Are they not obliged to rout out the scum that infiltrates what used to be a highly thought of position? One that was respected worldwide mostly. Do they just sit and watch silentl... moreAre they not obliged to rout out the scum that infiltrates what used to be a highly thought of position? One that was respected worldwide mostly. Do they just sit and watch silently as pond scum infects it and spreads and mold and mildew sets in and ruins it so much that it will never ever exist again in the format set up by the Founding Fathers?An imposter holds that job now. A lapdogpuppet for the RUSSKIES. He has already recruited all his gubment toady sycophants and adoring worshippers to talk the RUSSKY partyline and support RUSSIA over the United States of America. Being appalled disgusted and outraged is not enough. DO SOMETHING! less
Do surgeons have an obligation to rout out quacks? Do lawyers have an obligation to rout out LAWBREAKERS? Do accountants have an obligation to rout out bean counters who "cook the ... moreDo surgeons have an obligation to rout out quacks? Do lawyers have an obligation to rout out LAWBREAKERS? Do accountants have an obligation to rout out bean counters who "cook the books"? Or is it cavet emptor and everyone is out for himself and no one is obligated to anyone for anything at anytime for any reason?
Where the he** are the lawyers who take pride in their profession and why aren't haven't they already disbassed this ridiculous excuse for Attorney General. What is THEIR obligatio... moreWhere the he** are the lawyers who take pride in their profession and why aren't haven't they already disbassed this ridiculous excuse for Attorney General. What is THEIR obligation to their profession?
The only reality he allows in the don of john land is his delusive wackadoodle version which has no core but is fluid elusive amoebaish. Throw away all prior ideas of truth. They n... moreThe only reality he allows in the don of john land is his delusive wackadoodle version which has no core but is fluid elusive amoebaish. Throw away all prior ideas of truth. They no longer are allowed. Only the great obese he tells you what to believe think feel say state speak defend uphold. You must check with him minutely because even he doesn't know what is gonna come out of that mouth. Monitor him 24/7. Pay no attention elsewise elsewhere. HE IS YOUR ALL and ONE AND ONLY. Say one wrong word and you are DEAD TO HIM. Good luck. Take care. Be well. less
He doesn't have a crown to wear and is getting a bit testy that y'all haven't come through for him on that. It will have to be the grandest crown that anyone ever had on his/her he... moreHe doesn't have a crown to wear and is getting a bit testy that y'all haven't come through for him on that. It will have to be the grandest crown that anyone ever had on his/her head. Jeweled beyond imagination and worth it's weight in gold. Oh and a new thing thing too.On some islands the natives pay the king his weight in gold every year. He is weighed and of course it behooves him to fatten up which he does and weighs easily in excess of 300 lbs. The don of john is already beyond. So on his birthday every year make sure you set enough aside to pay your share. He will be tracking y'all and taking notes so don't think you can put anything past him. When it comes to money he doesn't let anything get in the way of his having more. So statues and a crown and his weight in gold. He'll come up with other ways you can show your devotion. They will all involve money. less
It will be taller than the status of liberty. Taller than the tallest building in that state. It will be garantuan in size and its shadow will cover the entire state. 50 statues co... moreIt will be taller than the status of liberty. Taller than the tallest building in that state. It will be garantuan in size and its shadow will cover the entire state. 50 statues count 'em...50. All with his glorious face on top of his obese body. Now the citizens of each state will be expected to pay offerings to him as proof of their devotion and loyalty. It will be fair..a sliding scale but a flat percent of income. 50% to start off with. Those monies will be collected daily by armed militia and taken to the great him for placement in accounts on and offshore. The IRS will never ever expect him to prepare tax returns. less
For all donjohn defenders this question is PURE SARCASM so you need not rush to his defense to call it fake news. It isn't news fake or otherwise. IT IS PURE SARCASM. Sheeh. Y'all ... moreFor all donjohn defenders this question is PURE SARCASM so you need not rush to his defense to call it fake news. It isn't news fake or otherwise. IT IS PURE SARCASM. Sheeh. Y'all rush to defend everything all the time Why?You cannot let anything go? He is a clown. An EVIL clown. That is not SARCASM that is THE TRUTH. Taking him seriously is inappropriate.
His defenders defend every icky sicky wackadoodle thing he say do including pee poo and poop. Ya gotta luv 'em right? They go right up to the edge and jump over it to prove their l... moreHis defenders defend every icky sicky wackadoodle thing he say do including pee poo and poop. Ya gotta luv 'em right? They go right up to the edge and jump over it to prove their loyalty. Ewwww!
.It has come to my attention that members/supporters/defenders of the Trump administration who claim he has been the victim of a "deep state" conspiracy against him to undo his 201... more.It has come to my attention that members/supporters/defenders of the Trump administration who claim he has been the victim of a "deep state" conspiracy against him to undo his 2016 election victory now include amongst those conspirators the following people:Gordon Sonland -- Who donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration
James Comey -- Whose announcement that "we're looking into Her E-Mails again" a week prior to Election Day 2016 significantly shifted polling numbers towards Trump and may have moved enough votes to create Trump's victoryMichael Cohen -- Who paid off at least two Trump p***y grabs to keep quiet about their interactions during the campaign and is now doing time in jail because of those crimesChris Steele -- The author of the so-called Steele Dossier which Trump and sycophants claim was the tainted basis for the investigations in Russian interference in the 2016 election. It turns out Mr. Steele was actually quite friendly with the Trump family, Ivanka Trump in particular.If these are examples of... less
For more than a year, the Department of Justice has been reviewing whether the FBI had enough evidence to open its 2016 investigation of Don... moreBarr is choosing to ignore the FACTS.
