Everyone will break out in uproarious laughter at the lying son of an itch and ridicule him and deride him and poke fun at him as being the most idiotic stupid dumb next to the imp... moreEveryone will break out in uproarious laughter at the lying son of an itch and ridicule him and deride him and poke fun at him as being the most idiotic stupid dumb next to the impeached deadhead there wuz orr wud be.Historical hysterical hystrionics. Fake phony sham con scam. DISGRACEFUL
The impeached deadhead REFUSED TO ALLOW those who were called to testify in the House of Representatives trial. Some ignored him and testified anyway. Others are scairdy spineless ... moreThe impeached deadhead REFUSED TO ALLOW those who were called to testify in the House of Representatives trial. Some ignored him and testified anyway. Others are scairdy spineless braindead wimps and refused to comply.The dog and pony show 3-ring circus that the impeached deadhead is yearning for ain't gonna happen unless it is only the Republican Eunuchs who show up to do their phony acts.Otta be a hoot and a holler.Taking an oath that everyone will break sure is fun and heartwarming to witness.That moscow mitch son of an is the itchiest son of a son of a son ever spawned by an agent of evil and carried in an unwilling uterus .Just look at him if you can stand it. Evil he speaks and evil he reeks and wreaks. less
A) on fleek
B) Yolo
C) fam
D) amazeballs... moreA) on fleek
B) Yolo
C) fam
D) amazeballs
E) totes
F) clapped back
H) lit
I) adulting
J) doggo
K) thot
L) Dank
M) bae
N) Something else. I doubt there is something else though, Cos I know all of them cos I stole this list from twitter.
They have slime where they should have a spine. They are all chickensh** COWARDS afraid of their own shadows apparently.The meek and the weak and frightened and the spineless and t... moreThey have slime where they should have a spine. They are all chickensh** COWARDS afraid of their own shadows apparently.The meek and the weak and frightened and the spineless and the witless and the heartless and the souless and the girlymen masquerading as males. A fine kettle of fish. A fine mess. A fine group of fine men who are divinely finely etched and well metched and and kvetch and fetch and are tetched. Women too of whom there are very few in the GOP. The GOP guys like their women barefoot pregnant in the bedroom or kitchen. less
Because the impeached deadhead swoons over evildoers and lusts after them and can't get anough of them so if you wanna survive him talk up the benefits of evil. The more talking po... moreBecause the impeached deadhead swoons over evildoers and lusts after them and can't get anough of them so if you wanna survive him talk up the benefits of evil. The more talking points you can think of the better off he will love you. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. You'll get there.As for the GOOD Navy Seals well tough luck for them. They can either suck it up silently or turn evil too. If they do the impeached deadhead and his wife melania will host them to a dinner at the white house too just like they did evil eddie gallagher and his wife. Easy peasy. NO BRAINER. SURE THING> SLAM DUNK. less
Evil be evil do evil be so good for you.Evil here and evil there and evil evil everywhereMoscow mitch that son of an itchLiddlebillybarr the fake AG evil to the coreStevie miller e... moreEvil be evil do evil be so good for you.Evil here and evil there and evil evil everywhereMoscow mitch that son of an itchLiddlebillybarr the fake AG evil to the coreStevie miller evil racist FASCISTMike pompousa** who is leaving the sinking ship to sneak into the Senate he thinks..he did all the evil he couldMike pounce the quiet sneaky stealthy kind of evil who accepts ignores supports defends it 24/7rudyg he evil be he evil is he evil was he evil always will bejared bestie of butcher beheading dismemberer orderer the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is evil tooivanka who stays silent and quiet and still and hopes to be invisible while her evil papa and evil hubby do evilAll spokesmouths for evil are evil inspired and evil fed and evil bred and evil strive and stay alive on a diet of evilEvil be a wondrous thing to see when it is all in sync and colorful and loud and well enjoy it folks. Y'all voted for it. Y'all got it. Different strokesMost evil of all be the lapdog puppet of Putin the impeached deadhead a "redhe... less
