It focused on a very fat young girl who never felt full. She was always starving and clawing to get at more food. They put chains on the refrigerator and locks on all the cup... moreIt focused on a very fat young girl who never felt full. She was always starving and clawing to get at more food. They put chains on the refrigerator and locks on all the cupboards. She was already quite obese and I guess there was nothing they could do about it at the time.Well food isn't the only thing. We are surrounded by people who no matter HOW MUCH THEY HAVE it is never enough. They don't have that part within them that lets them know when they've had enough have enough. They are never satisfied always on the hunt for more and more and more and more and move. I don't know if there is a scientific name to the food-related insatiability or even to the money-hungry hoors who are proliferating. If we could CURE that what else could be cured as a result? A side-effect? A benefit? less
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the farmer known as donjornHe is stamping out the truth and planting lies instead of cornHe attacks insults sabotages lies hates on a... moreMine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the farmer known as donjornHe is stamping out the truth and planting lies instead of cornHe attacks insults sabotages lies hates on antidons as they are bornHIS LIES KEEP MARCHING ONGlory glory hallelulajGlory glory hallelulajGlory glory hallelulajHIS LIES KEEP MARCHING ONHe**'s bells I KNOW y'all can do a whole lot better than that. I'm just a novice. Y'all are the experts. See which of you can write the very best lyrics to exalt your almighty donjohn so that he will know y'all are loyal to him in life and in death and especially the hereafter which is gonna last FOREVER. less
I betcha they'd love to spend ETERNITY with him. They've gone so far out on limbs to defend him. They've blocked their brains and eyes and ears to shut out everything negative abou... moreI betcha they'd love to spend ETERNITY with him. They've gone so far out on limbs to defend him. They've blocked their brains and eyes and ears to shut out everything negative about him(which is everything) and what they let in they cannot get enough of 24/7. Imagine an eternity in the same room with him? Watching and listening to him repeating his same stump speeches filled with whatever he feels like attacking? Is that heaven enough for y'all? Dare you hope that GOD in HIS merciful way would gift you with that to look forward to? Do you pray for that? Why could it hurt if you started now? less
Well for starters if dingdong has a BIBLE and it's his second favorite book that must mean HE HAS READ IT FROM COVER TO COVER! Correct? Elsewise otherwise his words would be a LIE ... moreWell for starters if dingdong has a BIBLE and it's his second favorite book that must mean HE HAS READ IT FROM COVER TO COVER! Correct? Elsewise otherwise his words would be a LIE right?That must mean that he believes in GOD and in HEAVEN right? Or does he just pretend to suck up you GOD supporters?I'm not sure how many times he has referred to GOD in any of his rally speeches. They are usually filled with diatribes rants raves rages against his latest enemies and they grow daily.I wonder if GOD is mightily angered if/when dingdong ever mentions HIM and would HE prefer to be left out of the conversation? If you were GOD would you like dingdong to use your name for his own benefit when he felt it would work for him? less
I am almost positive that GOD in HIS infinite wisdom will treat the greatest liar ever born with mercy. HE will arrange that donaldjohntrump be allowed to contiuie lying in the gre... moreI am almost positive that GOD in HIS infinite wisdom will treat the greatest liar ever born with mercy. HE will arrange that donaldjohntrump be allowed to contiuie lying in the great hereafter and HE might even arrange to have donaldjohntrump spend eternity at rallies filled with cheering supporters repeating the same speeches he told them in life. Imagine that. Always the center of attention. Always surrounded by so much love. Always applauded no matter what he says. His heaven. Why not? Keeps him happy. Keeps his adoring peeps happy. There will be rallies going on 24/7 and he will always be the only speaker. Day after week after month after year he will appear forever.What is YOUR idea of heaven assuming you believe in an afterlife and you are a very good person so that GOD will grant you never-ending happiness forever? less
