do not do, do not even attempt to do while high? This includes things that you do when you’re not high and things that you don’t do when you’re not high.~
Poor impotant adolescent teeny tiny useless worthless little baby. Daddy dearest is long gone and who is going to protect the dumb cluck duck from an INTELLIGENT ACCOMPLISHED TALEN... morePoor impotant adolescent teeny tiny useless worthless little baby. Daddy dearest is long gone and who is going to protect the dumb cluck duck from an INTELLIGENT ACCOMPLISHED TALENTED WOMAN OF COLOR? No one. The puny whinya** pathetic pitiful duck is out there all alone on his own. He can't function that way. He got nuthin'! Where are his lifesavers? MIA? He is incapable of saving himself from anything. He is a loser. Oh dear. How sad. How mad. How glad. Too bad.It is what it is . Everyone says so. That he can tell you. He is the chosen one. He is the only one who can fix "it". Trust him. Believe him. Sacrifice for him.Yadayadayadayadayadayada. less
*Of course, while anyone at all may answer if he or she wishes to, there is the understanding that not everyone believes in karma, or believes in it in equal measures, or believes ... more*Of course, while anyone at all may answer if he or she wishes to, there is the understanding that not everyone believes in karma, or believes in it in equal measures, or believes in its definition/definitions in equal ways. Some people do not believe it exists at all, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with each person making an independent determination on it. Not all of us have to think the same way.Thank you all in advance.
We usta think all good things come from GOD. But what with the dumb cluck duck in control now we get crap like the Proud Boys and the QANONS and the dumb cluck duck loyal adoring w... moreWe usta think all good things come from GOD. But what with the dumb cluck duck in control now we get crap like the Proud Boys and the QANONS and the dumb cluck duck loyal adoring worshippers who are armed locked and loaded and ready to strike. The dumb cluck duck expects you to thank all the time for everything. Don't forget or you too will be target of vendettaing. It's his think.I liked the way it used to be. Before the ogre monstrous behemouth invaded our land. Too late. Too bad. Too too tutu. Who do? You do. Voodoo. less
Diving poll numbersRepublican ads attacking himA TSUNAMI loss on election dayHis toady sycophant lemming idiots ignoring his demands for revenge retaliation vendettaHis being the p... moreDiving poll numbersRepublican ads attacking himA TSUNAMI loss on election dayHis toady sycophant lemming idiots ignoring his demands for revenge retaliation vendettaHis being the punch line for jokes mocking ridicule late late night comendianing and bright two year olds?
Chances for what or what? She is not running for anything.Why does the dumb cluck duck insult his pompousa** for not getting all of hillary emails out? The duck seems to be stuck i... moreChances for what or what? She is not running for anything.Why does the dumb cluck duck insult his pompousa** for not getting all of hillary emails out? The duck seems to be stuck in 2016. Does he know what year this is and who his opponent is? He is very confused. Time travel perhaps?
That the quantum level of existence has something to do with it. SAY WHAT?So Roger Penrose, physicist, is working on that theory.Do you ever question the source of self-awareness? ... moreThat the quantum level of existence has something to do with it. SAY WHAT?So Roger Penrose, physicist, is working on that theory.Do you ever question the source of self-awareness? I never did but now I wonder.What makes me me to me? What is the mechanism by which I differentiate myself from others?I look in a mirror and see a face reflected there. How do I know it is my face?I know the brain is a vastly mysterious place. Cognitive science studies it trying to figure it out. How far science can get us in understanding/comprehending I don't know.Do you ever wonder about your brain and why you are wired as you are? Where your likes and dislikes come from? Why you "change your mind" from time to time about some things and not others? Why you warm up to some immediately while others drive you away with the "vibes" they give off?Ever wonder why some folks wonder about so many things while others never wonder about anything? less
Really?I always wondered how something could come out of nothing. Imagine nothing and then imagine something coming from it. You can't can you? Well me too neither. Now I kno... moreReally?I always wondered how something could come out of nothing. Imagine nothing and then imagine something coming from it. You can't can you? Well me too neither. Now I know there were other somethings from which things were formed.
He will have 50 statues of himself larger than life built and installed in all state capitols. Only his body will be athletic and oh so muscular and manly and svelte! Not the obese... moreHe will have 50 statues of himself larger than life built and installed in all state capitols. Only his body will be athletic and oh so muscular and manly and svelte! Not the obese body he really has. He can take license any way he wants. Who is gonna stop him?It's the first thing on his list.Second will be to have America create its own peace prize and award it to him every year.Third? Imprison all his enemies building prisons galore to store them in. He will bring back the death penalty in every state so that all those who did not vote for him charged with a crime will be executed. He will see to it they are guilty of something for which he can execute them. He has friends in high places you see.Can he do that? Oh c'mon look at what he has already gotten away with and then extrapolate.He can and will get away with everything all the time doubled down bigly and more than before.He will have so much fun vendettaing and revenging and retaliating. He will have time for nothing else ...well he will still mara... less
These flabby demented perversions of macho were so INCENSED that an intelligent articulate well-loved black man ran the country for 8 years they vowed revenge. They all voted for t... moreThese flabby demented perversions of macho were so INCENSED that an intelligent articulate well-loved black man ran the country for 8 years they vowed revenge. They all voted for the dumb cluck duck. They will kill for him and die for him. No sweat. HE IS ALL WHITE though orange tinted and that ALLRIGHT with them.There you have it. Blame President Barack Obama for all of this. They are the retaliation revenge on those of use who voted gladly for President Obama TWICE and guess what? Millions of us are white. So the white racist demented misfits decided to revenge and boy they sure are doing a he** of a job Brownie. A he** of a job.A 17 year old murderer of two wounder of one is hailed as a HERO a PATRIOT and treated with sympathy and kindess by all of "their kind".Only the tip of that iceberg. less
Know any? Belong to any of the white domestic American terrorist groups?Where did they start? Gun clubs?KKKAmerican NazisSkinheadsProud BoysQANONMilitia groupsAll are dumb cluck du... moreKnow any? Belong to any of the white domestic American terrorist groups?Where did they start? Gun clubs?KKKAmerican NazisSkinheadsProud BoysQANONMilitia groupsAll are dumb cluck duck devoted adoring worshippersThe dumb cluck duck knows that and that's why he gives bloody red meat in the form of cues. STAND BACK STAND BY. An endorsement to relish and be so very proud of.All white groups. All mental defects. All filled with hate/fear.
