Answer: it doesn’t matter when it’s the first thing that hits your nose as you open the door of the hotel room you’ve just rented! I even asked the staff fo... moreAnswer: it doesn’t matter when it’s the first thing that hits your nose as you open the door of the hotel room you’ve just rented! I even asked the staff for a different room, I was informed that unfortunately due to the tropical weather, humidity lingers inside all of the rooms, so the only people who even notice the odors are those who arrive from outer climates. The local people have just become so accustomed to it that they don’t notice it as abnormal. Sure enough, the second and third rooms they allowed me to poke my head into had the same aroma. The open-air areas of the hotel, such as the lobby, the restaurant, etc, do not suffer that plight, only the rooms and meeting areas, because they remain closed up for more than half the day every day. ~ less
How does the visiting dignitary ignore that ELEPHANT in the room and is the impeach-in-progress HEAD spending all his time with the other heads badmouthing the impeachers? That mus... moreHow does the visiting dignitary ignore that ELEPHANT in the room and is the impeach-in-progress HEAD spending all his time with the other heads badmouthing the impeachers? That must be a whale loa sh**load of fun for the dignitaries. Lots of laughs. A good time was had by all. How droll. How sophisticated. How je ne sais quoi!
I think having kids helps you to become a "better" person. You want to be a good role model, good example and so you strive to be just that for them.Not saying that those who don't... moreI think having kids helps you to become a "better" person. You want to be a good role model, good example and so you strive to be just that for them.Not saying that those who don't have kids aren't fine and wise and kind and good all alone on their own. But for me personally I know that being a mom changed me from the person I was becoming to the person I am. Whether that effect has lasted I cannot judge. My son left at 17 to go away to college and has mostly been on his own since then with occasional "living at home" during his earliest years. What kind of Rosemarie would I have been without him? I will never know. less
Are rules/laws constrictive to do harm or to do good?They are ludicrous and absurd and ridikkalus if they are not enforced. Window dressing packaging that gets ripped off and disca... moreAre rules/laws constrictive to do harm or to do good?They are ludicrous and absurd and ridikkalus if they are not enforced. Window dressing packaging that gets ripped off and discarded when convenient. Yet some really think they are very pro law and order. Delusional?
Do you escape to STAR WARS, WIZARD OF OZ, CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, or are you more likely to seek out biographical movies of what actually happened once upon a time? Why?
I guess we all have a "happy" place to which we run when we are glum and things are not going well.A hobby/activity. A person. A book. A pet. Your "sure thing" ticket to elsewhere ... moreI guess we all have a "happy" place to which we run when we are glum and things are not going well.A hobby/activity. A person. A book. A pet. Your "sure thing" ticket to elsewhere to refresh rejuvenate reactivate relax.
How would YOU change the current scenario? What would you do first? Cause the Senate to "do the right thing" and vote to impeach and remove the evildoer? I know. Big step but witho... moreHow would YOU change the current scenario? What would you do first? Cause the Senate to "do the right thing" and vote to impeach and remove the evildoer? I know. Big step but without effecting that all hope is lost and the evildoer will continue on stronger than ever doing more awful as his cheering adoring worshippers egg him on. A fascination with ugly that is puzzling. A joy in destroying that I do not understand.
Something that will make the anti-American citizens who support the worst man in history realize what they are doing and bring them back from the brink of insanity degradation and ... moreSomething that will make the anti-American citizens who support the worst man in history realize what they are doing and bring them back from the brink of insanity degradation and destruction. Either through the water they drink or the air they breathe. If evildoers can MURDER the enemy by spraying/releasing lethal things like Ricin(sp?) in the air to fell people why can't some GENIUS come up with something to make them PATRIOTIC so they will turn on the man that is destroying their country out in the open and taking victory laps for it and go crazy nuts cheering him on?How hard could it be? We sent humans to space and brought them back alive to tell about it. Now that was a hard thing to do. Thinking up a formula to remove the evil from sheeple and protect the people who are still human should not be an impossible task. Maybe the good guys are already working on it in secret. They did that when they invented the atomic bomb. Why can't they do it for something CONSTRUCTIVE? Any ideas? less
Who is responsible for enforcing it? Who is responsible for punishing those who go against it? Do the citizens of every country READ it and HONOR it and BELIEVE in it or do they ju... moreWho is responsible for enforcing it? Who is responsible for punishing those who go against it? Do the citizens of every country READ it and HONOR it and BELIEVE in it or do they just ignore it so the pols in the country can HAVE THEIR WAY WITH IT?What is the point of having a document that the movers and shakers wipe their a**es with? That is what is occurring in amurrica in present times. Is that what is going on in YOUR country too? Well here at this very moment in real time it is being done on an ENORMOUS scale. No sh**! That's it!Flagrant consistent obdurate hostile angry vicious awful traitorous treasonous has taken the place of it here. What's going on in your country and do you give a rat's a** cuz lots of "good liddle amurricans" here don't care. They have promised to obey an insane evil idiot. NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES OR SAYS OR DAMAGES OR WHOM AND WHAT HE DESTROYS. Do you have one too? If you do what are you gonna do about it? less
Now I see that it SHAPES politics SHAPES the thinking of we the sheeple and controls how we view the world. It can be all bullsh** crap and much of it is. You gotchure fake pholkes... moreNow I see that it SHAPES politics SHAPES the thinking of we the sheeple and controls how we view the world. It can be all bullsh** crap and much of it is. You gotchure fake pholkes and fake conspiracy theories and fake presidents and fake "journalists" and fake storylines and fakes. Spouting absolute LIES and GIBBERISH and mad-dog FASCISM and RACISM as if it were all the absolute truth. Perhaps there were bits and pieces of bullsh** LIARS always around in politics but never on this scale where FASCISM is the new kid in town and RACISM is front and center and HATE is the main entree on so many plates. Ugly. Awful. Spreading. Are YOU happy or are you dumbfounded and shocked and appalled and disgusted?As I said before. DUMB DA DUMB DUMB. The me I used to be. I'd rather be dumb. It was easier on me. less
Whether that's how mushrooms are farmed or not I like the analogy and bring it full bore to we the people. We are kept in the dark and fed sh** by our governments. Is that the way ... moreWhether that's how mushrooms are farmed or not I like the analogy and bring it full bore to we the people. We are kept in the dark and fed sh** by our governments. Is that the way it always was? The oppressors and the oppressed? The takers/users and the fodder for them?
