I have an answer for you. I finally remembered what I'd eaten when that happened to me. I already asked Welby privately. It wasn't him. I will give you the ... moreI have an answer for you. I finally remembered what I'd eaten when that happened to me. I already asked Welby privately. It wasn't him. I will give you the answer if you can name any features of the question that would positively identify you as the owner.
take them for observation, inspection, curiosity‘s sake, whatever, never to return them again. What would be some of the effects of all the various satellites suddenly being ... moretake them for observation, inspection, curiosity‘s sake, whatever, never to return them again. What would be some of the effects of all the various satellites suddenly being taken away?~
Wise-cracking optimist. Cute child. Cheerful volunteer. Worried loved one. Young orderly. What are some other stereotypically ancillary characters seen in tel... moreWise-cracking optimist. Cute child. Cheerful volunteer. Worried loved one. Young orderly. What are some other stereotypically ancillary characters seen in television medical/doctor/hospital dramas?
Hello:The last time the Dems HOPED McConnell would do the right thing, he didn't. Nope.. He never gave Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland a hearing. Looks to ... moreHello:The last time the Dems HOPED McConnell would do the right thing, he didn't. Nope.. He never gave Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland a hearing. Looks to me, like he's doing it again.If I were Pelosi, I wouldn't give him another chance.. She should simply keep the Articles of Impeachment in the House.. That way Trump will remain impeached and can't ever say he was found innocent..Whaddya think? excon
Does BRAIN or brawn win?Well it depends. The 400 lb brawn can just sit on the 150 or 200 lb brain and crush him/her to death.Is that what we face? The obese sitting on the normal a... moreDoes BRAIN or brawn win?Well it depends. The 400 lb brawn can just sit on the 150 or 200 lb brain and crush him/her to death.Is that what we face? The obese sitting on the normal and crushing them to death?
Is there a limit to how many tweets a twit can tweet per minute and keep it up until? Until what happens? Is there a record for how many tweets a twit can get off in a minit? How m... moreIs there a limit to how many tweets a twit can tweet per minute and keep it up until? Until what happens? Is there a record for how many tweets a twit can get off in a minit? How many in an hour? How many in six hours. No poop breaks or sleep breaks or eat breaks. He can have an IV plugged in and be sitting on a stool with a p[ot to pee in so he can just stay at the job of tweeting all day long? One hundred? One thousand? So far to right now what is the record number of tweets the twit in chief ever tweeted in one 24-hour period? less
Oh. By the way dumbdemdonjohn Greta has Asperger's syndrome. Not that you give a sh**. But good job attacking a teenage girl who has distinguished herself and rises above her circu... moreOh. By the way dumbdemdonjohn Greta has Asperger's syndrome. Not that you give a sh**. But good job attacking a teenage girl who has distinguished herself and rises above her circumstances. Unlike you who will never rise to anything wise or kind of fine. You are a disgrace.
Was the prior assumption erroneous? Did they con their way through all those years hoping to find a demdonjohn who would unleash them to become whom they always were at heart? The ... moreWas the prior assumption erroneous? Did they con their way through all those years hoping to find a demdonjohn who would unleash them to become whom they always were at heart? The HEART OF DARKNESS?It amazes me how many of the alleged "goods" are damaged so easily into what they are now. Something is at work here very mysterious.
Double-asterisked.First for being illegitimate to begin withThen for being renounced as being anti-American incompent corrupt and criminalHe will go down in history as the only dou... moreDouble-asterisked.First for being illegitimate to begin withThen for being renounced as being anti-American incompent corrupt and criminalHe will go down in history as the only double asterisked. He's gonna love it. He proves he is better than anyone at faking his way through something he never had any ability to do.
Does her protestation only apply to her son BARRON and no one else? Or is she full of sh** just like her demdonjohnhubby?Also demdonjohn has no problems LOCKING UP CHILDREN IN KENN... moreDoes her protestation only apply to her son BARRON and no one else? Or is she full of sh** just like her demdonjohnhubby?Also demdonjohn has no problems LOCKING UP CHILDREN IN KENNELS AND CAGES nor does Melania and the demdonjohn cabal et al.So when they say things they clearly don't mean they look/sound even dumber stupider foolisher and lie ee ur. And they keep doubling down.The demdonjohn sez the PERSON OF THE YEAR has an anger-management problem.Sez the angriest anti-American vile evil homo sap that ever walked the earth! less
A 16-year-old climate change activist who was chosen PERSON OF THE YEAR by TIME MAGAZINE.He cain't stend it. He thinks he should win every honor every distinction every award every... moreA 16-year-old climate change activist who was chosen PERSON OF THE YEAR by TIME MAGAZINE.He cain't stend it. He thinks he should win every honor every distinction every award every medal every pin everything all the time.Pathetic orange fat old lazy man got nuthin' going for him. He tweets. He retweets. He jealousies he envies he lies he denies he insults he attacks he vitriols he viles he pollutes he stenches.A perfect gentlemen. Beautiful manners. A great big heart. He does others before they can do him. Very stable genius profoundly wise. How can anyone ignore him and set him aside and place others in front of or above and superior to him? Don't they know GOD sent him? And on and on and on and on and on and on. Sheesh. less
Are you stupid? Are you slow? How could you NOT KNOW THAT? GET OVER IT.Every Republican supporting demdon is ANTI-AMERICAN. They will follow the demdon anywhere as they have alread... moreAre you stupid? Are you slow? How could you NOT KNOW THAT? GET OVER IT.Every Republican supporting demdon is ANTI-AMERICAN. They will follow the demdon anywhere as they have already proven by following him to he** and enjoying it there. They do not want to lose him. He is so much of what they always dreamed of. So they crybaby whinya** their days away kvetching and bitching and moaning and groaning and whaddabouting and attacking and insulting and lying and denying very loud. Per the RUSSKY demdon approved script! Do ya blame 'em?Where will they ever find a more evil more anti-American more RUSSKY-loving anything anywhere wired to destroy America as effectively as demdonjohn is doing? He be da king at dat ting dey don't no way no how wanna lose dat. Watch the dog&pony show. AWAY WE GO. less
Or are there still POCKETS of hilarity to be found here and there somewhere elsewhere everywhere if you just look? Where do YOU go for a bit of sunshine optimism truth justice fair... moreOr are there still POCKETS of hilarity to be found here and there somewhere elsewhere everywhere if you just look? Where do YOU go for a bit of sunshine optimism truth justice fairness honor? Late-night comedy shows? Your next-door neighbor? Your mate? Who/what unfailingly cheers you up even for a moment? Whom do you cheer up? How?
