When the SELFISH take over there is no hope for survival. Sad ending to a species that might have been a contender. For those SELFISH ME ME ME homo heads who fashion themselves rel... moreWhen the SELFISH take over there is no hope for survival. Sad ending to a species that might have been a contender. For those SELFISH ME ME ME homo heads who fashion themselves religious you are all phonies. fakes.
You gotchure TAKERS and your givers. The TAKERS are most always in power and take take take. Instead of being appalled by it and enraged by it many homo heads support it and admire... moreYou gotchure TAKERS and your givers. The TAKERS are most always in power and take take take. Instead of being appalled by it and enraged by it many homo heads support it and admire it and worship it. Why?
Sadly there are MILLIONS Of them and they seem to be found mostly in one political party.Now that political party has homo heads who are parents themselves who obviously don't give... moreSadly there are MILLIONS Of them and they seem to be found mostly in one political party.Now that political party has homo heads who are parents themselves who obviously don't give a sh** about anyone or anything but what they own what they have what they do what they are. Not a sh**! How came they to be that? Born or bred to be dead heads absent love?
Selfish greedy indolent me me me me me me me hand available to reach out to those in needMethinks the former are very disdainful and feel contempt for the "brother's keeper" b... moreSelfish greedy indolent me me me me me me me hand available to reach out to those in needMethinks the former are very disdainful and feel contempt for the "brother's keeper" believers. Well the feeling is mutual Just so ya know.
What do I mean this time?Well Australia and California are both suffering greatly from fires.Jewish people and Armenians both share a history of GENOCIDE.That binds us together as ... moreWhat do I mean this time?Well Australia and California are both suffering greatly from fires.Jewish people and Armenians both share a history of GENOCIDE.That binds us together as nothing else ever can. Experiencing the same things in tragic circumstances is not fun but it is HUMAN.Does sharing joy bind people together as surely and certainly as sharing tragedies? I wonder.
The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES (DEM MAJORITY) has PASSED HUNDREDS OF BILLS WHICH THEY SEND TO THE SENATE for approval. Guess what moscow mitch the son of an itch is doing with them? ... moreThe HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES (DEM MAJORITY) has PASSED HUNDREDS OF BILLS WHICH THEY SEND TO THE SENATE for approval. Guess what moscow mitch the son of an itch is doing with them? NOTHING. He is the broken part. Nothing goes on without his approval and he ain't approving NUTHIN'!Now how proud y'all must be of him and his iron fist and obvious desire to pollute the Senate and infect it with indolence indifference inaction. The worst majo domo in the history of the SENATE by far. And guess what folks? Your embrace of him and his vile inaction encourages him to keep it up. So you too are guilty. Must be awesome good to know how your support keeps the system BROKEN. less
them under water? I know form personal experience that it works. I heard on television tonight from a woman in Florida, USA that she believes holding a cracker in your ... morethem under water? I know form personal experience that it works. I heard on television tonight from a woman in Florida, USA that she believes holding a cracker in your mouth while cutting onions helps to keep you from crying. I can't imagine how that would be effective, but I don't dismiss it either, at least until I try it.Do you know any other ways to do it?~
I’m not a coffee drinker, but when I want a hot beverage, it’s either tea or cocoa. The latter, I ask for it to be as hot as possible, and no whipped cream nor marshmal... moreI’m not a coffee drinker, but when I want a hot beverage, it’s either tea or cocoa. The latter, I ask for it to be as hot as possible, and no whipped cream nor marshmallows in it.~
OK....so Target now has a line of foods that are organic.......called "GOOD AND GATHER".WTF?WHAT does that mean???I even emailed corporate and never got a reply.Good and Gather....... moreOK....so Target now has a line of foods that are organic.......called "GOOD AND GATHER".WTF?WHAT does that mean???I even emailed corporate and never got a reply.Good and Gather.......hmm.....sounds to me like a coffee shop or donut shop, something like that; you know, you 'gather' for something 'good'....!!but a line of groceries??ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA WHY they chose this STUPID, meaningless name?I'm DYIN" to hear your thoughts..............:-D:D
Always impeached never vindicated. Swing dangling hangling to and fro wanting so much to get his case before the moscow mitch fake phony balony RIGGED Kangaroo Court. What's done i... moreAlways impeached never vindicated. Swing dangling hangling to and fro wanting so much to get his case before the moscow mitch fake phony balony RIGGED Kangaroo Court. What's done is done. She is calling the bluff of the SOB's who have NO INTENTION of ever doing what is right and fair and just and legal. She knows it. She is in control in charge and will not be bullied by the likes of those Republican Senate EUNUCHS who are spineless toady sycophants now and forever. So far she has them by the you know whats. Never underestimate the POWER OF A WOMAN. less
Separation from their children who are then put in kennels and cages and left there.Hope y'all had a very merry christmas and that YOUR kids had a warm place to sleep close by your... moreSeparation from their children who are then put in kennels and cages and left there.Hope y'all had a very merry christmas and that YOUR kids had a warm place to sleep close by your arms.Merry Christmas to all US styleAnd to all a good life
Your DO NOTHING SENATORS LIE AND SAY THAT THE IMPEACHMENT HAS TOTALLY CONSUMED THE DEMS. LIARS! Not so. The Republican senators are the do nothings are nothings care about nothings... moreYour DO NOTHING SENATORS LIE AND SAY THAT THE IMPEACHMENT HAS TOTALLY CONSUMED THE DEMS. LIARS! Not so. The Republican senators are the do nothings are nothings care about nothings doofus welfare queen recipients. They take their salaries as they do nothing so well. What the he**? So why aren't you incensed and irate and enraged by your do-nothing republican majority senators? Do nothings are ignoring legislation that could would help y'all. So? Whassamatta you?
Liddle stevie miller is a fascist racist anti-semite oinker favorite who is undoubtedly hiding his Jewish ancestry. Not very effectively of course. Methinks he doth protest too muc... moreLiddle stevie miller is a fascist racist anti-semite oinker favorite who is undoubtedly hiding his Jewish ancestry. Not very effectively of course. Methinks he doth protest too much. Doth thee?Do I have proof he was involved in every anti-semite attack everywhere? Nope. Just a hunch. He do getaround.