The story begins with a shopping trip to Market with plans for making a delicious Lasagna.Unbeknownst to me, the ground turkey had turned, but not enough to possess the funk of put... moreThe story begins with a shopping trip to Market with plans for making a delicious Lasagna.Unbeknownst to me, the ground turkey had turned, but not enough to possess the funk of putrid fowl.Have you ever poisoned your family, a friend or a loved one with food gone bad unintentionally?I want to alleviate all your fears...Twinkle is not dead...he's not even sick, thank God!
Hello:Contrary to popular belief, here's how I think it'll come down..
As I've said earlier, even the Republicans HATE him.. But, NONE of them have the courage to come out ag... moreHello:Contrary to popular belief, here's how I think it'll come down..
As I've said earlier, even the Republicans HATE him.. But, NONE of them have the courage to come out against him by themselves. I don't blame them. If they did, we all know that Trump'll TWEET them to death..
However, as a group, they might.. All they need is 20 of them, and they'll probably NEVER have to actually vote or identify themselves.. That's because once the count is taken, like in Watergate, somber senators will trek down to the White House and tell Trump he's finished..
Whadyya think?excon less
The deadhead is beside himself about himself more than usual and his supporters are besides themselves more than usual and there will marches and rallies and protests all over the ... moreThe deadhead is beside himself about himself more than usual and his supporters are besides themselves more than usual and there will marches and rallies and protests all over the country today in excess of 600 so folks will be otherwise diverted and not look to the skies to see what's coming down.If Kim wel California Oregon Washington Alaska or better yet Hawaii are great targets.If Putin or Erdogan or the Saudis well New York, Palm Beach or D.C. would be their cuppa tea.Now ideally both would hit on both coasts working togeher in a collegial collusion and conspiracy to take out the weakened America which deadhead has seen to in advance for all of them.Not hoping or wishing. Just wondering what better time would there be than today for that? less
That's all they ever do. SCREAM. SHOUT. YELL. It does not bode well for them if they continue their puerile infant hissy fit tantrums in front of the American people who are taking... moreThat's all they ever do. SCREAM. SHOUT. YELL. It does not bode well for them if they continue their puerile infant hissy fit tantrums in front of the American people who are taking this very seriously. It will bode very well for the pro impeachment Americans so mebbe the SCREAMERS should just SCREAM THEMSELVES HORSE HOARSE hores. Whatever.
He sez he isn't impartial. He sez impeachment is purely political and therefore he doesn't have to be impartial.Good old moscow mitch the son of ****. A **** in male clothing no do... moreHe sez he isn't impartial. He sez impeachment is purely political and therefore he doesn't have to be impartial.Good old moscow mitch the son of ****. A **** in male clothing no doubt. A grand old man. A deadhead lover. A truth abhorer. A patriotism destroyer. Moscow on the in D.C. Look at him. Makes ya kinda proud don't it though?
All naive and innocent like telling us why he arranged to can her a** when she did nothing wrong but tried to do her job?Everyone knows that ain't gonna cut it with the deadhead ca... moreAll naive and innocent like telling us why he arranged to can her a** when she did nothing wrong but tried to do her job?Everyone knows that ain't gonna cut it with the deadhead cabal et an al and the rudy g greatest crimefighter in the last 50 years.Doing your job. Doing nothing wrong. Thinking that's OKAY? Seriously? Sheesh. What usta be ain't no more no more no more no more.
Now he admits he NEVER researched it.FYI it is IMPOSSIBLE to do.But he**'s bells why let truth get in the way of a deadhead goal? Deadhead and the deadheaders never give it a thoug... moreNow he admits he NEVER researched it.FYI it is IMPOSSIBLE to do.But he**'s bells why let truth get in the way of a deadhead goal? Deadhead and the deadheaders never give it a thought. Roll right along with dumb. It's all they got.
Attributed to Publius Terentias Afer (195/185-159 BC)A Roman comic playwright.However there is some doubt about that. He may have originally read it from a prior author named Menan... moreAttributed to Publius Terentias Afer (195/185-159 BC)A Roman comic playwright.However there is some doubt about that. He may have originally read it from a prior author named Menander.Setting aside the true source do you agree that anything of which a human is capable is not "foreign" to thee?How can that possibly be?
That Turkey head Erdogan got all aggravated and OUTRAGED and ENRAGED because the Turkey head like all his prior dumbheads REFUSES to admit they murdered Armenians. So of course the... moreThat Turkey head Erdogan got all aggravated and OUTRAGED and ENRAGED because the Turkey head like all his prior dumbheads REFUSES to admit they murdered Armenians. So of course the deadhead rolled over and took back what Congress did IN GOOD FAITH.My god the deadhead is a great and wonderful SOB amoeba. Single cell no brain. Amorphous.Of what value is an Amoebic prez other than to "the enemy"?
