For me it's a garlic press. My co-worker friend Fran gave it to me when I was about 21. She swore by it and said it does the best job. I'm 82 and I have used it constantly ever sin... moreFor me it's a garlic press. My co-worker friend Fran gave it to me when I was about 21. She swore by it and said it does the best job. I'm 82 and I have used it constantly ever since. It's simple. It works beautifully. No fancy bells and whistles. No automated anything. You put the clove in the depression and press the other section down and out comes lovely minced garlic. EVERY TIME. So I think of Fran whenever I us it and wish I could let her know that. She adored Barbra Streisand and kinda looked like Barbra. Fran's favorite ice cream flavor was coffee and she'd read that was Barbra's favorite flavor too. A shout out to her if she is still here on earth. Do you have anyone you'd like to give a shout out to? Why and why don't you? less
The best is yet to come folks. These years have been a testing ground to see what you would tolerate..what he could get away with. Turns out you will tolerate anything and he can g... moreThe best is yet to come folks. These years have been a testing ground to see what you would tolerate..what he could get away with. Turns out you will tolerate anything and he can get away with anything so now that he knows that just stand back and watch what he does. You will be so impressed and pleased and joyful. Lucky you.
Who is going to stop him? The fake AG liddle billybarr? Of course not. His job is to pave the way for the deadhead to do whatever he wants to and make be "legal". That is his funct... moreWho is going to stop him? The fake AG liddle billybarr? Of course not. His job is to pave the way for the deadhead to do whatever he wants to and make be "legal". That is his function in life. Now of course we might think THE SUPREMES will step in and stop it. Well they are already tilted so who knows?Also I betcha fer sure the impeached deadhead is working on a plan to REMOVE FROM SCOTUS all liberal justices. The women of course. And Chief Justice Roberts better watch his step or the head of dead will remove him too.You say never gonna happen? HOW DO YOU KNOW?Congress..well the HOUSE..cannot do it alone. It takes the Senate which we know is already bought and paid for and moscow mitch that son of an itch will never step to do anything to stop the head of dead from doing his thing.Let him be him. Do not interfer. Do not be an obstacle. Do not disagree. Never ever say "this is wrong".Won't it be lovely once the head of dead has achieved all his goals? You whities will still be here. Have no fear. As long as keep ... less
Otherwise at a glance how would he know who is WHITE beneath the tan and who is tan beneath the tan?Gotta spot 'em immediately by their pallid pallor. The whiter the better. Orangy... moreOtherwise at a glance how would he know who is WHITE beneath the tan and who is tan beneath the tan?Gotta spot 'em immediately by their pallid pallor. The whiter the better. Orangy is OK of course. Copycatting the impeached deadhead won't be illegal. He wants a bazillion mini hims around so he can gaze upon himself 24/7.
White rich healthy obese folks. They want their country back. They want things white and Fascist. Forever after. They are working toward that end by any means possible.They KNOW th... moreWhite rich healthy obese folks. They want their country back. They want things white and Fascist. Forever after. They are working toward that end by any means possible.They KNOW their time is limited so they must ACT NOW.Soon people of color will outnumber them and then what will happen to them? They will not let that happen. They finally have the impeached deadhead who is going to give exactly what they want. No wonder they love the guy. Sigh.
We say this or that thinking we mean it. But beneath it all we don't. According to others who can read our intentions motives desires way better than we can. I would say that is in... moreWe say this or that thinking we mean it. But beneath it all we don't. According to others who can read our intentions motives desires way better than we can. I would say that is insufferably arrogant and egotistical and self-serving but how do I know? If they are the know it alls then who am I to disabuse them of their beliefs. it succors them and drives them and motivates them. They KNOW. We don't. Such is life.Is that possible? I suppose so. I mean if you can "read" what others really want then you can proceed ahead and that is your justification for what YOU want to do. "She really wanted it". "He really didn't mean that". I know better than anyone what is in your heart and mind. No matter what "they" say or think I know better.Must be nice to be that intuitive and knowledgeable. That way whatever you do cannot be wrong. You know better than anyone what they want think and whom they really are. They can't fool you. SIGH. Right. less
Could women "ask for it" and "really really want it" and be totally unaware of it?They think they are being ravaged and damaged and assaulted but deep down the ravager rapist KNOWS... moreCould women "ask for it" and "really really want it" and be totally unaware of it?They think they are being ravaged and damaged and assaulted but deep down the ravager rapist KNOWS SHE WANTS IT?If true how does anyone know anything at any time about anything ever?Which brings up another question which I am forced to ask.
