I like the whole album but, by far, my favorite song is "Comfortably Numb"I find it flawlessAnd the lyrics crawl right into me; and the song leads up so perfectly to me to the fina... moreI like the whole album but, by far, my favorite song is "Comfortably Numb"I find it flawlessAnd the lyrics crawl right into me; and the song leads up so perfectly to me to the final words -- so beautiful and sad to me :)When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpseOut of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was goneI cannot put my finger on it nowThe child is grownThe dream is goneAnd I have become comfortably numb
We did this potluck lunch thing at work today, which stressed me out Cos I can’t cook.. at all. So I made this Mexican layer dip ( no cooking, just slapping stuff together) a... moreWe did this potluck lunch thing at work today, which stressed me out Cos I can’t cook.. at all. So I made this Mexican layer dip ( no cooking, just slapping stuff together) and everyone loved it the most. So I’m the queen of potlucking now.
A week or so ago I made a joke about Trump saying you have to flush toilets 10 times - I said I don't have to flush my toilet 10X but maybe Trump does because his poop is so full o... moreA week or so ago I made a joke about Trump saying you have to flush toilets 10 times - I said I don't have to flush my toilet 10X but maybe Trump does because his poop is so full of trans fat their unsinkable. At his Michigan rally Trump was going on about toilets again and he said you have to flush toilets 10X then he pointed to himself and said - I don't but you do. I like to think it was because he was embarrassed about my joke about his un sinkable poops. Cheers!
No Exit unless the village is dropped and the glass breaks then all they little ants are free to roam on their own.Alas. What if the glass never breaks? Do they die there and stay ... moreNo Exit unless the village is dropped and the glass breaks then all they little ants are free to roam on their own.Alas. What if the glass never breaks? Do they die there and stay there foreverly?
Do they leave cookies and milk out for Santa? I guess the grandkids are young enough to want to make sure that Santa doesn't go hungry.I wonder if the entire family gathers togethe... moreDo they leave cookies and milk out for Santa? I guess the grandkids are young enough to want to make sure that Santa doesn't go hungry.I wonder if the entire family gathers together in the White House so on Christmas morning they can all scurry to the Christmas Tree and open all the presents?
He can't silence intimidate cajole beg grovel bellycrawl demand command insist order it gone. He can't cut it out.He is now and will forever be IMPEACHED. The IMPEACHED donal... moreHe can't silence intimidate cajole beg grovel bellycrawl demand command insist order it gone. He can't cut it out.He is now and will forever be IMPEACHED. The IMPEACHED donaldjohntrump. donaldjohntrumpIMPEACHED. Part of him forever more.
Of course a hostile foreign enemy who was head of KGB is very much to be trusted over one's own country's intelligence agencies. 17 of them as I recall. American citizens who swear... moreOf course a hostile foreign enemy who was head of KGB is very much to be trusted over one's own country's intelligence agencies. 17 of them as I recall. American citizens who swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America cannot be trusted. But the head of a country who wants nothing more than to weaken the United States and use its "head" as .lapdog puppet is to be believed.Of course. We understand deadhead why you had no choice but to believe your puppetmaster.We get it. You had no choice. We get it. You had no choice. We get it. less
So his own ilk are telling him to apologize.What are the odds of that?Will those own ilk become a target too?You betchure bippy.He do not accept any criticism from anyone for anyth... moreSo his own ilk are telling him to apologize.What are the odds of that?Will those own ilk become a target too?You betchure bippy.He do not accept any criticism from anyone for anything without uglifying hisself to the extreme end of disgusting. Which is what he is 24/7.Carry on deadhead. Keep your insults coming. Everyone is watching/listening. You are so impressive. Didja know that? The more you attack the more your adoring worshippers love the he** outta ya. You know the score. Attack attack insult attack attack insult insult attack smirk attack attack insult attack smirk attack attack insult smirk. less
The magazine was originally founded by Billy Graham.The editorial sez it is due to his PROFOUNDLY IMMORAL ACTIONS.Now you can tell that magazine to go to he** and keep your sucking... moreThe magazine was originally founded by Billy Graham.The editorial sez it is due to his PROFOUNDLY IMMORAL ACTIONS.Now you can tell that magazine to go to he** and keep your sucking up to deadead and even double down on it! Elsewise you might be gunned down or run down by the deadhead or his attack puppies. Be afraid EVANGELICALS. BE VERY AFRAID. You too could be exterminated if you don't disavow GOD and don't choose to cling unto the deadhead tighter.Oh my gosh. This is BIG.
