LIESThe oinker and his entire gubment lie all the time 24/7 about everything everyone anything anyone.Once they open their mouths lies flood out. Lying liars and the lies they tell... moreLIESThe oinker and his entire gubment lie all the time 24/7 about everything everyone anything anyone.Once they open their mouths lies flood out. Lying liars and the lies they tell are beyond a googolplex and growing in number.Hear that? LIES. Read that? LIES.That's how the oinker keeps his peeps ignorant and in line. He sez he is the sole source of truth and they are so wired that they actually believe him. Go figger!
If it were YOUR land and you did not want to sell you'd be fighting the oinker tooth and nail as well.But if you are far away from the border and own zero land that will be confisc... moreIf it were YOUR land and you did not want to sell you'd be fighting the oinker tooth and nail as well.But if you are far away from the border and own zero land that will be confiscated you want the oinker to fight to just take the land don'tcha? Of course ya do. Good luck with that. Wanting isn't the same as getting or having. You just keep wanting all ya wanna. For all the good it's gonna do ya.
The extent of his capacity to harm hurt damage is endless and knows no bounds. Any chance he gets he will attack crucify lie. It turns him on. He gets off on it. A surrogate for a ... moreThe extent of his capacity to harm hurt damage is endless and knows no bounds. Any chance he gets he will attack crucify lie. It turns him on. He gets off on it. A surrogate for a happy home life with a happy wife no doubt. Which he obviously does not have.
Or are the evangelicals / christians always the ATTACKERS? Practicing their religion as GOD intended correct?Go forth and murder those whose religions differ from yoursAnti Muslim.... moreOr are the evangelicals / christians always the ATTACKERS? Practicing their religion as GOD intended correct?Go forth and murder those whose religions differ from yoursAnti Muslim. Anti semitic. Where are the anti-evangelicals and the anti-christians who can balance out the carnage to cover all relgious beliefs? Fair is fair after all.Many churches whose members are black are often attacked.Who attacks the whites? Reciprocity is key. Tit for tat. Two-way street. Get and give back.
The "boss" ain't taking it seriously. He say say he dat he know the end already. Which mean he fake it to make it a certainty.What idiots will play a game that is so rigged the rig... moreThe "boss" ain't taking it seriously. He say say he dat he know the end already. Which mean he fake it to make it a certainty.What idiots will play a game that is so rigged the rigger BRAGS about it and CERTIFIES it and PROMISES it?Only stupid dumbs would pay to play and waste time. So how many stupid dumbs besides the rigged GOP Senators will show up?
He sez he and the white house "lawyers" are IN BED together WITH NO DAYLIGHT BETWEEN the fake lawyers for the impeached deadhead and hisself and his senate majority toady sycophant... moreHe sez he and the white house "lawyers" are IN BED together WITH NO DAYLIGHT BETWEEN the fake lawyers for the impeached deadhead and hisself and his senate majority toady sycophants. Nothing remotely LEGAL there. Sham, Shame. Con. Scam. Bullsh** typical dog and pony show just for show. Bunch of gas bags spewing script per order of the impeached deadhead. Ain'tcha got better things to do with your time than to watch the fiasco?
The New York Time wrote an expose. The industry can record track sell your data with NO RESTRICTIONS or protections for you and NO WAY TO STOP THEM. Unchecked surveillance for sale... moreThe New York Time wrote an expose. The industry can record track sell your data with NO RESTRICTIONS or protections for you and NO WAY TO STOP THEM. Unchecked surveillance for sale is alive and well.What do these data collection businesses charge? To whom do they sell? What do the recipients of that information DO WITH IT? You are the target. Someone's watching your back for profit. Capitalists unite. Ya got nuthin' to fear but fear itself. Make money off anything everything all the time any which way you can. Don't you make no never mind. Bottom line what's the bottom line? less
The GOP LOVES to pay lots more to the money-hungry hoors who own and operate these exclusive expensive private insurance companies. Pay more. Show how rich you are. Right you are d... moreThe GOP LOVES to pay lots more to the money-hungry hoors who own and operate these exclusive expensive private insurance companies. Pay more. Show how rich you are. Right you are ducks. Why not pay through the nose to keep the other money-hungry hoors and vultures in business.
Metastasizing worldwide it spreads like the BLACK PLAGUE.What is/was the trigger and why is there a massive RESISTANCE to it while others are lustfully demonically eagerly grateful... moreMetastasizing worldwide it spreads like the BLACK PLAGUE.What is/was the trigger and why is there a massive RESISTANCE to it while others are lustfully demonically eagerly grateful for it? What's going on?
