His MO is working beautifully so all the wannabes who admire him will undoubtedly copycat his MO once he leaves the stage. He is a creator and innovator of something never before s... moreHis MO is working beautifully so all the wannabes who admire him will undoubtedly copycat his MO once he leaves the stage. He is a creator and innovator of something never before seen and the fact that he is so successful speaks very well of him. But then Hitler was a creator and innovator too. It all depends on your point of view whether Dondonjohn is GREAT or MONSTROUS. He is SUCCESSFUL. That is all that matters bottom line. Right?
Personal exampleWhen I got the cancer diagnosis on December 28, 2007 (but who remembers) I immediately switched gears to STOIC. I never once was frightened or angry or worried. I n... morePersonal exampleWhen I got the cancer diagnosis on December 28, 2007 (but who remembers) I immediately switched gears to STOIC. I never once was frightened or angry or worried. I never cried or said "why me woe is me". I don't know why but that is precisely how I got through it with flying colors.Well I just switched gears on Dondonjohn and his antics to STOIC. He is just another form of cancer but I didn't react well nor did I recognize what he is and so I have wasted my emotion for several years on a diagnosis that should have been of no consequence to me at all emotionally. But I took the bait to my great regret.So here's the question. Why did I do the right thing IMMEDIATELY vis a vis my cancer diagnosis but did exactly the wrong thing vis a vis Dondonjohn? Human imperfection/stupid dumb BITES. less
Refusal to sell your product to certain people. An Answermugger who was an Answerbagger and is a long-time friend though we often disagree told me that she owns a business and that... moreRefusal to sell your product to certain people. An Answermugger who was an Answerbagger and is a long-time friend though we often disagree told me that she owns a business and that she refused to sell a statue to someone who was going to use it in a terrible fashion. A harmful fashion. A degrading fashion. So she would not sell it to that person.OK. So if the reason you refuse to sell your product is noble and just and good then by all means don't. HoweverI fail to see how refusal to bake a cake for a gay couple for their wedding is noble and just and good. They are not the same thing at all at all at all. One elevates and supports and is humane and kind while the other denigrates and attacks and is inhumane and unkind. You do see the difference don't you? less
There are so many other emotions possible yet he sticks with 3. Does that mean that is all of which he is capable or he can feel anything we do. He just hides it very well. You kno... moreThere are so many other emotions possible yet he sticks with 3. Does that mean that is all of which he is capable or he can feel anything we do. He just hides it very well. You know like sympathy empathy compassion kindness fairness justice. Maybe he thinks his supporters are very limited and will only resonate with anger fear and hate so he gives them what he expects they want from him. Isn't that a recipe for success?
I have been HORRIFIED ever since the Dondonjohn came down that escalator and announced. Each day the horror grew. But you know what the body can only take so much until it either s... moreI have been HORRIFIED ever since the Dondonjohn came down that escalator and announced. Each day the horror grew. But you know what the body can only take so much until it either shuts down completely or clicks into a lifesaving mode. I am there now.What used to horrify doesn't. I am STOIC and so I am BEMUSED by him. Yes. You read it here. I have no more emotion to waste on him. I'm tapped out. Now I just sit back and watch and report what I see but there is not an ounce of horror left in me. Not a scintilla or smidge. Will that change? I dunno. So far so good. You? less
The WONDERFUL video of Dondonjohn tossing rolls of paper towels to those in Puerto Rico with so much passion and joy and good will.The even wonderfuller photo of him going up the s... moreThe WONDERFUL video of Dondonjohn tossing rolls of paper towels to those in Puerto Rico with so much passion and joy and good will.The even wonderfuller photo of him going up the stair into the plane with a piece of toilet paper attached to the back of his foot.His well-known AFFINITY for money which is usually thought of in its paper form though I expect at his level of need and want the delivery mode of riches isn't always only limited to paper.He is the World's first TRUE paperboy. Papier mache mayhap? less
We say a prez is not above the law. Untrue.There is no law that Dondonjohn can't abrogate. Legal or illegal does not apply to him. He is so far above the rest of us that noth... moreWe say a prez is not above the law. Untrue.There is no law that Dondonjohn can't abrogate. Legal or illegal does not apply to him. He is so far above the rest of us that nothing applies to him unless he says it does. Now that is very frightening to some who are not enlightened. The enlightened ones support him and will forever be in his debt for taking on the whole world and bringing to its knees. After the world what is next on his agenda? Anyone have any clues what the Dondonjohn's ultimate goal is? less
Because "she is very good with numbers".What is THE WORLD BANK and what impact would that particular NEPOTISITC choice have on us were he to do it and get away with it? Would... moreBecause "she is very good with numbers".What is THE WORLD BANK and what impact would that particular NEPOTISITC choice have on us were he to do it and get away with it? Would that give Dondonjohn access to MORE MONEY that he could siphon to his accounts?
Or do you disagree?. Among the bazillion prez candidates on the Dem side excluding Biden and Bernie(two old white men hohum) which other candidate(s) have potential to be good for ... moreOr do you disagree?. Among the bazillion prez candidates on the Dem side excluding Biden and Bernie(two old white men hohum) which other candidate(s) have potential to be good for the country and why do you think so?
Now of course if someone is pedophile or murderer or rapist or LIAR no one is gonna like such a person. I think it's OK to discriminate against those who do grievous harm to ... moreNow of course if someone is pedophile or murderer or rapist or LIAR no one is gonna like such a person. I think it's OK to discriminate against those who do grievous harm to others as their life's work.
