Don't be afraid. Don't let it dominate your life. DON'T MOVE AN INCH. DON'T FLINCH.Do you or don't do what the cluck duck says you should do?Remember he has defined himself as a wi... moreDon't be afraid. Don't let it dominate your life. DON'T MOVE AN INCH. DON'T FLINCH.Do you or don't do what the cluck duck says you should do?Remember he has defined himself as a wise extremely stable genius who knows everything there is to know about everything and is the only one who can FIX it.So do you stay or go?
Some he infected may have already died. He doesn't give a rat's a** of course but shouldn't he be LIABLE and ACCOUNTABLE and GUILTY AS CHARGED? Does he get to manslaughter whomever... moreSome he infected may have already died. He doesn't give a rat's a** of course but shouldn't he be LIABLE and ACCOUNTABLE and GUILTY AS CHARGED? Does he get to manslaughter whomever he wants without pushback blowback feedback smackback?
My good friend OLD SCHOOL lives in Arizona. Some of you remember him from Answerbag. Some of you remember him from here before he was BANNED! He took a road trip to visit his... moreMy good friend OLD SCHOOL lives in Arizona. Some of you remember him from Answerbag. Some of you remember him from here before he was BANNED! He took a road trip to visit his family in northern California. As it happened he visited ZUMA BEACH in/near Malibu on his way up north on his BIRTHDAY. Now ZUMA BEACH was where my son and OLD SCHOOL and all their friends went all the time as teenagers.While there and looking out to the horizon he noticed a shiny thing...caught his eye...and eventually it came to shore. It was a MYLAR HAPPY BIRTHDAY BALLOON! Now he lives in Arizona. Was on his way to northern California. Stopped at Zuma for awhile. Saw a sparkly something that eventually found its way to him.He could have been there on Tuesday or Thursday. How long that sparkly thing would have been visible I don't know.I know lots of variables here. When I asked him what the odds of that were he said he had no idea how to calculate it. I told him I'd ask you because well maybe someone out there somewhere could take ... less
NOt on alcohol but due to all the drugs they are giving him to keep him alive.ALTERED MENTAL STATES.Just what we needed right? More crackpot crazy insane working inside the brain o... moreNOt on alcohol but due to all the drugs they are giving him to keep him alive.ALTERED MENTAL STATES.Just what we needed right? More crackpot crazy insane working inside the brain of the duck.Those docs are gambling bigly. Odds of their winning? Unknown.Disease can progress. Seem less then charge back into complete decline and collapse and relapse.Duck has nothing going for him but strong meds.
Example. Said "I might be immune now". FACT is he is still contagious...that is the opposite of immune. If you are very ill and capable of illing others you are NOT IMMUNE you are ... moreExample. Said "I might be immune now". FACT is he is still contagious...that is the opposite of immune. If you are very ill and capable of illing others you are NOT IMMUNE you are a potential MURDERER. Yep. PREMEDITATED since you know you are contagious and still breathe spit yell should infected droplets at everyone.The dumb cluck duck brain is not working at all as it should. He is out of it and in a lalala drugged state which he remain in for "a certain period of time". Everyone says so. Uh-oh?
If you are not afraid of something that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and IS COMING FOR YOUdoes that make very smart or so stupid you are helpless and useless and worthless.
"The loss of a previously held ability to speak or understand spoken or written language DUE TO DISEASE OR INJURY TO THE BRAIN"THEY SPEAK IN GIBBERISH.
There are so many and they all look alike from afar. How do you decide which to dig deep down in/about/around and which to not bother with at all? What's the trigger?
Does he think people stop at his head and never look down at the big belly that he tries to hide with a suit coat?You see his belly in all its glory when he plays golf. Coatless th... moreDoes he think people stop at his head and never look down at the big belly that he tries to hide with a suit coat?You see his belly in all its glory when he plays golf. Coatless then we see his obsesity. Now when he looks in the mirror naked what does he see? A thing of beauty?
His brushing off the danger of COVID 19 and telling you to not be afraid. There is nothing to it. He has never felt better in 20 years? Go out and have fun and live your lives.Mill... moreHis brushing off the danger of COVID 19 and telling you to not be afraid. There is nothing to it. He has never felt better in 20 years? Go out and have fun and live your lives.Millions do everything he tells them to do. So how many more will die because of him because of their extreme stupid dumb? The combination is deadly.
How often have you been fooled by people you believed were authentic who turned out not to be?How did it affect you? How did you react? Are you always your authentic self with everyone?
How man will die? We know Herman Cain attended a duck rally a few months ago maskless no social distancing and he is dead because of contacting the virus.How many more setups will ... moreHow man will die? We know Herman Cain attended a duck rally a few months ago maskless no social distancing and he is dead because of contacting the virus.How many more setups will the duck have done and how many more victim will there be d'ya think?Is it a good think to bet on? Would Vegas oddsmakers be interested in it?
