They are loyal to 4D who is loyal to RUSSKY Putin so they are loyal to RUSSKY Putin too. OF NECESSITY. IT CANNOT OTHERWISE. Get over it. Get used to it. Get with it.
There is no way the Republican majority in the Senate will do the right thing. No way in he**.They are terrified of crossing A**BACKWARDS 4D. They are chickensh** scairdy cats and ... moreThere is no way the Republican majority in the Senate will do the right thing. No way in he**.They are terrified of crossing A**BACKWARDS 4D. They are chickensh** scairdy cats and they have already told us what they plan to do. Lindsay Graham said he wouldn't even bother reading anything. All the other attack puppies said it was a sham a scam a hoax a witchhunt and have predetermined what they will do/say.Justice in America today under the A**BACKWARDS 4D and his cohort comrades. The worst is yet to come. Watch how low they go how deep they drill how big they lie and how often they deny and insult and attack and will go on until they die trying.A circus of uglies. less
He gets everything wrong. Everything backwards. A dyslexic not only in the ability to read but more importantly to think to act to feel. Everything about him is A**BACKWARDS. He ha... moreHe gets everything wrong. Everything backwards. A dyslexic not only in the ability to read but more importantly to think to act to feel. Everything about him is A**BACKWARDS. He has made his devoted worshippers a**backwards too. His toady sycophants lemmings are all a**backwards. Who is a better example of a**backwards than liddlebilly barr? He is supposed to ENFORCE the laws of the land and what he has don is bend them around to service 4D. See? A**BACKWARDS. That is the 4D legacy. The A**BACKWARDS prez. Got everything wrong. less
Is HE** clothing-optional? It's hot as HE** there you know so you need be cold.Who loves HOT a lot? Y'all who do will be especially happy with your new digs...eternal and everlasti... moreIs HE** clothing-optional? It's hot as HE** there you know so you need be cold.Who loves HOT a lot? Y'all who do will be especially happy with your new digs...eternal and everlasting and endless and forever and beyond to infinity and back again and again and again. HOT HOT HOT. Ice cubes are unknown down there. Air conditiong. Fans. Cool breezes. Cold water. Every that's aught is hot. Anything that's naught doesn't exist "down there".
To WEAKEN us of course. To make it easier for Putin to control us. All Republicans have already rolled over in lock step and support Russia Putin and will die before they admit oth... moreTo WEAKEN us of course. To make it easier for Putin to control us. All Republicans have already rolled over in lock step and support Russia Putin and will die before they admit otherwise. All 4D adoring worshippers support everything he does and says and always will as they watch the innards of our country become diseased atrophied and dies to service RUSSKY interests and get Putin's approval. Just as long as they cling to 4D they are secure they feel safe they are happy they are content. They are lemmings they are sheep they are robots they are gone and have become the walking dead. They don't care that 4D sold them out betrayed them treasoned and traitored them.Do you? less
4D the oldest fattest whitest physically laziestrudygmikepouncemikepompousa**liddlebillybarrBlack sheep upstart vile maggot liddle stevie miller..he be dat killer boy..dat bad seed... more4D the oldest fattest whitest physically laziestrudygmikepouncemikepompousa**liddlebillybarrBlack sheep upstart vile maggot liddle stevie miller..he be dat killer boy..dat bad seed..evil deed..corrupt creed racist fascist
Example?"I really love that idea. I'll support it." The saying part"I'm gonna undermine sabotage destroy it" The thinking partThere is no upside to my knowing wha... moreExample?"I really love that idea. I'll support it." The saying part"I'm gonna undermine sabotage destroy it" The thinking partThere is no upside to my knowing what you are thinking unless you have control over me. Otherwise it's just more noise more bullsh** more gibberish more nonsense to contend with deal with and be upset about. Anyway I already know you are a liar. Liars are not ever one-ups.But well do you really want to know what I think even though there is nothing I can do to harm you? less
We seek connections between things that aren't and totally miss the connections between those that are. Why?Well because they do not suit us. If they did we'd accept them. They don... moreWe seek connections between things that aren't and totally miss the connections between those that are. Why?Well because they do not suit us. If they did we'd accept them. They don't so we won't. We make up what does suit it and then advertise it as factual actual true. All it is of course is bullsh** said with a straight face a pumped fist and a determined stance glance. But the bullsh** artists are so in love with what they create they cannot stop. How much bullsh** does it take to sink a ship of state?
