CNN says half the states...25USA says 39.Isn't it sublime? Soon the Flu will be hitting too and the predicted rise in autumn of the Covid 19 so take care out there. A PERFECT storm... moreCNN says half the states...25USA says 39.Isn't it sublime? Soon the Flu will be hitting too and the predicted rise in autumn of the Covid 19 so take care out there. A PERFECT storm is about to hit.Don't be afraid. Don't let it dominate your life. Go out and live. Attend ego hate rallies and jam together to show how much you fear. Ga head.
Isn't EXPERIENCE the best instructor? I don't get it.A president who has never been in battle never been in war never even served his/her country in the military having power over ... moreIsn't EXPERIENCE the best instructor? I don't get it.A president who has never been in battle never been in war never even served his/her country in the military having power over the lives of millions and playing them as if they are pawns on a chess board? Seriously?
Your duck NEEDS you to show up by the millions unmasked ungloved sitting on top of one another to show you devotion and gladness that he singlehandedl beat the virus.You have nothi... moreYour duck NEEDS you to show up by the millions unmasked ungloved sitting on top of one another to show you devotion and gladness that he singlehandedl beat the virus.You have nothing to fear. He says I AM CURED. Show the world how true defiance looks. How true loyalty smells. How true mocking ridiculing insulting attacking feels. Ga head. Ga head. Ga head.
The dumb cluck duck is terrified that putrid putin will take him out any time he chooses to do so.So the dumb cluck duck panders and obsequiously compliments and in a very girly gi... moreThe dumb cluck duck is terrified that putrid putin will take him out any time he chooses to do so.So the dumb cluck duck panders and obsequiously compliments and in a very girly girly adolescent teeny bopper bobby soxer way gushes all the time over the putrid putin. Fact is if the duck sat down on putin he'd kill him. But the duck is petrified horrified terrified so he rolls over lies down plays dead begs.
He CRITICIZED governor Witmer for her comments.Of course the dumb cluck duck always supports defends argues on behalf of his violent white racist base.Quite real of him to do it. G... moreHe CRITICIZED governor Witmer for her comments.Of course the dumb cluck duck always supports defends argues on behalf of his violent white racist base.Quite real of him to do it. Gravely brave. Encouraging them to try again by his defending them.Keep it up duck. You will get the attention you lust after so bigly. Keep it up duck. Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up. Your white racist base is GLUED TO WHAT YOU DO WHAT YOU SAY AND HOW YOU BACK THEM UP EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY. QUACK QUACK QUACK whack whack whack ack ack ack. less
Look at yourselves. Out there maskless gloveless butt to butt socializing boozing it up close as you can get.Will YOU cooperate and do what we need to do to get to a post?Of course... moreLook at yourselves. Out there maskless gloveless butt to butt socializing boozing it up close as you can get.Will YOU cooperate and do what we need to do to get to a post?Of course you won't. You read the guidelines and do the exact opposite. NO ONE IS GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO including what will save your life and the lives of others. Not your problem is it?So I rest my case. None of y'all (and you know whom you are) will ever allow anyone to get to the other side. Ever. You will gladly sacrifice however many lives it takes for you to do what you dam* well please when how where and for how long. Screw anyone who tries to stop you. CORRECT? less
Steve Bannon and other doomy gloomy destructers like Grover Norquist and the duck wanted to shake things up so they'd come crashing down and die.The Norquist snake allegedly ... moreSteve Bannon and other doomy gloomy destructers like Grover Norquist and the duck wanted to shake things up so they'd come crashing down and die.The Norquist snake allegedly said he wanted to shrink government so he could put it in his hand take it to a bathtub fill it with water and DROWN it.REPUBLICAN? Oh c'mon you don't know? He was the crapper who made Republicans SIGN OATHS they would always whatever and they would never whatever and all the little scairdy cut whinya** gutless spineless GOP dumplings signed.PATHETIC PITIFUL PAINFUL puppets.Well destroy deconstruct drown. Might fine platform for any political party ain't it though? So highbrow and all!The goal of Republicans vis a vis our government. DESTROY DECONSTRUCT DIMINISH DROWN. They got their wish. Are y'all happy as clams at high tide about that? Becha yar. less
A civics test to see if they understand anything about how government works. Also a CONSTITUTION rest to see if they understand what there is within it?The dumb cluck duck is cluel... moreA civics test to see if they understand anything about how government works. Also a CONSTITUTION rest to see if they understand what there is within it?The dumb cluck duck is clueless about all of it. He is am embarrassment of riches vis a vis what he doesn't knkow about his own country and its history. A college degree he brags of at WHARTON? Bought by his very rich daddy dearest. The duck really is as dumb as they come and pandes to those who are equally dumb. Not a very good thing to have happen methings. Doth thou think? If so what doth thou think ABOUT? How often? When? Why? Where? less
Of course his dad bought his way out of the military by doing favors for doc who wrote the fake letter (per the doc's daughters). You can buy a college degree easily. You can buy a... moreOf course his dad bought his way out of the military by doing favors for doc who wrote the fake letter (per the doc's daughters). You can buy a college degree easily. You can buy anything at anytime for any reason.I think presidential candidates should take tests before they are allowed to run. To test what they know and don't.