The choice you have?Choose between your RELIGION or the deadhead.Y'all have already made that hoice haven't you? You choose deadhead loud and clear forever after. God doesn't need ... moreThe choice you have?Choose between your RELIGION or the deadhead.Y'all have already made that hoice haven't you? You choose deadhead loud and clear forever after. God doesn't need you. The deadhead do. So you're gonna stick to the head that's dead and let GOD move on away from you because you've moved away from HIM the moment you embraced the head of dead.
If the head drastically steals money from social security, kills Medicare then our days are numbered.However If we were independent of the inane insane machinations of the wackadoo... moreIf the head drastically steals money from social security, kills Medicare then our days are numbered.However If we were independent of the inane insane machinations of the wackadooddle deadhead prez that would be very comforting. Are you independent or dependent on his sanity? Condolences to all of us if that be the case.
Well Alex Baldwin is great at imitating deadhead. Masterful job. WAY WAY WAY WAY better than the originalDana Carvey as George H.W. Bush...."it wouldn't be prudent" brings a smile ... moreWell Alex Baldwin is great at imitating deadhead. Masterful job. WAY WAY WAY WAY better than the originalDana Carvey as George H.W. Bush...."it wouldn't be prudent" brings a smile to my face and my memoryRich Little was a great impersonator of everyone but I don't recall any specific takeoffs on presidents. Do you?Tina Fey killed Sarah Palin. She was so very good at it. No one could take Sarah seriously ever after thereafter. Not a prez but a veep and a prez hopeful. Pretty little Sarah who gave Alaskans $4.95 for each wolf paw they turned in to her office. Creative. Ya gotta give her that.Who else? Oh didn't Melissa McCarthy do a splendid takeoff of Sean Spicer...I know, not a prez but a killer representation of a sorta kinda pol a**kisser sucker upper liar less
The deadhead wants the Senate Republicans to free him NOW. He wants a dog and pony show three ring circus with him at the center as king. He wants fire and ice and prancing horses ... moreThe deadhead wants the Senate Republicans to free him NOW. He wants a dog and pony show three ring circus with him at the center as king. He wants fire and ice and prancing horses and 100 clowns getting out of one volkswagon and horseback riders doing acrobatic tricks and high wire walkers no net. He wants fireworks and cannons and a cheering section. He wants to be the STAR ATTRACTION and wants action NOW. He demands to wear the cape of "exoneration by the Senate traitors" which is a big joke as we all know it is but him (dense he is smart he ain't) so he whips it out on all his campaign election rally stops and tells the crowd he was declared INNOCENT. That is what he wants and I don't think he is gonna keep out of the standoff between Nancy and that moscow mitch son of an itch.How will it all come down? How will all play out? With a bang or a whimper. Place yer bets. Who's the chicken whose gonna roll over? less
Not one of them said "this is a very good man who would never do such things".Not one of them defended his character or his motives or his intentions or his instincts.Not one of th... moreNot one of them said "this is a very good man who would never do such things".Not one of them defended his character or his motives or his intentions or his instincts.Not one of them said he is an HONEST man a JUST man a FAIR man.Not one of them spoke to his resume his history his track record and lauded himNot one of them. Not one of them. Not one of them.How will deadhead end them for not slavishly praising him?
I'm 82. For over a dozen years I have been regularly receiving sales pitches for cremation, hearing aids, walkers, wheelchairs. I AM NOT JOKING! Also from funeral homes. All the ti... moreI'm 82. For over a dozen years I have been regularly receiving sales pitches for cremation, hearing aids, walkers, wheelchairs. I AM NOT JOKING! Also from funeral homes. All the time endlessly ceaselessly they are tracking me and I am a "good candidate" by their numbers for all the crap they are selling.Are you sick and tired of it too? Whom do we sue? It's OUTRAGEOUS and INSULTING. Like they are all vultures circling circling circling circling what they hope will soon become a carcass. Sheesh.