He lies about everything all the time. He tells the same lies he tells different lies he uses lies he has heard and forwards to spread them mostly usually he will embrace all tinfo... moreHe lies about everything all the time. He tells the same lies he tells different lies he uses lies he has heard and forwards to spread them mostly usually he will embrace all tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theory wackadoodle lies and insist his loving adoring admiring worshippers REPEAT them daily. Lies wonderful lies beautiful lies hallowed lies holy lies.One day a library of lies will be dedicated to dingdongdemdon. The number and nature and welath of lies will be memorialized in stone forever after. But it will be like a sacred Mormon Temple. Outsiders will be allowed to entre but some rooms will be off limits and accessible only to the TRUE BELIEVERS. On those walls will be written in SCRIPT every lie he ever told and rooms will be waiting for new lies to be engraved thereon and only the most loyal and faithful of you will ever be allowed inside. A monument to the greatest LIAR who ever lived. So when he dies y'all go inside and comfort yourselves by reviewing all his lies. You spend hours there memorizing t... less
LIAR EXTRAORDINAIRE doofus don will tell thousands more and y'all (prodons) won't say a word a peep a chrip a burp. Let the lies continue on because HE CAN SO/SAY NO WRONG.How you ... moreLIAR EXTRAORDINAIRE doofus don will tell thousands more and y'all (prodons) won't say a word a peep a chrip a burp. Let the lies continue on because HE CAN SO/SAY NO WRONG.How you justify that is awesome. You deny he lies. You backup his lies. You "massage" his lies. You embrace his lies. You will die before you ever admit he lies he lies he lies he lies. Is that wise? You think so.So any of you keeping track of your great and glorious god's kinds of lies?
The lies he tells the things he does the insults he hurls the attacks he wages the dog and pony diatribes he performs at all his rallies VILIFYING everyone and anyone who doesn't k... moreThe lies he tells the things he does the insults he hurls the attacks he wages the dog and pony diatribes he performs at all his rallies VILIFYING everyone and anyone who doesn't kiss his A**?How come they only rail at the language directed at him about what an abysmally corrupt and evil person he is and never once attack him for his evil treasonous words and deeds? Wassamatta them? Anyone have a clue how this one-sided HATE ON for those who criticize the don of john diaper baby balloon but never what foulmouthed liar baby balloon diaper boy says?Or that he STILL HAS CHILDREN LOCKED UP IN KENNELS AND CAGES?No sweat right? Whatever the magic one does/sez is fine. Yeah. Right. What a bunch of bleeding hearts. Sheesh! PITIFUL PATHETIC. less
The African American genocide, American style? Of course in South Africa was APARTHEID. What else was it when racists in Amurrica targeted people just because of their skin color a... moreThe African American genocide, American style? Of course in South Africa was APARTHEID. What else was it when racists in Amurrica targeted people just because of their skin color and burned crosses on the lawns and set fire to their homes and dragged off their men to hang by the neck from tree limbs like "Strange Fruit"? Were women lynched or were they just raped/murdered?So Armenians, Jews and African Americans have genocide to bond them together.What other nationalities suffered genocide? I expect Native Americans did at the hands of the white settlers and white military.The human race is a disgrace. less
I bet in the next few days Trump will be making belittling tweets about Greta Thunberg because she made it onto the short list of contenders for Time magazines 2019 person of ... moreI bet in the next few days Trump will be making belittling tweets about Greta Thunberg because she made it onto the short list of contenders for Time magazines 2019 person of the year. He will also probably tweet about Megan Rapinoe because she was named Sports Person of the year. Cheers!
I don't know how to fix the problem because I don't even know what it is. Why is it doing this? Every time I shut the computer down, the picture is even more to the rig... moreI don't know how to fix the problem because I don't even know what it is. Why is it doing this? Every time I shut the computer down, the picture is even more to the right and I can see the home page's two inches of screen instead. THIS IS MADDENING. HELLLP.