TRUTH WILL OUT. You cannot kill it murder it poison it crush it destroy it. You might temporarily hobble it but that's all you will ever do to truth.The truth killer attempters do ... moreTRUTH WILL OUT. You cannot kill it murder it poison it crush it destroy it. You might temporarily hobble it but that's all you will ever do to truth.The truth killer attempters do far far greater damage to themselves. They brand label pigeonhole themselves as being the lowest of the low the worst of the worst the evilest of the evil.And they have no clue about what they are doing which is why they keep doing what doesn't work.
Is it the certitude of the opinion sharer that causes folks to roll over and accept? Spineless witless rolloverers or normal ordinary typical standard issue gullible naive ignorant... moreIs it the certitude of the opinion sharer that causes folks to roll over and accept? Spineless witless rolloverers or normal ordinary typical standard issue gullible naive ignorant homo saps? Inquiring minds wanna know. Are you an inquirer too?
Well ya see homo saps are not perfect. They are full of defects. A need to feel superior being one of them. There are many others. The next iteration of homo sap might be less defe... moreWell ya see homo saps are not perfect. They are full of defects. A need to feel superior being one of them. There are many others. The next iteration of homo sap might be less defective. It could be worse. Russian Roulette. The luck of draw.
He CANCELLED a press conference.Now you know how much 4D LOVES to be on camera microphoned so he can preen and brag and self-compliment and lie and deny and assert? He NEVER misses... moreHe CANCELLED a press conference.Now you know how much 4D LOVES to be on camera microphoned so he can preen and brag and self-compliment and lie and deny and assert? He NEVER misses a chance for doing that and YET? He wanted to pick up his marbles and sneak slink away. He didn't like how "they" played him. Sheesh. He ain't seen nuthin' yet. What's to come will be way lots loads more fun for us. For him not so much. It's our turn. He screwed up his.
Hello,So, I'm thinking the impeachment battle will come down in one of two ways.. If Trump avoids impeachment, he'll be re-elected, and ALL the people, like Strozk, Comey, Pa... moreHello,So, I'm thinking the impeachment battle will come down in one of two ways.. If Trump avoids impeachment, he'll be re-elected, and ALL the people, like Strozk, Comey, Page, Clapper, McCabe, Clinton and Obama WILL be in jail.. Or, if he's impeached, ALL the people around him, like Guillani, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Pence, Miller, and half the congress WILL be in jail..Whaddya think?excon
We know that doing that same thing over and over expecting different results is a definition of insanity. I'm insane then.I'm gullible. I EXPECT people to be truthful and always gi... moreWe know that doing that same thing over and over expecting different results is a definition of insanity. I'm insane then.I'm gullible. I EXPECT people to be truthful and always give them the benenfit of the doubt. I am often proven wrong but it doesn't change a thing. I still am open and trusting until I discover I screwed up again. I'm not sure why I haven't become like so many. Suspicious of everyone trusting of no one. They wear it like a medal of honor. I say bah humbug to them. So are you insane too? How? less
So all the testifying and eye witnessing can be lies. Not purposeful to be sure. But it matters not does it?You BELIEVE your testimony is 100% absolutely accurate and true and real... moreSo all the testifying and eye witnessing can be lies. Not purposeful to be sure. But it matters not does it?You BELIEVE your testimony is 100% absolutely accurate and true and real and factual and supportable. But now we know it ain't necessarily so. Great! A fine kettle of fish!Why bother testifying to anything or taking an oath? You have the compulsive congenital pathological LIAR who can't help himself. It is mental defect/a sickness.But what's the difference between that and everyone else? I dunno where we go from here. Do you? less
Do noisy folks like dogs better and quiet folks like cats better? How much noise can you tolerate and for how long? Which noise is the least tolerable for you? Why?