What about Desmond Tutu too? He was a South African Anglican clergyman and civil rights activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. He was the archbishop of Capetow... more What about Desmond Tutu too? He was a South African Anglican clergyman and civil rights activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. He was the archbishop of Capetown. D'ya think Desmond Tutu would care about a two or a too or a to? Do you?
His list of enemies grows longer and longer every day. The list should get shorter but it can't because he won't let it. I don't know how many enemies can be juggled simultaneously... moreHis list of enemies grows longer and longer every day. The list should get shorter but it can't because he won't let it. I don't know how many enemies can be juggled simultaneously but I guess we'll find out when donjohn get crushed by the weight of the hate.
Carte Blanche! No hold's barred! The sky's the limit! You want it you got it! Omnipotence sanctified glorified not denied! Ask and ye shall receive! Unconditional everything all th... moreCarte Blanche! No hold's barred! The sky's the limit! You want it you got it! Omnipotence sanctified glorified not denied! Ask and ye shall receive! Unconditional everything all the time any time day or night 24/7 for eternity. Yup. We got it. Right here in River City. :(:(:(
So whenever DA GUY Googled "trump news" only good stuff would come up and nothing negative ever? He could probably do that by Executive Order and why stop there? Why not control th... moreSo whenever DA GUY Googled "trump news" only good stuff would come up and nothing negative ever? He could probably do that by Executive Order and why stop there? Why not control the entire internet and all the websites? Why not let him decide content for everyone all the time for everything?He would like it to be so. If he can make it so would you like it to be so too? Wouldja huh?
Sessions was confirmed February 8, 2017 and sworn in February 9, 2017. That was months before Mueller was appointed. So how is it that DA GUY expected Sessions to see the future an... moreSessions was confirmed February 8, 2017 and sworn in February 9, 2017. That was months before Mueller was appointed. So how is it that DA GUY expected Sessions to see the future and know what was ahead when DA GUY himself didn't know because it hadn't occurred yet? He keeps moaning and whining about Sessions should have told him he was gonna recuse himself. Really? How would that be chronologically possible and if it were why in the he** did DA GUY appoint Sessions in the first place? If Sessions knew he would recuse himself before he knew why did DA GUY not also know Sessions would recuse himself before he knew too? Well? less
So? Well since Sessions didn't KNOW there would be an investigation and neither did DA GUY know before it happened how could Sessions have told DA GUY what he would do about ... moreSo? Well since Sessions didn't KNOW there would be an investigation and neither did DA GUY know before it happened how could Sessions have told DA GUY what he would do about something that didn't even exist at the time? DA GUY is definitely pixilated bigly and timelines are irrelevant to him. He just makes it up as he goes along and the sad thing is lotsa people swallow it. Oy vey. Egads! Gadzooks! Good Grief. AARRGGHH!
There are obviously different production lines with different QC standards and different inspectors. Some are full of defects and sold as-is or seconds. Some with defects are sold ... moreThere are obviously different production lines with different QC standards and different inspectors. Some are full of defects and sold as-is or seconds. Some with defects are sold as top quality first quality which is a lie. SIGH. We think we're buying the best and find we got stuck with the lemons.
People who actually enjoy and support being taken unfair advantage of in huge numbers. They enjoy being ripped off so much they fight very hard and scream and shout and demand that... morePeople who actually enjoy and support being taken unfair advantage of in huge numbers. They enjoy being ripped off so much they fight very hard and scream and shout and demand that everything continue as is at their expense. An anomaly? I dunno. Those folks are wired very differently from thee and me. Very differently. Whether it is bad wiring or they are made on a different production line I do not know and cannot say. They are absolutely certain it is better for them to be that way. I say OK. Whatever you say. SIGH. less
Badmouthing everyone for everything 24/7 is like spreading fertilizer. When you fail you just say "see I told you the system was rigged" and the folks who would believe anyth... moreBadmouthing everyone for everything 24/7 is like spreading fertilizer. When you fail you just say "see I told you the system was rigged" and the folks who would believe anything believe anything you tell them. It is the way of a knave, a varlot, a charlatan, a scoundrel, a bum, a cheat, a thief, a liar, a destroyer, a con artist, a scammer, a LOSER. Typical standard average everyday mediocre MO. Dependable. Predictable. Uninspired. Dull. Ordinary.
The only emotion you find in politics is ignoble. There is no noble emotion politically. The folks involved either never were noble at all or they left it at the door when they ent... moreThe only emotion you find in politics is ignoble. There is no noble emotion politically. The folks involved either never were noble at all or they left it at the door when they entered politics. Hate is not intellectually driven nor fear nor love for that matter. Of those only love is worthy and how much of that exists in politics that true and pure and honorable?
As long as the leader is moving somewhere the followers don't care where. Keep moving. Keep moving. Keep moving. You might lose some ground but no one will care. No one will notice... moreAs long as the leader is moving somewhere the followers don't care where. Keep moving. Keep moving. Keep moving. You might lose some ground but no one will care. No one will notice. Keep moving. Keep moving. Keep moving
You don't get blood from a statue nor emotion from an empty vessel. You won't get what you expect from anyone who doesn't have it to give. By now we know what it is, whom it ... moreYou don't get blood from a statue nor emotion from an empty vessel. You won't get what you expect from anyone who doesn't have it to give. By now we know what it is, whom it is, how it is wired and what makes it tick. A stickman. SIGH.
Can you answer me that? The vicious vitriolic venal diatribes. The plots and shenanigans in which Republican engage just because their HATE is so great is astonishing to me. To the... moreCan you answer me that? The vicious vitriolic venal diatribes. The plots and shenanigans in which Republican engage just because their HATE is so great is astonishing to me. To thee as well? Has there ever been any Republican as hateful and vicious as DA GUY what sits in the White House and tweets his rages? Sheesh.
We are all very different in many ways but also there are enough similarities to caus us to keep coming back and communicating with one another. It's nice to have a place you can g... moreWe are all very different in many ways but also there are enough similarities to caus us to keep coming back and communicating with one another. It's nice to have a place you can go and folks with whom you can chat at your own pace in your own way at your convenience. Isn't it?
If you had a patient who always lied and was never truthful with you what could you do to "treat" him/her and psychoanalyze him/her to figure out the why of the mental dysfunction?... moreIf you had a patient who always lied and was never truthful with you what could you do to "treat" him/her and psychoanalyze him/her to figure out the why of the mental dysfunction? How large a part does truth play in making someone better? Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually? If you can't get straight truthful answers to any questions do you just write the person off?
To RIG/STACK THE DECK! To CHEAT just so they could win elections! Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. Poliiticians who CHEAT and LIE and do/say anything just to win? Certainly an anomaly isn't it... moreTo RIG/STACK THE DECK! To CHEAT just so they could win elections! Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. Poliiticians who CHEAT and LIE and do/say anything just to win? Certainly an anomaly isn't it? We all know that regular normal typical everyday standard brand off-the-shelf pols are pure of heart pure of soul pure of intent and purely honest. Don't we? Anyhoo the LAWBREAKERS are ORDERED to change the redistricting so it will be FAIR BEFORE the November mid-term elections. If they don't I wonder what The OR ELSE will be? No voting at all? Naughty children. Trying to get away with illegal unconstitutional criminal stuff just so's they can win!! Wonder where they got that idea? less
Stop selling widgitsKick his corpulent arse out and tell him to "hit the road jack and don't you come back no more no more hit road jack and don't you come back no more"He threaten... moreStop selling widgitsKick his corpulent arse out and tell him to "hit the road jack and don't you come back no more no more hit road jack and don't you come back no more"He threatens you. Do you cave or smack him down to size?