We always get a fresh stream of timely questions. What about the older ones that might have wisdom we all need to hear from time to time? Should be have a sec... moreWe always get a fresh stream of timely questions. What about the older ones that might have wisdom we all need to hear from time to time? Should be have a section for them only?
Like God can send an angel on earth disguised as a human, and he tells you he's a rich man, and can make appear 50K $ out of the blue and give it to you
Was this also the case in other countries that had bans on gays in the military? And would it have applied to combat and bravery medals, or just those for long service and good con... moreWas this also the case in other countries that had bans on gays in the military? And would it have applied to combat and bravery medals, or just those for long service and good conduct?I read this story in the press about a man with 18 years service in the Royal Navy - a Falklands War veteran - who was discharged in 1993 after admitting being bisexual and was forced to surrender his medal. The Ministry of Defence has now agreed to have it restored to him.https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/11/war-hero-kicked-navy-bisexual-will-get-medals-back-11653363/ less
Would they still be RUSSKY loving Putin quoting America hating toady sycophants or would they be OUTRAGED ENRAGED and seek removal of her ASAP? Whatcha think?
The donjohnLIAR attacked viciously Lisa Page and Peter Struck(sp) for indicating they HATED HIS GUTS but never once patted the backs of the FBI AGENTS who are sucker upper a** patt... moreThe donjohnLIAR attacked viciously Lisa Page and Peter Struck(sp) for indicating they HATED HIS GUTS but never once patted the backs of the FBI AGENTS who are sucker upper a** patters of his. Why? Isn't half a truth a LIE? Anyone have a clue why the donjohnLIAR man only tells half a story?
Led by the WALKING DEAD what could could our possible path be futurely but something that is GRAVELY DANGEROUS? Deadheads are not known for leading a country to a good place.
Mystery meat replete with edds and ends and entrails and trimmings of rejected parts. That is what you eat when you are sausaging. A hearty diet of that and you too can look like d... moreMystery meat replete with edds and ends and entrails and trimmings of rejected parts. That is what you eat when you are sausaging. A hearty diet of that and you too can look like donjohnLIAR. Gonna take a bite? It's all he's got ta offer ya. Starve and die. Eat and multiply. Sausages for everyone including guts for those who are so hungry what they eat doesn't matter. If it fills them up they got no bit**. Keep the sausages coming. :)
Y'all are living in soundproof mud or a cave or in the 7 mile deep MARIANAS TRENCH if you don't know that.The donjohnLIAR ASKED RUSSIA to meddle out in the open begging them to fin... moreY'all are living in soundproof mud or a cave or in the 7 mile deep MARIANAS TRENCH if you don't know that.The donjohnLIAR ASKED RUSSIA to meddle out in the open begging them to find Hillary's emails. The "associates" he picked were all already in bed with various Russians and had long histories with them. No one red flag was raised. They was a symphony an orchestra a plethora of RED FLAGS. That is PRECISELY why the donjohnLIAR cohorts are in jail now. No other prez candidate ever stooped so low or dug so deep in filth and mud or groveled so much or lied so much to get to be prez. Only the A**head donjohnLIAR did that. If an investigation had not been started then our gatekeepers and safety nets are not doing their jobs. They were REQUIRED to find out what was going on.So all you homo SAPS who think that A**head donjohnLIAR was singled out are correct. FOR GOOD REASON. I know. You refuse to accept that. I can lead you to water but if you wish to die of thirst I will not not cry. Your choice. I did my best. ... less
Time Magazine 2019 person of the year16 year old GRETA THUNBERG, climate change activistTime Magazine 2019 guardians of the yearThe public servants who testified under oath to the ... moreTime Magazine 2019 person of the year16 year old GRETA THUNBERG, climate change activistTime Magazine 2019 guardians of the yearThe public servants who testified under oath to the truthTime Magazine 2019 businessperson of the yearBob IgerTime Magazine 2019 athlete of the yearThe US Women's Soccer teamNow a Time Magazine A**head of the year would surely go to donjohnLIAR. Perhaps he can get his adoring worshippers to petition Time to set it up so that donjohnLIAR is never slighted again. He will always perpetually be the A**head each year. less
OUTRAGE OF COURSE. The best defense is the most offensive offense ya got and I"m tellin' yathe A**head donjohnLIAR is at his most A**anine A**yness when he feels insulted. He wears... moreOUTRAGE OF COURSE. The best defense is the most offensive offense ya got and I"m tellin' yathe A**head donjohnLIAR is at his most A**anine A**yness when he feels insulted. He wears OUTRAGE like a gown of many colors! Resplendent in its majesty. And he stuts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more (I WISH).It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.Good job A**head! You are a credit to your class. A definite asset. The best nothing ever!
