Where is it? When will I receive it? Any strings attached? Anyone know anything about anything about the dumb cluck duck. He sez he sez he sez he sez. Talk is cheap. Actions speak ... moreWhere is it? When will I receive it? Any strings attached? Anyone know anything about anything about the dumb cluck duck. He sez he sez he sez he sez. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.
Lepers were condemned to live out their lives together on an island to protect others from catching it.Methinks the dumb cluck duck and his adoring worshippers should be shipped of... moreLepers were condemned to live out their lives together on an island to protect others from catching it.Methinks the dumb cluck duck and his adoring worshippers should be shipped off to a far-off island where they can superspread the virus to their heart's content until they're dead. Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so.
If they were wouldn't they be donating more billions to him so he would NOT have run out of money for ads?WHERE ARE THEY WHEN HE NEEDS THEM...well not them but their MONEY?Wh... moreIf they were wouldn't they be donating more billions to him so he would NOT have run out of money for ads?WHERE ARE THEY WHEN HE NEEDS THEM...well not them but their MONEY?Where are the billionaires he made richer and will continue to do so? HE NEEDS YOUR BILLIONS NOW. WHATCHA WAITING FOR?
Every single political enemy the dumb cluck duck imagines he has.Barack ObamaHillary ClintonNancy PelosiAll people of colorAll womenAll DemocratsAll everyone who did not vote for h... moreEvery single political enemy the dumb cluck duck imagines he has.Barack ObamaHillary ClintonNancy PelosiAll people of colorAll womenAll DemocratsAll everyone who did not vote for him did not kiss his a** did not support him defend him adore himThe dumb cluck duck is now insisting demanding threatening billybarfbarr just as he hounded demanded and tried to destroy Jeff Sessions.All of the evil the bad the disgusting the satanic that billybarfbarr has already done for the duck is not enough to sate the dumb cluck duck. HE WANTS EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T ROLL OVER FOR HIM IN PRISON! No exceptions. less
Out of the eyes of the dumb cluck duck who will not allow such a thing in his politics or party. The friends must pretend to hate. That is obligatory. They must pontificate hate 24... moreOut of the eyes of the dumb cluck duck who will not allow such a thing in his politics or party. The friends must pretend to hate. That is obligatory. They must pontificate hate 24/7 out in the open because the dumb cluck duck watches TV most of the day and has his spies out and about to fink on anyone who steps out of line.Whaddaya wanna bet?
Any of you brave enough to hang in and listen to all of it? I did not hear any of it but I heard that the way rush cut him off was to tell him he had a lot of other things to do. I... moreAny of you brave enough to hang in and listen to all of it? I did not hear any of it but I heard that the way rush cut him off was to tell him he had a lot of other things to do. I wonder if the dumb cluck duck had any idea he was being thrown out?
Do the ego hate rallygoers deep down want to commit suicide? Take a chance on death because their lives are of so little value to them? There must be millions of people out there i... moreDo the ego hate rallygoers deep down want to commit suicide? Take a chance on death because their lives are of so little value to them? There must be millions of people out there in such despair they will follow any avenue that leads to their demise. Consciously they are unaware of it. Sub? They are being driven to it.
Same with the dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers who are the ego hate rallygoers. Do they all have a deep-seated wish to commit suicide? Why else put themselves in situations wher... moreSame with the dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers who are the ego hate rallygoers. Do they all have a deep-seated wish to commit suicide? Why else put themselves in situations where surviving is questionable?
How is letting an inane insane profane homo sap SERVING his best interests or the interests of a country. Lying for him covering for him without any shame or guilt? How is that possible?
A) captain Spaulding
B) baby firefly
C) Otis something Driftwood
E) Stifler’s Mom ( or she looks like her anyway but maybe not her) ... moreA) captain Spaulding
B) baby firefly
C) Otis something Driftwood
E) Stifler’s Mom ( or she looks like her anyway but maybe not her)
D) run rabbit run
F) other
births in the family
deaths in the family... moreMay include, but certainly not limited to:
births in the family
deaths in the family
child speaking first word
child taking first steps
high school or college/university graduations
teen began driving lessons
teen got first drivers license
you, a family member or a close friend struck with serious illness or injury
you, a family member or a close friend recovered from a serious illness or injury
finally went on a dream vacation
bought your first house/signed first mortgage
paid off a large and/or longstanding debt
got your first car
got your first new car
started your first job
started a new job
received a promotion
transferred to a new job location
got laid off or fired
real estate foreclosure
lost a home/other residence
dropped out or were expelled from school
got arrested, charged, tried, convicted, incarcerated
charges dropped, reduced, expunged, dismissed
acquitted, found innocent, not guilty, case dismissed, hung jury
released or escaped from custody, completed parole or probation
retire... less
Thank you, Johnny Nash, for bettering my life in countless ways. No one has musically impacted me quite like you.Whether singing your own compositions or singing others' works, all... moreThank you, Johnny Nash, for bettering my life in countless ways. No one has musically impacted me quite like you.Whether singing your own compositions or singing others' works, all of your music resonates deeply within me.