If you are DEATHLY allergic to peanuts or shellfish or tree nuts (walnuts/ son is) or whatever does that automatically keep you from serving in the miitary? Anyone know?
The dumb cluck ducks says I AM CURED.People who are coughing? Could be something else of course. Could also be that duck IS NOT CURED AT ALL but being kept alive on figurative mach... moreThe dumb cluck ducks says I AM CURED.People who are coughing? Could be something else of course. Could also be that duck IS NOT CURED AT ALL but being kept alive on figurative machines. Anything is possible.
Once again the duck is ignored. Once again the duck is a loser.Who/what won?The 2020 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE was awarded to the UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAM that fights against hunger as a weap... moreOnce again the duck is ignored. Once again the duck is a loser.Who/what won?The 2020 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE was awarded to the UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAM that fights against hunger as a weapon of war.I know duck. Not nearly as bigly as what you do done did will done do too.Struck out 4 times in a raw? Three is the max before you leave but of course for you there are no rules to adhere to abide by honor respect or to which you conform.Keep trying duck every year until you die. Barack OBAMA has one. It kills you doesn't it? You can't stand it can you? Well where there is life there is hope and so far you are still alive though you are plugged full of drugs and coughing and hiding. Whatever. less
Show up when you wantSay what you what (according the rules/regs and VERY partisan likes/dislikes of the "monitors")Engage with those you wantLeave whenever you wantNo having expla... moreShow up when you wantSay what you what (according the rules/regs and VERY partisan likes/dislikes of the "monitors")Engage with those you wantLeave whenever you wantNo having explain to explain/defend comings or goings or saying a thing
What are "the bends"? Does your head just explode or do you simply go mad..crazy..nutty...insane and stay that way till you die? Can THE BENDS kill you on the spot? AEROEMBOLISM? J... moreWhat are "the bends"? Does your head just explode or do you simply go mad..crazy..nutty...insane and stay that way till you die? Can THE BENDS kill you on the spot? AEROEMBOLISM? Just looked it up. Sounds extremely DIRE. Know anyone who got "the bends" and survived intact?
Ever had the breath knocked out of you? It makes you feel as if you are dying.Can you fight on a battlefield in a war if you are gasping for breath and feel like you are dying? How?
Any homo sap who entertains the thought of running for president should have always voted and served in the military? Too much still?I think when the commander in chief has the pow... moreAny homo sap who entertains the thought of running for president should have always voted and served in the military? Too much still?I think when the commander in chief has the power to send human beings into a war where many of them will die he/she should at least have been willing to do it too. Don't you?As it is...or as it seems...the dumb cluck duck was shipped off to military school to live away from home for whatever reason his parents could concoct to get him out of the house.His rich daddy bought him out of serving his country. Not the only one of course but the others weren't a president. He plays with HIS toy soldiers and moves them like chess pieces on a chessboard. Threatens to send them out in the streets at home. To the border to keep "the other" out. To patrol voting. Chess pieces don't feel or think. They just are.So what do YOU think and why?Now of course a CAVEAT would be if the wannabe had some health/medical condition that would preclude his being suitable for the military. Fake bonespu... less
Only my "what's in it for me" has to do with intellectually. What do I get by spending time with others? What is the benefit TO ME investing my time with them? At the end of the co... moreOnly my "what's in it for me" has to do with intellectually. What do I get by spending time with others? What is the benefit TO ME investing my time with them? At the end of the conversation am I better off for having it or worse did I just waste time? Am I angry or frustrated or insulted?WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?. Do you do that too? Do you evaluate what you could gain and what you could lose when you choose where and when and with whom to invest your time? Hopefully the folks with whom I chat regularly find something in it for them. I hope there is some sort of reciprocity. Not equal or the same but some exchange of value to make it worthwhile. less
Of course we KNOW the dumb cluck duck could have a RELAPSE and at any time and be rushed to the hospital and ventilated. But say he isn't. Say he does survive because of that ... moreOf course we KNOW the dumb cluck duck could have a RELAPSE and at any time and be rushed to the hospital and ventilated. But say he isn't. Say he does survive because of that expensive protocol.Ask yourself this.WHY IS THE DUMB CLUCK DUCK LIFE MORE VALUABLE THAT ANY OTHER?