Well that is what the anti-Americans bought when they voted for demdon. He should have been put on the rag heap or in the rag bag decades ago. Buying shredded anything is ridiculou... moreWell that is what the anti-Americans bought when they voted for demdon. He should have been put on the rag heap or in the rag bag decades ago. Buying shredded anything is ridiculous unless it is cabbage shredded for cole slaw. The fact that some evil designer thought so little of the taste of American fashionistas that he/she designed a rag with a high pricetag which people buy and wear with pride is astonishing to me. Same with the demdon rag. Different strokes.
Certainly there will be many more anti-American anti-establishment anti- good citizen anti-resistance. You can betchure bippy on that.His echo chamber serves him very well as he se... moreCertainly there will be many more anti-American anti-establishment anti- good citizen anti-resistance. You can betchure bippy on that.His echo chamber serves him very well as he serves his puppetmaster very well. Another day in Paradise?
American citizens, military heroes among them, and public servants, and those who champion what America used to stand for and all the protections and institutions and history and p... moreAmerican citizens, military heroes among them, and public servants, and those who champion what America used to stand for and all the protections and institutions and history and purpose and values that made America unique. Targets for the satan and all his true believers. We have been flipped. We now represent massive corruption criminality anti-American everything and as such are no longer anything of value on the open market. The world looks on in disbelief. Some of them probably believe we deserve it for having been so arrogant in the past about being Americans. Now they see a laughingstock that is toothless witless braindead lacking morals integrity honest having been swallowed up in promoting condoning embracing defending promulgating the views of a hostile foreign country. We are now a DANGER a THREAT. Pro Russia folks do the bidding of Putin in every word and deed. That is because their satan has directed them to do so and they are very willing to obey him wherever it takes them. Meanwhile the worl... less
Are you hopeful or despairing that the anti-American prodons will explain why they HATE America and LOVE Russia Saudi Arabia Turkey Syria Iran and all the other tough guy bad guys ... moreAre you hopeful or despairing that the anti-American prodons will explain why they HATE America and LOVE Russia Saudi Arabia Turkey Syria Iran and all the other tough guy bad guys who are out waiting for America to self-destruct?Patriotic Americans who LOVE this country do not defend support a Russian asset who ignores our Constitution our laws our heritage our principles our values. They are masqueraders/frauds. We see right through them. That there are so many of them is troublesome (UNDERSTATEMENT). It isn't enough that they ignore what we stand for. The goal is to wipe the slate clean and replace everything America was with the Grand Guignol nightmare that demdon has turned it into. And they go right along with it cheering him and defending him as he wreaks nothing but havoc and destruction and hate. less
Are you hopeful or despairing that the anti-American prodons will explain why they HATE America and LOVE Russia Saudi Arabia Turkey Syria Iran and all the other tough guy bad guys ... moreAre you hopeful or despairing that the anti-American prodons will explain why they HATE America and LOVE Russia Saudi Arabia Turkey Syria Iran and all the other tough guy bad guys who are out waiting for America to self-destruct?Americans masquerading as patriotic do not defend support a Russian asset who ignores our Constitution our laws our heritage our principles our values. We see right through them. That there ar so many of them is troublesome (UNDERSTATEMENT). It isn't enough that they ignore what we stand for. The goal is to wipe the slate clean and replace everything America was with the Grand Guignol nightmare that demdon has turned it into. And they go right along with it cheering him and defending him as he wreaks nothing but havoc and destruction and hate. less
Once upon a time I had a bad cold and was given some kind of liquid t take at night that would ensure a "good night's sleep" by my son and then-daughter in law. I never slept a win... moreOnce upon a time I had a bad cold and was given some kind of liquid t take at night that would ensure a "good night's sleep" by my son and then-daughter in law. I never slept a wink. I was awake all night. It worked opposite on me for some reason. Ever had that kind of experience?
What one person might see as beneficiary might seem differently to others. Additionally, something might seem positive at one point and later turn out to be nega... more What one person might see as beneficiary might seem differently to others. Additionally, something might seem positive at one point and later turn out to be negative.