As a separate singular unique species Homo Heads are simply reflecting the rib from which they springeth forth. Whatever is in that rib is in them. Bonding them and binding them to... moreAs a separate singular unique species Homo Heads are simply reflecting the rib from which they springeth forth. Whatever is in that rib is in them. Bonding them and binding them together forever.
If you roasted the turkey maybe you're making turkey soup?If you did ham maybe it will be ham sandwiches?If you something maybe it will be that.Or maybe you'll do takeout and deal ... moreIf you roasted the turkey maybe you're making turkey soup?If you did ham maybe it will be ham sandwiches?If you something maybe it will be that.Or maybe you'll do takeout and deal with leftovers tomorrow.In any case happy eating! :)
When Congress APPROVES funding for a specific purpose it must be used for that purpose in timely fashion. There are several exceptions. Strongarming to commit extortion is not amon... moreWhen Congress APPROVES funding for a specific purpose it must be used for that purpose in timely fashion. There are several exceptions. Strongarming to commit extortion is not among them.So when the impeached deadhead ORDERED the withholding of monies already approved for aiding Ukraine it was AGAINST THAT LAW. Another thing the head of dead will have to answer for and perhaps it will be come ARTICLE 3 in the impeachment dramagy.He is always on the go doing talking promising beseeching begging groveling importuning threatening. His schtick. He gets away with it because his adoring worshippers say GOD sent him to them to save them. SIGH. Well I dunno about that. less
He tweeted his bestial beastly tweets even on CHRISTMAS DAY making sure to make a specitacle of hisself to get attention on the birthday of baby Jesus. He don't give it no nevermin... moreHe tweeted his bestial beastly tweets even on CHRISTMAS DAY making sure to make a specitacle of hisself to get attention on the birthday of baby Jesus. He don't give it no nevermind. He gotta barf and spew the venom he carries with him as he generates more and more and more of it.A single-source factory of garbage. That is his gift to us 24/7 on earth as it is in heaven. Garbage garbage everywhere but not a bit to eat garbage garbage everywhere that impeached deadhead puts his feet. Garbage in garbage garbage up garbage down everywhere there is air garbage from the beast prevails. The garbage man does what he can to pollute. less
Slam dunk. Sure thing. The Senate majority consists of roundheels. If you don't know to what that alludes I won't tell you.Roundheels in the House of Representatives are in the min... moreSlam dunk. Sure thing. The Senate majority consists of roundheels. If you don't know to what that alludes I won't tell you.Roundheels in the House of Representatives are in the minority. Roundheels in the Senate are a slim majority.How proud y'all must be of all those roundheels.
It will be mocked and a laughingstock of derision and foolish imprecision in the Senate where everyone ALREADY knows what the outcome will be because it was already ELUCIDATED by m... moreIt will be mocked and a laughingstock of derision and foolish imprecision in the Senate where everyone ALREADY knows what the outcome will be because it was already ELUCIDATED by moscow mitch that son of an itch.I say why bother with the sham the scam the con? Unless there is a tiny bit of hope that enough Republicans will jump ship and do the right thing and hold a REAL trial and do the right thing in charging trying and convicting. Is there a glimmer of slim possibility that enough of them will experience a COME TO JESUS moment? less
Y'all don't give a sh** or a rat's a** that what that son of itch is doing is the ANTITHESIS of what he SHOULD BE DOING do ya?Y'all think moscow mitch that son of an itch is also a... moreY'all don't give a sh** or a rat's a** that what that son of itch is doing is the ANTITHESIS of what he SHOULD BE DOING do ya?Y'all think moscow mitch that son of an itch is also a gift from GOD don'tcha? I betcha he is second in line for your worshipping and praising? Oh no it's liddle billybarr that fake AG who is paving the way legally for the impeached deadhead to have his way with the country the Constitution the people the world. Give him what he wants by all means through any means necessary.Y'all got so much to be grateful for this year. Corruption and criminality rises to the top and gives you everything you ever wanted. All ya want more than what ya got is more of it and by golly gee you're gonna get so much of it you will wonder how you ever existed before without it? You are amazing to watch. An entertaining bunch. Hithering and tithering about. Winning. Winning. Winning. The head of dead said you'd get tired of winning. Are ya there yet? less
He overfloweth with sewer and scum and even on Christmas Day cannot give it a rest. He is out there attacking insulting demeaning denying LYING LYING LYING LYING. He is the preside... moreHe overfloweth with sewer and scum and even on Christmas Day cannot give it a rest. He is out there attacking insulting demeaning denying LYING LYING LYING LYING. He is the president of all oEVANGELICALS who worship him. How can that be? Well ya see they see him as a gift from GOD to them specifically and so they would not shun a gift from GOD. Aren't they cute?
