It can start off as simply as finding a penny and escalate into great as the day progresses. I wonder why it goes in flows? Also it isn't something you have any control over. It ei... moreIt can start off as simply as finding a penny and escalate into great as the day progresses. I wonder why it goes in flows? Also it isn't something you have any control over. It either is or isn't. No mister in-between!Will today be a serendipitous day for thee?How long has it been since you heard from a very dear long-time friend? Perhaps today will be the day! Good luck and to that end be bathed in joy. Frolic about in it. Try to share some of it with others. What could it hurt right?
D'ya like ta be center stage taking on all comers and beating the crap outta them?D'ya like to engage in substantive civil conversation?D'ya like to be LEFT ALONE?
You are patriotic IF AND ONLY IF you support whatever 4D sez/doez WITHOUT QUESTION.NO EXCEPTIONS.Which means your primary allegiance is to Vlad Putin/Russia/Despot Dictators/FASCIS... moreYou are patriotic IF AND ONLY IF you support whatever 4D sez/doez WITHOUT QUESTION.NO EXCEPTIONS.Which means your primary allegiance is to Vlad Putin/Russia/Despot Dictators/FASCISTS.Anyone who doesn't know this hasn't been paying attention. Vodka. Borscht. Caviar. Siberia. Murdering dissidents. Meddling in everything anything anytime all the time.Ballet RusseDr. ZivagoThe Brothers KARAMAZOV"Russia if you're listening....."He said he didn't do it AND I BELIEVE HIMCZARRussian RyeRussian RiverMoscow on the HudsonMoscow mitch son of an itchMoscow Mule less
A big bored orange blob sitting with his fingertips touching each other his legs spread apart like a teenager trying to look intelligent and failing miserably as usual. More to com... moreA big bored orange blob sitting with his fingertips touching each other his legs spread apart like a teenager trying to look intelligent and failing miserably as usual. More to come. Betcha can hardly wait.
Allegedly apparently some phone call logs show devin nunes calling and being called by rudyg. Same logs show rudyg calling an "unknown" White House recipient late at night. One can... moreAllegedly apparently some phone call logs show devin nunes calling and being called by rudyg. Same logs show rudyg calling an "unknown" White House recipient late at night. One can guess who that "unknown" someone might be.Getting back to nunes. He is the ranking member of a committee dealing with the Ukraine BRIBERY/EXTORTION thingy that will bring 4D down to his knees and out of a job. If devin nunes was alsoinvolved in it, knew about it, participated in it and said nothing about it to his committee how much trouble could he be in? Colluding conspiring with the 4D cabal et al while attacking witnesses who testified under oath is criminal isn't it? Will his a** be nailed to the wall along with the 4D and his cabal et al? One wonders about how far YOU are willing to let things go to preserve the a** of a jacka** and the maggots who service him. I guess we will find out. less
Why do constant parade rainers/PARTY POOPERS/miserably unhappy homo saps insist on going out and about ruining as many people's days as they possibly can? Propenents of miser... moreWhy do constant parade rainers/PARTY POOPERS/miserably unhappy homo saps insist on going out and about ruining as many people's days as they possibly can? Propenents of misery loves company? Anyone believe that crap?
You go to dinner with friends. Some order the same meal. Exact opposite reactions. Is it tastebuds temperament personality? Some are appreciative and enjoy it and others do nothing... moreYou go to dinner with friends. Some order the same meal. Exact opposite reactions. Is it tastebuds temperament personality? Some are appreciative and enjoy it and others do nothing but complain. Never satisfied always looking for the defect chink Achilles Heel. I wonder if anything ever makes them happy satisfied content?