The shoes are those of a GOP pol. A few years ago donjohnLIAR implicated this pol's dad in the assassination of JFK by pointing out a picture of the dad allegedly in a photo on the... moreThe shoes are those of a GOP pol. A few years ago donjohnLIAR implicated this pol's dad in the assassination of JFK by pointing out a picture of the dad allegedly in a photo on the cover of one of those typical lying rag sheets like the National Enquirer with the assassinator. Even worsethe donjohnLIAR took potshots at the pol's wife regarding her appearance which were very insulting. Not everyone is as lucky as donjohnLIAR to have a former model wife whose nude pictures are circulating on the internet. What a lucky guy showing off what his wife's assets are without having to lift a finger. Not everyone is that lucky! At the time the pol struck back at donjohnLIAR. Wouldn't you?Guess what? That worm turned bigly completely. That worm is now supporting donjohnLIAR in every way possible sucking up and being the perfect little toady sycophant having forgotten the ugly insults to his family.Would YOU worm turn too? Could you do that to your parent and your mate? How could he? Why would he? How does his wife feel abo... less
All the LIARS attack their own staffs their own departments their own people and suck up to whomever donjohnLIAR tells them to suck up to. Thumbsucking infants got nuthin' else. Th... moreAll the LIARS attack their own staffs their own departments their own people and suck up to whomever donjohnLIAR tells them to suck up to. Thumbsucking infants got nuthin' else. They have contempt and disdain for the Constitution the United States of America the citizens who are the resistance and most of all they have contempt for TRUTH JUSTICE. A pox on them. All of them. Foreverafter.
Ya wanna know why? The donjohnLIAR is a worldwide laughingstock who singlehandedly destroyed all credibility we used to have as a nation.Last night donjohnLIAR was in typical form&... moreYa wanna know why? The donjohnLIAR is a worldwide laughingstock who singlehandedly destroyed all credibility we used to have as a nation.Last night donjohnLIAR was in typical form being the singular singletonsingletary LIAR SUPERIURE EXTRAORDINAIRE PLENIPOTENTIARY. His audience was in typical form clapping and cheering each lie he told raucously! They ADORE their donjohnLIAR and want MORE and MORE and MORE GALORE. He's got it and he's gonna give it to 'em as often and as loud as he can while he can . Energizer pink bunny with steroid batteries. Never gonna wear down. Always a toady sycophant around to keep him ticking by taking out and inserting a brand new battery. Count on it. Bank on it. Believe it. less
Some species to not deserve to exist. They bring more harm and damage than they are worth. Bad seeds.Yet they seem to be very strong. Is evil endowed by "the other" to withstand al... moreSome species to not deserve to exist. They bring more harm and damage than they are worth. Bad seeds.Yet they seem to be very strong. Is evil endowed by "the other" to withstand all slings and arrows? Endowed by what "other" and why? A what other or whom other and how does GOD figger in all of this?
A military hero who died on the battlefield saving others?A hero not on an ordinary battlefield who puts himself/herself in the line of fire to protect others?A toady sycophant who... moreA military hero who died on the battlefield saving others?A hero not on an ordinary battlefield who puts himself/herself in the line of fire to protect others?A toady sycophant who rolls over jumps through hoops and cheers on a donjohnLIAR?A resistance citizen proud of his/her country willing to speak up and out till death takes him/her out?All of them none of them some of them?Are you an "everyday American?" What are your credentials?