Mine are: mini bar, shoe shine service, air conditioning, Gideon Bible*, local telephone calls**, blow dryer, adult movie options, coffeemaker***.*To be fair, this doesn't truly be... moreMine are: mini bar, shoe shine service, air conditioning, Gideon Bible*, local telephone calls**, blow dryer, adult movie options, coffeemaker***.*To be fair, this doesn't truly belong in the ‘never’ column, because once about twenty years ago or so when I was staying in a hotel room, I cracked one open.
**Once again, decades ago I’m sure I may have used a hotel phone to make a local call. ***Please don’t tell Just Asking; I would rather not hear all the nagging again. Sheesh.~ less
I surely do - - Dwight Yoakam's "Come On Christmas"this song, immediately in my first hearing, became one of my top Christmas songs to go to --
it's such a downer but Dwight makes ... moreI surely do - - Dwight Yoakam's "Come On Christmas"this song, immediately in my first hearing, became one of my top Christmas songs to go to --
it's such a downer but Dwight makes me feel great about it all(if you don't listen , at least check out the lyrics. :)EDIT: GREAT trumpet parts in here, too
Come on ChristmasPlease take me awayKeep me hidden safe'Til January's second dayCome on ChristmasCome on NoelI'll wrap myself up in the cheerThat's so abundantThis time of yearCome on ChristmasCome on NoelInstrumentalEven though it's just SeptemberI can forget to rememberAll the empty nightsStill in my wayCome on ChristmasEmbrace me with some joy'Til the last few lonely momentsOf this year have been destroyedCome on ChristmasCome on NoelI'll just let visions of the seasonBlind these worn-out sightsStill in my mindCome on ChristmasCome on NoelCome on Christmas...
Overheard between an airline passenger and a flight attendant:
Would you like something to drink?
Yes, do you have tomato juice?
We certainly do, I’ll bring you a glass of it... moreOverheard between an airline passenger and a flight attendant:
Would you like something to drink?
Yes, do you have tomato juice?
We certainly do, I’ll bring you a glass of it, ok?
Wait, what is the temperature, please?
Excuse me?
What’s the temperature?
The temperature here in the aircraft or the temperature at our destination?
No, the temperature of the tomato juice.
The tomato juice.
Yes, the tomato juice.
Are you asking whether it’s chilled or at room temperature?
No, I’m asking what is the actual temperature in degrees of the juice itself, not the can or the bottle, not even the plastic cup, but the juice.
You’re kidding, right? Is this a joke?
I’m not joking.
You truly cannot be serious.
I am serious. I need to know if it’s the right temperature before I drink it.
Well, I suppose I could tell you that it’s chilled, but I have no way of gauging the exact temperature in degrees.
I thought this is one of the top airlines in the world.
Liste... less
What’s the statute of limitations on a crime like that?
(She’ll try to defend her miserable hide by saying that I liked it or that I asked for it. I&rsquo... more What’s the statute of limitations on a crime like that?
(She’ll try to defend her miserable hide by saying that I liked it or that I asked for it. I’m including that in my civil lawsuit.)~
1. Surnames excluded2. Any language may be used3. If ya put Vegemite, avocado or mayo on my sammich, I’ll cut ya4. Other than ‘a’, no letter can be ... more
1. Surnames excluded2. Any language may be used3. If ya put Vegemite, avocado or mayo on my sammich, I’ll cut ya4. Other than ‘a’, no letter can be used more than once per name5. No slang, no nicknames, no initials6. No cheating off of each other’s papers7. Have fun
I need to go take a trump.He was at a bar for 10 hours and got trump-faced.I don't give a trump.What a trumphead.I'm no longer going to take any trump from you.