Screw the law. Screw everything and anything that gets in the way of dumbdemdonjohn prevailing.What will the Supremes do? Roll over too? Why not. Who cares? Screw everyone who objects.
Since when does the INVESTIGATING BODY confer with the investigatee to be on the same page get their stories straight? A sham what am a scam.Further the son of an itch sez there is... moreSince when does the INVESTIGATING BODY confer with the investigatee to be on the same page get their stories straight? A sham what am a scam.Further the son of an itch sez there is no way the dumdemdonjohn will be removed from office. He KNOWS that because he will insure it.Does anyone have any problem with the way this is coming down? Anyone (besides Dems of course)?Again I say sh**can the dog and pony show. Vote in the first minute to acquit and put it behind you.What a racket! What a buncha crumbumbdumbbums. This is the best of the best and after the swamp was drained under the masterful touch of the dumbdemdonjohn. More of the same to come. How nifty. less
Every catastrophe has victims or it would not be a catastrophe. Catastrophic catatrophes are now our way of life. A new normal. Just the way ya like uh huh uh huh. As long as ya go... moreEvery catastrophe has victims or it would not be a catastrophe. Catastrophic catatrophes are now our way of life. A new normal. Just the way ya like uh huh uh huh. As long as ya got food in your belly and tons of bucks in your bank accounts you don't give a rat's a** about what happens to anyone. You is good. You is all. Sheesh.
He is an evil. I feel contempt and disdain for evil and for those who support it. Now how do prodon demdon supporters feel about Dems? Y'all hate our guts and never pass up a chanc... moreHe is an evil. I feel contempt and disdain for evil and for those who support it. Now how do prodon demdon supporters feel about Dems? Y'all hate our guts and never pass up a chance to tell us.Hate or disdain. Take your pick. We do not like each for our vast vast vast difference in politics. To pretend we do is just putting lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.
The first minute of the first day take a vote and end it with the Republican Majority verdict "innocent of any crime" which we know is exactly what is going to happen.Save time and... moreThe first minute of the first day take a vote and end it with the Republican Majority verdict "innocent of any crime" which we know is exactly what is going to happen.Save time and money and get on with it. What's the point?
A confident person would spend time presidenting. An innocent person would have welcomed sending staff to testify UNDER OATH before Congress.How many tweets will the twit tweet tod... moreA confident person would spend time presidenting. An innocent person would have welcomed sending staff to testify UNDER OATH before Congress.How many tweets will the twit tweet today? We are watching and we know very well exactly which he is obsessed with and immobilized by and drowning in. His IMPEACHMENT!You know the saying "never let them see you sweat"? We see him sweating bigly. Each tweet is him sweating bullets. Cool calm collected he is not. In control of himself he is not. Supremely relaxed and assured his innocence will ring forth? He is not. A smarter man would keep it to himself. The trump spills his guts often and in that self-gutting we see very clearly exactly what he "ate" as he keeps gorging himself to have more guts to spill. Round and round he goes down and down he goes in a spin loving the spin that he's in under that old black magic called FEAR. less
Apply that to anything else you wish. As far as I know we don't priorly choose to be born as we are or get to choose our parents. We play the hand we are dealt and have no voice in... moreApply that to anything else you wish. As far as I know we don't priorly choose to be born as we are or get to choose our parents. We play the hand we are dealt and have no voice in it. Now some of you will say it's up to you to do good with it? I ask you this. No matter how hard broccoli tries to be pineapple it will never change what it is.People are like that too. No magic wand that turns them into that which they are not and can never be.Politically it sticks out biglier than anywhere. Republicans despise Dems and Dems likewise despise them. Why? They didn't CHOOSE to be that. That they are that pleases them very bigly because they think it's the cat's pajamas to be them. Sheesh. Arguments based on differences we cannot help are ridiculous. Our brains are wired thus and such. Period. Get over it. less
More to come or one-time-only?If one time only do you feel blessed to have been born in this time to witness/experience/observe it or are you rather being punished for whatever you... moreMore to come or one-time-only?If one time only do you feel blessed to have been born in this time to witness/experience/observe it or are you rather being punished for whatever you did to others that was unkind?The way the Universe reminds us that whatever we put out there comes back to us and trump is our punishment for past transgressions?