Well ya see it's like this.Dr. Jill Biden, Joe's wife, was helping to feed foreign nationals in Mexico before Christmas. She got BACKLASH ATTACKED by beasts for "ignoring the needs... moreWell ya see it's like this.Dr. Jill Biden, Joe's wife, was helping to feed foreign nationals in Mexico before Christmas. She got BACKLASH ATTACKED by beasts for "ignoring the needs of struggling Americans". Of course she did. It's all political crappola and the crappers are out en masse to attack attack attack attack attack. That's all they know and all they are. Attackers. Beasts. Deplorables.
Whom did he pay, how much did he pay and who was the one who said "sure" when whomever asked to use prisoners? Inquiring minds wanna know need ta know. So?
Allegedly Patagonians still worship trees as did early Semites.From the sublime to the divine to the bizarre to the odd homo saps have worshipped everything.Is WHAT they worship an... moreAllegedly Patagonians still worship trees as did early Semites.From the sublime to the divine to the bizarre to the odd homo saps have worshipped everything.Is WHAT they worship any indication of the health of the species?Many millions worship a donaldjohntrump though they will never admit what they feel is WORSHIP.An indication of the decline and fall of mankind?
That is to say Thursday December 26, 2019?On whom can we count absolutely to watch our backs and be there to help us if we need help?Can you name them and how/why are you so very c... moreThat is to say Thursday December 26, 2019?On whom can we count absolutely to watch our backs and be there to help us if we need help?Can you name them and how/why are you so very certain they will step up to the plate?The better question is why should anyone anywhere care?
Marry someone arranged for you by your family to strengthen its importance? Take up a profession arranged for you by your parents? Live within the lines THEY drew for you never onc... moreMarry someone arranged for you by your family to strengthen its importance? Take up a profession arranged for you by your parents? Live within the lines THEY drew for you never once having a say or opportunity to do what YOU wanted to do?
It seems to me those hardy souls that survived without so much we say we cannot survive without were stronger heartier more determined than we are.Soft. Spoiled. Inept. Needy. How ... moreIt seems to me those hardy souls that survived without so much we say we cannot survive without were stronger heartier more determined than we are.Soft. Spoiled. Inept. Needy. How is that progress?
Is there anything missing in society today according to thee? Is it a more elevated iteration than it used to be or much less and getting lesser with the passing of each day? Are w... moreIs there anything missing in society today according to thee? Is it a more elevated iteration than it used to be or much less and getting lesser with the passing of each day? Are we waxing or waning?
Are homo saps better now or worse than they used to be when life was less complicated?Does progress always mean change for the better? When did a populace EMBRACE despotism Fascism... moreAre homo saps better now or worse than they used to be when life was less complicated?Does progress always mean change for the better? When did a populace EMBRACE despotism Fascism Dictatorism bullyism traitorism deceitism hateism? Just wonderin'.
If so, give it a listen -- my favorite version I've ever heard of the song :) "God, Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" Barenaked Ladies featuring Sarah McLachla... moreIf so, give it a listen -- my favorite version I've ever heard of the song :) "God, Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" Barenaked Ladies featuring Sarah McLachlanEDIT: And it looks like you still won't hear it - - I tried two different videos and neither would play, I'm done; look it up on your own ;0
works? Grrrrrrrrrrr. Six-year-old: “Uncle Randy D, do you want to see my umptifratsalator toy?“Randy D: “Well, maybe a little later . . .”Six-yea... moreworks? Grrrrrrrrrrr. Six-year-old: “Uncle Randy D, do you want to see my umptifratsalator toy?“Randy D: “Well, maybe a little later . . .”Six-year-old: “Good, because here it is! I’ll show you where to turn it on, and how to increase the power, and where all the controls are, and where the batteries go, and the box it came in, and we can go outside so I can show you how it works, and in the commercial on TV there is this kid, I don’t know his name, well, he has one, but it’s the blue and red one but mine is green and orange, and do you know how to put in the batteries because I do and I can show you, and there are five whistle tones that I can let you hear each one but you have to close your eyes when I turn on the main light because we have to pretend it’s at night and I can only play with this before bedtime if I don’t have any homework that day, and if my brother wants to play with it I have to let him or he will cry because he&rsquo... less
(JA caused us to get caught numerous times; somehow, I always ended up with more charges, convictions and jail time than she ever did. Suspicious? You be the judge . . . )
One of my Christmas gifts was a new Samsung Galaxy Tab and the first thing I did with it was watch Christmas songs on youtube. Not sure if this is some kind of Christmas mirac... moreOne of my Christmas gifts was a new Samsung Galaxy Tab and the first thing I did with it was watch Christmas songs on youtube. Not sure if this is some kind of Christmas miracle but the first Christmas song I saw was by a group that I forgot about 20 Christmases ago it was - Christmas Wrapping Music by the Waitresses (the Waitresses were the band on the TV show Saved By The Bell). So from my Tab to you I'd like to share that Christmas song and included a link to it. I also watched a Christmas song by the Kink's called Father Christmas and I'd like to share some Christmas words from that song - Have yourself a happy Christmas have yourself a real good time but remember the kids who have nothing well you are drinking down your wine. Cheers and Merry Christmas! less