Hillary received 3 million MORE popular votes than he did and he insisted it was because of voting irregularities and that really HE was the one with 3 million more.President Barac... moreHillary received 3 million MORE popular votes than he did and he insisted it was because of voting irregularities and that really HE was the one with 3 million more.President Barack Obama is beloved while the don of john is despised. To handle that the don of john keeps making stuff up about President Obama starting with the BIRTHER bullshit crap that the don of john said he had sent folks over to Honolulu to check it out and they found some very interesting information. We are still waiting donny boy. Oh wait. You admitted Barack Obama is an AMERICAN CITIZEN. How did that work for ya liar liar pants on fire?. That didn't work so he made up that Obama SPIED on him. That didn't work. So he made up a deep-state conspiracy that all those in gubment anti him were part of it. That hasn't worked because it is just another lie the desperate wackadoodle grabs at to prove he is a vic and the best and only the meanies are lying about him. Or something. Or another. Or both. Or neither.Keeps bringing folks on he think... less
The dingbat don of john simply doesn't get it. Every time one of his lies is exposed as UNTRUE he loses one. Another mark in the LOSER column for him. He keeps chalking tons and to... moreThe dingbat don of john simply doesn't get it. Every time one of his lies is exposed as UNTRUE he loses one. Another mark in the LOSER column for him. He keeps chalking tons and tons of LOSSES and no wins. NOT one of the conspiracy deep state birther crap inanities has panned out. NOT ONE. BIG LOSER doesn't realize it of course and he thinks each time he is SHOT DOWN and tries again people will forget all about it. WE DON"T FORGET DONNY BOY. We are keeping track. Keep it up. All your tries and fails are part of your legacy. Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up. less
Every conspiracy theory was BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER that don the john and roycohnliddlebillybarr concocted.So how does the fake AG royliddlebillybarr handle it? Now he picks a dingb... moreEvery conspiracy theory was BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER that don the john and roycohnliddlebillybarr concocted.So how does the fake AG royliddlebillybarr handle it? Now he picks a dingbat named Durham to do another report and you can bet it will give him EXACTLY the scenario he wants. It had dam* well better! The don of john is watching this VERY CLOSELY and if Durhum Durrum Dumbdumb doesn't perform accordin to script then he will be gone and the fake AG roycohnliddlebillybarr will be gone and the don of john will pick someone else to do the job he demands be done come he** or high water. God save the Queen. SIGH. And the beat goes on. less
Dam* straight it is. The liar wackadoodle makes a completely ridikkalus absurd nutjob statement insisting it is true and then forcing his toady sycophants to lie their way through ... moreDam* straight it is. The liar wackadoodle makes a completely ridikkalus absurd nutjob statement insisting it is true and then forcing his toady sycophants to lie their way through to that end. Anyone buy it? Not unless they are all wakcadoodles too. The don of john started with the BIRTHER LIE and milked that to death. Then every other absurd insane LIE he stated people ran around investgation include the roy cohn in charge of Justice who LIED about spying on the don of john campaign.
Who are you? Whom do you want to be? What do you want others to see you as and how far different from that is whom you really are? Folks you adore admire respect and love. You care... moreWho are you? Whom do you want to be? What do you want others to see you as and how far different from that is whom you really are? Folks you adore admire respect and love. You care how they see you and what they think about you. Do you KNOW for sure? If you have been fighting the wrong battle for years and waging the wrong wars and defended supported the wrong people? Not too late to change and DO THE RIGHT THING. So you can be on the side of RIGHT and not embarrass humiliate upset disappoint your loved ones. If you care about them of course. less
He gotta or he is removed and charged tried and convicted of corrupt criminal activities IN THE COURTS.He OWNS the Republican toady sycophants in the Senate. They fear his wrath so... moreHe gotta or he is removed and charged tried and convicted of corrupt criminal activities IN THE COURTS.He OWNS the Republican toady sycophants in the Senate. They fear his wrath so they dare not squiggle a muzzle without his permission. The Senate loses the GOP majority and all they fear materializes. They're out on their a**es and Dem Prez Dem Majority Senate and Dem Majority House will try to reclaim the country we used to be and work their butts off to repair all the damage done by the don of john and his lemmings.So you see why the don of john is so DESPERATE to come through for them and why they are so deperate to roll over for him? Of course you do. less
Whaddabout bribery and extortion? Flouting the Emoluments Clause the day he was sworn in as prez? LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME? Obstruction of Justice? Enlisting the aid of ... moreWhaddabout bribery and extortion? Flouting the Emoluments Clause the day he was sworn in as prez? LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME? Obstruction of Justice? Enlisting the aid of hotile foreign governments to MEDDLE IN OUR ELECTIONS? Too much truth there. Gotta pick just a couple because the prodon American people are so prodonly "dumb" they need it simplified or they simply cannot grasp it. Yeah. I expect that's correct. Sadly.