Those who stood up against him or those who rolled over for him?If you were a future Historian which group would you focus on, think were more worthy of investigations researching ... moreThose who stood up against him or those who rolled over for him?If you were a future Historian which group would you focus on, think were more worthy of investigations researching questioning judging? Why?
Boris Johnson and the Tories won an astounding victory yesterday in the UK. The Apple Cart of the last 40 years has been truly upended since Brexit will be a reality. I have ... moreBoris Johnson and the Tories won an astounding victory yesterday in the UK. The Apple Cart of the last 40 years has been truly upended since Brexit will be a reality. I have many friends who are now in limbo with their residency, employment, and relationships alll in peril.How did this happen? My first thought is why did Labor choose Jeremy Corbyn to lead. Why is it these days the Politicos are choosing the radicals on tails to lead instead of the centrists.
To be precise "cofveve". But it could be lots of other things too that seemingly make no sense at all. Maybe once upon a long ago time in the deep long ago it was a word that meant... moreTo be precise "cofveve". But it could be lots of other things too that seemingly make no sense at all. Maybe once upon a long ago time in the deep long ago it was a word that meant something but is lost to us today. I know that aeons ago a great library (in Alexandria I think) was burned to the ground and all the great books therein were destroyed. Along with it knowledge we once had and is lost to us. So maybe everything makes sense and we've either never developed it again or lost the ability to access it. Whatcha think? less
"When it comes to keeping promises there is only one Person of the Year".Any comments you'd like to make that are suitable for viewing without being excommunicated shunned dam*ed o... more"When it comes to keeping promises there is only one Person of the Year".Any comments you'd like to make that are suitable for viewing without being excommunicated shunned dam*ed or deported?
Are men better at complex thinking? Or have women just not bothered because they think they are "less than"?Any of you gals ever aspire to be a nuclear physicist? I think that must... moreAre men better at complex thinking? Or have women just not bothered because they think they are "less than"?Any of you gals ever aspire to be a nuclear physicist? I think that must require high intelligence and high skills and a lot of creativity and curiosity. Do men have a lock on those things?. Women are truck drivers and firefighters and boxers. How many are quantum physicists?
Women who are drawn to them are often abused but they stick. Are "good" men who treat them well less appealing? Now we all know why BAD girls are so desirable. They are "easy". But... moreWomen who are drawn to them are often abused but they stick. Are "good" men who treat them well less appealing? Now we all know why BAD girls are so desirable. They are "easy". But BAD boys aren't 'easy' at all. Go figger.
What comes naturally to you, almost effortlessly? What have you had to work very hard at learning to be or think or do?Which do you value more. What is effortless or what you worke... moreWhat comes naturally to you, almost effortlessly? What have you had to work very hard at learning to be or think or do?Which do you value more. What is effortless or what you worked your tail off to accomplish?
Are "good" people more easily turned to be "not so hot" than to turn the "not so hot" into good people?What is the advantage to either one and do you know anyone who flipped comple... moreAre "good" people more easily turned to be "not so hot" than to turn the "not so hot" into good people?What is the advantage to either one and do you know anyone who flipped completely? How hard was it?
Say we live in a world where we have believed that and tried to live our lives doing that and being that.But we see that doing good is sometimes or lotsa time punished and doing "b... moreSay we live in a world where we have believed that and tried to live our lives doing that and being that.But we see that doing good is sometimes or lotsa time punished and doing "bad" or harming others is sometimes or lotsa times rewarded.So what we are told and what we see/experience cannot be reconciled.What do we do with it? How do we handle it? Is it better to do nothing at all and just take care of ourselves and let others do likewise and let the chips fall where they may?I get not being rewarded for doing the right thing. But being punished for it? That I don't get. Do you? less
If by doing good we mean being lawful truthful what do you get out of it if you are in the mix with those who break laws and lie? Who has the advantage? Why?
and/or their bean-counting accountants anticipate that passengers would merely ignore the silliness and take their own food on board? I’m on a plane right now, it&rsquo... moreand/or their bean-counting accountants anticipate that passengers would merely ignore the silliness and take their own food on board? I’m on a plane right now, it’s still boarding, and a passenger near me is chowing down on the most delicious-smelling Asian stir-fry possible. That’s what prompted this question. I seem to remember that some airlines may have attempted to institute rules against passengers carrying off-site food aboard flights in a bid to gouge a captive audience into paying the ransom on curbing hunger, but that nonsense was struck down. ~ less