Thanks, again.
Why would I kid about a thing like that?He doesn't want to die. That's why. The dumb cluck duck will find a wau to revengiate on good old mitch.As the flip flop duck flips ou... moreWhy would I kid about a thing like that?He doesn't want to die. That's why. The dumb cluck duck will find a wau to revengiate on good old mitch.As the flip flop duck flips out he dog whistles to the white racist DOMESTIC terrorists who adore him.Think I'm kidding? Why would I kid about a thing like that?What else? Oh yes the flip flop flap quack is barreling out into the unknown part of madness. Watch. Listen. Be afraid. Be very afraid. He is coming FOR YOU. The dumb cluck duck and the quacks.Nifty name for this rockin' band. less
*DISCLAIMER. I believe I can anticipate some people’s answers on the reluctance to judge others or the claim of never judging others. If judgement of other people can b... more*DISCLAIMER. I believe I can anticipate some people’s answers on the reluctance to judge others or the claim of never judging others. If judgement of other people can be removed from the equation and focusing instead on the tattoo itself without indicting the person who is displaying it, please look at it from that perspective. Thank you.~
The dumb cluck duck and his cabal of quacks has completely annihilated what used to be the GRAND OLD PARTY and made it the duck den. Everything is about the duck. He sucks but they... moreThe dumb cluck duck and his cabal of quacks has completely annihilated what used to be the GRAND OLD PARTY and made it the duck den. Everything is about the duck. He sucks but they adore him. He clucks but they love his voice. He bucks he trucks he well you know and they still adore him. When he is over and done and wart on our history
The dumb cluck duck programming of the quack cabal is complete. He OWNS them top to bottom....body and soul. Just heard the anti-Biden symphony of dumb cluck duck quacks. "Jo... moreThe dumb cluck duck programming of the quack cabal is complete. He OWNS them top to bottom....body and soul. Just heard the anti-Biden symphony of dumb cluck duck quacks. "Joe is puppet. Not a real candidate". Over and over and over and over and over again. Why the SAME EXACT WORDS? DUH? WHY DO YOU THINK? THEY HAVE A SCRIPT THEY MEMORIZED. DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH.The duck is the lapdog puppet of putrid putin. We all know that excluding the dumb cluck duck programmed "adoring worshippers". They look straight ahead their blinders are glued to their heads. They look alike talk alike "think" (hahahahahah) alike sound alike are alike. Nothing exists for them beyond how they have so completely been unisonly exactly programmed by the dumb cluck duck. Sigh. less
Yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no and so it goesWhere is duck today? Qui ou non? Yes or no? We don't know. He is planning his florida ego hate rall... moreYes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no and so it goesWhere is duck today? Qui ou non? Yes or no? We don't know. He is planning his florida ego hate rally on Saturday and no time to fiddle around with that.
Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to ... morePoor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me...............
The Bunker you bimbo dipstick.Traitor to your wife bigly. The dumb cluck duck insulted your wife's appearance and implied your dad was involved in a murder. Yet here you are you tr... moreThe Bunker you bimbo dipstick.Traitor to your wife bigly. The dumb cluck duck insulted your wife's appearance and implied your dad was involved in a murder. Yet here you are you traitor defending the dumb cluck duck and attacking Joe Biden? You sure are a pushover a roundheels an easy "woman". You will lie down for anyone amd service him/her/it/them they. No LOYALTY to your wife or your father but loyalty to the dumb cluck duck? Sheesh. Shame on you. Your wife should be appalled at your traitoring. Poor her. less
CNN says half the states...25USA says 39.Isn't it sublime? Soon the Flu will be hitting too and the predicted rise in autumn of the Covid 19 so take care out there. A PERFECT storm... moreCNN says half the states...25USA says 39.Isn't it sublime? Soon the Flu will be hitting too and the predicted rise in autumn of the Covid 19 so take care out there. A PERFECT storm is about to hit.Don't be afraid. Don't let it dominate your life. Go out and live. Attend ego hate rallies and jam together to show how much you fear. Ga head.