WHAT? SAY WHAT?The dumb cluck duck WAS SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT IN JANUARY 2017?Then what in the he** does he keep moaning and groaning and kvetching and bit**ng about? HE IS THE PRES... moreWHAT? SAY WHAT?The dumb cluck duck WAS SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT IN JANUARY 2017?Then what in the he** does he keep moaning and groaning and kvetching and bit**ng about? HE IS THE PRESIDENT. HE IS THE PRESIDENT. he IS the president.This displeases him because?What did they do to stop him dead in his tracks and steal the presidency away from him?. That is what he keeps bit**ing about 24/7 and can't let go of right? They cheated him out of the job. Does he not know he is the president? Does he think the oval office and the white house are not where the President works and lives? He keeps bit**ing about something that never happened. WHY? He is obsessed with something that never happened. This shows intelligence wisdom and great strength because? less
Will there be dire side effects? We don't know. We won't have tested it sufficiently to determine that.Russian Roulette? Of course. Sure. Why not? Putrid putin plays it with our li... moreWill there be dire side effects? We don't know. We won't have tested it sufficiently to determine that.Russian Roulette? Of course. Sure. Why not? Putrid putin plays it with our lives all the time in collusion with the dumb cluck duck his useful idiot lapdog puppet.
Well it's Autumn already you see and the yearly FLU will find its way to us and possibly perhaps even conspire and collude with the virus.Meanwhile the dumb cluck duck has moved on... moreWell it's Autumn already you see and the yearly FLU will find its way to us and possibly perhaps even conspire and collude with the virus.Meanwhile the dumb cluck duck has moved on and so have his peeps. More will be dropping dead as time goes by but not in the alternate reality world of the dumb cluck duck. Any bet on what the dumb cluck duck will do to make things worse next?He is already riding the a** of his fake AG liddle billbarfbarr toCharged and arrest and imprison for treason Barack Obama Joe Biden Hillary Clinton and everyone who did not vote for him. He will build all the prisons that are needed for there are millions of them.See how hard he is work for y'all? 24/7 his obessession is front and center and whirling dervishly faster and faster faster.Be not afraid. He can fix it. Only he knows everything.56,000 new cases on Friday (that was yesterday for those of you who are math impaired)7.7 MILLION cases in the US so far and counting215,000 DEAD so far and countingSo far how many memorial services has ... less
First he sez no more stimulus package till after I win the election and then immediately MASSIVE relief.Then he sez he is waiting to sign legistlation for stimulus package.Sez he w... moreFirst he sez no more stimulus package till after I win the election and then immediately MASSIVE relief.Then he sez he is waiting to sign legistlation for stimulus package.Sez he wanted MORE than the $2.2 trillion Nancy Pelosi wanted. Signed a bill for $1.8 trillion even though even so ho ho ho.What in the he** is wrong with him? More crazy nutjob wackadoodlenoodle insanity. Accelerating bigly. Is there a stop or top or an end?
I know he scolded the planned kidnap murder victim. Bigly. She did not thank him enough.My gawd he is screwier than any duck in a cartoon of looney tune. He is a looney tune.
All republican SOB gubners are furiously tryhing different things to rig the voting because they know if they don't there is no way in the the dumb cluck duck will win.Will the tak... moreAll republican SOB gubners are furiously tryhing different things to rig the voting because they know if they don't there is no way in the the dumb cluck duck will win.Will the take victory laps for having done just that? Wait and see. In a certain period of time. Everyone says so. What could it hurt? Whatcha got ta lose?
So he talked all the time non-stop barfing interrupting break in talking over constantly.He knew he couldn't handle a true debate so he ruined the one there was.he thinks he won. S... moreSo he talked all the time non-stop barfing interrupting break in talking over constantly.He knew he couldn't handle a true debate so he ruined the one there was.he thinks he won. So do his peeps. No one won. Everyone lost. Whenever the dumb cluck duck butts in that will always happen.
He already owns all of them and they are only onles who give a sh** about him or listen to him.He keeps preaching to the choir and they are the only ones paying any attention to hi... moreHe already owns all of them and they are only onles who give a sh** about him or listen to him.He keeps preaching to the choir and they are the only ones paying any attention to him.I guess he needs to be on stage performing for audience of any kind at any time or he will die.Okey. Ga head. Keep her up.
WHY?It seems you cannot be pointing loaded guns at people and threatening them when they are doing nothing illegal or wrong or harmful or bad. It seems there are laws against that.... moreWHY?It seems you cannot be pointing loaded guns at people and threatening them when they are doing nothing illegal or wrong or harmful or bad. It seems there are laws against that. I'm sure liddlebillybarfbarr will extinguish such laws and the dumb cluck duck will give them medals of honor or freedom or whatever. He loves the gun pointers at protesters. He adores the he** outta them. Know why? They are his people and all of them voted for him and all of them will vote for him again. The gun people adore him.SIGH. less