The toady sycophant Michigan gally crowd laughed at the cruel remark the impeached deadhead made at the expense of the well-loved and deceased former Congressman John Dingell. They... moreThe toady sycophant Michigan gally crowd laughed at the cruel remark the impeached deadhead made at the expense of the well-loved and deceased former Congressman John Dingell. They don't know any better or they wouldn't attend the impeached deadheads selflove rallies. And so it goes. Anyone is fair game for his HATRED. You might be next. Don't be so full of yourself that you think he won't turn on YOU. He will. Just give an opening.
Why not just shut everything down for the foreeable future. Send people home. Stop the presses. Let him bask the in glory and majesty of his palm beach palace for months until the ... moreWhy not just shut everything down for the foreeable future. Send people home. Stop the presses. Let him bask the in glory and majesty of his palm beach palace for months until the November election. Take a pass. Float. Gloat. Emote. Connote.
Don'tcha feel warm and cozy that the former head of KGB is watching the impeached deadhead's back?Other commens from y'all are welcome. You prodons and condons and antidons and any... moreDon'tcha feel warm and cozy that the former head of KGB is watching the impeached deadhead's back?Other commens from y'all are welcome. You prodons and condons and antidons and anyonebut dons. The head of a hostile foreign country that is our ENEMY and wants us gone as a world power rushes to the defense of the impeached deadhead. One might almost imagine that Putin WANTS the impeached deadhead to stay prez. I wonder why?
Because moscow mitch that son of an itch is a lying bast**rd whose middle finger is raised to the Constitution the Country and we the people. That's how.MAY HE CHOKE ON THOSE... moreBecause moscow mitch that son of an itch is a lying bast**rd whose middle finger is raised to the Constitution the Country and we the people. That's how.MAY HE CHOKE ON THOSE WORDS if in fact he doth udder them..OR will he do a tulsie gabby flabby tabby and just say "PRESENT"?We will see willn't we what the SOB does?.
StutteringLimpingThey get off on it. Ever take a close look at the rally crowds? Who shows up? What they look like? How they dress? The expressions on their faces when the impeache... moreStutteringLimpingThey get off on it. Ever take a close look at the rally crowds? Who shows up? What they look like? How they dress? The expressions on their faces when the impeached deadhead goes off on a string of insult directed at specific targets? Expressive faces. Impressive ain't it?In a JUST HEAVEN or via reincarnation they will best be served by having the disability they attack. To get the view on the flip side. Be the target they target. How sweet it is.
Here we go. PERFECT.Biden has fought long and hard to control stuttering. Sometimes when he speaks he reverts to that.Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacked him for it. Then when she disc... moreHere we go. PERFECT.Biden has fought long and hard to control stuttering. Sometimes when he speaks he reverts to that.Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacked him for it. Then when she discovered it was a life-long "condition" she apologized. Fake totally but well you know she is a preacher's kid. They lie better than anyone.At the same time a video resurfaced of eric impeachment deadhead's kid attacking Biden for stuttering.When someone is down you can bet your a** an impeachment deadhead relative will be there to keep kicking hitting smacking attacking insulting. They are always hovering over like vultures just waiting to attack. Something they inherited from their impeached deadhead dad. He is so dam* proud of them for that. Prolly. less
A wine cave for the obscenely wealthy elites. We know red wines must be kept at a particular temperature. What better place than a WINE CAVE filled with expensive imported pricey w... moreA wine cave for the obscenely wealthy elites. We know red wines must be kept at a particular temperature. What better place than a WINE CAVE filled with expensive imported pricey wines? This is where a Dem candidate for prez holds a campaign event? Seriously.It could be worse I guess. We aren't there yet. Coming to a theater near you. Sheesh.
Useless. Worthless. Meaningless. moscow mitch the son of an itch has no intention of doing his job nor will he allow the other good little republican toady sycophant lemmings to do... moreUseless. Worthless. Meaningless. moscow mitch the son of an itch has no intention of doing his job nor will he allow the other good little republican toady sycophant lemmings to do theirs. It's a slam dunk scam con. He already told us how corrupt he is and it is. When someone tells you what he is believe him. Well moscow mitch told he is a worthless piece of sh**. I for one believe him.
