They only see straight ahead so proud of the blinders they are never without. Never admit being wrong. Never admit choosing wrong. Never admit supporting wrong. Never ever move an ... moreThey only see straight ahead so proud of the blinders they are never without. Never admit being wrong. Never admit choosing wrong. Never admit supporting wrong. Never ever move an inch. How is that possible? What has happened to them to make so hostile and undeniably WRONG? Anyone?
There is no free lunch t'is said. Eventually somewhere along the line you will pay a price for it.What price will the toady sycophant bellycrawling roller overs pay to protect the ... moreThere is no free lunch t'is said. Eventually somewhere along the line you will pay a price for it.What price will the toady sycophant bellycrawling roller overs pay to protect the deadhead? They will do and say anything to preserve him including selling out their country, attacking their fellow citizens, and following the deadhead down a dark path blindly. That does not come free of charge.Would you like to watch what happens to those who sold themselves for deadhead? What is a fitting forever after for them? Physical pain, mental torture? What could possibly offset/balance out what they are doing? less
Guys seem to love electronic thingies and gadgets and thingamabob and dohickeys with bells and whistles and all kinds of sounds. Some gals do too. For me? Take me to a new grocery ... moreGuys seem to love electronic thingies and gadgets and thingamabob and dohickeys with bells and whistles and all kinds of sounds. Some gals do too. For me? Take me to a new grocery store to which I've never been before and I will always perk right up and start searching for that one wondrous thing I've never seen before. Like clockwork (if the clock works). Predictable. Sure thing.
been this way all my life and have never dated or had a boyfriend cause of it and wondered if it had anything to do with it? i know i should get tested ... more been this way all my life and have never dated or had a boyfriend cause of it and wondered if it had anything to do with it? i know i should get tested for it and just wondered about it.
I have interesting nature photos from our RV travels in my computer, and I was able once to transfer some from the computer into the Instagram account in my Windows 10 - and they a... moreI have interesting nature photos from our RV travels in my computer, and I was able once to transfer some from the computer into the Instagram account in my Windows 10 - and they appeared neatly in my Instagram account in my Samsung smartphone. Don't ask me how I did it. I might have had a drink or two to get smart or it has been pure luck. Anyway - I CAN NOT REMEmBER!!!! People admire me for being so technical inclined as a greatgrandma, but I fall short of that miserably. I looked up YouTube, but the way they explain everything is just too much for me to grasp that fast. Maybe I can get a simple step by step direction how to do that? I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance! PC Instagram runs on Google and so does it in the Android, where I have Google as the default browser. I do not want to have to sign in with Microsoft and have everything connected with facebook. less
It seems the deadhead can only tolerate bellycrawling rolling over toady sycophants who agree with him. Nonaactivists who don't think don't speak don't do diddly are his cuppa dupp... moreIt seems the deadhead can only tolerate bellycrawling rolling over toady sycophants who agree with him. Nonaactivists who don't think don't speak don't do diddly are his cuppa duppa zuppa yuppa crapola. Isn't that good to know? How you can avoid being targeted by the deadhead. Be silent and invisible. Good ta know.
They said they are not running for prez to suck up to big rich fatcats. They are running for prez to help the small folks like you and me who maybe can send them $25 or $50. Any bi... moreThey said they are not running for prez to suck up to big rich fatcats. They are running for prez to help the small folks like you and me who maybe can send them $25 or $50. Any billionaires who are running are definitely running to better the lives of their own kind their own ilk including the dead head though his a paltry billionaire. He took care of his own kind first and will last and always. He bragged to them at Mar A Lago that he would take care of them. So any of you rank file "little people" who support the dead head are supporting the rich getting richer. Moving along singing a song side by side. less
What would YOU charge per pill if you were the inventor creator imaginator?Of if you were very wealthy would you give them away?Another question comes from this.
The idiotman that Bernie chose to endorse is a "young Turk" named CENK UYGER who is KNOWN FOR MAKING DISPARAGING COMMENTS ABOUT WOMEN.So of course when sh** hits fan Bernie takes i... moreThe idiotman that Bernie chose to endorse is a "young Turk" named CENK UYGER who is KNOWN FOR MAKING DISPARAGING COMMENTS ABOUT WOMEN.So of course when sh** hits fan Bernie takes it back making him look superdumbly ignorant, not thorough and not aware of what is going on. Bad MO for a prez candidate don't'cha think?
Wouldja like to visit one that carried everything that grows anywhere in the world...all varieties there of? Would it take a continent to accommodate it? How many would that be? Trillions?
The comment was "politicians should be put against a wall". The inference was I guess to be shot by a firing square? I dunno. She has been attacked by the head out of pure jealousy... moreThe comment was "politicians should be put against a wall". The inference was I guess to be shot by a firing square? I dunno. She has been attacked by the head out of pure jealousy envy. Maybe she cracked.
House just passed HR 5038. Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019"search"%3A%5B"Farm+workers"%5D%7D&s=1&r=... moreHouse just passed HR 5038. Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019"search"%3A%5B"Farm+workers"%5D%7D&s=1&r=4Adds more worker VISAs. Gives an anmesty to illegal farm workers and their families. A path to citizenship and tax money for housing. What else have they snuck by us
My guess is that he sees the gravy train out there. All he has to do is be a turncoat and suck up to and roll over for the head that's dead and he'll be swimming in glorious gravy.... moreMy guess is that he sees the gravy train out there. All he has to do is be a turncoat and suck up to and roll over for the head that's dead and he'll be swimming in glorious gravy. Why not? What could it hurt? Maybe the head that's dead will make him the new Secretary of State after mike pompoua** is fired or leaves for greener pastures. Who knows?
The dead HEAD obviously is terrified that his pro dumbdemdonjohn folks will get some truth thrown in with all the lies and bullsh**. Terrified that a little tiny bit of truth will ... moreThe dead HEAD obviously is terrified that his pro dumbdemdonjohn folks will get some truth thrown in with all the lies and bullsh**. Terrified that a little tiny bit of truth will seep through.Control of EVERYTHING is all he asks. Abrogation of a FREE PRESS especially he will destroy. What else will the head what's dead rant rave rail about? Your guess?
I worked for a couple and the mister was relaxed laid back but the missus mighta been bipolar. There were some really tough times but here and there a kind heart came through and i... moreI worked for a couple and the mister was relaxed laid back but the missus mighta been bipolar. There were some really tough times but here and there a kind heart came through and it always surprised me. Is that potential for doing something very kind alive and well in all of us?
The prior WIMPS in America considered it a bazillion times and always pulled back because the SOB's didn't want to offend Turkey who has consistently denied everything. Said it was... moreThe prior WIMPS in America considered it a bazillion times and always pulled back because the SOB's didn't want to offend Turkey who has consistently denied everything. Said it was a civil war and the numbers who died were were greatly exaggerated. No more! The 1.5 MILLION ARMENIANS WHO WERE SLAUGHTRED AT THE HANDS OF THE OTTOMAN TURKS have been acknowledged by America man many many decades after other countries stepped up to the plate and called it for what it was. GENOCIDE!Thank you from the bottom of my heart.The Obama administration did sh** about it. Scairdy cats didn't want to offend an "ally". I know the current head doesn't give a rat's a** about truth and justice and acknowledging wrong but for some reason the REPUBLICAN MAJORITY SENATE did. I understand especially TED CRUZ. I will never understand how the same body that supports the current FASCIST head also supports truth about something that happened 100 years ago to a minority. But I am grateful as are all other Armenians. I will not forget th... less