Milk chocolate has virtually zero health benefits whereas dark chocolate does. Of course 100% cocoa no one can eat. You use in baking. We tried 85% and it was not our cuppa tea. Th... moreMilk chocolate has virtually zero health benefits whereas dark chocolate does. Of course 100% cocoa no one can eat. You use in baking. We tried 85% and it was not our cuppa tea. They also sell 90%. That is for the very brave or those whose tastebuds don't work.
As we do INDEPENDENCE DAY with awesome displays of rockets bursting in air in the sky? Have a huge block party and bring a dish reflective of your ancestry?How about hay rides or m... moreAs we do INDEPENDENCE DAY with awesome displays of rockets bursting in air in the sky? Have a huge block party and bring a dish reflective of your ancestry?How about hay rides or miniature golf outings or deep sea fishing expeditions or picnics? All of the above?December 18, 2019 starts the best of the rest of our lives! Oh boy.
Of course you will follow the deadhead anywhere and you do plan to take your children with you right?So how ya gonna do it? Hold hands and jump together as a family? Send the kids ... moreOf course you will follow the deadhead anywhere and you do plan to take your children with you right?So how ya gonna do it? Hold hands and jump together as a family? Send the kids ahead first over the edge? Parents first and then your kids will follow you over and down?Of course the deadhead won't really jump. Too cowardly. But to prove your loyalty to him it's worth your life and the lives of your kids right? Somewhere out in the great beyond you will be rewarded for it. Now after all the 41% of y'all have jumped I expect the deadhead will get on a plane and fly to somewhere else and live a very comfy cozy life. Don'tcha just love happy endings? less
The more repetitive and meaningless the drivel the more the deadhead's adoring worshippers get off on it. Now why is that?The same words the same venom the same targets the same sa... moreThe more repetitive and meaningless the drivel the more the deadhead's adoring worshippers get off on it. Now why is that?The same words the same venom the same targets the same same everyday everyday everyday everyday.Boring? Nope! They LIVE for it and would die without it. Meaningless drivel is very popular among the deadhead cabal et al. Take it away and what would happen? I don't know but I'd sure like to find out.
What if wordwise and thoughtwise are totally separate unrelated? That would make more sense than what the deadhead supporters keep saying don'tcha think? Somewhere there is a recor... moreWhat if wordwise and thoughtwise are totally separate unrelated? That would make more sense than what the deadhead supporters keep saying don'tcha think? Somewhere there is a recorded message approved by the deadhead that all of these supporters keep saying endlessly. There is no "there" there at all. Just a disembodied voice repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating. Meaningless drivel.
Honest-to-goodness we of the resistance very much appreciate your kind words and your good wishes and most importantly that you have paid attention to what is going on here and so ... moreHonest-to-goodness we of the resistance very much appreciate your kind words and your good wishes and most importantly that you have paid attention to what is going on here and so you are very knowledgeable which means you CARE. That means a lot to us. I promise we won't forget it.
He may outdo himself tweetwise...let's see a coupla days ago didn't it reach 123 tweets and retweets? Think he can do way lots loads more? Say 1000 in one day? Also he will be fron... moreHe may outdo himself tweetwise...let's see a coupla days ago didn't it reach 123 tweets and retweets? Think he can do way lots loads more? Say 1000 in one day? Also he will be front and center yapping incessantly showing what he really is. A big orange blob of protoplasm that expands and expands and expands like a hot air balloon and then BANG!Now the only question is will he EXplode or IMplode?
Real strength is lacking in the deadhead. No matter how loud he talks or what evil he does he is a teeny tiny frightened little homo sap barking...toothless. Yapping. Sniverling. B... moreReal strength is lacking in the deadhead. No matter how loud he talks or what evil he does he is a teeny tiny frightened little homo sap barking...toothless. Yapping. Sniverling. Begging. Rolling over. Cute tricks in a dog. Not so cute in a "president".
He has DIVIDED this nation assuredly.However forthwith to whit he has brought us together more bonded than ever...those of us who want nothing more than to see him go away and stay... moreHe has DIVIDED this nation assuredly.However forthwith to whit he has brought us together more bonded than ever...those of us who want nothing more than to see him go away and stay there.So he has done the impossible.DividedUnited
That is the entirety of their goal. Dump trump. Get rid of the deadhead. Oust his corpulent a**. I don't know how many have joined but by golly I'm cheering them on! Good for them.... moreThat is the entirety of their goal. Dump trump. Get rid of the deadhead. Oust his corpulent a**. I don't know how many have joined but by golly I'm cheering them on! Good for them.The entire Republican Senate is worthless. The House Republicans are worthless. Scairdy cat toady sycophants the lot of them.BUT NOW the very most intelligent and PATRTIOTIC AMERICANS who happen to want justice restored are OUT TO GET RID OF DEADHEAD and his ilk. No deep dark state conspiracy. OUT IN THE OPEN LOUD AND CLEAR AND COMING FOR HIM.Oh my gosh. How beauitful is that? less