For more than a year, the Department of Justice has been reviewing whether the FBI had enough evidence to open its 2016 investigation of Donald Trump's links to Russian meddling in the most recent presidential election. This review was launched in early 2018 at the request of then-attorney general Jeff Sessions and Republican members of Congress, and in response to persistent allegations from Trump and his allies that the federal scrutiny his campaign attracted was the product of a Deep State witch hunt.
In his soon-to-be released report, the department's inspector general, Michael Horowitz, reportedly reaches the opposite conclusion: that law enforcement officials were indeed justified in investigating the then-candidate's inner circle, and that political bias did not play a role in the process. This effectively throws cold water on one of Trump's favorite conspiracy theories, and according to the Washington Post, the current attorney ge... less
If KIMMY aims a rocket at Trump's Oval Office? I will personally fly up to Korea's SACRED KIM JONG MOUNTAIN and kiss his sacred feet. THANK YOU, SAINT KIM, FOR DOING FO... moreIf KIMMY aims a rocket at Trump's Oval Office? I will personally fly up to Korea's SACRED KIM JONG MOUNTAIN and kiss his sacred feet. THANK YOU, SAINT KIM, FOR DOING FOR AMERICA WHAT ALL OF CONGRESS COULD NOT ACCOMPLISH.
North Korea Threatens To Send US A ‘Christmas Gift’ And Trump Reverts To Calling Kim Jong Un ‘Rocket Man’
JOHN SEXTONPosted at 1:01 pm on December 4, 2019
A war of words between President Trump and North Korea has escalated this week. It started Tuesday with a member of North Korea’s Foreign Ministry suggesting the US should choose what kind of “Christmas Gift” it wanted. North Korea has set the end of the year as deadline for some kind of progress on stalled denuclearization talks with the US. So this was seen as a threat that North Korea could soon launch another long-range missile if it doesn’t receive some sanctions relief this month:
The day that donjohn doesn't know where rudy is or what he found out will be the day that donjohn wears a bathing suit. The other preposterousity that donjohn tried to float was th... moreThe day that donjohn doesn't know where rudy is or what he found out will be the day that donjohn wears a bathing suit. The other preposterousity that donjohn tried to float was that he heard rudyg found out a lot. He "heard" from whom since he hasn't talked to rudyg. Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive.Y'all believe donjohn no matter he says don'tcha?
Cost so far $1 TRILLION? 2,300 died there. Over 20,000 were wounded there. Through it all we were fed proganda according to the Washington Post.What a mess it was and how unwinnabl... moreCost so far $1 TRILLION? 2,300 died there. Over 20,000 were wounded there. Through it all we were fed proganda according to the Washington Post.What a mess it was and how unwinnable it was we did not learn per gubment conspiracy collusion and flat out LIES.What else has the gubment lied about?
So his SIL dotter and grandbabies are all Jewish. He doesn't care. They don't care. Let chump be chump. What are ya gonna do? Go with he flow. Bend so's ya don't break. Don't make ... moreSo his SIL dotter and grandbabies are all Jewish. He doesn't care. They don't care. Let chump be chump. What are ya gonna do? Go with he flow. Bend so's ya don't break. Don't make waves. This too shall pass. We shall overcome. All roads lead to RUSSKYLAND. Learn the language. You have been warned.
WEAKIMPOTENTDESPERATETo want THAT to lead your country? What/who would want that for any reason? Even cleaning toilets is far beyond the competence of that. Go figger.
The donaldjohntrump is a WEAK SISTER when it comes toRUSSIASaudi ArabiaNorth KoreaTurkeySyriaStrong or weak afraid terrified frightened petrified?Won't lift a finger againat Russia... moreThe donaldjohntrump is a WEAK SISTER when it comes toRUSSIASaudi ArabiaNorth KoreaTurkeySyriaStrong or weak afraid terrified frightened petrified?Won't lift a finger againat Russia. Won't say diddly to Saudi Arabia who murdered more American pm 9/11 than Russia or North Korea and continue up to this day attacking us. Won't lift a finger against any STRONG despot dictator because they are what donaldjohntrump admires and aspres to be. AS IFWeak. Puny. Impotent. Inept. Mental Defect. Worldwide laughingstock. Where is the strength in any of that? less
How about buying UKRAINE and then giving it to Putin to do with as he wishes? That would be some gift wooden it? Oh he could buy Israel and give it to Iran. He could buy south Kore... moreHow about buying UKRAINE and then giving it to Putin to do with as he wishes? That would be some gift wooden it? Oh he could buy Israel and give it to Iran. He could buy south Korea and give it to Kim. He could give all the despot dictators he lusts after such gifts and maybe they would stop laughing at him and take him seriously.So what's the holdup? He OWNS the Senate. He OWNS the minority in the House. He can have the majority Dems in the House "taken out" so all that's left are dingdongdon adoring worshippers and then he can own the world. Is there a sniper coming for YOU? Wouldn't you like to know? less