're joking right?! less
Even after duck goes away will they still continue to live in the alternate realty world? Or will his departure release them from the he** in which they have lived since 2015 and t... moreEven after duck goes away will they still continue to live in the alternate realty world? Or will his departure release them from the he** in which they have lived since 2015 and the infection brough to us by the dumb cluck duck? Do we really care?
Elys Braunstein said her father Larry diagnosed duck with bone spurs at the height of the Vietnam War "AS A FAVOR TO HIS LANDLORD FRED".Why would she lie about something like that?... moreElys Braunstein said her father Larry diagnosed duck with bone spurs at the height of the Vietnam War "AS A FAVOR TO HIS LANDLORD FRED".Why would she lie about something like that?Y'all can have any opinion you want no matter how speciously deceitful and obviously patently ridiculus. BUT YOU CANNOT SCREW AROUND WITH THE FACTS!GOOGLE IT for goodness sakes. GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE.
He is an attention HOG a camera HOG a video HOG and a mike HOG. He must be VERY ILL to be out of sight this long.Of course his ilk bullsh** still lie still deny still fabricate sti... moreHe is an attention HOG a camera HOG a video HOG and a mike HOG. He must be VERY ILL to be out of sight this long.Of course his ilk bullsh** still lie still deny still fabricate still fake still phony still. They always will.At the very least the duck has to make an appearance. Even if it isn't him but a fake a phony a shill. Think he will? My oh my how the duck do deny. Come out little duck. We need to see you and hear you in real time. Don't hide behind someone else's fat pudgy fingers tweeting away. Show yourself. You would die rather than admit you are NOT a brave tough macho macho macho dude. Just DO IT. less
By teaching HATE. From a very early age some parents think it is their duty to carefully teach their kids whom to hate and fear and insult and attack and sabotage and distrust and ... moreBy teaching HATE. From a very early age some parents think it is their duty to carefully teach their kids whom to hate and fear and insult and attack and sabotage and distrust and betray. Of course these are very "loving" parents. They are raping the minds and torturing them and mutilating them but no worries. It doesn't show.By teaching HATE. From a very early age some parents think it is their duty to carefully teach their kids whom to hate and fear and insult and attack and sabotage. Of course these are very loving parents. They are raping the children's minds and torturing them and mutilating them and poisoning them but no worries. It doesn't show.Sure. Parents can feed their kids CRAP so their kids are OBESE and very sickly and it's no one's business. Y'all gotta BUTT OUT. Kids are their property to do with as they wish. To mistreat abuse ignore whenever however wherever they please.A kid is a thing to do with what they want short of murder and rape as far as I know. Maybe they have the right to do that too... less
FACT: Joe Biiden is SMART for not getting COVID 19 and being a good example of what to do to avoid it.SPIN: Joe Biden isn't a manly man because he didn't get the virus. Only ... moreFACT: Joe Biiden is SMART for not getting COVID 19 and being a good example of what to do to avoid it.SPIN: Joe Biden isn't a manly man because he didn't get the virus. Only a very brave manly man would go out and get the virus to prove he is tougher than it is so he can be a manly man example to his adoring worshippers toady sycophants and lemmings.You think I am joking?
The dumb cluck duck is far too LAZY and inept to take care of himself.Also he doesn't give a sh** aobut anyone so why should he lift a finger to take care of himself when he can OR... moreThe dumb cluck duck is far too LAZY and inept to take care of himself.Also he doesn't give a sh** aobut anyone so why should he lift a finger to take care of himself when he can ORDER adoring worshippers toady sycophants and lemmings to do so?
Why should Joe's life be put in jeopardy does because duck wants to debate him face to face? Duck is a massive DISGRACE wherever he is whenever.Any of you think JOE should be force... moreWhy should Joe's life be put in jeopardy does because duck wants to debate him face to face? Duck is a massive DISGRACE wherever he is whenever.Any of you think JOE should be forced to be in the room as a death carrier virus superspreader murderer? WHY?Joe doesn't work for the duck so he has no reason to comply. Poor folks in the white house who service the dumb cluck duck. How many of them will die?Why don't they all just quit?
Normal children of normal parents grow up getting along with the other kids in the neighborhood.Israel and Palentian parents force their children to fear and hate early in their li... moreNormal children of normal parents grow up getting along with the other kids in the neighborhood.Israel and Palentian parents force their children to fear and hate early in their lives?How is that a good thing? That is a disgusting terrible awful horrible vicious cruel and evil thing. SHAME ON THEM! ALL OF THEM. SHAME.
Our grandson who is in the military in New Jersey and his fiance were scheduled to be married in April, 2020.They postponed it to August 2020. Just got a notification that the new ... moreOur grandson who is in the military in New Jersey and his fiance were scheduled to be married in April, 2020.They postponed it to August 2020. Just got a notification that the new wedding date will be JULY 4, 2021!Wonder if that is going to have to be postponed eventually too?
He said some may not want to serve in the military and so they would be very belligerent and not be good soldiers because it was against their will.I thought yes that makes sense. ... moreHe said some may not want to serve in the military and so they would be very belligerent and not be good soldiers because it was against their will.I thought yes that makes sense. I wouldn't like it. So here's the question.Do any Israelis RESENT being expected to serve their country in the military? I cannot recall ever hearing about or reading about one who was. Mostly I think they take great pride in it but I could be wrong.How would YOU react if America expected YOU to spend some time in the military?
They say "you can't take it with you". How do they know that? Maybe you can spend the shekels on the other side of life. Maybe there are bazillions of shopkeepers just waiting for ... moreThey say "you can't take it with you". How do they know that? Maybe you can spend the shekels on the other side of life. Maybe there are bazillions of shopkeepers just waiting for you to buy what they have to sell.We think heaven will consist only of the honorable the honest the fair the just the true. Well no one alive can tell us what to expect and maybe there are liars and crooks and criminals and murderers there too just waiting for you.GOD would not allow it you say? I think HE may be testing us always to see what we are what we do what we think what we say. Death may not change a thing.Can you take being tested through eternity and beyond? A forever of what you have here? Or would that be HE** for you? I think we make our own HE** wherever we are alive or dead by our choices and our weaknesses and our failures. The truth is we are always in control and it is never anyone else in charge of us.We can try to bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blame "the other" for our misfortunes but we have designed built and live ... less
A "leader" who is leading only those who believe in him. There are in the middle of the tapestry and they will never never ever be able to stand back and comprehend its entirety.Do... moreA "leader" who is leading only those who believe in him. There are in the middle of the tapestry and they will never never ever be able to stand back and comprehend its entirety.Do you pity them or envy them their laser focus on him only him always him forever him? Why?
What we have here is clearly A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE.The discxonnect is huge and getting huger by the day. Will we ever bridge that vast crevass or is every day the best day we wi... moreWhat we have here is clearly A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE.The discxonnect is huge and getting huger by the day. Will we ever bridge that vast crevass or is every day the best day we will have as each day becomes worse than the day before but BETTER than the day to come?
By the number of death? By the nature of those deaths? By the reason for those deaths?Hitler was responsible for the extermination of "only" 6 million Jews. Is he a piker monster-w... moreBy the number of death? By the nature of those deaths? By the reason for those deaths?Hitler was responsible for the extermination of "only" 6 million Jews. Is he a piker monster-wise or was there something more evil about him than there was about Ghengis Khan?I GOOGLED "who is the most evil person who ever lived" and a woman's name came up who murdered babies.Ask "who were the most evil people who ever lived" and the list is very long.And getting longer.We are going in the wrong direction and our speed is accelerating. To what end? Annihilation? less