.Please click on the video in this Twitter posthttps://twitter.com/evaandheriud/status/1201610153549848580And here's the original Peleton adhttps://youtu.be/pShKu2icEYw
Jim Carey was in a movie where his nephew (I think) was sick and tired of his constant lies found a way to MAKE HIM TELL THE TRUTH. Nothing seems to work with 4D. Maybe his p... moreJim Carey was in a movie where his nephew (I think) was sick and tired of his constant lies found a way to MAKE HIM TELL THE TRUTH. Nothing seems to work with 4D. Maybe his physical location is the problem! Boot him to the southern hemisphere and let him live out his life there. We in the northern hemisphere are sick and tired of his presence and now it is our turn for his prolonged absence. Till death takes him to his next business venture/deal. Whaddya say?Note to Aussies. This is not a punishment. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Don't you have an OUTBACK down under where folks like 4D can get swallowed up in its vastness never to be heard from again? less
Depending on whom you are of course. Truth sucks for rudy g 4D and his cabal et al and the parnas and especially the ranking head (the very rank dumbhead) devin nunes. Corruption c... moreDepending on whom you are of course. Truth sucks for rudy g 4D and his cabal et al and the parnas and especially the ranking head (the very rank dumbhead) devin nunes. Corruption conspiracy collusion bribery extortion. Makes for a very good read as-is BUT you ain't seen nuthin' yet. Parnas is ticked off at 4D who sez he barely knows the guy so Parnas plans to testify and fully cooperate and fully present supporting evidence. Poor sadsack 4D doesn't realize not everyone will take his disloyalty lying down. More to come. Stay tuned. Don't go anywhere. Be there or be square! Roadkill is delicious. But I digress! :) less
Your perfect environment your perfect experience and the amount of time you had?You'd be skiing at Whistler and gambling at Monte Carlo and praying at the Wailing Wall or playing t... moreYour perfect environment your perfect experience and the amount of time you had?You'd be skiing at Whistler and gambling at Monte Carlo and praying at the Wailing Wall or playing tennis/golf with your favorite pro. Only temporarily of course. And there would be a way to quick switch it off if something were to go wrong. Otherwise it would disappear after the time you alotted for it had ended. You'd get a head's up 5 minutes before it was to disappear so you couldn't be caught in a dangerous situation.The first place I'd go? The Acropolis in Athens...specifically the Porch of the Carytids. "Why" is a long explanation. Some of you have heard it through the years.After that whatever I fancy.Is this something you could enjoy or is it way to fantastical for your logical mind to accept? Really? Are you SURE? less
Or way way way up high in the sky? Far away from the rest of us who have had our fill of their ilk.Look at this way. They all threw away their honor reputations futures families le... moreOr way way way up high in the sky? Far away from the rest of us who have had our fill of their ilk.Look at this way. They all threw away their honor reputations futures families legacies for servicing 4D. It's only right and proper to have them continue on servicing him forever or until they die...whichever comes first.There is the Marianas Trench which I think goes deep into the deepest deeps...7 miles? I think it would be cheaper than to build one somewhere out there up there. But I don't know. We could get bids.Now any loved ones who weren't guilty and criminal themselves would be unable to visit the corrupt criminals due to the situation location. They shouldda thought of that before they corrupted and criminalized their lives. Too soon old too late SCHMART.Stay tuned. Be prepared. Stay Alert. Look aive! Keep the Faith. Where there's life there's hope. I can tell you that. Everyone says so. less
It is a little longer read, but you will like it - I promise.
... moreIt is a little longer read, but you will like it - I promise.
Gary Storts
August 9, 2015 · Nashville, TN
So why did the chicken cross the road?
SARAH PALIN: The chicken crossed the road because, gosh-darn it, he's a maverick!
BARACK OBAMA: Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be required to cross the road to surrender her eggs. Period.
JOHN McCAIN: My friends, the chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.
HILLARY CLINTON: What difference at this point does it make why the chicken crossed the road?
GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here.
DICK CHENEY: Where's my gun?
BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken.
AL GORE: I inve... less
What is the difference in that and being deaf dumb blind? Why waste sight and hearing on those who bast**dize it refute it deny it lie about it? It is a mockery of reality not a su... moreWhat is the difference in that and being deaf dumb blind? Why waste sight and hearing on those who bast**dize it refute it deny it lie about it? It is a mockery of reality not a substantiation of it.
Knowledge is powerIgnorance is blissA stitch in time saves nineBenign neglect often works bestTo know him is to love himMystery enhances desireStill waters run deepGo with the flow... moreKnowledge is powerIgnorance is blissA stitch in time saves nineBenign neglect often works bestTo know him is to love himMystery enhances desireStill waters run deepGo with the flowSleep on it. The answer will come to you.Act on it. Timing is everything.The early bird gets the wormThe night has a thousand eyesA watched pot never boilsThe proof of the pudding is in the eatingNeither a borrower nor a lender beSharing shows caringWhen the student is ready the teacher arrivesIf the soup tastes good don't check to see what's at the bottom of the potDon't throw the baby out with the bathwaterAppearances are deceivingYou can't judge a book by its coverHe is an open bookDon't do what I do do what I sayNever explain never apologize never justify never ask permission never admit never give in never give upTo the victor go the spoilsBlind devotion blind loyalty binds you to others like you less
He'll probably excoriate Angela Merkel later when he is safely away from her. He is afraid of his shadow don'tcha know. This is gonna be fun. His irate all saved up for cyberpace. ... moreHe'll probably excoriate Angela Merkel later when he is safely away from her. He is afraid of his shadow don'tcha know. This is gonna be fun. His irate all saved up for cyberpace. What a disgrace.
He does not clean up well when confronted/challenged by a very strong intelligent logical FEMALE head of state. He wilts he melts he gets all gushy swooshy gishy. Think he'll ruse ... moreHe does not clean up well when confronted/challenged by a very strong intelligent logical FEMALE head of state. He wilts he melts he gets all gushy swooshy gishy. Think he'll ruse his way out of meeting with her? Fake bonespur is acting up after a bazillion decades? He needs to start a war to deflect attention on his lack of well everything needed in a good strong effective leader? Place your bets. Fake bonespur odds?
You hang out with the good kind admirable truthful and so does that reflected glory pass on to you? Or is glory individual and vainglory collective as exemplified by 4D and the cab... moreYou hang out with the good kind admirable truthful and so does that reflected glory pass on to you? Or is glory individual and vainglory collective as exemplified by 4D and the cabal et al?VAINGLORY"Excessive elation or ride over ones own achievements, boastful vanities. Empty pomp or show. Ostentation".4D and his cabal et al are vainglorious. Vain and INGLORIOUSINGLORIOUS"Shameful disgraceful"Dishonorable. Ignominious.
Since I never have a destination in mind I'm never disappointed about where I end up. That way I can't lose. Wish all our lives were like that but of course that is an impossibility. Right?