Allegedly the Department of Homeland Security Head, Kevin McAleenan, was told by Dondonjohn that Dondonjohn would pardon him if McAleenan were sent to jail for closing the border. ... moreAllegedly the Department of Homeland Security Head, Kevin McAleenan, was told by Dondonjohn that Dondonjohn would pardon him if McAleenan were sent to jail for closing the border. So Dondonjohn said it and MEANT ITOR Dondonjohn was joking when he said itOR Dondonjohn never said itDondonjohn denies ever saying it. Which of the three possibilities resonates with you and is most likely to be true?
The White House sez dumping immigrants into sanctuary cities was an idea that was discussed a few months ago and then discarded.The Dondonjohn contradicted that yesterday and said ... moreThe White House sez dumping immigrants into sanctuary cities was an idea that was discussed a few months ago and then discarded.The Dondonjohn contradicted that yesterday and said that since Dems want open borders and everyone who wants to come here to come why not let them in. He referred to California specifically as a destination for them. He said we could have all we want.So which source is truthier? Why can't the White House(I have no idea who the White House is do you?) and the Dondonjohn talk together first...decide which end is up...get their stories coordinated and then speak?You pays your money and takes your choice. Which? less
the ride i usually ride with to church picked rne up today for church, but it was saturday. she thought it was sunday but otherwize she seerned okay, we ... more the ride i usually ride with to church picked rne up today for church, but it was saturday. she thought it was sunday but otherwize she seerned okay, we hung out and went out to eat and to the store for a while. shes 83
Me i live in a typical and nice residential district in my city. Its not a 'hipster type' of district; the rent are reasonable, and there's green parks around, and its not the cent... moreMe i live in a typical and nice residential district in my city. Its not a 'hipster type' of district; the rent are reasonable, and there's green parks around, and its not the center of the city but its a nice and relax district to live. Compared to more hipster districts, ours is well fair cost of living.
Does Chick Fil A turn away gay? Do they vet customers and refuse to sell their very ordinary chicken sandwiches to them? When Papa John owned Papa John's did he turn away gay custo... moreDoes Chick Fil A turn away gay? Do they vet customers and refuse to sell their very ordinary chicken sandwiches to them? When Papa John owned Papa John's did he turn away gay customers and refuse their business? What an absurdity that would be.Selling your product to people is what you are in business to do. You do not have to approve of their lifestyles. The crazy nutjobs seem to think you do. So you refuse to sell to those of whom you disapprove. Really? What do you think would happen if you let them buy your products? Would GOD strike you dead on the spot? Stupid ad absurdum rules. Pity. less
That little twerp aspires to be more than the gnat he was born as? I guess his daddy dearest and mummy dearest didn't love liddle stevie. Maybe THEY were liberals and he lives to "... moreThat little twerp aspires to be more than the gnat he was born as? I guess his daddy dearest and mummy dearest didn't love liddle stevie. Maybe THEY were liberals and he lives to "kill" them for not loving him? I dunno. Some folks in DC are very peculiar. He is certainly one of the most and bestest of the peculiars.
The elevator started going down and it stopped all of a sudden. The guy's dog kept staring at me and growling. It kept pulling at his leash and the owner was having a h... moreThe elevator started going down and it stopped all of a sudden. The guy's dog kept staring at me and growling. It kept pulling at his leash and the owner was having a hard time controlling it. I thought for sure I was going to be DOG MEAT. Thankfully, the elevator started moving and he finally left with his dog. Phew!
Clearly his military toy soldiers have nothing better to do than become construction workers. Geez Dondonjohn is JUST LIKE FDR! Creating make-work projects to put those with no job... moreClearly his military toy soldiers have nothing better to do than become construction workers. Geez Dondonjohn is JUST LIKE FDR! Creating make-work projects to put those with no jobs to work. Reactionary you say? Well what do you expect from the guy who said make america great again? Reactionaries WANT TO RETURN TO YESTERDAY. They look back and yearn for the good old days. You didn't know what a Reactionary is?
Why not make Dondonjohn an HONORARY GENERAL.He is always playing with his toy soldiers. Give him the unform and the medals and the title. General Dondonjohn. Has a ring to it.
DESTROY ALL good better best. REPLACE WITH lousier rottener eviler. OR ELSE!Dondonjohn has given us all an example of how that works since he overtook or took over. Every cell in h... moreDESTROY ALL good better best. REPLACE WITH lousier rottener eviler. OR ELSE!Dondonjohn has given us all an example of how that works since he overtook or took over. Every cell in his body works toward achieving more and more lousy rotten evil. Couldn't ask for a better role model.
They are now going to be subject of an investigation by well do I really have to tell you by whom? This brings up some interesting dichotomies and will be a template futurely for l... moreThey are now going to be subject of an investigation by well do I really have to tell you by whom? This brings up some interesting dichotomies and will be a template futurely for like-minded investigatees.To whit. You see something funny in the books. You investigate and find out that the former accountant EMBEZZLED over $36,000. How? By CHANGING the check before cashing it at the bank with WHITEOUT and changing it back WITH WHITEOUT when the bank statement arrived.The stupid dumb embezzler did not count on the encoding that the bank does at the bottom of the check which shows what that check was cashed for. The salary check was for $1000. He changed the 1 to a 6 so he cashed it for $6000. When the check came back he changed it back again with the use of WHITEOUT! I am not joking.My experience at a new job the first time I reconciled the bank statement. I went back and looked at all the other bank statements and the stupid dumb a** did it SIX TIMES! YOU DO NOT WHITE OUT ANYTHING ON A CHECK EVER! You ... less