He will torture your family and make you watch before you are fried. Because you love your family you show up obediently and say script(ure) every time as if you really mean it bec... moreHe will torture your family and make you watch before you are fried. Because you love your family you show up obediently and say script(ure) every time as if you really mean it because the lives of your family are at stake and one wrong word from you and he begins his execution of them.I understand. The gun is pointed directly at their heads. So what you say is not relevant to what you really think. Which means you are all really normal loving people who will say or do anything to keep your families alive. We get it. less
A course he is livid. He controls the Secretary of State who rolls over minutely for him. He control the fake Attorney General liddle billybarr who rolls over for him secondly. He ... moreA course he is livid. He controls the Secretary of State who rolls over minutely for him. He control the fake Attorney General liddle billybarr who rolls over for him secondly. He cannot control someone who DARES to tell the truth. Drives him nuttier than he already is! HOW DARE THEY DEFY HIM THE GREAT ONE THE ONE WHO SHALL NOT BE DENIED! HOW DARE THEY?Well they dare and the "die" figuratively of course. The don of john despise truth and truthtellers with his body which is very bigly. He despises them more than tonkin tell because they all give him the figurative "sign of internation good will" and it only takes one finger. Furiosity envelops him. Vindictive revenge retaliation. HE WHO MUST BE OBEYED will find a particularly gruesome way to get rid of Wray. Let the show begin. less
Was she just another self-righteous pompous "holier than thou" who said she was always for the little guy but turns out it was a lie?So much for virtue hypocrisy and self-righteous... moreWas she just another self-righteous pompous "holier than thou" who said she was always for the little guy but turns out it was a lie?So much for virtue hypocrisy and self-righteous.Of course she is no match for don the john.Now the adoring base love the fact that don john "games the system" and pays no income taxes. They believe that is the right of all very rich people and they don't mind being screwed by the "best" people. Not at all. They aspire to be like them in fact. SIGH. In the end que sera sera right? less
Do more people adore the don of john and turned Republican just for him and him alone than the ones who left the party because of him and him alone? Whatcha think? More think he sm... moreDo more people adore the don of john and turned Republican just for him and him alone than the ones who left the party because of him and him alone? Whatcha think? More think he smells so fine than think he stinks?
It said the EXACT OPPOSITE. The FBI did not engage in a plot to undermine the don of john.Now what the he** are they gonna do to him?No one who truthtells is allowed to survive in ... moreIt said the EXACT OPPOSITE. The FBI did not engage in a plot to undermine the don of john.Now what the he** are they gonna do to him?No one who truthtells is allowed to survive in the don of john world. NO ONE. This IG is history. Will "they" get rid of him? That's will larn 'em to tell the truth.Meanwhile the guy that liddlebillybarr hand-picked to PROVE Ukraine did the meddling said he could find NO EVIDENCE of that. The guy that liddlebillybarr HAND PICKED>So not only to they gotta get rid of that rum but well they gotta get rid of liddlebillybarrtoo and find another roy cohn who always WINS! Who might that be prithee?The don of john is a notoriously BAD picker of people and it seems the people he picks are very bad pickers of people too. And so it goes.Peter Piper pickled peppers. A better people picker than the don of john or liddlebillybarr? Har har har! less