How people think is kinda interesting. Kinda infuriating at times. Kinda comforting at times.Do you like how YOU think better than how others think? Why?
I know the deadhead doesn't have exclusive rights to promulgating the most despicable type of CAPITALISM. Does your country put profit over everything as the deadhead does and as h... moreI know the deadhead doesn't have exclusive rights to promulgating the most despicable type of CAPITALISM. Does your country put profit over everything as the deadhead does and as his 41% adoring worshippers insist upon his doing? What do the people in your country do to keep your treasures protected and preserved and respected?
Didja enjoy it? Some families would take a tour each year and visit several National Parks. The only camping our family ever did was once at Yosemite. It was one of two family vaca... moreDidja enjoy it? Some families would take a tour each year and visit several National Parks. The only camping our family ever did was once at Yosemite. It was one of two family vacations we ever took. Vacations were for the wealthy which we were not.I remember it vividly. It was long ago and I remembered BRIDAL VEIL FALLS. At night red-hot coals would be tossed over the side and you'd see a long stream of red cascading down the mountain. I still remember that and it was awesome. I think subsequently in later years they stopped doing that. There was a cold stream where we camped and we had cots and sleeping bags. My mom and baby sister slept in the car. I slept on a cot and so did my dad and our relatives who lived in Fresno with whom we camped.A bear came through at night looking for food. I awoke to a loud banging and clanging and I heard someone yell "BEAR". I froze. I guess it found what it was looking for or lost interest and left after a few minutes. When I was sure it was gone I got into the car with my mom... less
America has sent some of its firefighters over here to help ours.It's still only the start of summer and already we've lost 2 million hectares to fire across fire fronts of 11,000 ... moreAmerica has sent some of its firefighters over here to help ours.It's still only the start of summer and already we've lost 2 million hectares to fire across fire fronts of 11,000 kilometres - half of it in precious old-growth native forests, the other half on private farmlands.Our firefighters have been fighting non-stop for over three months. Many are so exhausted they are making mistakes and getting injured.Without your help, we would have lost and would still be losing far more.THANK YOU, America from the deepest places in my heart.I can confidently say every other Australian feels the same. less
A great sadness overwhelms me. The many people who fought to PRESERVE our beautiful lands for future generations like John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt and other farsighted naturalists is... moreA great sadness overwhelms me. The many people who fought to PRESERVE our beautiful lands for future generations like John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt and other farsighted naturalists is being wiped out undone destroyed rescinded by the deadhead.Rescinds National Monument ProtectionsRolled back 85 environmental protectionsOpened up public lands to the energy industryMining companies can now dump waste into riversOpened Arctic waters to drillingWhy? What a stupid question. TO MAKE MONEY!We were watching the program prepared in 2009 under the President Barack Obama Administration. He and other presidents before him created safety zones of public lands. The program emphasized this fact...that THE PUBLIC LANDS WERE JOINTLY OWNED BY WE THE PEOPLE AND BY THE GOVERNMENT. JOINT OWNERSHIP. 50-50. 2009 was a very good time. What was isn't any longer. That is OBVIOUSLY APPARENT. We are in the hands of a destroyer. A money-hungry hoor. And 41% of you cheer him on to keep on doing what he is doing. On your heads falls the responsi... less
I worked with a gal long ago who had undergone SHOCK therapy. She described it as being very awful and she never said why she agreed to it. I think her husband had passed away and ... moreI worked with a gal long ago who had undergone SHOCK therapy. She described it as being very awful and she never said why she agreed to it. I think her husband had passed away and she was in such despair and very depressed but I'm not sure.Any of you ever experience shock treatment? Would it change your personality or your values? How could it "rewire" you and not change you?
