So he has raised $30 million so far, which is twice what any Dem candidate has raised. SO WHAT? His made his obscenely rich peeps obscenely richer on the back so the poor. They hav... moreSo he has raised $30 million so far, which is twice what any Dem candidate has raised. SO WHAT? His made his obscenely rich peeps obscenely richer on the back so the poor. They have all the money. They want more of the same because they want more and more and more money. It solidifies their superiority over all others in their own eyes. They will pay and pay and pay to insure that their CASH COW will continue let them milk it. No brainer. DUH!
Well of course there is Mayor Pete. A military vet who is a RHODES SCHOLAR which means he is BRILLIANT who also happens to be openly gay. He seems to be impressing many folks... moreWell of course there is Mayor Pete. A military vet who is a RHODES SCHOLAR which means he is BRILLIANT who also happens to be openly gay. He seems to be impressing many folks including some who are "across the aisle". Then too we have the women who are running, some of whom are women of color. I think any one of them will break more ground (ice to continue the metaphor). We don't need to settle for rich old white nationalist reactionary antiquated addlepated homo saps any more ever again. Isn't that good news? less
Don't s'pose you'd let all the condons nondons antidons read that letter wouldja? If course you'd REDACT all your signatures. We don't need to see whom y'all are. We already know. ... moreDon't s'pose you'd let all the condons nondons antidons read that letter wouldja? If course you'd REDACT all your signatures. We don't need to see whom y'all are. We already know. So assuming he has someone read the letter to him since he doesn't read anything at any time for any reason how long before he will turn off the winning spout before y'all wear out celebrating?
She sez Congress isn't smart enough to read the thousands of pages of the Dondonjohn tax returns that cover all those years of successes and understand any of it. Now. ... moreShe sez Congress isn't smart enough to read the thousands of pages of the Dondonjohn tax returns that cover all those years of successes and understand any of it. Now. Seriously folks. Is that among the most stupid dumb things she has ever yet said? AS IF SHE WOULD KNOW WHAT SMART IS? She is so full of herself 24/7 her contempt for others oozes like pus from every orifice when she speaks. She is contemptuous disdainful arrogant supercilious condescending and stupid dumb. Great combination mirroring that of Dondonjohn! How long will she continue to wave? How long before she starts twisting in the wind? less
Michael Cohen is a good manMichael Cohen is rat and a liarDondonjohn spent TWO YEARS trying to discredit Mueller's reputation. After the report and the weeliddlesillybillybarrROYCO... moreMichael Cohen is a good manMichael Cohen is rat and a liarDondonjohn spent TWO YEARS trying to discredit Mueller's reputation. After the report and the weeliddlesillybillybarrROYCOHN AG summary Dondonjohn said "Mueller is an honorable man".So now if the report that is released isn't completely redacted and makes Dondonjohn look like the bum he is will he revert back to type and attack Mueller again?Wishywashy indecisive low self-esteem low intellect low energy Dondonjohn can't make up his mind or whatever it is that takes space in the orange head.. less
He told you to only believe what he tells you to believe because everyone else everyplace else every time else is lying to you if they don't agree with and support his view. So are... moreHe told you to only believe what he tells you to believe because everyone else everyplace else every time else is lying to you if they don't agree with and support his view. So are y'all goodly and bigly obedient and follow his instructions RELIGIOUSLY? If you don't will you be dam*ed for eternity and roast in HE** on a spit that fits?
His liddlesillybillybarrROYCOHN toady sycophant Attorney General will let him do whatever he wants including jailing imprisoning incarcerating "THE ENEMY" of which and of whom ther... moreHis liddlesillybillybarrROYCOHN toady sycophant Attorney General will let him do whatever he wants including jailing imprisoning incarcerating "THE ENEMY" of which and of whom there are many and getting manyier. A deadly duo. Coming to your neighborhood theater soon. Revenge retaliation doubling down is his SPECIALITY. OH BOY! GOTCHURE POPCORN and KOOLAID? Stay Tuned!
He will assert that it is BENEATH HIM to engage with others to sell himself as being worthy of a second term. He will assert that he is so far above the rest of the crowd intellect... moreHe will assert that it is BENEATH HIM to engage with others to sell himself as being worthy of a second term. He will assert that he is so far above the rest of the crowd intellectually that it would be lowering himself to do so. He will also assert that he is under audit so that is an obstacle of great concern. He will assert invoke demand command deny lie. He will assert Executive Privilege. He will invoke the FIFTH AMENDMENT.
Mayor Pete is the Dem candidate for president. Military vet having served his country in Afghanistan. RHODES SCHOLAR which means he is beyond bright smart intelligent . He and ... moreMayor Pete is the Dem candidate for president. Military vet having served his country in Afghanistan. RHODES SCHOLAR which means he is beyond bright smart intelligent . He and Dondonjohn debate.On the one hand you have a man who is brilliant who served his country on the battlefield. On the other you have a five-time fake bonespur draft dodger who doesn't read doesn't listen doesn't care to educate himself in any way.Which of them would you bet on to be the more articulate logical civil eloquent and which of them would you bet on to be insulting demeaning denigrating and delusional? You get ONE GUESS. less
Life is a never-ending circle century after century all the way back to ancients time. People change in certain ways and they remain exactly the same in other ways. A Blessing or a Curse?
The moment he took the oath of office in January 2017 he had broken a law. He ignored the Emoluments Clause and to this day still is. But along the way he has broken every rule flo... moreThe moment he took the oath of office in January 2017 he had broken a law. He ignored the Emoluments Clause and to this day still is. But along the way he has broken every rule flouted every law committed countless criminal acts and still is working his act to the max. Bizarre world where such a homo sap gets away with all of that.
Day after day after day after day after day after day after tracking lies? And so on and so forth? It would be a lifetime job. I wonder if it pays well?
"Making America great again"We had a mayor whose approval ratings were skidding so he did a good job acting the humble honest guy and promised to change and do better; it worked, h... more"Making America great again"We had a mayor whose approval ratings were skidding so he did a good job acting the humble honest guy and promised to change and do better; it worked, he did get re -elected. He did do a somewhat better job of being a good mayor second time around.