It cannot be erased and it will eventually catch up with you.We are tracked and photographed and recorded and eavesdropped on from the day we're born. Watching. Waiting. Listening.... moreIt cannot be erased and it will eventually catch up with you.We are tracked and photographed and recorded and eavesdropped on from the day we're born. Watching. Waiting. Listening. Gathering information to be used at an appropriate time futurely. Best not to do anything you need to hide because it won't stay hidden. Someone somewhere will remember and say something.Which is why those who choose public lives of politics or whatever are so weirdly foolish to think no one will ever find out. Of course we will find out. Why do they think they will get away with it? Underestimating those who seek truth and justice is unwise. less
Of course we BY FAR appreciate you sympathizers. You give us verbal "hugs" with your understanding and especially your knowledge of what the he** is going on here. We are very touc... moreOf course we BY FAR appreciate you sympathizers. You give us verbal "hugs" with your understanding and especially your knowledge of what the he** is going on here. We are very touched by your caring and I just wanted you to know that.
He is by far the dumbest "prez" who ever lived. Maybe that deserves some kind of award?He keeps digging the holes he makes deeper and deeper. Never puts the shovel down. Dumbhead.
We've already experienced the very worst vile homo head that ever lived.Now it's our turn to experience sanity reason sense and fair and good. All the vile homo heads who adore him... moreWe've already experienced the very worst vile homo head that ever lived.Now it's our turn to experience sanity reason sense and fair and good. All the vile homo heads who adore him will go down with him as well. Wait and see. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
Sez he can't understand how any Jew can vote for a Democrat. 79% of Jewish people voted DEMOCRAT in 2018. He is more than a little underknowing and overblowing.The blackface "joke"... moreSez he can't understand how any Jew can vote for a Democrat. 79% of Jewish people voted DEMOCRAT in 2018. He is more than a little underknowing and overblowing.The blackface "joke" was about secret service folkswearing dark masks allegedly.Ain't he a funnee one though?
A plumber was called to do a job in a lady's kitchen and unknown to him there was a hidden camera. Needed a pee break so he took one of her teacups to use then dumped down the sink... moreA plumber was called to do a job in a lady's kitchen and unknown to him there was a hidden camera. Needed a pee break so he took one of her teacups to use then dumped down the sink, rinsed cup under the tap and put it back.She did not like that.. I Would hate to have been that person
I was struck by a recent article which touted one aspect of the "amazing economy" under Trump. It noted that wage growth for lower-income people had actually passed wage growth for... moreI was struck by a recent article which touted one aspect of the "amazing economy" under Trump. It noted that wage growth for lower-income people had actually passed wage growth for higher income people. This may be true, but it is also largely irrelevant.The numbers I recall were 5% wage growth for low-income workers versus about 4% for high-income workers. That sounds nice, but consider 5% of $20k is $1,000. In comparison, 4% of $100k is $4,000. So, with this fabulous reversal in wage growth statistics, wealth/income inequality still continues to grow dramatically.Another one is the debate about NATO member spending on their military budgets, which was tied to GDP (e.g. member nations were supposed to spend a certain percentage of GDP on defense). This doesn't make ANY sense. While it's true that, all other things being equal, a nation-state's military capability is largely proportional to its economic capacity (which is why the Allies crushed the Axis powers in WWII). But all other things are almost never equa... less
Has anyone yet dared compare him to GOD or will that be saved as a special schtick in the run for the presidency in 2020? Not enough that GOD gifted mankind with the impeached dead... moreHas anyone yet dared compare him to GOD or will that be saved as a special schtick in the run for the presidency in 2020? Not enough that GOD gifted mankind with the impeached deadhead to save it but to admit that the impeached deadhead is the newest iteration of GOD. Of course the head of dead believes that completely and I expect so too do all EVANGELICALS. I wonder how the original GOD is taking all of this. If YOU WERE GOD what would YOU think? I always prefer the ORIGINAL CAST RECORDNGS. The copycats ain't got what it takes in my opinion. less
I have a fairly new car and I have taken to cleaning it frequently. Washing and waxing the exterior paint and trim seems to actually result in...wait for it...a clean car. But I've... moreI have a fairly new car and I have taken to cleaning it frequently. Washing and waxing the exterior paint and trim seems to actually result in...wait for it...a clean car. But I've found cleaning the windows to be a continual exercise in frustration. No matter what products I use or how diligently I go over things, I still see streaks and swirls of dirt. The past few times I've washed my car, I have NOT cleaned the windows...and I haven't really noticed any difference. I don't end up thinking, "Wow, I wish I would have cleaned those windows." Quite the contrary, it seems to me that the not-cleaned windows (other than the inevitable cleaning from spraying them with car wash soap, rinsing, and drying them) are less noticeably dirty than when I go at them with Windex and other such products.Does anyone have an explanation for this? less