Most of you know I work in a spa as a massage therapist. I am pretty good. I do not think of myself as some great doctor or anything, but I get along with people ... moreMost of you know I work in a spa as a massage therapist. I am pretty good. I do not think of myself as some great doctor or anything, but I get along with people and most people leave my room feeling happy and want to see me again. I am a good sales person. I make sure I can make as much money for the spa as possible. But, I keep getting these nagging messages from the Owner saying stupid nitpicking things. Instead of complimenting me on the many compliments I get and being grateful for my contributions, which I NEVER HEAR A WORD ABOUT, I hear things like someone saying something on line about me that I cannot defend because it is my word against someone who cannot say it to the spa but must TWEET about it? Come on. If this happened a lot, I would worry. It doesn't. BUT? Every time it does, I have to get some stupid note saying someone said the CBD oil massage didn't work or something stupid like that. What do I do? QUIT? G... less
Number one state in populationCalifornia39.56 MILLIONNumber of Starbucks 2,821Number two state in populationTexas28.7 MILLIONNumber of Starbucks 1,042 (second most Starbucks ... moreNumber one state in populationCalifornia39.56 MILLIONNumber of Starbucks 2,821Number two state in populationTexas28.7 MILLIONNumber of Starbucks 1,042 (second most Starbucks populated)Now I don't know if that will follow through for every state. But surely anyone can figger out that the larger the population the larger will be the number of other store locations to SERVICE that population.So California has the most Starbucks. OF COURSE IT WOULD being as how there are more people living here than in any other state.Texas has the second most Starbucks. Logical that it would since it is the second biggest populated state.And so it goes. Right?It ain't that California is more hoity toity than other states. There is just a he** of a lot more of us. I think Palm Beach is the hoitiest with "the Hamptons" running a very close second. I've never visited either one so I do not speak from experience.Of course we have Bel Air, Malibu, Beverly Hills, Palm Springs and lotsa other lush locations. What is the hoitiest toi... less
Oh c'mon! You're not that dumb! What kind of verdict does any perp give when investigating his own crimes and hisself?So this is what the 4D cabal et al keep doing and saying. Noth... moreOh c'mon! You're not that dumb! What kind of verdict does any perp give when investigating his own crimes and hisself?So this is what the 4D cabal et al keep doing and saying. Nothing wrong done or if it was it doesn't matter enough to do anything about it.Right. You betchure bippy. That and 2 cents will buy you Palm Beach.They continue on with the gibberish blather tickytacky talky talky. Cacophony of nonsense. In unison. SCRIPTED.He did nothing wrong and if he did he is not guilty enough to be punished.He did nothing wrong and if he he is not guilty enough to be punished.These folks clearly have no education in Civics nor do they have a passing acquaintance with THE CONSTITUTION. They blather on with their braying prating yakking making noise because they think that is all they need to do to convince you. Is that true? less
Good news... it won $14MillionBad is expired today. :(If you buy them, do you always check you tickets? You only have 6 months to claim them.
Goodness gracious his desperate need to matter is bodacious rapacious audacious isn't it? Good better best. Never let it rest. Till the good is better and the better best.4D versio... moreGoodness gracious his desperate need to matter is bodacious rapacious audacious isn't it? Good better best. Never let it rest. Till the good is better and the better best.4D versionDeny worldwideLie worldsideAttack worldwideInsult worldwideShame worldwideDefame worldwideHis need for humiliating himself is bodacious rapacious audacious goodness gracious.It is a pink energizer bunny running on a battery. No more no less.PinkWabbitBatteryizedMake America Great AgainKeep America GreatRegurgitate the Putin talking points party line repeatedly again and again and again and again and againTwo 2 pills with water now, go to sleep and if you don't feel better in the morning make sure not to call me. I don't care about you so don't bother me. less
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to hate and be hated in return.Providing it's equal of course. It won't do to hate more than you are hated or to be hated more than yo... more"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to hate and be hated in return.Providing it's equal of course. It won't do to hate more than you are hated or to be hated more than you hate. Eventually we'll all get it right. Takes time. We got nothing but.
Putin talking pointsDing Dong Dementia Don anything everything nothing somethingRepublican partyWhat happened to GOD FAMILY COUNTRY?Ask them....the abandoners/4D suckeruppers/Russk... morePutin talking pointsDing Dong Dementia Don anything everything nothing somethingRepublican partyWhat happened to GOD FAMILY COUNTRY?Ask them....the abandoners/4D suckeruppers/Russky lovers. They're the ones who abandoned GOD FAMILY COUNTRY.