Two days after impeaching deadhead Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi invited him to deliver the STATE of the UNION speech.He accepted and will deliver it February 4, 2020!Now I ask... moreTwo days after impeaching deadhead Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi invited him to deliver the STATE of the UNION speech.He accepted and will deliver it February 4, 2020!Now I ask you what hotter ticket than that could there possibly be?Gonna watch? Gonna listen to every word that drips off impeachment's lips beginning to end?Can you believe it?It will be full of sound and fury all about him and his suffering from beginning to end him him him him him him him him. A once-in-lifetime brawl and a good time was had by all. Mark your calendars. FEBRUARY 4.When the impeached deadhead presents his version of reality to the American people. Maybe we should all be well lubricated if ya get my drift. less
Aid to Puerto Rico was approved by both Dems and Republicans in the amount of $12 BILLION over 4 years. As part of his butting in to the budget he SLASHED funds for Puerto Rico to ... moreAid to Puerto Rico was approved by both Dems and Republicans in the amount of $12 BILLION over 4 years. As part of his butting in to the budget he SLASHED funds for Puerto Rico to $5.7 BILLION over two years. They did not a** kiss his fat butt enough to suit him. So he always has the last word..the final salvo. Ain't he sweet?
For me as sappy as it sounds I'd like to visit a brand new grocery store every day the rest of my life. New things to explore new treasures to find. It would be LOVERLY.
In a long ago Twilight Zone a guy dies and finds he is in his idea of heaven. Everything thing he ever wanted is available to him 24/7. He is denied nothing. Day after day after da... moreIn a long ago Twilight Zone a guy dies and finds he is in his idea of heaven. Everything thing he ever wanted is available to him 24/7. He is denied nothing. Day after day after day after day. All the same. No wants unfillled. He begins to tire of it. The sameness is boring to him. He asks the 'caretaker' who shows up from time to time to get him out of there. He is tired of heaven.Of course it wasn't heaven he was was he**.Now imagine having everything you ever wanted forever after? Would you tire of it? less
I'm betting he won't be taking a vacation from tweeting though. Wouldn't it be nice if he gifted the nation/world with SILENCE for two weeks? No press. No interviews. Invisible. Si... moreI'm betting he won't be taking a vacation from tweeting though. Wouldn't it be nice if he gifted the nation/world with SILENCE for two weeks? No press. No interviews. Invisible. Silent. Gone?
SCOTUS refused/declined to hear a case preventing people from sleeping or camping outside in public places. The case would allow officers to give tickets to them and kick them out.... moreSCOTUS refused/declined to hear a case preventing people from sleeping or camping outside in public places. The case would allow officers to give tickets to them and kick them out.Rather than comply with that evil wicked heartless plan they deferred it to the9th Circuit Court who had ruled it is a Constitutional RIGHT for people to sleep/camp outside in public places if there is no shelter available to them. In other words for you very slow learners. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to prevent people from sleeping/camping outdoors in public places. Get it?So much for the hoity toity SOB wealthy who have multiple mansions in which to sleep but would love to deny the homeless any place at all. It offends them you see. Shove it up their butts. That's what the Supremes done did. Good for them. I have hopes now that perhaps sanity can rule and not the perverted partisan propaganda politics. A black eye for impeached fer shure. He don't want no lousy homeless to be observable. He don't want anything to spoil his view. He is suc... less
Slap in the face of impeached?All his self-aggrandizing rallies in Michigan mean sh**. No one pays any attention to him except the rally goers. Otherwise he is just white noise. Wo... moreSlap in the face of impeached?All his self-aggrandizing rallies in Michigan mean sh**. No one pays any attention to him except the rally goers. Otherwise he is just white noise. Worthless. Ignorable.Good ta know. Michigan is my home state. I wuz gonna write it off due to the impeached rally but now I know they are all there is for him. A stockyard full of toady sycophants. The state itself is honorable and ignores him. HURRAY!
Trust me on this. It will be your lifeline to keeping sane in an insane world. It's the one thing you dare not ignore. Remember. Laughter is the best medicine. It is also the only ... moreTrust me on this. It will be your lifeline to keeping sane in an insane world. It's the one thing you dare not ignore. Remember. Laughter is the best medicine. It is also the only thing no one can take away from you. Your ability to find the funny.
They will go down with him. They will not abandon him. Or will they?Is CHRISTIANITY TODAY the Marines who hit the beaches first to clear the way for all the others?Or is it an anom... moreThey will go down with him. They will not abandon him. Or will they?Is CHRISTIANITY TODAY the Marines who hit the beaches first to clear the way for all the others?Or is it an anomaly? An island of truth? A singularity?
Do the adoring worshippers of impeached cancel their subscriptions to CHRISTIANITY TODAY for speaking up and out and admitting the truth? What will become of that truth-speaking pu... moreDo the adoring worshippers of impeached cancel their subscriptions to CHRISTIANITY TODAY for speaking up and out and admitting the truth? What will become of that truth-speaking publication and the people who stood up and spoke up?I dunno. Let's see what happens. Because we know impeached will not tolerate any defections. He will track and find and destroy. SIGH.