rudygLIARmkepounceLIARmikepompousa** LIARliddlebillybarrLIARmickmulvaneyLIARmicheycohenLIARpaul manafortLIARrogerstoneLIARsarahhucksandLIARjaredLIARivankaLIARseanhannityLIARjeannie... morerudygLIARmkepounceLIARmikepompousa** LIARliddlebillybarrLIARmickmulvaneyLIARmicheycohenLIARpaul manafortLIARrogerstoneLIARsarahhucksandLIARjaredLIARivankaLIARseanhannityLIARjeanniepiroLIARlindsaygrahamLIARjimmyjLIARmarkmLIARbrandxLIARbrandyLIARbrands a-wLIARbrandzLIARstephenmillerLIARSee the pattern here? LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR etcetera and so forth on and on and on ad infitem. Birds of a feather LIE together. My oh my together. Die together? Eat pie together? Deny together. Say bye bye together. Cry together? Dye together? Defy together? Edify together. SayHI together? Drink rye together? Sigh together? Try together? Tie together? Vye together? Why together? Xi together? Aye yi yi together. Zyder zy together? less
It is like a pre-arranged marriage that your parents commit to when you are born or do you have a say in it?Is there NO ESCAPE NO EXIT NO WAY OUTWhat?Servicing a devil. Supporting ... moreIt is like a pre-arranged marriage that your parents commit to when you are born or do you have a say in it?Is there NO ESCAPE NO EXIT NO WAY OUTWhat?Servicing a devil. Supporting evil. Embracing and defending the worst of the worst and getting off on it?What is the payoff? Seeing the misery that is inflicted on others? That's a big turn on? It rings your chimes and floats your boat when you see the bodies of a father and child dead on the shore trying to come to America? Do you lick you chops and scan around looking for more? How about kids locked up in kennels and cages without their parents? That a big whoop de do for you? What about servicing a hostile foreign power and putting it first in front of everything that used to be held dear? That really gets your juicy flowing? Do you eagerly anticipate more dead more dying more defeat of "the enemy" which is constantly growing according to donjohnLIAR? Oh what a wonderful you have now thanks entirely to donjohnLIAR. I hope you pray to your god to keep donjohnLIAR... less
The original as found in the Merchant of Venice reads"The quality of mercy is not strained.It droppeth like the gentle rain from heavenUpon the place beneathIt is twice blessedIt b... moreThe original as found in the Merchant of Venice reads"The quality of mercy is not strained.It droppeth like the gentle rain from heavenUpon the place beneathIt is twice blessedIt blesseth him that giveth and him that takes"The new improved donjohnLIAR version"The reward for lying is immeasurable and not debatableIt droppeth like the savage blood of prior targetsUpon the donjohn LIAR "enemies" beneath (of whom there very many and growing daily)It is twice dam*edIt dam*eth him that giveth and dam*eth him that takes"To be dam*ed is all donjohnLIAR ever wanted. It has given him access to and control of the world. He had no soul to bargain with but it matters not. There is always room for the dam*ed to survive thrive and proselytize. Or so it seems. less
It is NOT the QUANTITY of lies. He is unsurpassableIt is NOT the NATURE of the lies.It is NOT the number of people he harmed or traditions he destroyed or hostile foreign leaders h... moreIt is NOT the QUANTITY of lies. He is unsurpassableIt is NOT the NATURE of the lies.It is NOT the number of people he harmed or traditions he destroyed or hostile foreign leaders he serviced The most astonishing thing? The number of people he convinced to lie to support him defend him protect him comfort him. Hundreds we know of but probably WORLD WIDE thousands. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a multitude of the willing to abrogate their duties toss away their honor/integrity/morality and defiantly LIE to provide cover for the donjohnLIAR SUPERIEUR EXTRAORDINAIRE PLENIPOTENTIARY. The sheer number of the willing stupifies. Yes. If you are among them be very proud of having given up yourselves in service to him. Very proud. less
First of all the number of lies is amazing.Second of all the nature of the lies is beyond counting. He lies about everything anything something nothing 24/7. They flow from his lip... moreFirst of all the number of lies is amazing.Second of all the nature of the lies is beyond counting. He lies about everything anything something nothing 24/7. They flow from his lips without ever passing through a filter or a brain or an editor or a "common sense" erator. He opens his mouth and lies sally forth solly forth without a pause to refresh. An amazing lie erator. As he ages he gets better at it. Faster lies, louder lies, more "creative" lies, audacious lies, mendacious lies (I know double double), outrageous lies, friggin dumba** lies, all more beautiful than the ones before. His audience thrives on his lies. So wise.Where wil itl end? In his passing on to the great beyond? Are you kidding me? Of course not. There he will find his true forever niche as eternity's most lying sonnama biche one could ever wishe to encounter.They broke the mold with him. One only and he is it. less