I asked in a question about "accidental" inventions and he came up with a link listing 18 which I've listed below.microwavequininex-raysradioactivityVelcroSweet n LopacemakerLSDPla... moreI asked in a question about "accidental" inventions and he came up with a link listing 18 which I've listed below.microwavequininex-raysradioactivityVelcroSweet n LopacemakerLSDPlaydohPenicillinViagraInsulinVulcanized rubberCorn flakesTeflonSuper GlueSafety glass used in windshieldsVaseline
For the first time in 50 years PORK inspectors will be operating differently. Was 7 inspectors inspecting pigs to make sure they were healthy and SAFE TO EAT. Then the number of in... moreFor the first time in 50 years PORK inspectors will be operating differently. Was 7 inspectors inspecting pigs to make sure they were healthy and SAFE TO EAT. Then the number of inspectors dropped to 2-3 and in the new it will be employees doing the inspecting and inspectors doing some checking. All for why? What a dumba** question to ask! To speed up the process to get pig to the market faster to sell more pig product faster to make more pig money faster. What else? Geez y'all are so slow!And the deadhead has plans to change how beef is inspected to speed up the process to get cow to marke faster to sell more cow product faster to make more cow money more faster.Your health be dam*ed if gets in the way of CAPITALISM! THAT GREAT GOD who will not be denied or impeded in any way if the deadhead has anything to say about and of course being the pokey nosy guy he is he will have a say about everything.Nice to know your gubment is watching out for ya ain't it though? less
Once upon a upon in the long ago I think but I don't know that the lying hypocritical SOB's would feel a twinge of guilt or wrinkle in conscience for supporting what they KNEW was ... moreOnce upon a upon in the long ago I think but I don't know that the lying hypocritical SOB's would feel a twinge of guilt or wrinkle in conscience for supporting what they KNEW was vile but of course they did it anyway.Today all sense of degradation and disgust are gone. They feel vindicated in every slimy smarmy sycophantic suckingup they continue to do. A badge hey wear proudly and loudly and defiantly and belligerently and wackadoodly. The power of the deadhead to have effected all of this is otherworldly and deadly. He comes bearing gifts from the DEVIL. How long will THE BEAST be in charge? I do not know. Do you? less
The 1998 version EXCORIATED those who made up their minds in advance of the hearing. Very "sincere" was he about that. The today version has proudly stated he made up his mind IN A... moreThe 1998 version EXCORIATED those who made up their minds in advance of the hearing. Very "sincere" was he about that. The today version has proudly stated he made up his mind IN ADVANCE. Proudly sez when the bill to impeach reaches the Senate it will die and he will do everything within his power to see to it. He needs no witnesses or information or anything. His head is made up about the guilt of the deadhead.Senility? Which verson of Lindsay is the truth teller and which is the liar liar liar liar pants on fire SOB toady sycophant lemming bellycrawler scumbag? Both? less
~~. and sent me home...My Doctor is amazing....I'm going to take my iPad tomorrow so he can look at that and give me something for the bugs and viruses it keeps getting..How good i... more~~. and sent me home...My Doctor is amazing....I'm going to take my iPad tomorrow so he can look at that and give me something for the bugs and viruses it keeps getting..How good is your doctor ?
Of course there are movies based on that kind of storyline but I wonder how often in real life it happens?I read that very long ago peasants had left some cheese in a cave in Franc... moreOf course there are movies based on that kind of storyline but I wonder how often in real life it happens?I read that very long ago peasants had left some cheese in a cave in France and sometime later went back there and noticed ribbons of blue in the cheese. They tried it and liked the taste. It was Roquefort I believe. So that was accidental happenstance (if true) that turned out to be a really nifty discovery. I love Blue Cheese and Gorgonzola and cheeses are da bomb!
This may well be apocryphal but here goes.I heard very long ago that someone had invented a tablet you could put in a tank of water and the vehicle would run on it as it did gas. B... moreThis may well be apocryphal but here goes.I heard very long ago that someone had invented a tablet you could put in a tank of water and the vehicle would run on it as it did gas. But the gas companies bought it and made sure no one ever produced it.Is that possible? Could it have happened or was it just a pipe dream someone invented that floated for awhile?The tablet was incredibly cheap to produce allegedly. SIGH.