How dumb is he?He thinks that only a virtual debate would enable cutting him off mikewise.No dumbbell. In person live face to face the moderator CAN CUT OFF YOUR MIKE too.You didn'... moreHow dumb is he?He thinks that only a virtual debate would enable cutting him off mikewise.No dumbbell. In person live face to face the moderator CAN CUT OFF YOUR MIKE too.You didn't know that did you?How dumb is that?
Six wanna be domestic terrorists had their a**es nailed to the wall today.What did they WANT to do?KIDNAP THE GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN just before the election.The dumb cluck duck peep... moreSix wanna be domestic terrorists had their a**es nailed to the wall today.What did they WANT to do?KIDNAP THE GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN just before the election.The dumb cluck duck peeps? Of course. Who else would be that crackput nutcase insane?Stay tuned. More to come. Aren't you glad you are living in such great times? Pray to and thank your duck. It is all due to him.
The "Obama spied on my campaign"ANDHillaries emailsThe dimwit dingbat deadbeat goes back to the same trough he almost in YEARS AGO!HE GOT NUTHIN'! HE GOT NUTHIN'! HE GOT NUTHIN'!Pa... moreThe "Obama spied on my campaign"ANDHillaries emailsThe dimwit dingbat deadbeat goes back to the same trough he almost in YEARS AGO!HE GOT NUTHIN'! HE GOT NUTHIN'! HE GOT NUTHIN'!Pathetic pitiful
We don't mandate dental care. You can rot your teeth out if you want. No skin off my nose. Go aheadWe don't mandate medical care UNLESS YOU ARE CONTAGIOUS! What do I care if ... moreWe don't mandate dental care. You can rot your teeth out if you want. No skin off my nose. Go aheadWe don't mandate medical care UNLESS YOU ARE CONTAGIOUS! What do I care if you have a heart attack? It isn't contagious so go ahead. But I care if you are Covid 19 positive and you spit and I inhale the virus in it because you couldn't be bothered to wear a mask. Sure I wear a mask all the time but sometimes if I'm out and have to blow my nose I stand aside pull down the mask and do what I have to do. What if in that space you were there maskless and I inhale the virus hanging in that area from your spit or sneeze or cough? I know. What's it to you? Why should you care? Therein lies the problem with you and all your ilk. Why should you care? You don't.Dense pense sez "we trust the American people to make up their own minds about health care".We trust the American people to make their own minds about healthWe trust the American people to make up their own minds aboutWe trust the American people to ... less
Illegal to wear a mask or social distance or gloveFirst Offense $1000 fineSecond A month in jail plus $1000 fineThird Death plus all... moreIllegal to wear a mask or social distance or gloveFirst Offense $1000 fineSecond A month in jail plus $1000 fineThird Death plus all your assets will revert to the gubment..owned thereafter by the dumb cluck duck Impossible? Over the top? Outrageous?Who is going to stop the dynamic duo from doing whatever it wants whenever it wants to whomever it wants for however long it wants? ANSWER ME THAT.
She was REPEATEDLY asked if she were PROUD of her supporting the duck and she REPEATEDLY refused to answer the question asked and kept says she was PROUD of her legislation.Very su... moreShe was REPEATEDLY asked if she were PROUD of her supporting the duck and she REPEATEDLY refused to answer the question asked and kept says she was PROUD of her legislation.Very suspicious suspect don'tcha think? If she is sucking up to dumb cluck duck supporters so they will vote for her what do you think her REFUSAL will do?Who is her audience? Her pandering is directed where? She was very weird and very odd and very peculiarly queer and bizarre.Is she ASHAMED of being tied to the dumbcluckduck? Whassamatta her? less