Judge amy was in the rose garden with all those who are now infected and quarantined. In close quarers hobnobbing and maskless. She may get it too or already have it. So what happe... moreJudge amy was in the rose garden with all those who are now infected and quarantined. In close quarers hobnobbing and maskless. She may get it too or already have it. So what happens? Is she still gonna be the next SCOTUS justice even if she is fighting for her life on a ventilator in the hospital?Fun times ahead. How are they gonna pull this off when they falling like flies having played Russan Roulette once too often? That one bullet? Big targets. Stand by. Watch out. Buckle up. Be brave. Don't be afraid. less
Over 211,000 have died in the USA SO FAR with more to come.His making light of it and pooh poohing it without saying a word about those those died? If you are someone whose beloved... moreOver 211,000 have died in the USA SO FAR with more to come.His making light of it and pooh poohing it without saying a word about those those died? If you are someone whose beloved died would you be insulted by that?He sluffs it off and says he hasn't felt this good in 20 years! Do you believe that? Why is he doing this? Some will believe him and probably die. It's a very strange time in which we live. We see evidence proof that what he says is killing people but some seem to nary a mind. Peculiar. Queer. Strange. less
Some of the stuff he takes is for those most infected and in dire situations.Add to that his meds taking anyway already. He has "conditions" that require meds.Do that cancel out on... moreSome of the stuff he takes is for those most infected and in dire situations.Add to that his meds taking anyway already. He has "conditions" that require meds.Do that cancel out one another get along together? What are the interactions? How long is gonna be going on?Using a president as a test tube experiment has never been done. A last resort to keep him alive? A gamble no matter which way you look at it?
What percent of tests give false negatives or false positive? How are tests monitored for accuracy?I expect our future will be filled with tests. How do we depend on them for anyth... moreWhat percent of tests give false negatives or false positive? How are tests monitored for accuracy?I expect our future will be filled with tests. How do we depend on them for anything 100% of the time?
Whom would you love to see/hear on that good old TV set in front of mike doing his/her schtick? Keep 'em laughing!What specific routines come to mind? We could also include the"com... moreWhom would you love to see/hear on that good old TV set in front of mike doing his/her schtick? Keep 'em laughing!What specific routines come to mind? We could also include the"comedians" who talked about social issues of the time. We could see/hear Will Rogers do his routines that captured the hearts of millions. Ever see the Jackie Gleason Show? Remember Art Carney leaning how to play golf? says to Art 'Now address the ball" and Art says "Hello ball! Remember Lucy and the chocolate shop or when she was selling vitameatvegamin or when she set her fake her on fire? Remember Lenny Bruce? For you oldtimers. Some of them made us laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. Any of you remember Red Skelton or Totie Fields? Are you up for it? Remember Ernie Kovacs and his Nairobi Trio or Steve Allen or Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca? Abbott and Costello (who's on first) or Laurel and Hardy or Charlie Chaplin's lovable tramp?I know funny is in the ear and mind of the beholder. So there'd be all kinds of comics/comedians/comediennes f... less
What are some foods and/or beverages that you do not consume together or that you do not think should be consumed together (at the same sitting, in the same dish, in the same meal, etc.)?
this has been going on for a while, seems like a couple of months, ive mentioned it to my doctors but i dont see anything being done about it, my doctor retired so im seeing someon... morethis has been going on for a while, seems like a couple of months, ive mentioned it to my doctors but i dont see anything being done about it, my doctor retired so im seeing someone else, when i mentioned it to her she did some bloodwork, but so far they havent called me and its been over a wk, i looked it up on my patient portal, they had some stuff that had words i didnt understands saying stuff was high, i looked up those words online and i think they were saying it was my pituitary glands and cushings syndrome acting up which makes sense since im only 4ft5. ive been trying to tell doctors that for yrs and it fell on deaf ears. not sure why theyre not sending me for other tests, i have this nurse coming from united health care in about two wks so im going to ask her what to do, someone from my church the pastors wife is a paramedic so i asked her what i should do, she told me to get my eyes checked, i made an appt for that in nov. so has anyone else had this happen and what did you do about it? less
Provide another stimulus package to help people in need.TAKE AWAY TAKE AWAY TAKE AWAYThey are DESPERATE TO TAKE AWAYGive provide help you out? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. NOT INTER... moreProvide another stimulus package to help people in need.TAKE AWAY TAKE AWAY TAKE AWAYThey are DESPERATE TO TAKE AWAYGive provide help you out? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. NOT INTERESTEDSo who luvs ya baby? Who is on YOUR side? THE GOP TAKERS AWAY or the anti them?C'mon. It ain't that hard. THINK. You do remember how to do that don't you? THINK.
But the son of an itch sez the advise and consent for the amy dame (a traitor to her gender bigly) will go foward next week VIRTUALLY! VIRTUALLY?I thought you had to show up in per... moreBut the son of an itch sez the advise and consent for the amy dame (a traitor to her gender bigly) will go foward next week VIRTUALLY! VIRTUALLY?I thought you had to show up in person ACTUALLY to vote. Remote? The old goat. Sheesh. What a gutless wonder.
I was force-fed ginger ale as a child whenever I was sick. Regardless of the illness. I still feel like I need it whenever I come down with something. Now I'm kin... moreI was force-fed ginger ale as a child whenever I was sick. Regardless of the illness. I still feel like I need it whenever I come down with something. Now I'm kind of wondering if I was psychologically abused.