Emotion DRIVES the deadhead night and day day and night 24/7. His adoring worshippers are also emotion-driven 24/7 night and day day and night. The emotional highs are achieved whe... moreEmotion DRIVES the deadhead night and day day and night 24/7. His adoring worshippers are also emotion-driven 24/7 night and day day and night. The emotional highs are achieved when they are all together chanting and cheering and clapping and stomping and shouting en masse in the outdoors of a city or indoors if its raining or snowing and there is an appropriate venue.That's the deadhead Republicans. Watch them and listen to them when they DEFEND not the man or his character or his actions but his right to do whatever the he** he wants to do without interference. They are FRANTIC and HYSTERICAL when they try to convince you. Not one among them is lucid calm logical FACTUAL and worth listening to at all. Hysteria reigns. Chaos rolls. Toil and roil ever louder and louder. As if that were going to change FACTS and TRUTH. Get earplugs. Earmuffs. Mute them. They all sound alike because they are all working from the same script courtesy of Putin and Russian interference. Seriously. You didn't know? less
Welfare kings and queens. Stonewalling and lying and toady sycophant rolling over?They have their hands out they have their hands in the cookie jars they have their hands IN YOUR P... moreWelfare kings and queens. Stonewalling and lying and toady sycophant rolling over?They have their hands out they have their hands in the cookie jars they have their hands IN YOUR POCKET as they sit on their a**es and yell and shout and yell and stomp and yell and lie and embarrass themselves as they help to push our country to the edge of annihilation. SOB's. Welfare queens. Girly men and menly girls. A bunch of clowns. Whiny a** toads. Spineless scum. Dreck. What a waste of money. The detritus of homo saps. less
She said the founding fathers envisioned the possibility of a ROGUE president but didn't envision the possibility of a ROGUE president and a ROGUE leader in the senate. What more n... moreShe said the founding fathers envisioned the possibility of a ROGUE president but didn't envision the possibility of a ROGUE president and a ROGUE leader in the senate. What more needs to be said? The entire Republic Senate majority is ROGUE. So too is the entire HOUSE minority ROGUE. REFUSAL TO DO THEIR JOBS yet expect to get paid for it.
I receive so much information and astute observation from all of you and I'm pleased that you care enough to bother with us but also puzzled.So how come you're out there caring abo... moreI receive so much information and astute observation from all of you and I'm pleased that you care enough to bother with us but also puzzled.So how come you're out there caring about us? Are we an oddity that you can't take your eyes off of? If I weren't an American I'd just write off the whole dam* country as being full of weirdos mental midgets and idiots.
These two volunteer firefighters died today in the Blue Mountains in one of the largest mega-fires. They were driving their firetruck to a fire when a burning tree fell on their tr... moreThese two volunteer firefighters died today in the Blue Mountains in one of the largest mega-fires. They were driving their firetruck to a fire when a burning tree fell on their truck, toppled it and crushed them. The three other members of the crew were badly injured. These volunteers are the equals of professionals in their training, experience and equipment. Australia does not yet have a paid firefighting force.Today in Adelaide - Slarti's area - the heat hit 48.8 degrees and catastrophic conditions. Fires started up all around Adelaide and one person died.There is another week of ultra-high catastrophic heat conditions predicted.Due to the drought, there is almost no likelihood of rain this summer.Electricity power lines are at risk of being downed - which will mean the failure of electricity supply for airconditioning.Smoke affects the air quality, causing sore eyes and throats and severe increases in breathing difficulties for those with asthma and lung deseases. Vulnerable people like babies, the elderly ... less
He will continue breaking the law and doing his corruption criminal treasonous traitorous things. You know that and I know that and everyone knows that and PUTIN especially knows t... moreHe will continue breaking the law and doing his corruption criminal treasonous traitorous things. You know that and I know that and everyone knows that and PUTIN especially knows that. The deadhead is INCAPABLE of learning how to do/be better.So he will put corruption and criminality and treasoning and traitoring to music. A DIRGE. ATONAL like John Cage. Hard on the ears on the eyes on the spirit on the emotion on the intellect on the SOUL.Where does it say in the Constitution impeachment can only ever be done once to a corrupt criminal jobholder?Now chances may well be that the Dems get the majority in the Senate and keep the majority in the House in 2020 in which case it will be a slam dunk IMPEACH AND REMOVE FROM OFFICE fer shure fer shure fer shure the second time around! The current Republican toady sycophant senutt majority is not GUARANTEED to hold. We the people are sick and tired of that moscow mitch son of an itch saying he has COLLUDED with the prez attorneys to make sure there is NO DAYLIGHT be... less
Seriously. This movie is bad. Boring, slow, derivative, and formulaic. A movie that has been made ten times over and is nothing more than a glorified reunion show... moreSeriously. This movie is bad. Boring, slow, derivative, and formulaic. A movie that has been made ten times over and is nothing more than a glorified reunion show of geriatric hand-held iconic the genera.This movie blows.