Once upon awhile ago the GOP was not the insane entity it is today. It became infected with a disease never seen before and was inhaled ingested and sprayed until every single memb... moreOnce upon awhile ago the GOP was not the insane entity it is today. It became infected with a disease never seen before and was inhaled ingested and sprayed until every single member "saw the light" and like HOLY ROLLERS started rolling down the aisles to the feet of the "anointed one".Ever see a tent filled with HOLY ROLLERS?I did once upon a time in Michigan when I was ten. It was a very scary thing to witness. All crazy shoutings and gesticulations and some rolled on the floor. Madness. Chaos.Much like has happened with the impeached deadhead. They are holy rollers roiling about shouting and stomping and gesticulating and yelling gibberish gobblydegook babble. They all understand one another but outside observers see the madness.Holy Rollers. The adoring worshippers of the impeached deadhead. Holy Rollers. Holy moly! Who wouldda thunk it? less
Did he tell GOD or Jesus that the "suffer the little children to come unto me" that they reportedly espouse is fake news and bullsh** crap and a devious plot by Democrats to take h... moreDid he tell GOD or Jesus that the "suffer the little children to come unto me" that they reportedly espouse is fake news and bullsh** crap and a devious plot by Democrats to take him down and out?D'ya think he will inspire GOD and Jesus to take it all back so as not to interfere with his desires and his doings?Does GOD and Jesus support the impeached deadhead 1000% no matter what? Might GOD and Jesus bow down to the impeached deadhead to show respect? What evils hath the impeache deadhead wrought that he could bring down an entire religion starting with EVANGELICALS? Amazing feat. Destroyed the GOP. Destroyed Evangelical credibility. Destroyed the United States of America. Destroyed our institutions and our foundation.Destroyed everything we ever were and saluted us with the middle finger of each hand.Now that he knows he can get away with anything he will show his true colors. He has been holding back on you and testing y'all to see how far he could go. He knows he can go as far as he wants and y'all will belly... less
In the reign of the impeached deadhead who cages children and lets them sleep until tinfoil blankets and deprives them of their parents? He went to church Christmas eve with his wi... moreIn the reign of the impeached deadhead who cages children and lets them sleep until tinfoil blankets and deprives them of their parents? He went to church Christmas eve with his wife. A phony act of a phony homo head who lives in a phony world. SIGH.
I think when Khashoggi was tortured murdered beheaded and dismembered the impeached deadhead got off on it very bigly and really bonded with the Crown Prince of the Saudi Arabia WH... moreI think when Khashoggi was tortured murdered beheaded and dismembered the impeached deadhead got off on it very bigly and really bonded with the Crown Prince of the Saudi Arabia WHO ORDERED IT DONE.The impeached deadhead gets off on all kinds of ugly cruel mean evil venal vindictive. It drives him and he thrives on it and he salivates over being responsible for ordering it. Some guy y'all are betting on. When will he come for you? Will you still be singing that same old tune even until death? Y'all are loyal to a fault. less
The Status of Liberty holds nothing on the impeached deadhead.His mottoGive me your cruel your ugly your cutthroat your demons and I shall protect them and reward them and celebrat... moreThe Status of Liberty holds nothing on the impeached deadhead.His mottoGive me your cruel your ugly your cutthroat your demons and I shall protect them and reward them and celebrate them and make them superstars.The impeached deadhead pardoned that slimebag from Arizona Arpaio. The slimier and uglier and worser the scum is the more likely the impeached deadhead ADMIRES him/her/them. More feathers?
The impeached deadhead stuck his fat nose into the business of the military and made gallaghers hero.What d'ya expect from a guy who swoons over despot dictator butchers?
It's a fancy new name for margarine. (The margarine that uses no lard.) It is just marketing.https://newfoodeconomy.org/country-crock-plant-based-butter-margarine-dairy-farmers/