The key to the country! You betcha! The impeached deadhead knows how to treat 'em. Feed 'em and wine and dine 'em and roll over for 'em and sucky yucky pucky and prostate him... moreThe key to the country! You betcha! The impeached deadhead knows how to treat 'em. Feed 'em and wine and dine 'em and roll over for 'em and sucky yucky pucky and prostate himself and bellycrawl. All to delight them and excite them and incite them to do more than just meddle in our elections. You read it here first. Coming to a theater near you.Ain't we got fun?
We are (ok, I am) curious about Burger King’s new vegetarian offering, the Impossible Whopper. It’s not currently available at all of their locations, and we&rsq... more We are (ok, I am) curious about Burger King’s new vegetarian offering, the Impossible Whopper. It’s not currently available at all of their locations, and we’re not about to go over creation searching high and low for one that does. She is less enthusiastic about trying it than I am, saying that it must be chocked full of chemicals that will only lead to strange illnesses and ailments for its consumers. Have you tried them yet?
All children are sleepingTucked in their bedsThe Night before ChristmasHas finally been read
Everything's quiet under the treeBaby, it's Christmas for you and for me
Let's light a candlePut on some tunesWe've got til morningTo kiss and to spoon.
I know you're wearyWe could both use some sleepBut, baby it's ChristmasFor you and for me.
Close your eyes darlin'I'll tell you whenI know you're wonderin'How much did I spend.
Let's start unwrappingthe ribbons and laceI see the want toAll over your face.
I'll always give you your favorite thingsBaby, it's Christmas for you and for me. less
.I have two:1) I've stolen this from the great President Trump. Whenever someone wants me to do something and I don't want to, I just say, "I can't do that. The Kurds didn't help u... more.I have two:1) I've stolen this from the great President Trump. Whenever someone wants me to do something and I don't want to, I just say, "I can't do that. The Kurds didn't help us at Normandy."2) This is from the 1980s movie "Cobra" and is excellent for dealing with recalcitrant customers in business situations.Customer: I want X.Me: I can't do that.Customer: Why?Me: I don't deal with psychos...
Donald Trump just said that maybe the Christmas gift North Korea promised America is a beautiful vase. For months now the Pentagon has been seeing increased activity at NK tes... moreDonald Trump just said that maybe the Christmas gift North Korea promised America is a beautiful vase. For months now the Pentagon has been seeing increased activity at NK tests sites so I don't think its a beautiful vase. They will be testing a long range missal and Trump knows it. Cheers and Merry Christmas!
They're spending it with Meghan's mom and not the QUEEN! It seems to me that folks should spend holidays where they want with whom they want and not have to fit some rigid protocol... moreThey're spending it with Meghan's mom and not the QUEEN! It seems to me that folks should spend holidays where they want with whom they want and not have to fit some rigid protocol or historical precedent. What do you think?
That moscow mitch son of an itch and his toady sycophant whinya** Republican senators all pledge to partisan the impeached deadhead and find him INNOCENT. What bulsh**! A pox... moreThat moscow mitch son of an itch and his toady sycophant whinya** Republican senators all pledge to partisan the impeached deadhead and find him INNOCENT. What bulsh**! A pox on their houses! They are beyond vile evil venal. One day their day will come when they will enjoy everything they deserve! I can hardly wait.